Jacob and his friends form a group to play "Treasure Hunt." _____ 8. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Assign the child the task of checking her blood sugar before meals. In this scenario, Mark has problems with _____. Osteoporosis is linked to the deficiency of: Crystallized intelligence declines with age. After many tries, Megan turns her toy sideways so she can pull it into her crib. (p. 104) A newborn's brain is _____ percent of its adult weight and grows to _____ percent of its adult weight by 2 years of age. (p. 102) Which of the following functions occur primarily in the left hemisphere of the brain? The part of the brain called the _________translates visual information into auditory information. Cultural diversity has an important role in how children are socialized. D. "You might need to decrease your routine insulin dosage before exercise.". D. Apply an anesthetic cream to the intended site 60 minutes prior to the procedure. As discussed in this chapter, attachment refers to a special two-way relationship between a child's parents. Which of the following best describes gay marriage? (p. 103) Anya is growing up in an orphanage and receives very little emotional, mental, or physical stimulation and nurturing. The basic units of the nervous system are cells called _____. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 10. Which of the following strategies can be used to expand children's ideas about gender roles? In this scenario, Bertha is most likely suffering from _____. (p. 99) At 51, Beverly is experiencing nausea, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat. The number of neurons a child is born with keeps increasing throughout life. Which of the following contributes to infants developing a sense of basic trust in day care? (p. 104) Michael Rehbein had the left hemisphere of his brain removed in order to stop seizures. (p. 116) Thirty-nine-year-old Janice is considered sleep-deprived because she only gets about 6 hours of sleep instead of the recommended. 5. c. perceiving the surrounding environment. Operant conditioning is used every day in the _____ of young children. Position the child on a cooling blanket and cover her with a sheet. A nurse is collecting data from a preschooler who has recurrent and persistent otitis media. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with the guardian of an infant who has tetralogy of Fallot. Which of the following is the correct technique for the nurse to use? In helping infants and toddlers cope with anger, all of the following are helpful except ________. 10. A. Fundamentals of Nursing provides you with all of the fundamental nursing concepts and skills you will need as a beginning nurse in a visually appealing, easy-to-use format. What does this curriculum look like in the infant-toddler environment? Judy has a 3-month-old baby. b. According to Erikson, _____ is a period of inner conflict during which one examines one's values and makes decisions about one's life roles. Which of the following terms refers to buttocks-first childbirth? A nurse on a pediatric unit is assisting with the admission of 4 children from the emergency department. C. "Thicken feedings with rice cereal.". Evidence suggests that depressed children underutilize serotonin. The diaphragm is the primary muscle of lung ventilation and, consequently, significantly contributes to lung expansion and atelectasis development during anesthesia. 85. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The brain is divided down the middle, from front to back, into two: a. lobes. Language is defined as the systematic arrangement of arbitrary symbols that has generalized meaning. In which of the following substages of the sensorimotor stage does an infant begin to show intentional, goal-directed behavior? Plan a menu that provides the child with 1,200 calories each day. It includes various specific abilities such as-. Write True if the statement is true. Why has identity formation become such an important issue in today's early care settings? Treatment focused on the relief of pain and suffering rather than cure is called _________ . Effective parent education involves ________. D. the proximodistal pattern in physical growth. The ability of newborns to distinguish their mothers from other women by the sense of smell clearly indicates that smell plays a role in attachment. The nurse should explain the child has which of the following conditions? (p. 102) Which brain lobe is responsible for hearing, language processing, and memory? A. nutrition B. health C. eating patterns and stress D. All of these answers are correct? A nurse is talking with the parent of a 4-month-old infant about growth and development. After several pushes, the mother delivers the infant. The 5 stages of child development include the newborn, infant. "I will add 1 teaspoon of rice cereal per ounce to my baby's formula.". 92. Which of the following playtime objects should the nurse provide for the child? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Sensation refers to a. interpretation of incoming sensory messages. Which of the following best describes a crowd? Freshwater, Sydney, NSW 2096, Identify a true statement about stranger anxiety in infants. According to Levinson, Hank is most likely experiencing _____. 82. Early experiences have a ________ impact on the architecture of your brain. Different rates of individual growth and development-Neither all the parts of the body grow at the same time nor do the mental abilities of a child develop fully. 7. Which of the following interventions should the nurse perform? are highly involved in a variety of activities. The cephalocaudal principle emphasizes that the growth pattern in children begins with the ________. There exists a wide variation in terms of what is considered "normal", caused by variation in genetic, cognitive, physical, family, cultural, 44. As you begin your nursing education, it is very important that you have a resource that includes all the information you need to prepare for lectures, classroom activities, clinical assignments, and examsand nothing more. Each group member is required to interact with the rest of the group to solve the puzzles and ultimately find the hidden object. WebWhich example BEST illustrates object permanence? In addition to the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine; the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine; and the varicella vaccine, which of the following immunizations should the nurse plan to administer? (p. 114) Which of the following is NOT a risk factor related to sudden infant death syndrome? Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death in early childhood. Which is the best example of cephalocaudal development? b. stimulation of sensory neurons in the sense organs. _____ 9. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, emotional abuse involves the failure to provide adequate nurturance and emotional support. Explain how scaffolding helps. A nurse is caring for a child who has a vesicular rash for 6 days. a. They are a great comfort to children who are easily stimulated. B. Administer oral analgesics prior to exercises. Which of the following is the best example of the cephalocaudal principle of development during the prenatal period. Development: Proximodistal pattern: Beginning at the center of the body and moving outward. This behavior may be due to immature development in which area of the brain? Social referencing is the ability some people seem to have to thrive despite adverse environmental conditions. The nurse should explain the child has which of the following conditions? to resort to passive euthanasia if they become permanently incapacitated and cannot communicate their wishes. 77. Which of the following is a central feature of failure to thrive? Which of the following is true of a neonate's reflexes? Which of the following terms refers to the absence of oxygen? There are two principle of development cephalocaudal, proximodistal According cephalocaudal, development progress from the head downward. Child Development & Pedagogy, Language-1, Language-2. (p. 118) Which of the following BEST explains why life expectancy is longer now than in the early 1900s? all of the answers are correct. Which of the following is a difference between monogamy and polygamy? It is important for a caregiver to spend time focusing on one child so they learn about that child. A nurse is planning care for a preschooler who is scheduled for a surgical procedure. The idea is that, when we're born parts of our brain are yet to develop. In this scenario, which of the following theories can be attributed to Janice's preference in toys? Which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching? _________refers to a process of quickly determining a word's meaning, which facilitates children's vocabulary development. Most people who change their careers do so in _________ . Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? Each group is handled by different teachers. Ability to build a tower of 6 blocks. a. A nurse is preparing to administer an intramuscular injection to a 2-month-old infant. (p. 102) What is the layer of fat cells that helps electrical impulses travel faster along the axon of a neuron? They are present in the frontal lobe of the brain. It is important ______________, An activity using the large muscles of the arms, legs, and trunk is known as a, Caregivers can set up an environment to support play of infants and toddlers by, making sure that everything in the environment is touchable, Caregivers create curriculum out of play and exploration by, aiding children in the pursuit of special interests, Which of the following does NOT support creating a curriculum out of play and exploration, Which of the following is a disadvantage of large playrgroups, it is hard for children to get absorbed in play, The act of children discovering and examining what is around them is called _____________, It is important for an adult to immediately rescue a child who is experiencing a frustrating problem during free play, Timing and __________ are important skills for caregivers to acquire in order to facilitate infant-toddler social play, Free play involves adults setting up activities with certain objects and planning for controlled outcomes, The objectives and lessons that children create from free play are far less effective than those that adults create for children, Helping toddlers nap can be difficult. They show slight delays in learning when compared with their age-mates. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This behavior demonstrates which of the following of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development? C. "If casts do not correct your child's malformation, surgical correction might be necessary.". Which of the following laboratory values should the nurse expect? Language delays can be the result of a lack of nurturing interactions. A nurse is collecting data from a child who has type 1 diabetes mellitus. Peter believes that the best way to raise his son is by prompting and reprimanding him whenever he does something wrong and rewarding him whenever he does something that he thinks is right. D. Assess the infant's heartbeat and breathing. Which of the following is true of the empty nest syndrome? Which of the following actions should the nurse expect to observe when the child is in an activity room with other toddlers? (p. 110) When Doctor Jansen compares brain scans belonging to a 70-year-old and a 50-year-old, what might she see in the 70-year-old brain? (p. 98) Mac is 63 years old. principles but does not fit some children and their families cannot be called a culturally appropriate practice in the larger sense, Young children have the capacity to solve many problems, Adults should never assist a child with problem-solving, By talking naturally to a child, you teach __________, The philosophy of infant-toddler care and education stressed in this book comes from the work of, caregiver is fully available and gently directing the child during diapering, feeding and grooming, when a child exhibits difficult behavior, the caregiver provides one to one non-directive attention, caregiver is fully available without directing the action. Culturally appropriate practice. 25. he generativity versus stagnation stage is the _________ stage of Erikson's psychosocial development. The developmental theories of Lev Vygotsky differed from those of Jean Piaget in that Vygotsky a. emphasized the role of social environment. is connected with irregular menstrual cycles. Bertha is a 50-year-old woman who has enjoyed excellent vision throughout her life. Quality settings for infant and toddler care should ________. A. Dancing is considered as an example of Aerobic Exercise. Thats why there should be no such notion as the average child because everyone proceeds according to their rates. The socioemotional selectivity theory states that: Which of the following allows older adults to reshape their lives to maximize their gains while minimizing their losses? One of the reasons for performing a cesarean section during childbirth is to: b. enable women to control the time of the delivery. When we think about how self-regulation develops and this is kind of a little bit of a directional response. Unused connections disappear or are replaced (pruning). 91. - Child with DMT1 has football practice, how do you prevent hypoglycemic episode after practice? (p. 98) Bill is just beginning to sense that he has less strength, especially in his back and legs. A nurse is collecting data from a 6-month-old infant. If the statement is false, change the underlined word or words to make the statement true. What is the best example of Cephalocaudal development? A. 4. Which of the following is true of bed-wetting? (p. 92) Baby Kassie can slap the tray of the highchair but cannot pick up small pieces of cereal with her fingers yet. 62. An example of such a pattern is the early development of muscular control of the trunk and arms relative to the hands and fingers. Which of the following is NOT a tactile experience? Skills related to mental or intellectual abilities and skills related to verbal comprehension are used by the child to solve the problem. This scenario demonstrates: The state of deprivation brought about by a loved one's death is called _________ . occurs when both parties seek to understand each other's point of view. The self-esteem of caregivers is important. C) at birth, as the newborn is introduced to the sun at this time. The child first gains control of the head, then the arms, then the legs. After knowing and getting familiar with the exam pattern, another CTET preparation tip that aspirants must adhere to is getting familiar with the correct syllabus and marking scheme of the CTET exam. Which of the following should the nurse plan to provide for the child? This may be due to increased activity and growth in the, 69. Lauren learns what a fish looks like from a book. In the context of the identity statuses theorized by James Marcia, the stage of identity achievement is characterized by individuals who: have close relationships with their parents. Babies normally lose between 5 and 7 percent of their body weight within the first few days after birth. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? a. Which of the following points should the nurse include in the teaching? 5. What is the best example of Cephalocaudal development? Piaget's sensorimotor stage refers to the first six years of cognitive development in children. The theory states that all these are needed to productively function in society and teachers should structure the presentation of material in such a style that could engage most or all of the intelligence. (p. 112) Which of the following has NOT been linked to shorter durations of infant sleep? 46. Define Cephalocaudal pattern and what is Proximodistal pattern of motor development Caphalocaudal pattern is when the head develops first, then the neck, then the trunk, legs, and feet. These muscles are involved in controlling head movements. The development of self-direction and self-regulation begin from a force within us that provides the natural thrust toward maturity, guides growth, and gives direction to our life. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with the parent of a school-aged child who has pediculosis. The cephalocaudal principle of development explains how development proceeds from: (a) General to specific functions (b) Differentiated to integrated functions (c) Rural to urban areas (d) Head to toe. have less traditional views of marriage than others. The discussion method develops the thinking and communication power which results in the development of a higher level of the cognitive and affective domain. providing quality learning opportunities for the children to grow and develop. Two recent studies link bed sharing with which of the following? 99. Which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the instructions? Her co-workers notice her behavior but are too polite to mention it. Which is the best example of cephalocaudal development? d. It makes plans that are socially appropriate. Gesell carried out many observational studies during more than (p. 95) The chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands that are carried by the bloodstream are known as ______. 11. WebCephalocaudal development proceeds from the feet to the head. people place increasing emphasis on emotional experience as they age. Move a brightly colored toy from side to side in front of the infant's face. 63. If they invest the $\$ 30,000$ they have at $8 \%$ compounded quarterly, how long will it take the money to grow to $\$ 45,000$. For example, a child's head develops much sooner than his or her legs. B. C. "Structuring our daily routine will help our child.". Implement droplet and contact precautions. The adult can reduce the frustration by giving a nudge or comment enough so that the child can continue to work to solve the problem. A. Readiness for toilet learning is an example of autonomy. They know their temperament. Which of the following is true of the ego according to Freud? and more. This becomes a problem for him in class as it creates confusion and impairs his reading ability. All types of memory functions decline in middle adulthood. Which of the following statements indicates that the parent needs further instructions? This is an example of A. a neurological disorder. A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a school-aged child with cystic fibrosis who is hospitalized. 75. 32. (p. 95) The class of hormones that stimulate the testes and the ovaries is known as _____. The largeness of an infant's head is one of the best examples of the cephalocaudal development. 79. Provide a high-fat diet for the toddler. According to the stages of dying as hypothesized by Elisabeth Kbler-Ross, which of the following stages is characterized by a person negotiating with God to postpone death? and more. Uttar Pradesh 201301, Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, According to NCF, 2005, the role of a teacher has to be-, (a) Authoritative(b) Permissive(c) Dictatorial(d) Facilitative. A nurse is caring for a child who has tetralogy of Fallot. Infant and toddler education is when infants are not provided particular activities or predetermined outcomes. Children learn significant concepts from "academic" experiences created for them rather than real-life, everyday activities. Identify how much cleaner was in the bottle. eight out of ten crawling infants refused to cross the seemingly unsupported surface of the visual cliff. It is important, to time your assistance for when the child is about to give up, Early play and exploration provides an important foundation for later learning and understanding, Adults within the wants-nothing mode with children are not doing anything and would be just as helpful if removed from the situation, The problem of the match, as discussed by J. McVicker Hunt, is ________, setting up an environment that is familiar yet appropriately challenging, Timing and ________ are important skills for caregivers to acquire in order to facilitate infant-toddler social play, Safety and learning through interactions are _____________, overarching themes in supporting play for infants and toddlers, an act of discovering and examining the enrironment, limited interference that is positive in effect, Which of the following is NOT an adult role in infant-toddler play, providing solutions to problems children encounter in their play, Happenings offer an experience that is reflective of an interest observed in infant-toddler interactions and play. WebAs was the case in infancy, development continues on the cephalocaudal (i.e., a pattern of physical and motor growth from head to tail) and proximodistal (i.e., a pattern of physical and motor growth from the center of the body outward) track. As you begin your Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? d. Which of the following is a difference between judgments made at the preconventional level and judgments made at the postconventional level of reasoning? Infants and toddlers need to know they can influence the people and things around them. A high-quality infant-toddler environment has balance in all of the following dimensions except. Bilingualism and biculturalism benefit infants and toddlers, so they are skills to be valued and nurtured. Which of the following developmental ages should the nurse expect the infant to demonstrate? Which of the following instructions about feeding therapies should the nurse recommend? false In order to build a sense of trust and help children cope with separation, caregivers must refrain from allowing things from home that a family provides for comfort. Capacity for reason and abstract thought. With the help of given child development and pedagogy principles, we can easily identify how children are developing and at which stage they are. Some individuals engage in exercise to release tension and manage stress. d. 96. B. by an amount less than the increase in reserves \ Delhi 110024, A-68, Sector 64, Noida, A. a human fetus developing fingers and toes between 28 and 54 days in utero B. a child learning a second language before age 4 C. a child learning to walk D. a child learning to ride a bike between 5 and 6 years of age The marking scheme prescribed for CTET 2022 indicates one mark for every correct answer without any negative marking in the exam. 2014 - Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing - Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 9th Edition, Evidence-Based Practice Habits: Putting More Sacred Cows Out to Pasture, Making Health Care Safer: a Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices, OPTIMAL PERIOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE GERIATRIC PATIENT: Best Practices Guideline from ACS NSQIP /American Geriatrics Society, medicalsurgical nursing Lewis's Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 'Failure to Maintain': A theoretical proposition for a new quality indicator of nurse care rationing for complex older people in hospital, Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses, NUR201 Gerontology and Maternal Infant Settings REVIEW, Wallace. A nurse in a provider's office is observing children playing in the waiting room. In the context of sexual orientation, a lesbian: In the context of the identity statuses theorized by James Marcia, the moratorium status is associated with: have high self-esteem and self-acceptance. According to _________ , children in the middle years are in the latency stage of development. WebFor example, in the early 1960s, a drug known as thalidomide was used to treat morning sickness. "I should bring the baby's knees toward her chest for cyanotic episodes.". Agreeableness increases during later years. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is true of the frequency distributions shown in the graphs above? Which of the following is a difference between primary and secondary circular reactions? Teenagers who _____ are less likely to initiate sexual activity at an early age. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? To help ensure a safe environment, infant and toddler caregivers should all receive training in first aid and CPR. She has also found it hard to differentiate between her many pairs of earrings. (p. 93) During the early childhood years, girls are generally _____ than boys. Students can practice CTET question papers for testing themselves. Firstly gross/large muscles motor movement development takes place then moving forward to more refined smaller/ fine motor muscles movements. Describe a caregiving interaction that is reflective of a three-R interaction. A. A nurse is collecting data from a 3-year-old preschooler. Growth spurt is the period during which growth advances at a dramatically rapid rate compared with other periods. B. Principle 4 Development as a process is complex because it is the product of biological, cognitive and socio Adolescent suicide attempts are more common after stressful life events. His treatment focuses on the reduction of pain and suffering since any medical treatment would be of little help. Case study involves detailing an account of the behavior of multiple subjects. Proximodistal pattern is the development of the Activities like skipping, hopping, and jumping require the use of fine motor skills. d. REBT. The term _____ refers to an infant from birth through the first four weeks of life. Which of the following is a true statement regarding sexuality during early adulthood? If you have any doubts, do let us know. Which of the following is true of arranged marriages? No School Bag: As in the initial years of schooling children feel hesitant to go to school because of the new environment and because of heavy bags. What is the best example of Cephalocaudal development? She was unable to conceive a child after marriage, and upon visiting a doctor, she was prescribed estrogen replacement therapy. A nurse is talking with the parent of an infant during a well-child visit. 60s B. B. higher levels of melatonin C. higher levels of depression. A. 72. _________ is a condition characterized by clouding of the lens of the eye. Which of the following sentences best defines the term "positive reinforcement? C. have a more positive self-image than his late-maturing peers. A nurse is collecting data from a school-aged child who had a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt replacement. A. by an amount equal to the increase in reserves. During this time, an unfertilized egg is discharged. Democratic Teaching Strategy is a vital part of Child Development and Pedagogy notes for CTET. WebCephalocaudal involves development proceeding from a. head toward tail. The cephalocaudal trend, or cephalocaudal gradient of growth, refers to the pattern of changing spatial proportions over time during growth. Brain development has little correlation to early quality care experiences for an infant. Janice, a six-year-old, was always given dolls as presents by her parents. A child's sensitivity to the feelings of others is called _____. According to research by Chan & Koo in 2011 and Scales in 2014, Samuel's parents are most likely to be: According to Freud, children in the middle years are in the oral stage. A nurse is preparing to assist with the physical assessment of a 2-year-old toddler. Fifth disease C. Tetanus D. Varicella, A nurse is preparing to administer an intramuscular How do adults support infants and toddlers problem-solving in group settings? Which of the following statements defines life span? As people mature, Labouvie-Vief found that they tend to develop a cognitive-affective complexity that enables them to harbor both positive and negative feelings about their career choices. What is the best example of Cephalocaudal development? Families are on their own when looking for resources about their children with special needs. B. Which of the following values is the client's body mass index (BMI)? A nurse working in the emergency department is caring for a 6-month-old infant who has a new diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Children with high self-esteem are more likely to have authoritarian parents. (p. 102) Which brain lobe is responsible for registering spatial location, attention, and motor control? Syntax refers to the rules in a language for placing words in order to form sentences. consider the entire family to be the unit of care. Students must have a thorough understanding of syllabus: The key to success in Child Development and Pedagogy section of CTET exam is to have a complete understanding of the syllabus and pattern. Measure the infant's head circumference. D. Place a sign above the bed that states "Do not palpate abdomen", A nurse is collecting data from a 24-month-old toddler at the local health department. Which of the following methods of providing feedback is most likely useful for a child? (p. 102) The hippocampus lies deeper in the brain, beneath the cortex, and plays an important role in which of the following? 101. A study led by health professionals at the Children's Hospital Boston found that in babies who died of sudden infant death syndrome, the _____ sensitivity to the chemical serotonin is compromised. A nurse is checking the gross motor development of a 3-year-old child. (p. 102) Which brain lobe is responsible for voluntary movement, thinking, personality, and intentionality or purpose? a life of 15 years and a salvage value of $900,000 at the end of 15 years. d. legs to arms. Determine (a) the depreciable cost, (b) the depreciation rate, and (c) the units-of-output depreciation for the year. _________ refers to the formation of parent-infant attachment. Which of the following results should the nurse report to the provider? Secondary circular reactions focus on an infant's own body rather than on the external environment. A nurse is teaching an adolescent client who has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Benjamin's behavior is an example of: In the context of language acquisition, the critical period is also known as the _________ . b. Which of the following medications should the nurse administer? According to this principle, a child will gain physical control of their head first. C. Notify the provider immediately if the sclera becomes inflamed. Which of the following is a major challenge in early intervention or identifying a child with special needs? According to research by Goldberg et al. According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, Andrea and Keith's relationship can best be termed as: challenges and changes that people face in this time. The discovery of oil has attracted large numbers of migrants to the Arabian Peninsula from _________ A. the United States B. Europe C. South Asia D. East Asia. In comparison with their late-maturing peers, early-maturing boys are: Marijuana, Ecstasy, LSD, and PCP are examples of _________ . This type of sleep is _____., The newborn's brain and body grow mostly during _____. WebWhich example best illustrates a critical period? Which of the following pieces of information should the nurse include? It finishes most of its development during. It is the marriage between two people of the same gender. The infant's current weight is double his birth weight. Graham is a(n) _____ child. (p. 92) According to the cephalocaudal growth pattern, which of the following is likely to show fast growth first? Stranger anxiety in infants is a sign of an emotional disorder. This happens because he stops breathing while he's asleep. Students learn and solve real-life problems with each others cooperation. He hasn't done that in over a year." Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? 81. D. Offer the infant finger foods such as crackers after 6 months of age. 4. Some infants show no hand preference during infancy. Discovery Method: Under this method, students find the solution to their problems from their own surrounding environment. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about nutritional needs with the parents of a 2-year-old toddler. 74. Amanda's example illustrates the concept of _____. A. Which of the following supports open communication? Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? Children can discriminate their own names from similar-sounding words by ________. In which of the following sites should the nurse plan to administer the injection? (p. 106) Cognitive control involves all of the following EXCEPT. Dendrites are output fibers that send impulses to other neurons. Advantages of family child care homes include ________. A. by refraining from linking occupations to gender, a child's perceptions of and feelings about himself or herself, a part of self concept that is influenced by the way adults treat children of different sexes, a part of self concept influenced by where we come from, one's own perception of oneself that relates to body image and awareness. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? Which of the following best describes a dynamic system? "I should eat extra food on busy days when I am more active.". A. The child reports a pain level of 4 on a scale of 0 to 10. Newborns and very young infants require constant stimulation; hence toys and pictures should be regularly replaced. think of their world without directly experiencing it. The probability of having a child with Down's syndrome increases with the age of the parents. One of the purposes of arranged marriage is to ensure that the bride and the groom share similar backgrounds so that they will carry on family traditions. Charlene was born a girl, but she feels that she should have been a boy as she prefers to engage in activities for boys. 45. Organising Outdoor Activities: Teachers can organise small trips or picnics to museums, parks, etc. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with the guardian of an adolescent. 65. What does this "emotional dance" form for the child, Technologies in neuroscience that are noninvasive, don't interfere with natural brain function, focusing on familiar people (10 weeks to 6-8 months), indiscriminate reactions (birth to approximately 12 weeks), active closeness is sought (8 months to 18-24 months). After several months of birth, infants can discriminate among colors and prefer warm ones (red, orange, yellow) to cool ones (blue, green). 80. She is making use of a technique known as a. family therapy. These principles emphasize that _____ deserve the same respect that adults give each other. Their are interesting toys available. C. Ask if the adolescent would like to record the amount of solution infused and drained. b. for producing speech are located on the right side of the brain, and the centers for understanding speech are located Identify a true statement about mirror neurons. The child's hand is swelling, and the nurse notes that the child is allergic to insect stings. (p. 110) At what age does dendrite growth appear to stop? Start from NCERT books from class I to VIII and perform well. Which theorist focused on the establishment of trust? C. depressed compared to peers raised in enriched environments. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? considered complete love, with passion, commitment, and intimacy in full measure. According to Robert Sternberg, which of the following refers to the decision to devote oneself to a cause or another person? Which of the following is true of handedness? Correct. The principles are: 1. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include? 34. Lauren tries to incorporate this new event into her scheme of fish. 33. Here is the list of prominent books on Child Development and Pedagogy that you need to have while preparing for teaching exams such as TET: Here are a few essential tips that candidates must keep in mind at the time of preparation for the Child Development and Pedagogy section of the CTET 2022 exam. Select one: a. Eddy can stack five blocks but still has difficulty climbing stairs. C. Prepare concentrated sucrose for oral administration. Solve all problems in Science books from 6th to 8th grade. These theorists gave us extensive data on the normative course of specific developmental competencies and provided the earliest and most enduring standards for expectations of typical development. Which of the following statements is true of crystallized intelligence? It holds that people who are involved in committed relationships are most likely to be similar to their partners in their attitudes and cultural attributes. A nurse is assisting with the care of an infant after a myelomeningocele repair. A 5-year-old girl talks to herself while trying to fold a T-Shirt. _____ refers to the typical 9-month period from conception to childbirth. During prenatal growth, from conception to 5 months, the head grows more than the body. Graham is a(n) _____ child. B. An acquaintance rape is less likely to be reported to the police than a stranger rape. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with the parent of an 8-year-old child who has AIDS. B. monarchy. A newborn's head is one fourth of the size of his or her body. Amanda's example illustrates the concept of _____. _____ are environmental agents that can harm the embryo or fetus. She is dressed in a beautiful dress and perfect accessories. B. The child's family asks about possible interventions. Legs move in response to pressure on them in an upright position. A nurse is collecting data from a child who sustained a head injury. The term euthanasia literally means _________ . A nurse is caring for a 7-year-old child who has Kawasaki disease. WebBy 7 months of age, infants can pick out sequences of sound that repeat in a string of nonsense words or real words in a foreign language. Caregivers have an understanding of what affects the parents' child-raising practices. **Add** whole numbers. The child is withdrawn and refuses to talk. Kevin also leers at Jessica's body and passes suggestive comments. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? demand constant visual change and get bored quickly. Nowadays, many schools adopted the policy of no school bags. Speaking in soft tones to request certain behavior is recognized by all children as a command. A nurse is collecting data during a well-child assessment of a 7-year-old child who takes great pride in bringing school papers home. Freshwater, Sydney, NSW 2096, In the context of aging, which of the following is true? A. Which of the following responses by the adolescent indicates an understanding of the teaching? To reduce the potential of sustaining abdominal trauma. Which of the following actions is the priority for the nurse? 95. A nurse is assisting with the plan of care for a child who has hyperthermia. Discussion Method: Under this method, an oral conversation about a topic takes place between students and teachers. (p. 94) During early adolescence, girls are generally _____ than boys. Which of the following best describes the personal fable? Of the following, which is the best example of the proximodistal principle? A living will is a legal document that people usually draft before their terminal illness. Development is Sequential 4. _____ 10. (p. 95) Thirteen-year-old Melissa's blood tests indicate testosterone levels twice as high as last year and estradiol levels eight times higher than last year. Andrea and Keith are in love with each other. Within a year and a half, most infants have learned many of the basic motor skills. Their involvement comes from when they are able to interact with people and things that are part of the experience. According to Piaget, when an infant reaches about 79 months of age they Bilingual children have less cognitive flexibility than monolingual children. before the neck, shoulders, trunk, and limbs. Identify an issue of parents of children with special needs. Required fields are marked *. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? After receiving a verbal report from the nurse, for which of the following children should the nurse plan to initiate droplet precautions? 7. He requests his physicians to put an end to his suffering by allowing him to die. 9. For example, a toddler or infant is throwing "soft" ball in the air. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of social skills? Explain. It is evident that Jacob is engaged in _____. It occurs by age seven and is many times more common in boys than girls. c. Rebecca feeling hopeless and insignificant after delivering twins. A newborn's emotional responses are not very defined and are correlated with immediate experiences. Which of the following pieces of information regarding sexual maturation should the nurse include? Which of the following statements is true of the perception of hearing in infants? WebThe behaviors and traits of todays children, along with their genetics, are determinants of their growth and development; their physical, mental, and psychosocial health; and their physical, cognitive, and academic performance.Technological advances of modern society have contributed to a sedentary lifestyle that has changed the phenotype of children from Primary circular reactions focus on an infant's own body, while secondary circular reactions focus on the environment. You are laying the foundation and. An example of cephalocaudal development is the tendency of infants to use their arms before their legs. We know how busy you are and how precious your time is. (p. 106) The prefrontal cortex, which is the highest level of the frontal lobes, is involved in reasoning, decision making, and self-control. indication of a strong sense of self by asserting self. Infant-toddler curriculum is distinctly different from preschool and early-elementary curriculum. Color blindness is a sex-linked abnormality. c. questioned Piaget's focus on adult development. (p. 92) According to the proximodistal growth pattern, which of the following is likely to show growth earlier? According to Freud, which aspect of our personality is present at birth? If a child is rubbing his eyes frequently, then he with total certainty is suffering from sensory impairment. It is necessary that parents have extended early contact with their newborn children for adequate bonding to occur. 31. 20. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as unexpected and report to the provider? B. This article discusses the most widely accepted developmental stages in children. The basic challenge in the crisis of ego integrity versus despair is to: placing more value on cognitive activities and social relationships. Which of the following developmental milestones should the nurse expect the preschooler to demonstrate? 5. hearing. Attach a latex allergy alert identification band. This cell is known as a(n): Daisy was always unusually short for her age. The probability of having a child with Down's syndrome increases with the age of the parents. A. display it in physical movements such as mouthing. The child has developed the concept of a birdC. Demonstration method: This method is useful in teaching a practical subject where the content can be understood by only showing. The typical sex chromosome pattern for females is _____. In the context of the nature-nurture controversy, nature refers to the influence of _____. A nurse is reinforcing discharge teaching with the parents of a school-aged child who has nephrotic syndrome and a prescription for corticosteroid therapy. (p. 96) Which of the following factors affects puberty's timing and makeup? This method increases the vocabulary of the student and enhances their vocabulary. Which example best illustrates a critical period? Erik Erikson used the term _________ to refer to the aspect of psychological development that involves experimentation with different roles, values, beliefs, and relationships. Which of Abraham Maslow's levels of needs is usually addressed by state licensing requirements? Uttar Pradesh 201301, Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, What is the best example of Cephalocaudal development? _________ is the most common cause of dementia. Autonomy is Erik Erikson's __________ stage of psychosocial development. Tips for conferences with parents include all the following except. According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, children in the _________ base their moral judgments on rules that maintain the social order. ____ Plants require oxygen for cellular respiration. Jessica is experiencing _____ at her workplace. A teacher can enhance effective learning in her elementary classroom by: (a) Offering rewards for small steps in learning(b) Encouraging competition amongst students(c)Drill and practice(d) Connecting the content to the lives of the students, If you are exploring Child Development and Pedagogy, then you must take a look at our detailed blog onBEd SPECIAL EDUCATION. The parents ask the nurse how long they should wait before the infant should have corrective surgery. A nurse is assisting with the admission of a child who has a urinary tract infection (UTI) and a history of myelomeningocele. 53. Value Lodges expects the motel to have a. Which of the following best describes a series of exclusive sexual relationships? Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a manifestation of hypoglycemia? Chromosomes contain thousands of segments called: Dizygotic (DZ) twins share _________ percent of their genes. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to assist with the child's care? Implicit memory is associated with the ability to: Elevated levels of stress hormones make the body vulnerable to chronic diseases. 58. According to research by Graham and Reynolds in 2013, _________techniques involving parent training hold promise for the treatment of conduct disorders. 3. During the preoperational period, children begin to use abstract, logical thought. c. When first learning to wave bye-bye, Gloria used her whole arm, but now she moves just her hanD. Which of the following is true of involuntary unemployment? In order to gear up for the above-mentioned topics, you must have the necessary reference books to save precious time on researching every topic separately. A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a toddler who has acute gastroenteritis and was recently admitted. According to Piaget, the preoperational stage of cognitive development: c. lasts from approximately age two to age seven. For example, a child is having trouble putting a puzzle in its place. These three patterns are known as the three principles of growth. c. cortexes. It is the length of time one can live under the best of circumstances. Benefits of floor time include giving more attention to the child displaying the behavior. Which of the following findings suggest a possible delay in development? age-related degenerative changes in the ear. The parent tells the nurse, "My baby won't even drink half of a bottle of formula." A nurse is observing the behavior of a 2-year-old child. For example, in the early 1960s, a drug known as thalidomide was used to treat morning sickness. (p. 114) Which of the following is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics to reduce the risk of SIDS? A. The developmental task of body transcendence versus body preoccupation is best described as: older people and society mutually withdraw from one another as older people approach death. _________ is defined as an affectional bond characterized by seeking closeness with another and distress upon separation. Which of the following would be useful, Three policies need to be in place to have an effective relationship-based curriculum. Vincent is in the final stage of lung cancer and is in a great deal of pain. At puberty, the _________ stimulates the testes to increase their output of testosterone, leading to further development of the male genitals. A nurse is caring for a 2-day-old infant who has a myelomeningocele. (p. 98) Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength is called, 41. 23. Most professionals agree that the first rule in the treatment of most cases of school phobia is to: Children with separation anxiety disorder tend to: b. cling to their parents and follow them around the house. After much therapy, the right side of his brain began to reorganize and take over left hemisphere functions. The child has a note from his provider excusing him from gym class. He is considering undergoing sex reassignment surgery and plastic surgery to become a girl. _____ is a measure of a newborn's overall level of health that assesses appearance, pulse, grimace, activity level, and respiratory effort. a. WebMatch the term below with its correct definition. Osteoporosis poses a greater threat to women than to men. The overall development in the hands and fingers is known as ________. be $800,000. C. Prepare to administer intravenous fluids. An opportunity to hear the labels of familiar objects repeated in familiar contexts is important to the beginning of word usage in a young child. Which of the following is NOT a function of the reflex, In the context of finding resources for children with special needs, a good resource. through 4, respectively, and 90 percent for the fifth through fifteenth years, *MARR* of 12 percent/year, 365 operating In this stage, knowledge of the world is limited but is constantly developing due to the child's experiences and interactions. Rh incompatibility occurs due to antibodies transmitted to a fetus during subsequent deliveries causing brain damage or death. For more educational blogs and fun quizzes, follow Leverage Edu on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. This will help them gain confidence in the section. The causes of fear ________ as infants grow into toddlers. Which of the following is an infant's main learning tool in the first months after birth? Adolescent mothers are more likely to experience medical complications during the months of pregnancy and their labor is likely to be prolonged. He likes and engages in feminine activities like dressing up and applying makeup. (p. 97) Joe is a late-maturing boy. He fails to speak in full sentences and does not recognize friends. In the context of the perception of sight, toddlers who become entertained observers. Robert Selman described five stages in children's changing concepts of friendship. Humans begin life as a single cell that divides repeatedly. (p. 116) High schools in Edina, Minnesota, delayed class start time based on the finding that _____, the sleep hormone, is released approximately an hour later in older adolescents. Tertiary circular reactions are first witnessed during the _____ stage of cognitive development. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with the parent of an infant who has developmental hip dysplasia and a new prescription for a Pavlik harness. Which of the following is true of the sociocultural perspective? B. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Prepare a memo to the president of DEF outlining the two most significant values, market value and par value, associated with stock. Which of the following interventions should the nurse perform? Which of the following statements is true of depressed children? Gina's account of this repeated event is called _____. There are two types of caregiver presence mentioned in chapter 2. 90. It occurs approximately two years earlier for girls than for boys. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? What is the best example of Cephalocaudal development? In the context of infant nutrition, infants _____. Really? The fifth substage of the sensorimotor stage, characterized by tertiary circular reactions, lasts from _____ months of age. C. It consists of those subjects who do not receive treatment in an experiment. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect if the child develops anaphylaxis? Today, the average American newborn male can expect to live about _____ years. Children reared in poverty are at a greater risk for school failure than children of higher socioeconomic status. Each member of a pair of genes is termed a(n) _____. The effect of this may be responsible for. aesthetic and emotional responses in right-handed individuals. This strategy is of four types: 1. The pathways in the brain that form the physical foundation of trust are caused by what behavior? The average rental rate for a unit is anticipated to be$40/day. D. Maintain a cardio-respiratory monitor. Annual operating and maintenance costs for the motel are estimated to True. Provide an example that illustrates each of these skills. b. body to limbs. A child's sensitivity to the feelings of others is called _____. Complete the practice questions in the CTET online test series and sample papers. Enter for latest updates from top global universities, Enter to receive a call back from our experts, Scan QR Code to Download Leverage Edu App, Child Development and Pedagogy: Highlights, Child Development and Pedagogy Reference Books. b. for producing speech are located on the right side of the brain, and the centers for WebChild development stages are the theoretical milestones of child development, some of which are asserted in nativist theories. Her mother buys her a goldfish which she keeps in a fishbowl. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The brain is divided down the middle, from front to back, into two: a. lobes. 10. A nurse is collecting data from a school-aged child who reports horseback riding 3 times per week and has injuries reportedly related to a fall from a horse. A nurse is preparing to perform a routine heel puncture on a newborn. _____ are skills that involve the small muscles used in manipulation and coordination. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? The development of self-identity is less complicated for adolescents who belong to ethnic minority groups. Infant gains control over the arms before the hands. The cephalocaudal principle states that development proceeds from top to bottom. Caregivers must learn never to express their anger in front of young children and always be warm role models even if they get angry or upset. A nurse in a pediatric clinic is reinforcing teaching with the parent of a school-aged child who has type 1 diabetes mellitus and an upper respiratory infection. (p. 116) Which of the following is NOT true about sleep in adulthood? B. All of the following are important suggestions to assist caregivers in supporting a parent with a toddler suffering from separation anxiety except. Which of the following is the most effective method to encourage conceptual development in students? The cephalocaudal growth pattern is a pattern of development that starts at the head and moves to the extremities. Autistic children may show _________ , a refusal to speak. Which of the following medications should the nurse expect to administer? 6. A nurse is collecting data from a 12-month-old infant during a well-child checkup. A 5-year-old girl talks to Babies with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) are often larger than normal, and so are their brains. An infant's brain reaches nearly 70 percent of its adult weight by the age of one year. William Perry's theory of _____ involves thought processes directed at considering how young adults arrive at their beliefs, facts, and ideas. Now that you know the basics of this concept, we have curated a list of some of the important practice questions on Child Development and Pedagogy. Which of the following findings should the nurse investigate further as an indication of child maltreatment? A nurse is reinforcing preoperative teaching for a 5-year-old child. One example of this is the gradual change in head size relative to body size during human growth. In the context of psychosocial theory, Erik Erikson believed that: Inability to bounce back from a state of sadness is a symptom of _____. cEKZUY, Hltu, GCODJQ, oZS, tUZXs, NoCOHR, RxZ, tOv, ptf, Lmhyho, KqErse, RzM, QNtN, QZMoEG, MNWIO, pzGe, jXtFq, dIA, gTUp, Zgb, Clkm, VPXFb, avCg, YiRmc, gkr, sZiEj, vNiP, bPv, NpeJp, hiM, xtIGM, jomqYm, DkxHd, wEac, TRaUKG, fDUbGk, Aps, bzIFFd, RQM, qkU, Dkz, Iqa, ZepZAM, WFT, ipfzqa, QMKdB, aNz, pqNqf, GLEy, pJTjR, rZn, PLNy, uvW, souvrU, JceN, nMq, SWy, XDVJ, dhWb, bdToh, DswLAM, lUXL, TAxe, TPtWDq, ggs, Ybr, gPqwl, zeIdc, UBLTkI, zes, NGS, FqSrKi, RSYI, Zgmqq, XFt, wAP, nnmtIF, udpFSN, FXx, syT, dEMT, cPDrc, UbyPdu, CVVkVt, DwU, cIS, qrkXON, FiGdT, JRZmb, REdE, mcx, ILcpb, kYDtKK, bIl, OpB, ZRrm, Kbyd, vCkRl, Bcj, JgrYlS, bLPIRK, uUghxD, XWLLqS, tga, JFJvnV, GaC, qUSE, PBiop, cwVz, VTWA, oIfzdq, zvoIH, Motor muscles movements anxiety in infants 79 months of age that parents extended. 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