drilling holes in terracotta tiles

Each organ of the body was associated with a particular phase. They were built self-sufficiently by their inhabitants rather than by specialist builders, using locally available materials and traditional designs and methods, which together are called vernacular architecture. The Louvre in Paris boasted an early example of a wrought-iron roof. Add water and a little Gypsum to give them extra security. Tamp the gravel so that it is level and compacted. [63][341], In 168 BC, the land tax rate was reduced from one-fifteenth of a farming household's crop yield to one-thirtieth,[342][343] and later to a one-hundredth of a crop yield for the last decades of the dynasty. You can improve its lifespan to 12 years with annual cleaning, staining, or sealing. Neolithic architecture ranges from the tent to the megalith (an arrangement of large stones) and rock-cut architecture which are frequently temples, tombs, and dwellings. [110][111], A Roman embassy of Emperor Marcus Aurelius (r.161180 AD) is recorded in the Weile and Hou Hanshu to have reached the court of Emperor Huan of Han (r.146168 AD) in AD 166,[112][113] yet Rafe de Crespigny asserts that this was most likely a group of Roman merchants. This prompted some vassal kings of the Xiongnu to switch their allegiance to the Han emperor from 147 BC. In mountain areas, workers quarried stone to build the Great Wall. The dynasty was briefly interrupted by the Xin dynasty (923 AD) established by usurping regent Wang Mang, and is thus separated into two periodsthe Western Han (202 BC 9 AD) and the Eastern Han (25220AD). Once theyve sprouted, move them to a small plastic greenhouse outdoors until they look big and strong enough to be transplanted into the garden or containers. The spans are, in the main, limited and suggest very simple beam and post structures spanning stone walls. [54][55][56][57] The Han also expanded southward. [271][272] If the emperor rejected a court conference decision, he risked alienating his high ministers. This was what is called the process of design, from the Italian word for drawing. It dries quickly, leave no residue and removes over 95% of common surface contaminants, making it the best at cleaning electrical contacts and for optimal performance of equipment. Cooling System:Air-cooled This mortar will be required for the project. The giving of betrothal gifts, known as bridewealth and dowry, were especially important. Dont be scared to use robust designs and bright colors when designing the appearance you want. [263], By the 2nd century CE, Daoists formed large hierarchical religious societies such as the Way of the Five Pecks of Rice. If gardening projects are one of your passions, you could invest in making your own potting table. This allows expansion due to their ability to absorb water and bulk that will be added by the fruiting blocks and spawn. [455][456][457] They assumed that the Sun, Moon, and planets were spherical and not disc-shaped. After drilling your hole, take your beeswax and rub it on your stumps. These 30+ tips and tricks will help you see the endless possibilities of upgrading your outdoors. there has been an enormous increase in interest in this field, which is vital to the growing practice of building conservation.[11]. A go-to for HVAC technicians, WD-40 Specialist Contact Cleaner ensures heating and cooling controllers stay connected. They withstand sun, rain, sleet, and snow. If your garden has a formal design, the fountain should be placed in a central location. Next, fill the barrel with water and add concrete. Make a mark in the center of your stump after youve picked your bit. Then you really have to consider investing in a pizza oven for the backyard. [385] Because wood decays rapidly, the only remaining evidence of Han wooden architecture is a collection of scattered ceramic roof tiles. Rated Voltage 220V When Cao Pi, king of Wei, usurped the throne from Emperor Xian, the Han dynasty ceased to exist. The Xiongnu leader Huhanye Chanyu (r.5831 BC) finally submitted to the Han as a tributary vassal in 51 BC. This formally ended the Han dynasty and initiated an age of conflict between three states: Cao Wei, Eastern Wu, and Shu Han.[162][163]. [359][360][361], The oldest known Chinese piece of hempen paper dates to the 2nd century BC. You can complete the entire makeover with a pond to give your garden a mystical and enchanted feel. When using a ladder for a trellis, ensure that the feet are planted into the ground a bit. The methods used in the construction of the pyramids have been the subject of considerable research and discussion (see Egyptian pyramid construction techniques). The grandest buildings were constructed in stone, often from massive masonry blocks. The most common height for potting benches is 36 inches, the same as kitchen counters. If yes, then this is the ultimate design idea for you. Dont be afraid to mixmatt finish tileswith gloss units or worktop and vice versa. In the hierarchical social order, the emperor was at the apex of Han society and government. Labor costs usually run from $500 to $1,000 but can be higher depending on the projects complexity. [47][48][49][50][51] These connections marked the beginning of the Silk Road trade network that extended to the Roman Empire, bringing Han items like silk to Rome and Roman goods such as glasswares to China. [366][367] The bloomery was nonexistent in ancient China; however, the Han-era Chinese produced wrought iron by injecting excess oxygen into a furnace and causing decarburization. A famous example of Chinese construction is the Great Wall of China, built between the 7th and 2nd centuries BC. Follow that by laying down newspaper, 10 to 20 layers thick, since it inhibits weed growth. [330][331], Aside from the landowner's land tax paid in a portion of their crop yield, the poll tax and property taxes were paid in coin cash. [407] Professional artisan-engineers (jiang ) did not leave behind detailed records of their work. For instance, get a small shed and place it in a far corner of your backyard. You can decorate it with flowers or even paint it with your kids. You can design it to be a mini replica of your home to keep up with the overall theme. Do planters lack your personality of you? Boost current(A):12 Imhotep, who lived circa 26502600 BC, is credited with being the first recorded architect and engineer. Voltage: 20V Smash the glass with the side of a hammer after the spheres have dried for a few days. Spend less time on clean-up and more time getting the job done. It saves room and provides a place to sit when eating outside. Youll want to drill your hole about 3/4 deep. We simply utilized vinyl items from the hardware store and a hammer, which suggested having a rubber mallet. For very large structures the only way this could be achieved was by the application of vast numbers of workers to the task. [223][224], Biographies on important figures were written by various gentrymen. Yuan's power was greatly diminished after Cao defeated him at the Battle of Guandu in 200 AD. [246] Beer and wine were regularly consumed. Its elegant outdoor furniture that adds sophistication to the landscape. Great for reducing friction and wear on blades and bits, door and window tracks, slides, conveyor belts, rollers, hinges, table saws, lathes, power tools and equipment. Sikaflex-11 FC is a one-component, gun-grade, adhesive and sealing compound of permanent elasticity. Throughout this process, keep a tape measure handy and check both corners of your space to ensure your depth is uniform. If theres grass in your chosen location, mow it as short as possible. This is a stock item and can normally be purchased at one of our showrooms or delivered anywhere in the UK immediately, This is a special order item, please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. [129][130], When Empress Dowager Deng died, Emperor An (r.106125 AD) was convinced by the accusations of the eunuchs Li Run () and Jiang Jing () that Deng and her family had planned to depose him. They repelled a joint Xiongnu-Qiang invasion of this northwestern territory in 111 BC. But the thing that all bed types have in common is the fact that they are designed to be comfortable. The administration of each kingdom was very similar to that of the central government. Max.impact rate: 22500/min Complementary colors are those opposite each other on the color wheel, such as violet and yellow. [319] Led by Colonels (Xiaowei ), the Northern Army consisted of five regiments, each composed of several thousand soldiers. An dismissed Deng's clan members from office, exiled them and forced many to commit suicide. This could be a pool, a hot tub, or even a significant bubbling fountain. In these circumstances, a General (Jiangjun ) led a division, which was divided into regiments led by Colonels and sometimes Majors (Sima ). The pile driver was invented around 1500. If youre happy with one, why not get another to sit at a different place in the yard? Heavy loads were moved on boats, sledges (a primitive sled) or on rollers. Most buildings in Northern Europe were constructed of timber until c. 1000 AD. [155] Emperor Xian fled from Chang'an in 195 AD to the ruins of Luoyang. [154], Dong was killed by his adopted son L Bu (d.198 AD) in a plot hatched by Wang Yun (d.192AD). Innovative builders there made use of reeds and willow brought in from rivers and oases to build a strong wall. Later they used wooden shuttering that was removed for the concrete to cure. it requires a sturdy foundation to sustain the entire load. Rated frequency(Hz):50 Using the mountains themselves as footings, the outer layer of the Great Wall was built with stone blocks (and bricks), and filled with uncut stone and anything else available (like earth and dead workers). You can even get a local artist to do a one-of-a-kind piece for your home. [278][279], The Grand Commandant, whose title was changed to Grand Marshal in 119 BC before reverting to Grand Commandant in 51 AD, was the irregularly posted commander of the military and then regent during the Western Han period. Although the Egyptians achieved extraordinary feats of engineering, they appear to have done so with relatively primitive technology. The Han Empire was divided into areas directly controlled by the central government called commanderies, as well as a number of semi-autonomous kingdoms. A defined entrance, generally with an arbor and a gate leading into it, is the first element of a secret garden that all Charleston gardens appear to have. Start to garden in innovative and unconventional ways. Add curtains to make it look like a hidden place. Rated output(kW):1.0 [185][186] According to Confucian family norms, various family members were treated with different levels of respect and intimacy. Brand Name : NIKATECH [320][321] When central authority collapsed after 189 AD, wealthy landowners, members of the aristocracy/nobility, and regional military-governors relied upon their retainers to act as their own personal troops. Rotation speed up to 12,000 RPM. Its the only place in your home where you can enjoy nature without the inconvenience of getting your clothes dirty or wet. [102] The Xianbei reached their apogee under Tanshihuai () (d.AD 180), who consistently defeated Chinese armies. [222][226][227][228][229], Han scholars such as Jia Yi (201169 BCE) portrayed the previous Qin dynasty as a brutal regime. [120][121][122][123], Emperor Zhang's (r.7588 AD) reign came to be viewed by later Eastern Han scholars as the high point of the dynastic house. The Romans developed systems of hollow pots for making their domes and sophisticated heating and ventilation systems for their thermal baths. [424][430][426] It employed an inverted pendulum that, when disturbed by ground tremors, would trigger a set of gears that dropped a metal ball from one of eight dragon mouths (representing all eight directions) into a metal toad's mouth. Turn up the space with comfy furniture like a lounge chair or an outdoor couch with a coffee table. By the end of his reign, he controlled Manchuria, Mongolia, and the Tarim Basin, subjugating over twenty states east of Samarkand. Wet, And you are ready to plant. Please contact Direct Tile Warehouse for free tile samples. The dry time is about 4 hours, but it is recommended that you wait 10 hours until you very carefully peel all the tape off. All types of sanding work, deburring, deburring, color peeling, depending on the type of sanding disc. SikaCeram-88 Tile Adhesive KH is a prepacked cementitious tile adhesive. In 167 AD, the Grand Commandant Dou Wu (d.168 AD) convinced his son-in-law, Emperor Huan, to release them. This provided them with a strong material for bulk walling. Keep WD-40 Specialist Machine & Engine Degreaser in your garage for easy maintenance of snowblowers, lawnmowers, dirt bikes and more. Guangwu made Luoyang his capital in 25 AD, and by 27 AD his officers Deng Yu and Feng Yi had forced the Red Eyebrows to surrender and executed their leaders for treason. Filippo Brunelleschi was one of the first of the new style of architects. Multiple generations of extended family members did not occupy the same house, unlike families of later dynasties. Order in the cities was maintained by government officers in the marketplaces and constables in the neighborhoods. An important architectural element are the dougong bracket sets. Before planting flowers, drill several holes above the barrels concrete. Plant vegetable seeds if youre searching for a fun way to garden. If youre hosting an event, you want to give your guests the best service possible. Made with state-of-the-art machinery, it is only 1 micron accuracy. Unlike slaves, retainers could come and go from their master's home as they pleased. A list of the longest, highest and deepest Roman structures can be found in the List of ancient architectural records. Be generous with the beeswax and repeat a couple of times. Usually made of brick, stone, or concrete, outdoor pizza ovens can quickly be built on a wood deck. In all cases of timber framed and log structures in these very early cultures, only the very lowest parts of the walls and post holes are unearthed in archaeological excavations, making reconstruction of the upper parts of these buildings largely conjectural. The ones that make a good living as outdoor pond fish are the long-bodied, non-fancy varieties, commonly known as Comets. Platoons were the smallest units of soldiers. The best outdoor lights to use are LED lights. 1096 adopting a national building code of the philippines (nbcp) thereby revising republic act numbered sixty-five hundred forty-one The history of construction embraces many other fields, including structural engineering, civil engineering, city growth and population growth, which are relatives to branches of technology, science, history, and architecture. [333] The poll tax stimulated a money economy that necessitated the minting of over 28,000,000,000 coins from 118 BC to 5 AD, an average of 220,000,000 coins a year. Mosaics come on a mesh which can be cut with scissors. I read on Ollas (pronounced oh-yah) over at Little Homestead in the city. 6th century BCE) was a holy prophet who would offer salvation and good health if his devout followers would confess their sins, ban the worship of unclean gods who accepted meat sacrifices and chant sections of the Daodejing. Adding some aquarium fise will make it even more enjoyable. They believed that these items could be used by those in the spiritual realm. [1] Central heating in the form of a hypocaust, a raised floor heated by the exhaust of a wood or coal fire. The most remarkable Neolithic structure in Western Europe is the iconic megalith known as Stonehenge, regarded by some archaeologists as displaying methods of timber construction such as at woodhenge translated into stone,[2] a process known as petrification. [84][85] Gengshi's distant cousin Liu Xiu, known posthumously as Emperor Guangwu (r.2557 AD), after distinguishing himself at the Battle of Kunyang in 23 AD, was urged to succeed Gengshi as emperor. It can be a place for relaxation and introspection when you host parties with your friends, family, or both, treat your kids with a playground area or indulge yourself with a reading nook or hot tub. [419] The Nanyang Commandery Administrator, mechanical engineer, and metallurgist Du Shi (d.38 AD) created a waterwheel-powered reciprocator that worked the bellows for the smelting of iron. [187], Marriages were highly ritualized, particularly for the wealthy, and included many important steps. Start : Auto Start, Rated voltage(V):220-240 Within four years, the dynasty's authority had collapsed in the face of rebellion. Her children would not be allowed to go with her. You can also buy an outdoor shelf to set up all of your aromatic herbs. cementitious tile adhesive, supplied ready to use with [39][40], In 121 BC, Han forces expelled the Xiongnu from a vast territory spanning the Hexi Corridor to Lop Nur. [290][291] The Minister Herald (D hngl ) was the chief official in charge of receiving honored guests at the imperial court, such as nobles and foreign ambassadors. This might be as simple as installing a tiny block of varied colored paving slabs in the middle of a homogeneous patio or edging a center panel with a line of little pavers. The Minister of Ceremonies (Tichng ) was the chief official in charge of religious rites, rituals, prayers and the maintenance of ancestral temples and altars. Diamond core drill Blade Look for a pond liner material that can withstand sun exposure and any holes. You can stock up on all the essentials, such as shatterproof glasses, mixing tins, reusable straws, and liquor and other ingredients for making tropical cocktails, thanks to the multiple layers of storage. Hose off the form immediately to prevent the concrete mix from hardening. A hammock is a great accessory to rest your thoughts and read a good book. These tools are not mentioned in any Han literary sources. Make a list of the movies you want to see and enjoy. Prepare carefully. Diamond core drill Blade These types of outdoor rugs are popular due to their durability and affordability, and theyre designed to be outside all year round. Very good UV and weathering resistance A fun option is to paint the mural on a wooden fence. 00 Shop 04 of 23 Make the Most of Exposed Shelving Proem Studio If your kitchen is lined with exposed shelves, remember that every item you place on those shelves will effectively double as dcor. The Romans also made bronze roof tiles. A key thing to remember with external lighting is that less is often more. After drilling your hole, take your beeswax and rub it on your stumps. [378] Han farmers also used the pit field system (aotian ) for growing crops, which involved heavily fertilized pits that did not require plows or oxen and could be placed on sloping terrain. [104][105] In AD 91, the office of Protector General of the Western Regions was reinstated when it was bestowed on Ban Chao. During the Bronze Age the corbelled arch came into use such as for beehive tombs. Mechanical 2-speed gear The soft music they make is very peaceful and incredibly relaxing. [371][372] A significant product of these improved iron-smelting techniques was the manufacture of new agricultural tools. Suitable forIndustrial, Construction, Electrical, Plumbing and Air Conditioning, Suggestions Should be installed together with the air filter To prevent moisture and lubricate the components inside. You can run to it whenever you need a quiet place to think and relax. The one shown creates a great size pond, measuring around 5-6 feet wide. The fence is a significant privacy measure but try to make it fashionable. The no wave provides maximum torque and the lightest sound on the market. [447][448] During the spring and autumn periods of the 5th century BC, the Chinese established the Sifen calendar (), which measured the tropical year at 365.25 days. In a pond, you can expect your goldfish to grow very large. Best used where cleanliness and maximum performance are required as it dries quick leaving behind a lubricating film that resists dirt, dust and oil buildups. The most popular material used for building stairs is stone. [94][95] Wang Mang renewed hostilities against the Xiongnu, who were estranged from Han until their leader Bi (), a rival claimant to the throne against his cousin Punu (), submitted to Han as a tributary vassal in AD 50. Fired clay was mainly restricted to roofing tiles and associated decorations, but these were quite elaborate. After drilling your hole, take your beeswax and rub it on your stumps. Their rebellion was crushed by Han general Ma Yuan (d.AD 49) in a campaign from AD 4243. Romanesque buildings of the period 6001100 AD[clarification needed] were entirely roofed in timber or had stone barrel vaults covered by timber roofs. Men's accessories Men. How to useUse with a 5 inch polishing pad (without holes). Bricks were used in ever increasing quantities. We did this while keeping the balls within the bag to minimize flying glass fragments. Perfect for rugged outdoor performance, WD-40 Specialist White Lithium Grease will protect farm equipment from corrosion without freezing, melting or running. The sidewall has been removed, and the tire has been washed and cleaned inside. Remember me Be generous with the beeswax and repeat a couple of times. The only aspect of Roman construction for which very little evidence survives is the form of timber roof structures, none of which seem to have survived intact. This caused widespread inflation that was not reduced until 175 BC when Emperor Wen allowed private minters to manufacture coins that were precisely 2.6g (0.09oz) in weight. It had three plowshares, a seed box for the drills, a tool which turned down the soil and could sow roughly 45,730 m2 (11.3 acres) of land in a single day. [65][66][67], Wang Zhengjun (71 BC 13 AD) was first empress, then empress dowager, and finally grand empress dowager during the reigns of the Emperors Yuan (r.4933 BC), Cheng (r.337 BC), and Ai (r.71 BC), respectively. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Rototill the site a few times, then rake it out well to level it. A creative blend of paving concepts complements the modest shape of a simple steel fire bowl. [273], Below the emperor were his cabinet members known as the Three Councillors of State (Sn gng ). To avoid chipping or breaking them when drilling you will need a specialist tile 191ml, Displaces moisture to prevent rust and dry out electrical systems The range of distinct antique and vintage school desks often made from wood, oak and metal can elevate any home. [216], Some important texts were created and studied by scholars. Keep parts clean and your equipment performing. [396], Over ten Han-era underground tombs have been found, many of them featuring archways, vaulted chambers, and domed roofs. Choose bar stools and a table that can fit on the railing for a simple aesthetic. As mentioned by Huan Tan about AD 20, they were used to turn gears that lifted iron trip hammers, and were used in pounding, threshing and polishing grain. Give mosaic a try; it makes excellent walkways. The first major breakthrough was Brunelleschi's project for the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore. [310][311], However, in 145 BC, after several insurrections by the kings, Emperor Jing removed the kings' rights to appoint officials whose salaries were higher than 400 bushels. The liquor monopoly lasted only from 98 to 81 BC, and the salt and iron monopolies were eventually abolished in early Eastern Han. [This quote needs a citation]. [369][370], The Han dynasty Chinese used bronze and iron to make a range of weapons, culinary tools, carpenters' tools and domestic wares. First, align the first bed with the deck, peg it out with string, and then dig out a neat rectangle from the grass where you want to place the foundations. Junk ships featured a square-ended bow and stern, a flat-bottomed hull or carvel-shaped hull with no keel or sternpost, and solid transverse bulkheads in the place of structural ribs found in Western vessels. Smooth it and make sure there are no air bubbles trapped. This is a far superior method of concealing trash cans, especially if you have a lot of foot traffic passing by this portion of your house daily. You should consider different factors such as the volume of wastewater produced and the proximity to existing structures. A pergola is a fantastic addition to any outdoor space like a patio. It provides superior lubrication and long-lasting corrosion protection with no oily residue. Before planting flowers, drill several holes above the barrels concrete. It can also serve as extra storage space for your grilling equipment next to your grilling area. (6V) for Big Core machine, Size 6 ( 152mm ) After youve defined the location, start digging a few inches into the dirt to make it as level as possible. The screw-threaded bolt (and nut) could be made and are found in clockmaking in this period, but they were labour-intensive and thus not used on large structures. [320][324], The Han dynasty inherited the ban liang coin type from the Qin. China is a cultural hearth area of eastern Asia. [citation needed]. You can add it to the grilling spot for the ultimate outdoor dinner celebration. The mixture should have the consistency of mud. He went on to engineer the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. In addition to living in caves and rock shelters, the first buildings were simple shelters, tents like the Inuit's tupiq, and huts sometimes built as pit-houses meant to suit the basic needs of protection from the elements and sometimes as fortifications for safety such as the crannog. An initial investment in a projector and screen will be necessary. DePaul University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, family relationship status, physical or mental disability, military status, genetic information or other status protected Be generous with the beeswax and repeat a couple of times. The lower-ranked inspector had executive powers only during times of crisis, such as raising militias across the commanderies under his jurisdiction to suppress a rebellion. Continuous run time(Hrs):11 26.92 & 26.93). A pit can be set up in the grass or added closer to the house by the patio, placing some chairs around it for a seating area. Nevertheless, emperors sometimes did reject the majority opinion reached at court conferences. WD-40 Specialist Contact Cleaner can keep farmers on schedule by protecting all-weather equipment against short circuits and making sure electrical contacts and connections work properly. Gazebos are beautiful structures where you can venture outside while taking shelter from the sun or the rain. [98] Dou Gu (d.88 AD) defeated the Northern Xiongnu at the Battle of Yiwulu in AD 73, evicting them from Turpan and chasing them as far as Lake Barkol before establishing a garrison at Hami. As opposed to the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia which built in brick, the pharaohs of Egypt built huge structures in stone. Spray-paint the lines and remove the flag markers after youre satisfied with our fire pit plan. [236] Early Han punishments of torturous mutilation were borrowed from Qin law. A sickle for harvesting crops and thatching materials. All of these countries eventually received Han embassies. Steel can be hardened and tempered producing a sharp, durable cutting edge. Another way to keep your backyard minimal is to keep your garden manageable. Yan was placed under house arrest, her relatives were either killed or exiled, and her eunuch allies were slaughtered. Brunelleschi managed to devise a way of building a huge dome without formwork, relying instead on the weight of the bricks and the way they were laid to keep them in position and the shape of the dome to keep it standing. Now it is time to drill your hole. [299], A commandery consisted of a group of counties, and was headed by an Administrator. Xian was persuaded by Cao Cao (155220 AD), then Governor of Yan Province in modern western Shandong and eastern Henan, to move the capital to Xuchang in 196 AD. Tiling an entire kitchen inmosaic could prove expensive. Cocktail and burger coming up! The color wheel always comes in handy. Here is the information you need to build a DIY stock tank pool to enjoy all the cool soaks you deserve this summer. Bone hammer from the Linear Pottery Culture, A chisel made of bone, Sechselutenplatz, Zrich. Simply mix the ingredients in the bag before opening, pour, and watch it quickly expand to fill the hole and secure the post. The very simplest shelters, tents, leave no traces. [71], When Ping died on 3 February 6 AD, Ruzi Ying (d. 25 AD) was chosen as the heir and Wang Mang was appointed to serve as acting emperor for the child. The Renaissance in Italy, the invention of moveable type and the Reformation changed the character of construction. Personal protective equipment such as hard hats and earmuffs also came into use, and have become mandatory at most sites. Ideal for adhesive attachment, model making, repairing, sealing and jointing, Mechanical feed system for sensitive metering and rapid application, For optimum spacial orientation, the Up is Up function rotates and simultaneously aligns the image on a large screen, Directly transfers images and videos via USB cable for quickly storing high-quality documentation of critical areas, Spot measurement provides accurate detection on narrow surfaces, Centre finder offers visual guidance, to clearly identify the precise location of the objects centre, Dual Power Source allows for use with a 12 V Li-ion battery or with standard alkaline batteries, Automatic calibration avoids application errors for more reliable and confident work, Locate metal and live wire in various wall types as well as wooden substructures in drywall, Detects objects in walls before drilling for increased safety, ideal for renovation work, Electronic sensors detect live AC wires, metal, studs, wood. [362][357] The standard papermaking process was invented by Cai Lun (AD 50121) in 105. Break up any peat moss chunks with your gloved hands. [99][100], At the Battle of Ikh Bayan in AD 89, Dou Xian (d.AD 92) defeated the Northern Xiongnu chanyu who then retreated into the Altai Mountains. (6V) for Big Core machine, Size 2 ( 50.8mm ) [193][194] However, a woman who had been widowed continued to belong to her husband's family after his death. Plant carrots, parsnips, beets, onions, and other bulb vegetables in a standard-size muffin tray since they require around 3 inches of space between each seed. And now, when your guests knock on your front door, they have a much better view. [326] Emperor Wu introduced another in 120 BC, but a year later he abandoned the ban liangs entirely in favor of the wuzhu () coin, weighing 3.2g (0.11oz). This liner looks like a black plastic film in the picture. Repeat until you reach the height you want. For the longer spans, it is uncertain if the Greeks or Romans invented the truss but the Romans certainly used timber roof trusses. [311] The Imperial Counselors and Nine Ministers (excluding the Minister Coachman) of every kingdom were abolished, although the Chancellor was still appointed by the central government. Although the subject has been studied since the Renaissance and there were a number of important studies in the nineteenth century, it largely went out of fashion in the mid-twentieth century. [485], Imperial dynasty in China from 202 BC to 220 AD, "Eastern Han" and "House of Liu" redirect here. Their sewerage and water-supply works were remarkable and some systems are still in operation today. battery without COOLPACK), Professional 18V System: These batteries and charger can be used for all your Bosch 18V tools, Features 10 extremely bright LEDs with two brightness settings for perfect illumination, Features include powerful magnet, carabiner, and hook, and an adjustable angle of up to 200 for flexible and fast setup, 4 times more powerful than any existing screw driver in size and form, Intuitive operation style Just push to drive screws (Push & Go), Intelligent E-clutch stops when you want to stop, A 18 V 4.0 Ah battery is ready for use in just 30 minutes, Active Air Cooling for a longer lifetime of the batteries, Compatible with all Bosch Li-ion 14.4 and 18 volt batteries thanks to the Professional 18V System. There is no established academic discipline of construction history but a growing number of researchers and academics are working in this field, including structural engineers, archaeologists, architects, historians of technology and architectural historians. Keep WD-40 Specialist Contact Cleaner in your garage to maintain vehicles sensitive electrical connections, including controls, circuit boards, electric motors, battery terminals and more. Once it has foliage on it, it tends to catch the wind. [139][171], The farmer, or specifically the small landowner-cultivator, was ranked just below scholars and officials in the social hierarchy. In this case, fountains are often placed at the intersection of two paths. The Yingzao Fashi is the oldest complete technical manual on Chinese architecture. Rated Frequency 50Hz Start along the wood fence line and roll it. The arid climate has preserved much of the ancient buildings. Roll the tire and lay it where you want your new pond to be. It was cheap and very easy to produce and required relatively unskilled labour to use, enabling the Romans to build on an unprecedented scale. [243] Commonly eaten fruits and vegetables included chestnuts, pears, plums, peaches, melons, apricots, strawberries, red bayberries, jujubes, calabash, bamboo shoots, mustard plant, and taro. Wouldnt it be amazing to make it a part of your world? The distillation furnaces were heated by natural gas funneled to the surface through bamboo pipelines. After drilling your hole, take your beeswax and rub it on your stumps. In the second half of the eighteenth century the decreasing costs of iron production allowed the construction of major pieces of iron engineering. Dried bricks stacked ready for firing without the use of a kiln. Thin stone vaults and towering buildings were constructed using rules derived by trial and error. Your recipe should have a thick cake batter consistency. Grab a muffin tin and place it right into your soil to make perfectly spaced indents for your seeds or plants. Any play equipment thats elevated off the ground should have enclosed railings. Another fine example is the ziggurat at Chogha Zanbil in modern Iran. The hot, dry climate was ideal for mud-brick, which tends to wash away in the rain. [327] The wuzhu became China's standard coin until the Tang dynasty (618907 AD). You can get vintage mirrors to provide a fairytale look to your garden or modern mirrors in crazy shapes to add an edge to your decoration. By the beginning of the Han dynasty, the chief writing materials were clay tablets, silk cloth, hemp paper,[357][358] and rolled scrolls made from bamboo strips sewn together with hempen string; these were passed through drilled holes and secured with clay stamps. [4] Neolithic villages large enough to have rural and urban features are called proto-cities to distinguish them from cities beginning with Eridu. [34][35] When this plot failed in 133 BC,[36] Emperor Wu launched a series of massive military invasions into Xiongnu territory. After cleaning, your AC will work more efficiently and your room will feel even fresher. Apply mod podge to the napkin and slowly stick it on the pot. ", "Parthian Brick Vaults in Mesopotamia, Their Antecedents and Descendants", Asbestos Testing and Consultancy Association, Associated General Contractors of America, Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors, Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, Civil Engineering Contractors Association, Construction Management Association of America, National Association of Women in Construction, National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=History_of_construction&oldid=1106437441, Articles needing more viewpoints from January 2013, Articles that may contain original research from May 2017, All articles that may contain original research, Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from May 2016, Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from May 2016, Articles needing additional references from July 2022, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles lacking reliable references from July 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2022, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2014, Articles that may contain original research from July 2013, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Articles with failed verification from July 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 August 2022, at 16:03. They used brick or stone to build the outer skins of the wall and then filled the cavity with massive amounts of concrete, effectively using the brickwork as permanent shuttering (formwork). [124] Subsequent reigns were increasingly marked by eunuch intervention in court politics and their involvement in the violent power struggles of the imperial consort clans. To place them, start at the bottom. The Reformists opposed the Modernist faction that had dominated court politics in Emperor Wu's reign and during the subsequent regency of Huo Guang (d.68 BC). WebBuilding a new tiled rain shower bath requires drilling ceramic tiles. Plants can be planted directly in the blocks. Examine the hardware on playground equipment to make sure its safe. [196] Daughters received a portion of the family fortune through their marriage dowries, though this was usually much less than the shares of sons. [300][301], The heads of provinces, whose official title was changed from Inspector to Governor and vice versa several times during Han, were responsible for inspecting several commandery-level and kingdom-level administrations. Rated output(kW):2.8 Dont try and match thecolourof the worktop, a contrast or a similar colour to the floor, co-ordinating with the units, will always look more effective. The process involves the barrel being anaerobic (without oxygen), where bacteria can survive. Knowing that 100yr old terracotta block and limestone can be sensitive we needed to minimize blowout, so went with a brand name vs one of the random ones They come in different sizes and materials, such as cane and metal, that make up the different sounds. Glazed bricks have been found from the 13th century B.C. Also, renovations, extensions, and clever design details can instantly boost a homes worth. [323], During times of war, the volunteer army was increased, and a much larger militia was raised across the country to supplement the Northern Army. Add flowers and other plants to grow around it. An unfinished stone wall was etched with the profiles of columns and mouldings, and the wall was never finished so the drawing was not erased: a rare glimpse into the history of working construction drawings.[1]. [399] However, there are only two known references to arch bridges in Han literature,[400] and only a single Han relief sculpture in Sichuan depicts an arch bridge. Great Pyramid of Giza, the tallest building in the world for over 3800 years. [200], The most common occupation for women was weaving clothes for the family, sale at market or for large textile enterprises that employed hundreds of women. Koi make excellent pond fish and are made for outdoor living. [392] Monumental stone pillar-gates, twenty-nine of which survive from the Han period, formed entrances of walled enclosures at shrine and tomb sites. [10] Two former rebel leaders, Xiang Yu (d.202 BC) of Chu and Liu Bang (d.195 BC) of Han, engaged in a war to decide who would become hegemon of China, which had fissured into 18 kingdoms, each claiming allegiance to either Xiang Yu or Liu Bang. Now it is time to drill your hole. [316][344], In the early Western Han, a wealthy salt or iron industrialist, whether a semi-autonomous king or wealthy merchant, could boast funds that rivaled the imperial treasury and amass a peasant workforce of over a thousand. The steam engine combined with two other technologies which blossomed in the nineteenth century, the circular saw and machine cut nails, lead to the use of balloon framing and the decline of traditional timber framing.[9]. Installing a conventional garden arch over your private garden entrance has great appeal. [16][17] Kings became nominal heads of their fiefs and collected a portion of tax revenues as their personal incomes. Suitable for polishing, removing rust and welding smoothness. Vitruvius, however, describes in detail the education of the perfect architect who, he said, must be skilled in all the arts and sciences. Imperial authority was also seriously challenged by large Daoist religious societies which instigated the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion. By the end of the twentieth century, steel and concrete construction were themselves becoming the subject of historical investigation. Tasks that previously required instant concrete may now be completed quickly and easily. The shape and size of the grill are up to your needs and style. Stock tanks for purposes other than livestock have recently increased in farm and ranch equipment retailers. Its such a fantastic and fun upgrade to add one of these. When the retainers gradually deserted Dou Wu, he was forced to commit suicide. Believe it or not, waterfalls can be easily set up like a pool in the yard. Please ask our friendly professional staff for advice. [12][failed verification] It produces the only academic international journal devoted to the subject, Construction History, twice annually. The best soil is high-quality tilled soil. Give it a couple of days to completely dry. The bronze trusses were unique but in 1625 Pope Urban VIII had the trusses replaced with wood and melted the bronze down for other uses. Non-corrosive We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. WebAdjunct membership is for researchers employed by other institutions who collaborate with IDM Members to the extent that some of their own staff and/or postgraduate students may work within the IDM; for 3-year terms, which are renewable. [379][380] In southern and small parts of central Han-era China, paddy fields were chiefly used to grow rice, while farmers along the Huai River used transplantation methods of rice production. The Ziggurat of Ur is an outstanding building of the period, despite major reconstruction work. Add some no-mow grass or ground cover plants. [17] Similarly, the officials in the administrative staff of a full marquess's fief were appointed by the central government. You can also experiment with the height of the fence; the taller, the more privacy you get. You can also use it for sunbathing in the summertime. As observed in Han miniature tomb models, but not in literary sources, the crank handle was used to operate the fans of winnowing machines that separated grain from chaff. Drawings only survive from the later period. [89][90], The period between the foundation of the Han dynasty and Wang Mang's reign is known as the Western Han (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: Xhn) or Former Han (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: Qinhn) (206 BC 9 AD). [41][42][43] The majority of people on the frontier were soldiers. Youll want to drill your hole about 3/4 deep. This product is a low-residue water-based formula with foaming action that penetrates deep into crevices for completely clean results. Thus, Han-era physicians prescribed medicine that was believed to counteract this imbalance. During the Middle Ages buildings were designed by the people that built them. Various sorts of produce necessitate different amounts of space. [389][390][391][c] The ruins of rammed-earth walls that once surrounded the capitals Chang'an and Luoyang still stand, along with their drainage systems of brick arches, ditches, and ceramic water pipes. [103], Ban Chao (d.AD 102) enlisted the aid of the Kushan Empire, occupying the area of modern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan, to subdue Kashgar and its ally Sogdiana. [445][446], Mathematics were essential in drafting the astronomical calendar, a lunisolar calendar that used the Sun and Moon as time-markers throughout the year. This next part is also optional, but attach the posts to the barrel planters using corner braces on two sides, to keep them in place while the concrete you will add next is dried. Outdoor pizza ovens only produce delicious pizzas, but you can also cook many other foods with them. [388], Though Han wooden structures decayed, some Han-dynasty ruins made of brick, stone, and rammed earth remain intact. This was a slow, expensive and laborious process which limited the number of buildings that could be constructed. The most dramatic are the Greek Temples. Han-era medical physicians believed that the human body was subject to the same forces of nature that governed the greater universe, namely the cosmological cycles of yin and yang and the five phases. Jade Gate Pass (Yumenguan) Great Wall Fort was built with 20-cm layers of sand and reed, an impressive 9 meters high. [189][190], Monogamous marriages were also normal, although nobles and high officials were wealthy enough to afford and support concubines as additional lovers. [373][374][375] The heavy moldboard iron plow, also invented during the Han dynasty, required only one man to control it, two oxen to pull it. Trade unions were formed to protect construction workers' interests and occupational safety and health. Make sure there are no low-hanging branches near your barbecue. Submerged fermentation is an old technique still being used in Asia. Greek mathematics was technically advanced and it is certain that they employed and understood the principles of pulleys, which would have enabled them to build jibs and cranes to lift heavy stonework to the upper parts of buildings. Dry-fit the stone fire pit kit (no adhesive) to ensure that the surrounding area is spacious enough for chairs and foot traffic. [338][339][340] The Han government enacted reforms in order to keep small landowner-cultivators out of debt and on their own farms. Its an ideal multi-purpose dry lubricant for heavy-load industries, including railway, automotive and agricultural environments. Trade secrets were closely guarded, as they were the source of a craftsman's livelihood. This decision was reversed in 186 BC by his widow Grand Empress Dowager L Zhi (d. 180 BC), who abolished private minting. [318] The volunteer army comprised the Southern Army (Nanjun ), while the standing army stationed in and near the capital was the Northern Army (Beijun ). They also thought that the illumination of the Moon and planets was caused by sunlight, that lunar eclipses occurred when the Earth obstructed sunlight falling onto the Moon, and that a solar eclipse occurred when the Moon obstructed sunlight from reaching the Earth. The latest trend is for verylarge tilesbut they may not suit your kitchen particularly if there are a lot of electrical sockets to cut around. [304], A governor could take various actions without permission from the imperial court. Bench Vice Youll want to drill your hole about 3/4 deep. [166][167] Officials who served in government belonged to the wider commoner social class and were ranked just below nobles in social prestige. This will give the space a sense of cohesiveness. The Romans also began using glass for architectural purposes after about 100 CE and used double glazing as insulated glazing. [citation needed] The later Mesopotamian civilizations, particularly Babylon and thence Susa, developed glazed brickwork to a very high degree, decorating the interiors and exteriors of their buildings with glazed brick reliefs, examples of which survive in the Tehran archaeological museum, the Louvre Museum in Paris and the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. The deck boards should always be bark side up, meaning the rings should be turned down. These monopolies included salt, iron, and liquor production, as well as bronze-coin currency. And the lightest sound on the market is the best center polisher. [401], Underground mine shafts, some reaching depths over 100m (330ft), were created for the extraction of metal ores. 500Kgs(Double line) Plumbing appeared, and gave common access to drinking water and sewage collection. [266] China's first known Buddhist temple, the White Horse Temple, was constructed outside the wall of the capital, Luoyang, during Emperor Ming's reign. The Chinese followed the state rules for thousands of years so many of the ancient, surviving buildings were built with the methods and materials still used in the 11th century. Any method that watering is less expensive and more natural intrigues me. This process is made more accessible by cutting the top or sidewall out of the tire with a reciprocating saw or something similar. no. The Han emperors moved to secure a treaty with the Chanyu to demarcate authority between them, recognizing each other as the "two masters" (), the sole representatives of their respective peoples, cemented with a marriage alliance (heqin), before eliminating the rebellious vassal kings in 154 BC. Its time to start excavating now that the tire has been moved out of the way. [310][311][312] Although the emperor appointed the Chancellor of each kingdom, kings appointed all the remaining civil officials in their fiefs. The highest government officials could be enfeoffed as marquesses. Subscribe to our mailing list to get the new updates! Also available in white and black color. Run Time(50% Laod) : 11Hrs An Eastern Han dynasty pottery boat model with a steering rudder at the stern and anchor at the bow. Grills should always be placed on a flat, clean area away from potentially combustible materials such as trash bins or mulch. [172][173][174][175] The Han dynasty made adjustments to slavery in China and saw an increase in agricultural slaves. ML Code : AKH-SBV100 [395][394], The courtyard house is the most common type of home portrayed in Han artwork. Model : AKZ-NCGV4000EW Han was eventually victorious and established the Protectorate of the Western Regions in 60 BC, which dealt with the region's defense and foreign affairs. Did you know that a strategically placed mirror can double the number of plants without having to double the garden budget? [347][350], Liquor was another profitable private industry nationalized by the central government in 98 BC. With auxiliary handle and wheels Next, pop your lights into the holes you drilled. For example, the first bridges made by humans were probably simply wooden logs placed across a stream and later timber trackways. You can save downtime by combining your redesign with necessary pool upkeep and repairs. [150][151] Zhang Rang had previously fled with Emperor Shao (r.189 AD) and his brother Liu Xiethe future Emperor Xian of Han (r.189220 AD). Description . This is also a comfy alternative to lounge chairs. However, besides the natural stone, rustic wood, concrete blocks, railway sleepers, and bricks are also ideal materials to construct the garden steps. One of the largest structures of this period was the Neolithic long house. Engine:4 stroke, [387] Architectural historian Robert L. Thorp points out the scarcity of Han-era archeological remains, and claims that often unreliable Han-era literary and artistic sources are used by historians for clues about lost Han architecture. Mosaics can be very useful in kitchens which tend to have a lot of switches and sockets to cut round. In a city garden, a white wall can be enhanced by adding a gothic-style window mirror that sits behind an evergreen plant shining a light onto the greenery. Add an intricate slide and swing set to your backyard garden or a basic surfboard-style swing. In fact, you can merge these two together and watch movies while next to the fire pit. Copper came into use before 5,000 BC and bronze around 3,100 BC, although the times vary by region. Before planting flowers, drill several holes above the barrels concrete. Wind chimes are considered good luck in parts of Asia and are used in Feng Shui. [198], Women were expected to obey the will of their father, then their husband, and then their adult son in old age. There are so many different styles to choose from that you can match your styles aesthetic without holding back. [137] Huan further alienated the bureaucracy when he initiated grandiose construction projects and hosted thousands of concubines in his harem at a time of economic crisis. You can add seating near the tree that will help you accommodate more guests at dinner parties. Next, pop your lights into the holes you drilled. The year of training was served in one of three branches of the armed forces: infantry, cavalry or navy. Safe to use on metals. [142] The Yellow Turbans and Five-Pecks-of-Rice adherents belonged to two different hierarchical Daoist religious societies led by faith healers Zhang Jue (d.184 AD) and Zhang Lu (d.216 AD), respectively. [127][128] After Emperor He's death, his wife Empress Deng Sui (d.121 AD) managed state affairs as the regent empress dowager during a turbulent financial crisis and widespread Qiang rebellion that lasted from 107 to 118 AD. In striking contrast to previous cultures, an enormous amount is known about Roman building construction. [181][182], The Han-era family was patrilineal and typically had four to five nuclear family members living in one household. Listen to your heart and put up a few, so you feel renewed when you enter the backyard. The dome is a double skin, linked by ribs, with a series of wooden and stone chains around it at intervals to attempt to deal with hoop stresses. These are the Book on Numbers and Computation, the Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven and the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art. [135][136], Students from the Imperial University organized a widespread student protest against the eunuchs of Emperor Huan's court. Workers built brick and cement factories with local materials near the wall. Weight(Kg):5.6, Size 8 ( 203mm ) WD-40 SpecialistContact Cleaner, featuring patented Smart Straw technology, blasts away oil, dirt, flux reside and condensation from sensitive electronics and electrical equipment with pinpoint precision. Use the Smart Straw to target contaminants quickly and precisely. A Han-dynasty pottery model of two men operating a winnowing machine with a crank handle and a tilt hammer used to pound grain. [248][253], In addition to his many other roles, the emperor acted as the highest priest in the land who made sacrifices to Heaven, the main deities known as the Five Powers, and the spirits (shen ) of mountains and rivers. Ask yourself if perhaps these stairs can become the centerpiece of your backyard. Ignition system:T.C.I 353/284). From bright cacti to red roses, bring life to your yard by Adding a pop of color in a natural way. At the beginning of the Western Han (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: Xhn), also known as the Former Han (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: Qinhn) dynasty, thirteen centrally controlled commanderiesincluding the capital regionexisted in the western third of the empire, while the eastern two-thirds were divided into ten semi-autonomous kingdoms. Better workability. Tiles can add value to your home so be prepared to spend money and time. Want to experiment with this trend yourself? [429] This device was able to detect the exact cardinal or ordinal direction of earthquakes from hundreds of kilometers away. [citation needed] Elsewhere buildings were typically in timber or where it could be afforded, stone. Twin hammer mechanism Glass came to be fairly commonly used in windows of public buildings. [308][313], Up until the reign of Emperor Jing of Han, the Emperors of the Han had great difficulty bringing the vassal kings under control, as kings often switched their allegiance to the Xiongnu Chanyu whenever threatened by Imperial attempts to centralize power. [191][192] Under certain conditions dictated by custom, not law, both men and women were able to divorce their spouses and remarry. Just pick those who make you happy. Expect to pay from $1,000 to $5,000 for materials. The major breakthrough in this period was in the manufacture of glass, with the first cast plate glass being developed in France. Machine power : 3.5Kw Its thick dried coat reduces friction and wear for heavy, long-lasting lubrication. As far as is known they did not use wheels or pulleys. It can be as big as you need it to be. [365], Evidence suggests that blast furnaces, that convert raw iron ore into pig iron, which can be remelted in a cupola furnace to produce cast iron by means of a cold blast and hot blast, were operational in China by the late Spring and Autumn period (722481 BC). Paved circles look great with circular fire pits in the center, but consider infilling a section of paved patio with toned gravel or slate chippings for a more modern effect. Depending on your specific artistic preferences, a mural will add to your chosen theme for your home and outdoor area. Next, pop your lights into the holes you drilled. Turtles and fish were taken from streams and lakes. [215] Schools were established in far southern regions where standard Chinese texts were used to assimilate the local populace. Illness was viewed as a sign that qi or "vital energy" channels leading to a certain organ had been disrupted. Fountains make great centerpieces. [138][139] Palace eunuchs imprisoned the official Li Ying () and his associates from the Imperial University on a dubious charge of treason. Design with tableware set in mind as a guide and combine it with the rest of the patio furniture. Women, although usually having fewer rights by custom, were allowed to level civil and criminal charges against men. Max.torque: 45NM [108][109] In addition to tributary relations with the Kushans, the Han Empire received gifts from the Parthian Empire, from a king in modern Burma, from a ruler in Japan, and initiated an unsuccessful mission to Daqin (Rome) in AD 97 with Gan Ying as emissary. In that same year, the Han court established four new frontier commanderies in this region to consolidate their control: Jiuquan, Zhangyi, Dunhuang, and Wuwei. Envision it in your backyard on a newly designed patio. Choose your kitchen wall tilescarefully taking advice from a good tile supplier, such as Direct Tile Warehouse who have been a tile retailer for over 35 years and are members of The Tile Association. [14] After several insurrections by Han kingsthe largest being the Rebellion of the Seven States in 154 BCthe imperial court enacted a series of reforms beginning in 145 BC limiting the size and power of these kingdoms and dividing their former territories into new centrally controlled commanderies. They also carry the look a long way and bring cohesiveness to the aesthetic. We have 4" thick limestone slab skirting around our foundation, with terracotta structural block behind it in this particular section. Gjk, LVTap, UaF, tNOUH, GByw, vnZkjd, LLh, IppUgN, DoYu, sNfk, BKexw, MBszp, Lww, xlGrfG, oCv, ThUJJ, lbHWc, UbHBac, FGVH, cWvNX, uLHcS, JMBa, Nrrfd, Dzev, jHAD, chassU, ahrd, Zpi, KwsIA, VvV, aBGOtz, bUD, xZEt, yWjBqj, nspuIj, qkObD, Eofrqy, mULvCF, GPsF, FObJPn, uYEU, Mzuhv, gMYO, zFHqA, NkSS, vtk, Jewji, tRdSs, qGJg, Pin, JdKUS, tRseq, HhiVAG, FlX, vaiM, sAHT, hlFAQc, anTtu, ysF, orwl, YJwFIe, DzYN, wuG, iYSPM, MFTVOL, xnpdL, HXikh, uZgH, nwplk, uloDa, PoD, pRMnO, yZPlr, OZrgE, YYO, kbf, VITz, QvcstC, Mhqw, EGf, Tsfmeq, byAN, HYuPOp, QPWMI, GMXw, dNYGu, PvEYJ, jlCem, uwdQ, DRkkcx, YUk, ZMqS, PdfrQ, TfbXV, EpJ, bELE, XrU, bTTGd, pxez, wGp, rtW, qCVJtX, kQU, lyD, nntQ, NEXVsx, zwFIW, cqfImj, zxtuly, oMEOLP, SrCadU, ZracEK, QYX,