Not everyone can see these rainbows, and most people who can see them dont find them bothersome. I'm asking you this, for you, just to explain to me for all the stakeholders involved, why accurate measuring is so vital?DEXTER: At CDP, we represent over 590 institutional signatory investors. Not being caught in the trap of the assumptions underpinning your own success. What are you looking out for? How much? Learn, share learnings across companies. We're starting to get to the point, right? Can businesses, can leaders incorporate that mentality, that play more into our work so that we can get more of a sense of purpose, more of a sense of motivation on Monday morning?GABI NOVACEK: I think we can, and I think it can happen in two ways. And we have to challenge that sort of systemic belief and say, "Well, why should it be that way? There are pretty good ways of measuring cognitive load and how fast you're depleting it.The problem is that it's mostly in the labs, but what we're seeing now is with the advent of things like AirPods that can actually measure your head orientation, your temperature, your basal temperature, your galvanic skin response, the ubiquity of these new kinds of sensors, like an iWatch that allows you to detect heart rate.We're starting to see people being able to use these things. During development, oxidized developer diffuses into the oil droplets and combines with the dye couplers to form dye clouds; the dye clouds only form around unexposed silver halide crystals. What would you like global leaders to do in this space?CHARMIAN: Yes, look, I mean, it's undoubtedly true that the parts of the world that will be impacted, and already are impacted most by these climate events are the developing economies. And for me, that's one of the primary reasons why it's important to improve the accuracy of this information, because a lot of people's pensions, cash that they're investing for their futures, is actually resting on the accuracy of this type of information.CHARLOTTE: If I can add something about, it's not accuracy for accuracy, it's really accuracy or so to be able to drive action. You'll need to analyze how your competition is positioning their brand in order to compete. The BenQ HT2150ST can produce a 100-inch image from less than 5 feet away from your wall or screen, which lets it fit into more confined spaces. A great example of this is Qantas down in Australia, not driven by COVID, but driven by other sort of threats to their existence from other competitive entrants, etc., went down a path of creating a data business, a loyalty business that really had a robust currency. The results from 720p or 480p projectors look softer, and when such models are creating a big image (or when youre sitting close), the pixels are visible. Now that you have an idea of the few approaches you can take, its time to create a positioning plan that establishes your brand as the friendliest, the most convenient, the cheapest, or simply the best choice compared to other brands. And it means I have to take them in front of my colleagues. Is it time for new progressive era of education? I'm doing this because there is a sustainability scarcity that will emerge for many of the commodities that I am going to need as climate change begins to have more and more effect on agricultural outputs and other outputs. Intellectual property is a set of intangibles owned and legally protected by a company from outside use or implementation without consent. It does require a change of mindset, it does require reprioritization, it requires some investment. But also an interesting example here could be something like why we're so reliant on coal.So in South Africa during the apartheid years, we actually had an embargo on crude oil imports, and one of our major sort of pillars of the economy, our syn fuel sector, sort of took some German IP and commercialized it. Let me maybe take that from two different angles. The first practical and commercially successful color "film" was the Lumire Autochrome, a glass plate product introduced in 1907. So they need to develop strategies for how to reduce emissions in their supply chain as well.GEORGIE FROST: A consumer goods, let's say a trainer company.JENS BURCHARDT: They have in my view, an enormous unlocked demand for a green version of their product. And also regional skills development and regional trade.The Africa Free Trade Agreement is a step in the right direction, but we still have quite a lot to do in that space. Despite grand pronouncements and targets by governments and businesses, progress in encouraging consumers to buy sustainable and ethical products is slow. However, they felt much more value came to them from being in an environment where everyone was remote and so it was all balanced. But the 880 also had the worst black level and one of the worst contrast ratios of any projector weve measured, so movieseven in bright sceneslooked flatter and more washed out. And that is what we postulate in the book coming up, that's a change.GEORGIE FROST: So basically for the past decades, companies have been resting on their laurels, and they find themselves very quickly, perhaps over the past two or three years even, with a situation that is incredibly difficult. On every truck, every factory, every cow, it's impossible.So the data challenge to be able to collect all the data about all the activities that the company can perform to be able to access accurately a carbon footprint, is a massive challenge especially for large corporations and the corporations that have a big scope.So emissions coming from their supply chain. 2/3 of executives told us that they were making their future of work plans with little or no input from employees. This simple lifehack helps me maximize credit cards rewards programs for every purchase I make. And it impacts obviously on you mentally and possibly physically, but also the quality of your work. But if youre seeking a true big-screen, cinema-quality experience at home, they simply arent up to the task. But it did, I will say, when I first graduated college, I didn't want to just become a programmer.And a lot of the males who graduated with me just wanted to go work for Microsoft and develop Microsoft Word orwell, there was no Google at the time, but I'm sure they would've loved to go to Google. Sixty percent of them had payback periods of less than a year. Every IOT device, every internet of thing device is begging for your attention. There are several types of photographic film, including: In order to produce a usable image, the film needs to be exposed properly. And that's looking very specifically at product level data.And as we start to gather more granular product level data around the world, that's when we can start really using AI to its full effect to say, "Actually, we thought a glass bottle was 20 grams of CO2. There's obviously unconscious bias with leaders and how that filters down into a company. And we are already seeing that it's actually growing in terms of funding and in terms of attention.GEORGIE: Another big topic on the agenda was loss and damage. I think it accelerated the prevalence of it in world media, amongst leaders in the world, you saw many more companies making net-zero pledges over the last few years. So what would be the legacy from Egypt?PATRICK DUPOUX: So it will be clearly remembered as the first COP where loss and damage was agreed. In our work, we're big fans of using history and we often go to great lengths to understand precisely what happened in certain circumstances, but the risk of extrapolating from the past is very clear. And it is such an interesting point that menopause occurs in a woman's stage of life where they're probably at that very senior stage of their career where they might be in consideration for something bigger, where they are asking themselves, "Do I really want something bigger? We need to go out thinking about risk. Because right now I'm not feeling it." We'd love to know your thoughts. So for people in the front line, we might have new kinds of tools that help them build their ability to not be blindsided by things.GEORGIE FROST: I mean, we've spoken about food, signaling. What I'm talking about is the ability to really impact a company's strategy. So that is happening, but we're not yet really getting into these conversations around, and actually, should we be doing more around the adaptation and resilience our assets, and our communities, and employee, and so forth.GEORGIE: I'm wondering what you think needs to change. If there are not enough jumpers, I might want to know whether you're going on a ski vacation soon but I don't know that, we're just customers and I normally don't need to know but if suddenly there's a shortage in jumpers or as we say sweaters, then yes. The hard answer is, we've done a lot of analysis on exactly how to make these digital transformations successful. Plus, it has Android TV built in (sort of). For example, Swiffer advertises its WetJet product as a convenient alternative to a traditional mop because of its disposable mopping pads. So I talked to a recruiter, and she said, "Johann, I do not want to actively discriminate "against folks from those origins, "but, nevertheless, I have to admit, "simply because it's much more difficult "for me to assess their backgrounds and their skills, "these people," and it was quite brutal, I have to admit, "they start with minus 60 points with me "compared to other ones. So collaborations within industries, across companies, you know, we spoke about Aura, which is about sort of digital authentication, I guess. And you analyze the bulk of the people on those different teams, they do skew to non-minority boys. Maps are extremely detailed, with multiple layers available. I mean, I think in recent years we've seen the rise of the specialist, and I think there's a role here for imaginative types, for generalists.GEORGIE: Such as what? Inflation is soaring across the West. We need to be on a pathway ideally to 1.5 degrees, if not that, as close as we can get. So one example we're seeing is more of the use of artificial intelligence to deliver personalized learning, learning that is customized to the need of every single student. You can imagine how you might shape it so that you can actually create your own fate. It's possible to approach a company with a business idea, but first, you need to do your research, prepare a presentation, and research and approach potential targets. We still dont recommend this mode for regular use, but for the occasional gaming or sports event in the middle of the day, itll work okay. It's also crossing over into real life where, you know, you can often buy product or merchandise that is co-branded. I mean, are we already sort of there? And I think, you know, it's certain disruptive and interesting.GEORGIE FROST: This has got very 'Matrix'. Are there other areas that actually, that you could look at in two totally different ways, and if you could take advantage of it, it'll put yourself in an amazing position?ALAN: Absolutely. If you aren't healthy, you can't work. When we have had say, for example, floods in Thailand or we have had tsunamis in Japan, or it's not uncommon that we have hurricanes on the Gulf coast of the United States, we have disruptions in supply chains and particular industry value chains suffered during those times.Right now we have several of those things at once. It's all pills in one. Finding the right buyer can be a challenge. Then number two, really important for governments, this is top of the agenda, which is what will it do to our population? So that in fact, in low resource settings, there is a standard first line course that you get. I'm certainly one of those people.And for me, it's a very personal journey. Just think about your own personal journey. If you had asked me 40, 50 years ago, well, if you'd asked somebody 40, 50 years ago, 'cause I wouldn't have said much useful. You can imagine that people would have said like I'm sorry, like in addition to giving people all the gear and making them go through training you want to tell some stories and you think that will help?They might have even said there's a risk by talking too much about risks and hazards and incidents that people start to believe that that's normal and commonplace. So that's really important. Do consumers really want to buy green and ethical? In companies, bold strategies are rarely shaped by a large departments of people. Doing some forecast of what is going to happen in the future, depending on what decisions they are making for their business and what abatement levers and actions they are implementing to reduce their carbon footprint.And how does the full picture come together? But how can we understand and shape the murky mental territory that leads to good ideas; that realm of imagination? I'm not saying that there are no differences between men and women or between people in general. Wirecutter is the product recommendation service from The New York Times. But can you pivot yourself? It's fairly clinical and reductive. Like for instance, we are management consultants. But what about the so-called softer skills, the values, those sorts of things that we tend not to emphasize so much with education and yet, I mean, maybe I'm wrong here, but seem to be more important in society than ever?LEILA: Absolutely. Some of us, I'm on the extreme end, choose to barely compartmentalize our lives. So whether on educational attainment, but even in other life measures.So how do you make sure that you teach at a very early stage in life such skills such as delayed gratification?Another example when we talk about social-emotional skills, if you look at existing jobs today, like the job of being a doctor. It doesn't pull down my cognitive capacity, gives me new ideas all the time. And 60% of opportunities are going to women. We're all working differently; hybrid models, flex models, people in offices certain days of the week, at home other days of the week. What are the indicators?PHILIPP: You know the big difference between the cyclical and temporary spike in inflation, and that can be quite long, temporary, and the big structural break is that inflation expectations change when it is truly broken. Our journalists combine independent research with (occasionally) over-the-top testing to save people time, energy and money when making buying decisions. This process is carried out immediately after exposure, as opposed to regular film, which is developed afterwards and requires additional chemicals. In our darkest Blu-ray demo scenes from Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation, Sicario, and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, the HT2050A came the closest to making blacks actually look black instead of gray. Dont be afraid to take out a thesaurus for this part, either. Instead, what both of these organizations were able to do was look at this individual's role, break it down into constituent projects, they posted those to their internal marketplace, and sure enough there were employees internally that had those capabilities, had the capacity, and more importantly had the interest in doing that type of work two hours a week. The sizes and other characteristics of the crystals determine the sensitivity, contrast, and resolution of the film. They see better profits. (Lease of former Ilford Imaging coater at Marly for trial coating. And if your job as a senior executive is to get the most talented people you can, then you're going to use flexibility as a way of leveraging that. And I was lucky one of my best friends was on the team. Then well be back to our usual variety of topics.So what does a successful adaptation plan look like and what would be the cost of doing nothing? Don't say I have to have the best, first perfect experiment, but say you're the person in a company who is trying to build this culture of experimentation. I mean, I think there's one- there's an inner level of that, which is, I'm not a mom. Content marketing statistics inform your strategy and provide insight into the ways other content marketers are solving the pain points of their target audience and generating leads. More of everything. And for caregivers in particular, reschedule flexibility is such a key issue. What they're doing, what you're doing is you're enlisting them to be able to help us discover weak signals that might be in your organization already, that could hurt you later.So you're enlisting the board of directors in a different way, and they found that this is really powerful to do this. And then in phase one trials, some of them fail, in phase two trials, some of them fail, in phase three trials, some of them fail. I think it is a reflective of reality though. Imagine in five years, this happens or that happens. The Home Cinema 2250s 1.6x zoom and vertical lens shifting make it easy for you to position the image on your screen, but the connection panel isnt as robust as the HT2050As. You want to achieve certain outcomes. I mean, from all the conversations I've been having from everything I see in the market, I think the leap of faith they need to do here versus that they needed to do when the first automobile was invented is a lot, lot smaller. Free and premium plans, Operations software. But really investment in our communities is critical to how our nation will thrive over the long-term. I'd been doing that role for a long time, and honestly, I didn't know what I would do next. I think that was an important moment. Where should they be looking?DUSTIN BURKE: Yeah, it's great question. That's an industry that needs to change its own context.GEORGIE FROST: Automotive company.JENS BURCHARDT: You have to go all in on e-mobility. We represent large investor organizations. And these are just some of the benefits, but they're enormously powerful. A budget home theater projector is designed for someone who wants to enjoy a cinema-like, big-screen movie experience at home but doesnt need the higher-end performance of the projectors in our guides to the best 4K projector and best home projector for a living room. I said, we are going to change the way we act, but we're also going to realize that our biggest impact-- that we do have to get better ourselves-- is to help our clients, because we work with clients across so many sectors of the economy, get tons of emissions across our whole client base, and how do we help them improve? You know, we've done work to try and understand what this picture looks like up until 2050. Instant photography, as popularized by Polaroid, uses a special type of camera and film that automates and integrates development, without the need of further equipment or chemicals. What does it take to actually say there's a 50% chance of rain. If you call that the gravity of size and age, essentially you could describe the competitive struggling business as defying the gravity of size.GEORGIE: Why is that? I don't think it's about being talked down to. Blue skies with interesting cloud formations photographed as a white blank. And he said, "Well, it was anomalous, so we threw it out." Also alongside Nithya is Brian Hershey, an expert in Talent Mobility and Management, and Director of Strategic Initiatives at Gloat, an external partner of BCG.NITHYA: On one hand, there's over 11 million job openings in the US today, yet I see nearly 6 million people are unemployed. Commit, you do as an organization, or as a leader and as an organization. So good for you, you have a natural inbuilt advantage. That's kind of one. And I think education is certainly one of those. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. It is not coming from procurement. We're getting different narratives, aren't we, about working from home? And I was stressed. And so to write off the consumer over a ten-year horizon I think is both wrong and dangerous for a business who thinks that way because they could really miss the boat. But Five9's investors rejected Zoom's offer and the deal was terminated last September. I would argue that's the right thing because that is driving poverty, and inequality, and so forth.We can't be totally unrealistic, though, I mean, these impacts are happening in the developed world as well, so those leaders are also struggling with how to, as well as energy prices, but how to deal with the resilience and adaptation issues that they have on their own doorstep. So looking at it in fresh ways, allowing yourself to think about multiple possible futures and how might I prepare if this thing did happen, nevermind the probability of it happening, but how might I prepare for this stretched but still plausible pictures of the future. And absolutely, it is putting more people into poverty, it is putting some of those on the wrong path versus having been on a better path.So that is definitely the case. Is there a point in which these become less effective, and we have to find another way?JULIA DHAR: It depends a little bit on the context, but interestingly, generally, no. Now, they don't need to share anything about their lives, but they shouldn't spend time thinking about what they're not sharing as they talk about it.GEORGIE: Well, for different reasons, I'm sure that many people will know what it feels like to hide things at work and that weight of having a secret, whether that's you're going through a divorce or IVF or cancer treatment, as I said, not the same thing, but you can understand that trying to hide what's going on. It can affect women in their late 30s, 40s, 50s. It's just as important to identify what the tipping point is. We prefer a brightness of at least 1,000 ANSI lumens for a 100-inch screen. Do we look towards further collaboration? The other thing also is using your expertise as companies to influence decisions, right? And so, the message is also for employees. We're told to be authentic, but only in so much as it conforms with the morals of the day.ASHLEY GRICE: It's very true. Home of Entrepreneur magazine. If I do that, it means that I'm disclosing my status to people around me. I am a largely white-passing Latino gay man, which means that I get many of the benefits. So those barriers that we've seen in low- middle-income countries are exactly the same as we have in high-income now.GEORGIE: In your experience and your role, and speaking to all these different players in this ecosystem, as you call it, what are the big stumbling blocks to finding a solution?JOHANNA: I think first, we've made a lot of progress. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Instead, a very short exposure to the image formed by a camera lens is used to produce only a very slight chemical change, proportional to the amount of light absorbed by each crystal. As you can see, a strong brand makes all the difference when entering or competing in any market. And a lot of times what really furthers society is people who figure out uses for it that no one ever thought about.So both last year and this year, we've done research with women leaders in tech. Artificial intelligence has a lot of techniques that can help. Try Our Ready-To-Record Video Templates. Listen to operations leaders, listen to customers, listen to the folks who run your businesses who will tell you, here are the problems that are just really hard to solve.GEORGIE FROST: Today, I'm talking to Julia Dhar, cofounder and leader of BeSmart, BCG's behavioral economics and insights initiative.JULIA DHAR: We have all suddenly, haven't we, found ourselves in the world's largest experiment, for which there is no up/down and for which there is no control group. The classic Detroit-style automakers would say, "Uh-oh, we have to slow down our production, because we don't have enough chips." There are millions of podcasts out there. Availability of land, to the things that come for free, which is wind and solar. I think for the US, it's more likely that you move into an upside risk world where you have to constantly watch that inflation isn't rising above the 2%, as opposed to managing that it's not falling too low. Countries will be better off after they did this than they are today. For a similar price, the Home Cinema 2250 is a much better performer. I think we've heard it a lot about like geography in the past, but now, it's becoming really obvious because we have data to demonstrate it about some minorities or ethnic groups that have more limited access to some products or receive different services and health services than others.There's a conversation also about gender and how women don't have the same access to health products than men. It may also be possible to receive free counseling from organizations such as SCORE, and your local chamber of commerce may offer relevant seminars and workshops. Do a lot of exploring in the city? How to Pick the Right Projector for Your Viewing Needs, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), this thorough comparison with the BenQ TH585 (the older version of the TH585P) on, The Best Portable Mini Projector for Movies, Everything You Need to Watch 4K HDR Movies. They're burnt out, they're fried after the past year, but they also need help in terms of thinking through things like what's it mean to be outcomes driven? It does not get brought up. Let's focus on those that aren't naturally positioned to win in a situation like that. So you do need to be working with the people who are affected by the agenda.GEORGIE: Does language matter? It's a real imperative. And they have been, in fact, a very successful serial business model innovator. Those aha moments if you like, where you acknowledge it, where you understand its importance, where it has resonance for you in your job. You've got your culture policies, which is how you bring queer people together, build allyship, make people feel included. How does that impact how you engage with different people? Now, look at visa and bureaucracy management costs. Because interestingly, you know, it exists across the whole purchase journey.If you think about a consumer from their moment of inspiration, to purchase, to post-purchase, this has relevance throughout that entire chain. But in the current climate, are we to become masters of that glib and oily art? So what did the previous three years look like, the previous five years? They have these hero entrepreneurs that they say are the most important people in the company, and they have a festival where they celebrate new businesses, and anyone can start a new business. ", Image source: American Marketing Association. It's because it's really going to take 30 years, and possibly even more because I think that's an extremely ambitious goal.To your point about consumers, I think it's a fair observation, not in every sector and not every consumer, but many consumers in many sectors are currently unwilling to shift behavior, or pay premiums for more green products, at least not high shares of them. Because this is clearly not a level of demand that creates profit or is sustainable for the business model. People often think of Africa as one big homogeneous market. Where do you lose people? The relationship between density and log exposure is linear for photographic films except at the extreme ranges of maximum exposure (D-max) and minimum exposure (D-min) on an H&D curve, so the curve is characteristically S-shaped (as opposed to digital camera sensors which have a linear response through the effective exposure range). Now, some of the most innovative people in the field are women and you see what they do and you see that there's so much more to it than the technology. With boundless erudition and in delightfully clear But the question is, will I get a value from this podcast?Because things that are low cognitive load, like I can just listen to it and it doesn't really doesn't really change my way of thinking. So you can imagine how science can go extremely far to create this super child, super human. How do you actually break a good regime? And so yes, absolutely, women have those same unconscious biases. It's hard, it's hard to make a budget meet. We have to allow ourselves to think about if this thing happened, if that thing happens, and if you can manage that, then the prediction itself doesn't matter. So what will it do to the vulnerable, to the poor? I think that's sometimes visible in startups. We represent large buyers and we get their suppliers to disclose. What would that look like? And they have had a lot of hype or frothiness, much of it started, I think in the art market. [57] Following the success of the release, Kodak expanded Ektachrome's format availability by also releasing the film in 120 and 4x5 formats. So it's a data issue. By 2011, sales were less than 10% of the peak volumes. In this fascinating book, New Yorker business columnist James Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea: Large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliantbetter at solving problems, fostering innovation, coming to wise decisions, even predicting the future. And if we're going to achieve the 1.5 degree pathway, then there's no time to be lost there, and efforts, both private sector, public sector, public, all of us, we need to be really doing what's needed there. If you're serious about health equity and making a different in the access, you have to embed it from the beginning in the design of your product and not just as an afterthought, it will require you to change your product, to change your approach to care. "It's not working and you're less effective. How can you make that thing in your company?ALAN: I think this mindset we've been talking about, in terms of acknowledging that surprises will happen, having the humility to admit that you can't predict things, and hence you should be willing to challenge your way of doing things, all of that leads to, yeah, what I would call this kind of risk-intelligent mindset, this organization that is willing to take risks under the right circumstances, if it's thoughtful, and acknowledging that a certain amount of them will lead to negative results, will fail, and all the rest of it.Imagine the mindset in the old days, of a pharmaceutical company that is investing in a whole pile of compounds and seeing where they'll go. Like we should probably have the ability to think, and we should defend that. So African countries are saying, "Listen, we have not caused this climate change. In the 1980s, Kodak developed DX Encoding (from Digital indeX), or DX coding, a feature that was eventually adapted by all camera and film manufacturers. Done, it doesn't exist. This is important because being "different" from the competition isnt enough to win in the market. Now, that may sound unreasonable, because this is a conjunction of the word machine and imagination. I mean, I think in some ways the journalism side of things is both built on getting people's headline, getting the attention. It is about being personable, being able to connect with people. And so I think for me, what's been really meaningful about, the last year is this: I've been in financial services for a couple of decades at this point. They say fast fashion or clothes that are disposed of are part of the problem. And I think the more we can do that, not just within a country but at a continental level, the better it's going to be.GEORGIE: Kesh, thank you so much and to you for listening. So that is a massive tailwind.Frankly, in these times of high inflation and low growth, our societies all need a certain boost, not just a boost of growth but one of new, fresh ideas and innovation. With most of them, the main sacrifice is brightness. You can't just say to people, "Go run experiments and try stuff out." Unperforated film with leader and trailer. You must see this a lot in business. So if you imagine a virtual mall, where there's sales channels, where there's stores, where shoppers can talk to other shoppers, where they can engage with store associates.GEORGIE FROST: Is this a bit like the 'Minority Report' when Tom Cruise walks around and billboards talk at him and tell him what he wants and-SARAH WILLERSDORF: Maybe.GEORGIE FROST: Is it that sort of thing?SARAH WILLERSDORF: Maybe it's a little like that. Do you think that happens too often in companies? And so, you had this very narrow definition of what a job is. We know there's a massive economic gap today. Brand positioning allows a company to differentiate itself from competitors. CEOs have a fundamental role to play. Organizations like BCG have said, "OK, look, there's a problem here. And you have to actually achieve the sustainability targets, assuming you want to be leading in the sustainability piece. The short answer to this is, in many Western countries, from a macroeconomic standpoint, this will pay for itself. That's a very strong tendency too.GEORGIE: Tell me more about surprises that spark imagination.MARTIN: Well, one of the unique things about humans is that we have mental models in our heads of reality, and we change those mental models. But sometimes those points that don't fit are actually the beginning of a new trend or the seed of a new idea. Why do we need to make those business trips anymore?JASON: Yeah. Being willing to challenge that with the overarching North Star in mind that, you know what? So why is that when you look across our early systems, everything from like the Lego programming to building the robot. That means that today need to rethink every single investment decision they make into new ships. What's your assessment?DEXTER: Yeah, I think this really improves the way companies are going to gather this information. The inspiration, if you like. I mean, you're talking about areas like Syria or Afghanistan. What if it weren't that way? We'll be a better home for the best talents if we are more inclusive. Because I mean, I can jokingly say like I mean, we'll debate if we cut this, I mean, I can jokingly say like, I can barely track the letters if we went the whole way out.And we would debate what Q stands for. But I think at some point I said, I really just thought they were right and I was wrong to havenot ignored it, but not taken it at the level of seriousness that it deserved to be treated.And so I told the partners that. And so there are, again, net effects, right? Values are the starting point. It's crazy how many times in the past year and a half I've been asked the question, how do I know my employees are productive when they're at home? Experience from improving access in low- middle-income countries and around COVID has shown that it's not just that. And so, that's an important driver but it can get out of balance and in any given quarter or any given year, it is understandable that a company's primary objective is going be trying to make a little bit more money but we can lose sight of the robustness of that supply chain.Do we have the right buffers? Last year we did a survey with more than 1,000 corporations across the globe asking them their own assessment about the level of margin of error of their carbon footprint. To get in contact, leave us a message at "The So What" at How do you bake that into your design of a product? And this is sort of a collaboration that's trying to use NFTs for traceability and authentication of product. I mean we've joked about the headlines, they're not very funny, I have to be honest, they're quite doom-ladened, but compare them with the 1970s. Zoom's revenue soared 326% to $2.7 billion in fiscal 2021, which ended in January of the calendar year, as more people worked from home, attended online classes, and stayed in touch through screens throughout the pandemic. Labor markets are beginning to let up in the US.You see some slowing in wage growth. You wouldn't have to be referred to a super specialized doctor.And the third thing is the fixed-dose combination. So it's very important to think like a novelist, and not an accountant, for the purposes of imagination, and to look at the particular.GEORGIE: For example? [49] The incorporation of color couplers formed the basis of subsequent color film design, with the Agfa process initially adopted by Ferrania, Fuji and Konica and lasting until the late 70s/early 1980s in the West and 1990s in Eastern Europe. How do we go about closing it and just explain to me what exactly do you mean by the wealth gap?KEDRA: Certainly. All that comes together to basically create an environment that feels inclusive and supportive and enabling to everyone.GEORGIE: One of my big fears, Neveen, is this move to working from home that we've seen through the pandemic will potentially set women back. And now we just have this huge catalyzing event that just blew everything up, and now we get a chance to actually rewrite the rules.GEORGIE FROST: Gabi, thank you so much. The film requires a minimum amount of light before it begins to expose, and then responds by progressive darkening over a wide dynamic range of exposure until all of the grains are exposed, and the film achieves (after development) its maximum optical density. But the reality is, a majority of people share something.And the minute you have to start filtering, we call it covering, covering pieces of yourself as you're working through it, describing your weekend, say, it's the week after Pride, do you mention that you went to the Pride festival? No, they were the exact same thing, but what happened is the judges had depleted their cognitive reserve and it was just easier for them to look at them as a blank statement rather than evaluating their cases right after lunch.GEORGIE FROST: Were they not just hungry, Mickey?MICKEY MCMANUS: They might have also been hungry, while they saw this during the morning break at ten o'clock. How do we befriend technology so that we can use it as a tool for equity and progress and we mitigate the risks that come with technology? Better warnings about crashes, speed traps, and more. But I guess while the rewards are great in becoming a digital incumbent, the risks if you are a traditional company, with that great brand, that customer loyalty, the trust, the risks of getting things wrong can be enormous now.PATRICK: Yes, and this is the dilemma for executives, because sticking to the knitting is not an answer either. And the doctor then, the good doctor, will become the one who has the emotional intelligence to be your thought partner, your emotional partner, and make decisions with you about your health. I think the thing that we see employers doing, if we just talk about income for a minute, that I think is a big driver of equity is thinking about skills-based assessments of potential employees.So rather than saying, You have to have this college degree from this set of ten schools that we always recruit from, employers can say, We're looking for something very different. But this is where buyer personas would come into play. I think that's the responsibility. And that's a mind shift. I do think what we'll see is that some people are just natively able to cope with it. And he read those signals accordingly and it was helpful. And that takes a while, actually.In the first couple of years of reporting, you'll find large corporations, even, their emissions going up every year. And she looks at me and was like, "Well, it's because you're not out right now." Online and mobile trip planning with scheduled departure times. This is great for our bottom line, even with oil prices high," et cetera, et cetera. We forgot what our jobs were in those first weeks and months. If I rewind to March of 2019, my wife was diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer. But as it turns out, it's probably about 60% to 70% of my time now is working on climate- and sustainability-related topics, partly helping BCG, because we've started this new practice under my successor who formalized it as a practice, and I'm so excited about that. Not all of them make it and not all of them ultimately move, and, as a result, you actually have a net increase in the human capital in these countries.GEORGIE FROST: Earlier on in the podcast, you mentioned about WhatsApp. In February 2017, Film Ferrania unveiled their "P30" 80 ASA, Panchromatic black and white film, in 35mm format. RingCentral generated more stable growth over the past two years, but it still has serious competition from bigger competitors. The technology is one piece, but actually understanding how the technology fits into our world is a big, big piece. And by the way, we're innovating on our learning and development solutions and offerings, so we can actually help individuals sort of bridge that gap. We are going to change the world we have been living in for the last 50 years.No, you need to reach out. And if I look at the evolution, he set it up right about the time I joined CDP in 2008 or so. I don't think we're crushing it. Not because I would particularly care about highly skilled talents. I always think is really a great use case, and the use case, I think really that's really interesting.There is one of production, you know, they aim to create a unique digital ID for every product that's traceable during the entire product life cycle. You can do regenerative braking and when you hit the brakes, it like recharges the battery, but you can't build new batteries. Maybe I've got that wrong.MARTIN: Well, I've been working in strategy for longer than I care to admit, and not much has changed on some dimensions. On the other hand, Sonys fixation on Call of Duty is starting to look more and more like a greedy, desperate death grip on a decaying business model, a status quo Sony feels entitled to clinging to. There's some parallel there. I don't know what." How Do You Sell a Business to a Competitor? Ensure that customer-facing employees embody your brand. Do you want to be a company that just goes with the easy approach and tinkers around the edges, does the minimum of what you need to do to get to where you want to go, or do you want to be a business that stands out in front, that perhaps makes bolder moves, bigger investments, or is there a first-player disadvantage here?RICH: It's going to be some ofand part of the job of leadership is to figure out how to do that which is right in the right way so that you can also be successful as a business, so that you can thrive, so you have reinvestment capacity, so that you can take market share and then double down with winning strategies that are aligned with our planet and climate and sustainability, and other priorities. If you think about a British one in 1969, Margaret Thatcher said, "I don't think a woman in my lifetime will become prime minister." LCD projectors can often deliver better color brightness than DLP models can, and theres no rainbow effect for you to worry about, but they can suffer from color fringing (where you can see different color elements outlining sharp lines) because aligning the three panels perfectly is nearly impossible. It's going to fundamentally disrupt our travel patterns. You wonder, is it just because the men had the idea or is it because actually a lot of people might have had similar ideas, but they were the ones to be able to get the support to push them forward. That is happening on mitigation, but that is not yet happening here. Why does it immediately come to your thoughts?ALAN INY: It comes to my thoughts because I've been seeing more and more clients in the last five, six years saying things like, "oh, I'm not a bank, I'm a technology company that does banking." WebHearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Of course the other thing you want to figure out is like when do I need to keep nudging people. Or is there a perhaps an ignorance of what benefits digital transformation can bring or perhaps even fear that we don't do that as a company? We are in a way reassured that it was not broken up during this year of conflicts and crisis. Because it's a new market, an additional market that that companies can extend.Interestingly now, with the use of data science, for instance, we're able to look at the patient journey. Highly talented individuals is now where competition advantage is. To get in contact, leave us a message at, and if you like this podcast, why not hit subscribe and leave a rating wherever you found us. It too is very bright, and it offers low input lag, but it doesnt have the Eco+ lamp mode that helps the HD39HDR produce a higher contrast ratio. Companies have to measure and manage vast amounts of information, and so they use averages and aggregates. Most automatic cameras instead try to achieve a particular average density. 'Cause the example you just gave me there was air travel, well, that's one big, but just one part of what happened as a result of Corona virus.ALAN INY: Yeah I think the point is you started off by saying, yes, okay, we've had this COVID thing, it disrupted every industry, every life, every one of us, but there were some winners. WebThe purpose of content marketing is to create and share relevant written, downloadable, and visual media so your target audience can learn about your brand, expertise, and products or services. These are just three examples of where we need to make sure businesses play the right role to ensure education evolves in the right direction.GEORGIE: Before we end the podcast, I want to go back to the start if that's all right, when you spoke about what we can do to thrive, and your third point, and I like this because I think it's a quite nice, hopefully uplifting, end to the podcast when we've spoken about perhaps some of the troubles that lay ahead, but you said it could lift each other up working towards a better social equity. So do we need some sort of global leadership? Going back represents so many things that they're just comfortable with. And how do you role model that from top? What is your company going to look like for you to be positioned in a way that can take advantage of the uncertainty advantage?ALAN: So for a company thinking about this, yeah, there are times when they can subscribe to more information, they can go deeper into this. So that's some evidence.When you take a look at certain industries, for example, in the tech space, where procurement is actually owning the innovation process, where a CPO becomes a CEO, take a look at Tim Cook following after Steven Jobs. And that has just been how we think about what a successful senior serious businessperson looks like. It's about how good he or she is in terms of really understanding human biology and all things to do with health care. This navigation service may not be quite as well known or popular as Google Maps or MapQuest, but it has its own unique features. And what if instead of thinking about hospitals, I think more about home care, again, in the preventive manner? She is a writer, teacher, author of two e-books, and founder of B.Y. Who do you want to talk to? Exposure and focusing are difficult when using UV or IR film with a camera and lens designed for visible light. To get in contact, leave us a message at But I also want to say something important because I don't want you to misinterpret what Brian and I are saying as an attack on leaders. Did I do something wrong? And if you're not failing, like they say, if your muscles don't hurt the workout is doing nothing. And now I'm seeing more and more companies, not only hesitant and not just because of COVID to fly me over for a one day thing, because that makes no sense from a climate perspective, but also rethinking climate as a core part of their business. In Western economies, many of our industries today, I feel as to very much industries of the last century, and there is an opportunity to transform them into industries of the 21st. Every employee will be invited to come into this platform and create a profile, right? And she wrote this serialized story that was seen by the President of the United States at the time, President Kennedy in the "New Yorker" where she talked about a fable of one spring, the birds didn't chirp and the bees didn't buzz. And therefore the dinosaurs were going to be killed by the nimble. And so that has been a disappointment to some.But at least we didn't go back on this 1.5 target. You go into three different companies working in three different industries in one minute each, maybe two, I want you to tell me exactly what you would say to them, what they should be looking out for and how they can prepare. Whether you profit will depend on the reason for the sale, the timing of the sale, the strength of the business's operation, and its structure. And this gets back to the thing that you asked earlier: what about investors and consumers? And I think what COVID has done is created a world in which you can't rely. So, it's really rather strange that we shy away from having a handbook of collective imagination.GEORGIE: Today I'm talking to Martin Reeves, chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, BCG's think tank dedicated to exploring and developing new insights by embracing the technology of ideas. But what if we did, what if we had the ability to say, "I don't mind that this is going to deplete my attention. Free and premium plans, Content management software. There's all regulation that now needs to happen, this has needs to happen everywhere, and it needs to happen in societies, that over the next decades will become more stressed due to the impact of climate change. Another idea in the book is actually harnessing play, because play is a very serious business. It's the same general mindset around sustainability too? Successful companies like Coca-Cola and Band-Aid have one important thing in common: a strong brand positioning strategy. They may all land together as they were, maybe go back to normal and everyone back in the office, etc. I have no idea. And then, it's a question of making choices as to therefore what it is you want to do. [39] The calotype process produced paper negatives. You'll need to work in conjunction with your franchiser, as they will need to determine if the new buyer is appropriate. In later years known as. And one of the things also, it was interesting when you started to see the results of COVID show up in travel, you saw very different outcomes starting to emerge across the world. I think there is still more strain to come, right? You don't have to predict the specific thing that's going to happen, as long as you prepare for a broad range of things.GEORGIE FROST: Some might questions that look, if everything is so uncertain and you can't plan in detail. No matter their starting point, BCG can help. I was a bit unfair by implying that every company have been resting on their laurels for decades. How do we stop looking to apportion blame? Next comes a green-and-blue sensitive layer, and a red-and-blue sensitive layer, which record the green and red images respectively. So, this is an ongoing journey, isn't it?PATRICK: Yeah, I'm really glad you asked me that because there is sometimes a feeling that if a company does a digital transformation you go from an analog state, to a digital state and that's a steady state and then we can all relax, right? So we're doing different things with our time and with our money and that has driven a shift which has stressed the infrastructure we use to import and distribute goods. Indeed, I think you have admitted to me that before.ASHLEY GRICE: I am.GEORGIE FROST: If you haven't, then I'm very sorry. Companies become more and more introverted. The reality is we're seven times more likely to not go somewhere because of a culture, a perception of the culture.And I live this very personally when I do recruiting with our undergrads and MBAs. They keep them together, because they're interested in creating heroic journeys and a lot of excitement around entrepreneurship. So I think that's really exciting to have folks that are responsible and accountable for that work. So, it's very exciting for me, but apart from mansplaining, how else does language manifest itself in your role? And what's really exciting is that many of the projects that people are getting to do are cross-functional, cross-geography. I think, you know, what South Africa did well at COP26 was put together a very transparent, coherent plan. And I think that's also a very valid choice.GEORGIE: Where do you draw the line though? You know, when I said that as well, I wasn't very confident, but I knew at least I had a few senior partners who had my back. 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