commitment to clients in social work

Q Sanctions. The MSW and BSW programs f (Code of)Tj 7 0 0 7 72 149 Tm 0 -1.55555 TD 9 0 0 9 95.5635 389.1709 Tm 19.48585 0 TD [(for Cultural Competence in Social W)110(ork Practice)]TJ Social Security and Medicare. 0 -1.55556 TD (and difficulties in coping in the social)Tj /CS0 cs 1 scn (ecords in a secure location, maintaining )Tj 0 0 0 0 k 0 -1.55555 TD (of education, networking, and resources is)Tj (ofessionals, when)Tj 0.149 0.008 l BT )Tj (variety of client-center)Tj 0 Tc (Standards )Tj 7 0 0 7 142.6795 40.75 Tm 0 -1.55556 TD Retrieved from HIPAA-Administrative-Simplification/HIPAA GenInfo/downloads/hipaalaw.pdf, Kolmes, K. (2014, April 26). [(T)180(o ensure that clients receive optimal)]TJ -6.25584 -1.55556 TD )]TJ The task force met for almost two years reviewing technology literature in social work services and emerging standards in multiple professions. 36 83.503 216 522.497 re T* 4.62879 0 TD ET (available to them in a clinical setting for )Tj (Clinical social workers in private or)Tj (confidentiality; notices and authorizations;)Tj ET This metaphor can help you or your clients realize two things: This metaphor can be accessed in its entirety, as part of the Positive Psychology Toolkit. (clinical social work services as a discrete)Tj -5.37598 -1.55557 TD (2002). 0 -1.55556 TD (pr)Tj 4.75196 0 TD /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.4432 0.008 l -0.011 Tc 2.75806 0.00001 TD T* (establish an independent pr)Tj Such assessments could include client strengths, such as access to particular forms of technology and the ability to use technology for family, work, school, social, recreational, and other purposes. f 0.026 Tw (to ethical decision making. Regardless of desired category to explore, social work professionals may be eligible for Case Manager Certification with the completion of an examination. (purposes in health and mental health settings. Kind regards, [(\2512005 National )55(Association of Social )55(W)18(o)1(r)1(k)38(e)1(r)1(s)37(. 0.6346 0.0962 l 0.3097 0.0357 l 0 -1.55555 TD In some practice settings, it may not be appropriate for )-172(Accessibility to Clients )]TJ h These six core processes of ACT include the following: Acceptanceis an alternative to our instinct to avoid thinking about negative-or potentially negative-experiences. 0 -1.55555 TD /F0 1 Tf f* (r)Tj Section 1: Provision of Information to the Public, Standard 1.01: Ethics and Values Social workers who use cloud storage should adhere to privacy and security standards in compliance with HIPAA regulations and other relevant federal and state laws. Using technology can save time and money for organizations, social workers, clients, and research and evaluation participants. )Tj 9941011. (and Interventions )Tj endstream endobj 35 0 obj<>stream Answering this question with a yes is obviously the right way to go, but make sure to also express confidence. /GS4 gs Q This can also be earned through social work associations that gives a boost to state licensure and other potential designations the professional obtains. When you put more weight on one foot to try to lift the other, it just sinks deeper into the pit. Potential clients may not have reasonable access to needed social work services unless they have appropriate access to technology. 9 0 0 9 72 277.25 Tm Instead, explain where you went wrong with your initial reaction and what you learned from that and how you adapted it to future cases. /CS1 cs 1 scn 0.026 Tw BT We can help you get your business up and running. Retrieved from index.aspx, American Telemedicine Association. Those clinical social workers with)Tj q ET 311 Actions. 0 -1.55555 TD (clinical license in the state of practice. 126.012 26.923 36.695 19.077 re /GS4 gs This exercise can be guided by a therapist or completed on your own. [(Pr)9(ocedur)10(es)]TJ 0.026 Tw q This is how I create a safe space for my clients, which I believe is critical when it comes to managing feelings. /GS1 gs Social work professionals can apply for the associations credentials or specialty certifications by applying specifically for the certification through filling documentation and mailing it to NASW. -0.92578 -1.55556 TD 1 g 0.1532 0.1039 l S 0.82242 0 Td [(Standard 12. For more than 60 years, the best and brightest minds in computing have come to ACM to meet, share ideas, publish their work and change the world. (r)Tj ET (shall use consultation on an as-needed, self-)Tj 750 First Street, NE Suite 800 In this metaphor, the mind bully is our particular problem: it is an extremely large and strong bully. /CS1 cs 1 scn (tability and Accountability Act)Tj )]TJ 0.0815 0.1039 l 3.78271 0 TD 0.026 Tw Welcome to the Big Eyes crypto cathouse. Social workers who use social media shall develop a social media policy that they share with clients. /F8 1 Tf [(for Clinical Social )37(W)25(ork )]TJ 0 -3.11111 TD q 0.5142 0.1015 0.5165 0.1066 0.5195 0.1066 c BT (establish achievable treatment goals with the)Tj Professionals with NASW credentials will have agreed to and adhere to the Code of Ethics created by the organization. -11.52149 -1.55556 TD (NASW President)Tj 9 0 0 9 72 305.25 Tm [(Standar)10(d 3. -10.1277 -1.5556 TD /GS4 gs Psychology Today. h BT He offers ways to focus on clients reactions to events, instead of seeing their behaviors as fixed facets of their personality. (The social work mission is r)Tj 0 1 m /GS1 gs /F0 1 Tf (abr)Tj BT (environmental, and health information)Tj 36 84 216 522 re ET T* 0.3785 0.0204 0.3809 0.0265 0.383 0.037 c 9.00807 0 TD 0 648 0 0 re What do you know about the population we serve? /GS1 gs Q 0.4121 0.0053 0.4076 0.0292 0.4076 0.0557 c 9 0 0 9 72 599.1709 Tm (The flow experience is discussed on pp. q ACA code of ethics. f (and r)Tj This is also required for specializations in school work, the health care sector, and overall clinical work. BT I certainly find it hard working with uncooperative, angry clients, although I never give up in motivating them. )Tj 0 Tc The third section, Ethical Principles, presents broad ethical principles, based on social work's core values, that inform social work practice. (professional supervision and/or consultation. -8.3398 -3.11112 TD 0 -1.55555 TD /CS1 CS 1 SCN 0 -1.55555 TD [(computer technology and the Internet,)-249(as the)]TJ /F11 1 Tf (2008). Ask the client about their experience (i.e., How was it? 0 -1.55556 TD The interpretations provide examples of factors that social workers may consider when making decisions about the appropriate use of technology. 9 0 0 9 72 165.25 Tm Social workers who provide electronic services may have clients who encounter emergencies or crisis situations. If a social workers employment setting expects the social worker to use mobile phones or other technology to communicate with clients, ideally the employer or organization should provide the devices and technology and have clear policies regarding clients electronic access to the social worker. 0 -1.55555 TD 0.65446 0 Td 0.026 Tw 9 0 0 9 72 179.1709 Tm Q 0.0687 0.1039 l /F8 1 Tf Social workers should also develop policies and procedures detailing how they would inform clients regarding breaches of confidentiality. All states have different requirements in terms of post-graduate supervision hours to gain licensure and the amount of continuing education needed to renew the license. Q dual relationships and should avoid relationships that are likely to lead to a conflict of interest, particularly when there is risk of harm to the client (for example, if the online social relationship may compromise the social workers ability to maintain a clear professionalclient relationship). 0.3174 0.0868 0.3162 0.0915 0.3146 0.0915 c 0.7229 0.3864 0.7045 0.3173 0.681 0.3173 c In addition to a Masters degree in social work that is accredited by the CSWE, applicants for the gerontology certification should have at least two years of supervised work beyond the academics, which is equivalent to 3,000 clock hours. f* Q 7.2522 0 TD (ning privacy and)Tj 9 0 0 9 72 95.1709 Tm 12.46656 0 TD Q /CS1 cs 0.6 scn See our 2022 Advocacy Priorities Readers are encouraged to review the document in its entirety. /F11 1 Tf 0 Tc x}tO[[ /CS0 cs 1 scn Then you are asked to consider these questions for each item: This worksheet can help you become aware of your own avoidance strategies, and whether they are producing the results you want. If youd like to learn more about the metaphors applied in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, this video from Joe Oliver explains the ACT metaphor of passengers on a bus. (alter)Tj 0.50864 0 TD 0.4736 0.4618 l (Social workers generally use the term \322client\323)Tj /CS1 CS 1 SCN Social workers recognize that clients generally have a right to access their own records. Recruiters want to hear about the situation you were in, the task or test you faced, the action you took and the result of this. (with regard to limits on private and/or)Tj q q It is guided by state laws and regulations. /CS1 cs 1 scn /GS4 gs (10. (Standard 8. /GS1 gs f /GS1 gs All credentials and specialty certifications through the NASW will have different requirements set for applicants interested in gaining the designation. /F11 1 Tf 0.5082 0.1039 l Q of mental or physical conditions; or a practitioners improper or fraudulent billing practices. Social workers should ensure that their means of electronic data gathering are in keeping with /GS4 gs 0 -1.55556 TD Persistent positive or meaningful thinking in a resting state will increase pleasure and arousal, and avoid negative ideation that elicits opposing emotional states. 126.012 26.923 36.695 19.077 re T* Q BT ET For more information on applying ACT in groups, see the humorously named The Idiots Guide to ACT in Groups. (Clinical social work)Tj 0 648 0 0 re 0 0 0 0 k 0.1344 0.1066 0.1401 0.0839 0.1401 0.0557 c 0 -1.55556 TD 0.026 Tw 0.2468 0.3286 l [(12. 0.87891 0 TD Q 0 0 0 0 k If a client is suicidal or otherwise vulnerable, having immediate access to certain information electronically may not be in the clients best interests. /GS1 gs 0.1323 0.0204 0.1359 0.0363 0.1359 0.0559 c 0 Tw (heterosexism or homophobia, anti-Semitism,)Tj 0.026 Tw (All Rights Reserved. 0.25 w 0 -1.55555 TD Q What is the NASW / Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) Collaborative? [(confidentiality)80(, such as the federal Health)]TJ (,)Tj In alignment with the 2015 Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards, the Simmons University Baccalaureate and Masters Social Work Programs utilize a competency-based educational framework whereby student abilities and Program success are demonstrated by measurable outcomes. 0 -1.55556 TD 3.24951 0 TD It doesnt need to be scripted; just recount the situation with your interviewer so they can feel it with you. Q These laws may address electronic transactions, client and research participant rights, and allowable disclosure. 0 -1.55555 TD /F10 1 Tf PubMed comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. The social media policy should be reviewed with clients during the initial interview in the social workerclient relationship and revisited and updated as needed. (to the diagnosis, tr)Tj I believe in the work that I do, and while I prefer a more democratic management style, I am able to adapt to change and work with my manager, in whatever style they prefer, to achieve our objectives as an organization. 9 0 0 9 150.2809 351.1709 Tm 0 Tw 0.7496 0.0759 0.7465 0.0915 0.7414 0.0915 c (consultation in their states of practice. 4.98707 0.00001 TD T* q 9 0 0 9 81 361.1709 Tm 138 50 m /GS4 gs (appropriate services. Here is a full list of all 11 different specialty certifications offered by the NASW that require the MSW degree: Specialty certifications were developed over 20 years ago due to the growing nature of social work and various needs that had to be met. (2015). -0.014 Tc /CS0 cs 1 scn Social workers should establish protocols to ensure that appropriate colleagues can get access to secure electronic records in the event of a social workers sudden incapacity or death. 0.6556 0.0363 0.6592 0.0204 0.6644 0.0204 c 0.9528 0.0323 l 0 -1.5556 TD Sanctions. 0 -1.55555 TD of their postings when such misuses come to their attention. Social workers deal with a range of issues from abuse and substance misuse to mental health crises and homelessness. BT /CS0 cs 1 scn Social workers should also pay attention to who is posting and monitoring information on the Internet. /CS0 cs 1 scn /F0 1 Tf 0 0 0 0 k -4.61636 -1.55556 TD (ocesses )Tj 36 54 216 552 re Q /GS1 gs 0.5662 0.3286 l 0 Tw 0.3679 0.0053 0.3622 0.0269 0.3622 0.0559 c [(Standar)10(d 7. Clinical social workers)Tj q 0.25 w /F10 1 Tf h q 0 -1.55556 TD ethical standards and best practice guidelines. 150 50 l /CS0 cs 1 scn (ds)Tj (n)Tj The formal training takes place primarily in accredited colleges and universities and includes /F8 1 Tf )Tj ET f (Contents)Tj For information falling under open access to information laws for government entities, social workers may need to ensure that the data can be /CS0 cs 1 scn 0 Tc (tr)Tj (The increasingly diverse population seeking)Tj What actions did you take? Social workers should also ensure that they know how to use technology in an effective manner so that they perform functions required for work with communities, organizations, and in policy practice. In my experience, de-escalation has worked most effectively during crisis intervention. q 3.24951 0 TD /GS1 gs Q ET T* (opriate, clinical social workers)Tj endstream endobj 41 0 obj<>stream 0.026 Tw /CS0 cs 1 scn (Clinical social workers shall be accessible to)Tj 0.122 0.0915 0.1184 0.0753 0.1184 0.0559 c [(to refer to the individual, group, family)79(, or)]TJ (able should offer supervision to social workers)Tj T* /CS1 CS 1 SCN 252 445.171 l /GS4 gs ET [(atricia Herrera-T)37(homas)36(,)-213(LSCSW)37(,)-213(LCSW)]TJ /CS1 cs 1 scn (orkers)Tj ET Six core processes of ACT guide patients through therapy and provide a framework for developing psychological flexibility (Harris, 2011). ET /GS1 gs /CS1 CS 1 SCN (mental and)Tj As with so many other problems, issues, or opportunities, theres an app for that! 5.96827 0 TD Q 14.93995 0 TD [(T)180(o practice effectively)80(, clinical social workers)]TJ /F10 1 Tf 0.026 Tw 0.9934 0.0566 0.9823 0.0492 0.9823 0.0794 c 0 Tw T* How does my face feel? 0.0136 0.7512 0.0027 0.6868 0.0013 0.6078 c /GS1 gs /F10 1 Tf 0.6242 0.0341 0.6273 0.0212 0.6315 0.0212 c (20)Tj q T* 0 Tw Dopamine and opioid systems are synergistic, or when activated simultaneously reciprocally stimulate each other, causing feelings of greater pleasure and arousal, or ecstatic states. 9 0 0 9 72 347.25 Tm q q In addition, social workers should consider relevant needs, risks, and challenges, such as clients reluctance to use technology; difficulty affording technology; limited computer knowledge or fluency with (n)Tj T* [(NASW)-650(Standar)10(ds for )]TJ 0.76557 0 Td Q 0 -1.55556 TD [(Elvira Craig de Silv)18(a,)-213(DSW)37(,)-159(A)17(CSW)]TJ /GS0 gs -8.61636 -1.55556 TD Follow these steps to give this exercise a try: For more information on this exercise and the story behind it, check it out here, and look here for a similar exercise from ACBS. 8.60401 0.00001 TD Standard 2.21: Access to Technology (5)Tj BT 0.966 0.1039 l 0 -1.55556 TD Specific obligations may include mandatory reporting of suspected abuse or neglect of a child, older adult, or person with a disability; a practitioners verbal or electronic sexual communication with a client; a practitioners impairment in the ability to practice by reason Standard 2.03: Laws That Govern Provision of Social Work Services q ASWBs mission is to strengthen protection of the public by providing support and services to the social work regulatory community to advance safe, competent, and ethical practices. Put the positive in dealing with a difficult client and, most importantly, avoid blaming them for their hostility. /GS4 gs (visors ar)Tj (. 0.026 Tw 0.3972 0.1517 0.3986 0.1464 0.3986 0.14 c (r)Tj 9 0 0 9 72 343.7188 Tm 2.13623 0 TD )Tj When appropriate, field instructors should discuss with students: Social workers who use technology to provide supervision shall ensure that they are able to assess students and supervisees learning and professional competence. The less that we feed the Mind Bully, the smaller and quieter it will get. 9 0 0 9 72 585.2501 Tm Q This presentation includes information on how mindfulness and acceptance can benefit people who are struggling. What is my facial expression at this moment? /GS4 gs /F10 1 Tf 0.25 w (,)Tj T* T* /F13 1 Tf You need to provide quick, factual and serious answers. (Clinical social work is a state-regulated)Tj )]TJ Social workers may use various forms of technology to gather, manage, and store client information. personal versus professional communication and data storage, for example, through the use of social workers personal devices, might risk the privacy of the social workers personal information. 1 g q [(recorded in the client\325)110(s file and be consistent)]TJ 1 g Access should be limited to appropriate parties. -0.0002 Tc 0 Tc Before the client can write anything, present an obstacle that obstructs the clients ability to see the paper and pen (e.g., a piece of cardboard, a mask with severely limited vision, etc.). (Referrals)Tj Recruiters ask this to determine if your working style will fit with theirs. Along with the usual interview preparation (thoroughly reading the job description/person specification, researching the company and practising with family or friends) aspiringsocial workersshould brush up on the Knowledge and Skills Statements (KSS) and the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF), which support your professional development. 0.026 Tw q 0 -1.55555 TD 1 g /GS4 gs 9.45782 0 TD 0.026 Tw Q 0.5 w If students are supposed to complete an online test or assignment, but the technology is not permitting them to do so by the due date, students should know how to advise the professor or technology assistants about the problems. 138 50 m q Social workers should not use technology to harass, threaten, insult, or coerce individuals or groups. q endstream endobj 24 0 obj<>stream 0.0729 0.1039 l 6.55006 0.00001 TD q T* A Holy Cross, private university with undergraduate and graduate programs in Austin, Texas. I had to take the situation and walk through how I came to that conclusion and where I went wrong. Q S /F10 1 Tf Q When electronic files are backed up, reasonable precautions should also be taken to maintain confidentiality of the backed-up files. Social work educators should be knowledgeable about the cultures of the students and the clients whom the students may be serving. T* Q (n)Tj 126.012 26.923 36.695 19.077 re q -3.82524 -1.55556 TD 0 -1.55555 TD 0 Tw 1 1 l /GS1 gs 7 0 0 7 140.9995 40.75 Tm T* Describe a time when you went above and beyond as a social worker. /GS4 gs Holding a credential can give professionals additional recognition beyond the state licensure. 0.024 Tw 0.4518 0.1039 l (Clinical social workers should engage in)Tj Social workers should be aware of all laws, regulations, and other rules that govern their work using technology, particularly licensure Being asked about your strengths and weaknesses is a staple question in almost every interview, irrespective of the role youre applying for. This designation acts as an additional licensure beyond the state level, but does not replace what is required when becoming professionally licensed. In such a situation, the social worker may have a legal obligation to report the colleague. 0 -1.55556 TD f -0.016 Tc 0.909 0.0517 l 0.4407 0.0888 l /GS1 gs Q Professionals representing this type of work will make important decisions based on the resources available. q /GS1 gs T* /CS0 cs 1 scn (rent working knowledge of risk)Tj Standard 2.18: Confidentiality T* 3 0 obj 10.8 0 0 12 36 473.1709 Tm )Tj -0.0002 Tc [(in Social )37(W)25(ork Pr)18(actice)]TJ Each social worker may have their own specific techniques, and thats what the interviewer is looking for in this question. /GS4 gs /CS0 cs 1 scn 9 0 0 9 72 375.1709 Tm Electronic access can be less expensive. Q 0 -1.55555 TD T* 0 -3.11111 TD Decide on whether the group is more general or for a more specific topic like anxiety or depression. Standard 3.07: Sharing Information with Other Parties /F11 1 Tf ET (reinforce and support current clinical practice)Tj Distracting yourself from these, avoiding activities, or using substances to self-medicate are a few examples of avoidance techniques. 0 Tw T* 0.63 0.0859 l 9 0 0 9 36 324.1577 Tm (and treatment of people with mental disorders)Tj Can supervision by any mental health professional be used to qualify for NASW credentials and specialty certifications? To verify information, it BT (om or about the client shall be viewed as)Tj Spend more time detailing the outcome instead of the mistake. 0.026 Tw /GS1 gs ET An analysis of within-treatment change trajectories in relation to improved functioning following interdisciplinary acceptance and commitment therapy for adults with chronic pain. Social workers who provide electronic social work services shall maintain clear professional boundaries in their relationships with clients. )Tj 15.00391 0 TD BT 3.26001 0 TD 2.10962 0 TD 9 0 0 9 81 149 Tm (er)Tj 0.7536 0.1039 l 0.3977 0.008 l (clinical intervention with individuals, families,)Tj 4.9314 0 TD q All Rights Reserved. Q /GS4 gs When appropriate, social workers shall advocate for access to technology and resources for individuals, families, groups, and communities who have difficulty accessing them because they are a member of a vulnerable population such as people with disabilities, limited proficiency 0.3077 0.0955 0.311 0.1066 0.315 0.1066 c 96.7096 0 0 29.80275 152.755 89.6271 cm )-250(Independent Pr)10(actice)]TJ 0.7057 0.7592 l 7 0 0 7 72 221.1709 Tm q 0 -1.55556 TD /CS1 cs 1 scn For personnel who need access to client information for research and evaluation purposes, data could be made available anonymously. 0.82157 0 Td 0 -1.55556 TD ET [(Clinical social work)10(er)9(s shall have access to)]TJ q (practice. 126.012 26.923 36.695 19.077 re The most essential ACT book may be Hayes Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life. 0.5787 0.0276 0.5729 0.0053 0.5658 0.0053 c Dont be afraid to include experiential exercises but be on the lookout for judgment from group members after the exercise. /CS0 cs 1 scn Online Therapy Institute. -9 -9 297 666 re For instance, if there is a technological failure during a class taught ET /Fm2 Do q 0 Tc 0 -1.55556 TD Q Q 0 0 0 0 k /CS0 cs 1 scn Journal of Technology in Human Services, 29, 155196. T* organizations apply and are recognized by the jurisdiction(s) in which the social worker and client are located. BT T* (environment. (This is a systematic process designed to)Tj 0.6894 0.0053 0.6838 0.0269 0.6838 0.0559 c -13.45729 -1.55556 TD Q 8.12378 0 TD 7 0 0 7 72 445.1709 Tm T* (etation)Tj [(16)-3040(Standard 6. /F0 1 Tf ^ue7|s@e$I$B9[C=~eR3I$IT"_W/|!r UQ2I$IJV~4x UK2I$IJV}.~ UE2I$IJ[GoT={H N?Vv'xb9W{(;} g {(;{]SO=uJP p(?_uUb{({{DV .dG=dB Ref( I>V&"C wNr3??=*H 0 Tc 0.026 Tw A remote platform for storing and accessing software (applications) and data through the Internet rather than through a direct connection to a local server or personal computer. Social workers have expanded options to satisfy their continuing education requirements by enrolling in live online webinars and attending lectures 0.6515 0.0839 0.6572 0.1066 0.6644 0.1066 c Focus on responding with a specific answer from your experience, and capitalize on how that shaped you moving forward in your career. Then, readers rate their satisfaction with their lives in each area on a scale of 0 (not at all satisfied) to 2 (very satisfied). 1.3696 0 TD Q -0.0002 Tc 0 -1.55555 TD By establishing clear social media policies, administrators and supervisors can provide employees and volunteers with guidance on how to maintain professional standards, including protection of client confidentiality, maintaining appropriate boundaries, and the use of accurate and respectful language. /GS0 gs Some forms of communication that may be deemed inappropriate include spamming (sending large numbers of messages that recipients may view as junk) and flaming (publicly criticizing someone for the purpose of embarrassing the person). The implicit purpose of bailing water here is probably to get your boat back on track once you rid the boat of the water. f (ork Pr)Tj This is a mindfulness technique that can defuse a strong, negative emotion. 0.3831 0.037 l The Commission for Case Manager Certification has a duty to improve this growing need and prepare individuals for success when it comes to case management skills in various industries. Online BSW and MSW - CSWE Accredited. (opriate training,)Tj 0.8433 0.1619 l If this is not feasible, 0.2502 0.0517 m Q When social workers gather, manage, and store client information electronically, they shall ensure clear delineation between personal and professional communications and information. They should also explain the potential benefits and risks of using the particular electronic methods for gathering, managing, and storing information. Another worksheet presents the Values Bulls Eye, or a set of concentric circles that are separated into four quadrants: work/education, leisure, personal growth/health, and relationships. (ment, including emotional, mental, )Tj /CS0 cs 1 scn (system. 0 -1.55556 TD It is the Social workers who search online for information about clients for compelling professional reasons should include proper documentation in the clients record. [(Standar)10(d 9. Q f To learn more about this metaphor, you can read about it here or watch a short YouTube video about it here. )Tj 0.213 0.008 0.0042 0.1684 re ACT also reduced psychological inflexibility and distress related to depression and anxiety in older adults, even with only a brief course from a novice ACT therapist (Roberts, 2016). /GS4 gs I learned through that case that this is why I am in this career; for moments like this. 0.92578 0 TD Describe a situation in which you handled a difficult or aggressive client. /GS1 gs (and neglect. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy has been found to improve quality of life-even without affecting the level of pain experienced-for many cases of chronic pain. /GS4 gs The information may be in the form of electronic messages, photographs, artwork, videos, audio recordings, or other forms of communication. Act of 1996 (HIPAA). 0 -1.55556 TD /GS1 gs BT -19.61067 -1.55556 TD Q 0.4915 0.0204 0.4951 0.0363 0.4951 0.0559 c (Standard 1. /GS1 gs (When additional knowledge and skills ar)Tj In addition to a Masters degree in social work that is accredited by the CSWE, applicants for the gerontology certification should have at least two years of supervised work beyond the academics, which is equivalent to 3,000 clock hours. 0 Tw q 30 hours must be in direct contact of clients that are dealing with aging issues and conflicts. and make sure group members know they must be followed. (shall r)Tj 0.6598 0.3173 0.6433 0.3808 0.6405 0.466 c (should be discussed prior to scheduling)Tj Leadership positions at an agency will recognize professionals that have made a commitment to fighting social injustice or improving the health and mental health of various age groups and demographics. (to collaborate or coor)Tj It clearly defines the steps that organisations must, should and may take to ensure that confidential information is handled appropriately. 0.9878 0.0915 0.9863 0.087 0.9863 0.0808 c /F10 1 Tf Q (networking)Tj (between an individual, relevant others, and )Tj 0.6396 0.0692 0.636 0.0753 0.6324 0.0819 c /GS1 gs -0.0002 Tc 0.389 0.00001 TD 179188). 0 -1.55555 TD 0.5984 0.0888 l -0.92578 -1.55556 TD 0 -1.55556 TD )Tj Social workers use of technology is proliferating. 0.026 Tw To deliver on the instruction you gave us in 2016 to get Brexit done. Failure to recognize the psychological distinctiveness of individuals or confusion of interpersonal roles. q Money Laundering. 4.61636 0 TD /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.026 Tw 3.9507 0 TD T* ET By filling out your name and email address below. )Tj [(and state r)10(equir)9(ements)37(. Children's social workers will need to talk about the Children and Families Act 2014 and adult social workers need to show an understanding of the Care Act 2014. q 36 581.719 m For some online assignments and tests, grading may be similar to grading for traditional assignments. Im aware that these situations can be challenging, but I have enough experience/confidence to do it. 0 Tw When social work educators use technology to facilitate assignments or tests, they shall take appropriate measures to promote academic standards related to honesty, integrity, freedom of expression, and respect for the dignity and worth of all people. They may also be using this question to figure out if you'd be prepared to work overtime. 0.4118 0.057 m f* )Tj BT (Interpr)Tj 0.35 0.1066 0.3557 0.0839 0.3557 0.0557 c Pursue your values: decide what the best course of action is based on your most important values. ET )Tj 5.74488 0 TD 0.026 Tw Health care facilities need more social workers that are able to understand and develop a successful system when maintaining cases. (Code of Ethics)Tj 0.9854 0.0267 0.9866 0.0204 0.9894 0.0204 c The Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) provides excellent resources for anyone wanting to learn about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. During challenging situations like this, its very important that you stay calm and collected. /CS0 cs 1 scn 0 0 0 0 k )]TJ 0.026 Tw 0.4474 0.1039 l Students in the Master of Social Work program acquire the knowledge, research and how these impact clients and social workers. S ET The organizational context in which a social worker practices (for example, independent practice, publicly funded agency, nonprofit agency, for-profit agency, school, hospital, nursing home, hospice program, residential program, military base, prison, community organization, or government agency). ), Social workers desk reference (3rd ed., pp. Containing 5.8 per cent of the world population in 2020, the EU generated a (with all applicable local, state, and federal)Tj (med consent for the social worker)Tj What if our depression, or anxiety, was that unwelcome party guest we should allow space for at the party? in English, limited financial means, lack of familiarity with technology, or other challenges. Whatever your preference is, make it clear in the interview, and explain why youre interested in the particular field. 0.0347 0.0427 l [(accor)10(dance with the )]TJ Risks of gathering, managing, and storing information electronically may include the following: The types of precautions to minimize risks will depend on the situation, including the type of electronic devices and programs being used. -4.4514 -1.5556 TD (professional social work supervision is)Tj 0.1645 0.008 l In most instances, clinical social workers are required to have the following credentials: a masters degree from a social work program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education a minimum of two years or 3,000 hours q 0.3828 0.0753 l (Clinical social workers shall maintain access to)Tj /GS1 gs (eatment setting)Tj This worksheet guides the reader through the values that underlie their goals and how to make sure these goals are SMART goals. Social work educators should prepare themselves and their students for the possibility of technological disruptions. Reviewed by Anna Shull, MSW 0 648 0 0 re 0 -3.11111 TD 0.026 Tw Many different principles must be followed by all professionals that are members of the association or have received credentials from them, with the bulk of these requirements in social diversity, competence in what they practice, and supervision and consultation regulations. The clinical social )Tj Some crisis services may be provided remotely, but others may require in- person communication or intervention. /CS1 cs 1 scn Containing 5.8 per cent of the world population in 2020, the EU generated a (When appr)Tj (shall be properly maintained to ensure a)Tj 0.9675 0.1011 0.9688 0.1066 0.9715 0.1066 c This question will undoubtedly come up, as the interviewers want to evaluate your ability to be an effective social worker for their organization, not just in general. Q Do I need to be a current member of NASW to apply for the NASW credentials and specialty certifications? (1.800.227.3590. 0 -3.11111 TD Social work in a digital age: Ethical and risk management challenges. 7 0 0 7 140.9995 40.75 Tm /F8 1 Tf T* 0.008 0.5579 0.0203 0.6592 y As with any fundraising, social workers should use honest, accurate, and respectful language to explain why they are fundraising, including information about the intended beneficiaries and how the funding will be used to help them. f Work, Bachelor of Social Work with Honours, or a Social Work Qualifying Masters degree. 36 54 216 552 re (client, such as transferring the client to)Tj (gives infor)Tj 0.026 Tw (values, and family systems as they r)Tj [(pr)9(ofession,)-249(utilizing the NASW )]TJ BT T* manage information about colleagues. (relevant to clinical social work practice)Tj [(er)10(s shall demonstr)9(ate)]TJ 0.8485 0.0557 m h /F10 1 Tf -1.85816 -1.55556 TD 9 0 0 9 72 329.7188 Tm 13.58277 0.00001 TD 0.026 Tw /F11 1 Tf /GS0 gs (client)Tj 0 Tc Social work educators should keep current with developments related to the use of technology to teach, supervise, and practice social work. 0.89013 0 TD f 93-380, 513), section 0.2455 0.008 l q 4.61636 0 TD The consumer feels out of control in a crisis, so I prefer to take a less authoritative, less controlling and less confrontational approach. Barak, A., Hen, L., Boniel-Nissim, M., & Shapira, N. (2008). /GS1 gs )Tj 0.7066 0.54 0.6953 0.5647 0.684 0.5837 c T* 0 -1.55555 TD In addition to the details throughout this article, professional ACT trainer, Dr Russell Harris, has a great little PDF handout that succinctly explains the process and benefits of ACT, which applies many of the same principles of mindfulness. 0.9168 0.1039 l 0 -1.55556 TD He explains that ACT can be applied to OCD treatment by viewing behaviors as changeable rather than inherent biological responses. ET 9 0 0 9 78.4 494.5749 Tm /F13 1 Tf Advanced Practice Specialty Credentials, which varies in the MSW or Bachelor of Social Work requirement, will offer one or more certifications in the following categories: Professionals that hold a specialization in social work will be able to showcase their advanced skills beyond the designation of a state license. [(psychodynamic theory)80(, interpersonal)]TJ What are the accompanying sensations in my body? Standard 3.13: Accessing Client Records Remotely Let us know in the comments section below. Bluett, E. J., Homan, K. J., Morrison, K. L., Levin, M. E., & Twohig, M. P. (2014). -0.0159 Tc /CS1 cs 0.3 scn 0.5586 0.0053 0.5529 0.0276 0.5529 0.0557 c /F13 1 Tf 0.024 Tw /GS1 gs (Documentation of services provided to or on)Tj Standard 2.12: Unplanned Interruptions of Electronic Social Work Services q 2.17875 0 TD (emotional, and volitional mental pr)Tj 0.4279 0.1039 l 0.182 0.057 m Master of Social Work - CSWE accredited, Direct Clinical Practice and Direct Community Practice specialization. /GS1 gs Autism Speaks influences policy at the state and federal government levels. f (tr)Tj 0 -1.75 TD PubMed comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. 0.74758 0 Td Part B: Communities, Organizations, Administration, and Policy. -4 -1.55556 TD /F12 1 Tf When social workers who are responsible for program administration, planning, and development consider whether and how to use technology in conjunction with social work programs or services, they shall prioritize the needs of their clients. )Tj -0.0003 Tc 0.3615 0.86 l 0.026 Tw (eatment, and pr)Tj /F11 1 Tf For more from Anna, you can subscribe When social workers dispose of electronic devices, they should follow current environmental protection guidelines and relevant statutes and regulations in their jurisdictions related to record retention and disposal of records and electronics. Standard 2.24: Control of Messages BT Q [(W)45(ork)]TJ The client is often seen)Tj 0.026 Tw [(Clinical Social )55(W)45(ork Standar)10(ds)]TJ 150 50 l 0.3831 0.0151 l Terrorist Finance Tracking Program. BT (who is guided by sound ethical practice. I grew up dealing with a family member fighting against alcohol abuse, and now that I am old enough, I believe it is the right time for me to make a change in these peoples lives. (Clinical social workers shall have access to)Tj [(seek information on the W)90(eb for purposes )]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD 7.77756 0 TD 0 Tw Social workers should adhere to strict ethical standards when they communicate with and about colleagues using electronic tools, draw on colleagues professional work, and review electronic information posted by colleagues. 0.7193 0.008 m q BT It is guided by state )Tj -0.72168 -1.55556 TD (the physical and social environment )Tj (18)Tj Competency 2 Diversity and Difference in Practice. 0.9487 0.0663 l 0 -1.55555 TD 0.039 0.001 l 4.8586 0 TD Any organisation that collects, analyses, publishes or disseminates confidential health and care information must follow the Code of practice on confidential information.. Richards, D., & Vigano, N. (2013). 0 -1.55555 TD /GS1 gs BT 9 0 0 9 72 511.7188 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.72855 0 Td A., Pierce, B. G., & Twohig, M. P. (2017). BT [(22)-3040(References)]TJ (opriate)Tj 0.6288 0.1486 0.6258 0.1388 0.6258 0.1247 c This book offers an emphasis on accepting and living with pain, which is a concept largely foreign to the Western perspective on happiness and the avoidance of pain. 2022 DeltaQuest Media Limited. 9 0 0 9 81 417.1709 Tm ET 150 50 l /GS1 gs /GS1 gs (r)Tj 0.026 Tw 9 0 0 9 81 389.1709 Tm 9 0 0 9 72 333.1709 Tm f 0 -3.11111 TD Acceptance is not a goal of ACT, but a method of encouraging action that will lead to positive results. [(tr)9(eatment r)10(elationship)37(. Challenge oppression. Advanced Standing and Traditional Tracks. Social workers use Web sites, online social networking, and other electronic communications to mobilize and organize communities and advocate about policy issues. Technology can greatly enhance social workers ability to engage in social action, promote social justice, work with communities, administer organizations, and develop social policy. These degrees should have certification from the CSWE, which designates that the program has gone through rigorous review and verified to provide the best skills and academics needed to prepare students for their social work career. 0.9729 0.1066 0.9741 0.1047 0.9753 0.1021 c /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS1 gs 0.588 0.1501 0.588 0.1601 0.5891 0.167 c Online counseling and therapy for mental health problems: A systematic review of individual synchronous interventions using chat. A comprehensive review and a meta- analysis of the effectiveness of Internet-based psychotherapeutic interventions. -0.016 Tc T* Based on my research on your organization, I truly align personally with your vision and mission. You may start bailing calmly or mindfully, but eventually, you might find yourself bailing desperately or wildly to get rid of all this water. (professional services. T* 36 597 m (clinical practice. [(W)45(ork Pr)10(actice)]TJ T* 0.38891 0 TD (eatment relationship. Social workers should consider how members of their organizations and communities may react to information that social workers decide to share electronically. 0.026 Tw (a)Tj 0.0687 0.0902 l ET Following these steps can help you or your client understand that suffering is an inevitable part of life; if we eradicated suffering, we would also eliminate joy. Datta, A., Aditya, C., Chakraborty, A., Das, P., & Mukhopadhyay, A. (Clinical social workers ar)Tj (professionals, and for documentation)Tj [(eatment planning and the client\325)110(s right to)]TJ Terrorist Finance Tracking Program. 8.82691 0 TD Exceptions to seeking client consent to gather information online may arise in emergency situations, for instance, when the client poses a serious, imminent risk to self or others, and the only way to identify where the client is would be to search for information online. An irresistibly cute community-owned defi coin thatll make awww fortune. /GS4 gs (Ethics and )Tj /GS0 gs ET (Clients shall be provided with all invoices and)Tj (racial, ethnic, and cultural dif)Tj /F8 1 Tf (NASW standar)Tj [(experience \(NASW)110(, 2004\). 0.657 0.4801 l 9.12183 0 TD /GS1 gs /F11 1 Tf T* BT Standard 4.08: Support 0 Tw Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT) encourages people to embrace their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting or feeling guilty for them. BT Q 548227, reg. 0.026 Tw f The processing of electronic claims and payments includes information about the client that should be protected. 0 0 0 0 k ET T* [(psychotherapy and the client\325)110(s relationship to)]TJ It wasnt easy to navigate through, but I found it grew me, motivated me and matured me as a social worker, and has given me a perspective I never would have gained without that experience. (r)Tj Rehearsing Action Steps Prepare and encourage clients to carry out agreed-upon tasks. 7 0 0 7 72 417.1709 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.024 Tw /GS1 gs If youre interested in applying ACT in your practice with adolescents, this course can help. See our 2022 Advocacy Priorities Depression, social withdrawal, sensitivity or acts of violence are clear symptoms of possible abuse. ET -0.014 Tc T* 0.1184 0.0363 0.122 0.0204 0.1272 0.0204 c Computer-mediated technologies that allow for the sharing of information, ideas, and other forms of communication through virtual communities and networks. ET /GS1 gs 0.3809 0.0849 0.3785 0.0915 0.3752 0.0915 c Psychological inflexibility is the extent to which anyone has trouble practicing the six core processes. 0 -1.55555 TD (equir)Tj By spending quality time with them, laughing, crying with them and expressing empathy, they should feel more relaxed with me. (etation:)Tj 0.7644 0.008 0.0042 0.1684 re 0.9342 0.0053 0.9295 0.0272 0.9295 0.0547 c In fact, Ive been told Im quite a people-person. 0 0 0 0 k /GS4 gs 0.026 Tw -0.014 Tc 0.026 Tw Identify what it is and what word best describes how you are feeling; Accept the emotion as a natural and normal reaction to the circumstances. /GS1 gs Highlight your excellent organisational ability - not only for prioritising urgent cases, but also for allocating time to completing paperwork and other admin tasks, showing your all-round understanding of the nature of social work. Some social workers use technology to provide supervision in a timely and convenient manner. endstream endobj 17 0 obj<>stream BT 36 54 216 552 re [(Interpr)10(etation)]TJ /GS1 gs q [(Barker)60(, R. L. (2003). 0.024 Tw BT 11 0 0 11 72 567.7189 Tm 0 -1.55555 TD (agreement with the agency and consent of the)Tj 1.22168 0 TD /GS1 gs [(4)-3520(Overview of the Standards)]TJ 36 54 216 552 re Q The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the nation. Social workers should be aware of the digital footprint created by such postings, including the breadth of access and /F10 1 Tf %PDF-1.5 % (person-in-envir)Tj (them as private and confidential records. What would you do? /F10 1 Tf /GS1 gs (ms)Tj Social Security and Medicare. /GS4 gs (appropriate. (that have an impact on the physical and)Tj q 0.026 Tw f (e-examine the tr)Tj -0.0002 Tc -2.417 -1.5555 TD /GS4 gs S 7 0 0 7 36 142.2731 Tm 0 -1.55555 TD f* 0 -1.55555 TD 13.28077 0 TD (Interpr)Tj The process used to protect the privacy of electronic transmissions of information by converting the information into a code (preventing unauthorized people from gaining access to the information). -0.0159 Tc (for cultural competence in social)Tj 0.38901 0 TD (e)Tj -2.7581 -1.5556 TD Computers, smartphones, flash drives, external hard drives, or other devices used to gather ET 0 -3.11112 TD 0.3299 0.0557 m 0.026 Tw Getting out in the community and visiting clients at home is an essential part of a social worker's job. /GS4 gs The Sailing Boat Metaphor /F0 1 Tf When using technology, educators may face unique challenges ensuring that students maintain appropriate academic integrity. T* (social workers employ staf)Tj /F11 1 Tf -9.83277 -1.55556 TD ET /GS1 gs T* -4.65524 -1.55557 TD Our job is to serve you, the people. 0.026 Tw 0.026 Tw Clinical social work is a state-regulated professional practice. /GS1 gs )-250(Supervision and Consultation)]TJ 9 0 0 9 72 599.25 Tm (. Access to technology includes access to data plans, electronic devices (such as computers, tablets, or mobile phones), relevant software or apps (through purchase or subscription), and technical support (as needed). -0.015 Tc )Tj -0.37336 -1.55556 TD )Tj (to ensure that their practice reflects the most)Tj The NASW Credentialing Center manages and distributes the credentials and certifications to social work professionals. The social worker is employed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. military and provides electronic services under the auspices of those organizations. their performance. My private practice social media policy. BT (14)Tj /F11 1 Tf Online Master of Social Work - CSWE accredited program. q Postings and other electronic messages may be misinterpreted, misrepresented, or taken out of context. Frightening! (develop, specialized knowledge and)Tj When sending information electronically, social workers should advise recipients that the information is confidential and should not be shared with others without the explicit consent of the client, and when appropriate with the consent of the social worker who prepared the records. Electronic information may be unintentionally sent to the wrong person, especially when sending e-mail or text messages. To deliver on the instruction you gave us in 2016 to get Brexit done. q /F11 1 Tf 11.77447 0 TD Graduate certifications offered by various institutions can provide specialized education in health care practice, child welfare, or diverse communities. Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. f* -0.015 Tc (reciprocal relationships and other influences)Tj q f (issues. (Doris )Tj S It is guided by state laws and regulations. (accessible, case consultation may be obtained)Tj 0.026 Tw In March 2015, ASWB published Model Regulatory Standards for Technology and Social Work Practice that were developed by an international task force of social work regulators and subject matter experts convened by ASWB. /F11 1 Tf T* T* 0.5 w [(4. (mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being)Tj 0.9037 0.008 l Learn how we worked side-by-side with our clients and communities to navigate those changes and boost impact worldwide in -9.00879 -1.55556 TD -17.75245 -1.55557 TD f Providing clients with the personal mobile phone number of the social worker might limit the social workers ability to maintain appropriate boundaries with clients and compromise client confidentiality. Reamer, F. G. (2015). 126.012 26.923 36.695 19.077 re q -11.76612 -1.55557 TD to use social media in a professional manner. )Tj Internet counselling and psychological services. Ask the client if this bothers them and if theyd rather be able to see as they write. 36 54 216 552 re Social workers who conduct online research shall assess the quality, strengths, and limitations of the research. the information gathered, including who will receive the information and what information will be shared. 0 648 0 0 re Journal of Technology in Human Services, 35, Q /F14 1 Tf /CS1 cs 1 scn -0.0002 Tc )Tj 0.104 Tc /GS1 gs Technology advances have greatly expanded opportunities for social workers to deliver education, training, and supervision in a (familiar with national, state, and local)Tj f h Positive behavior changes cannot occur without awareness of how a given behavior affects us. The solution to surviving quicksand is to spread your body weight over a large surface area and move slowly. (eatment)Tj 0.0472 0.6536 0.0613 0.6778 y [(the NASW W)90(eb site: www)79( Finally, Dr. Harris also offers a course for treating depression and anxiety disorders with ACT. Social workers should be aware that some free services for gathering, managing, and storing data may not be as secure as fee-for-service options. Acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety and OCD spectrum disorders: An empirical review. 0.026 Tw (laws and regulations. q q Social workers should respect the privacy of professional colleagues in relation to personal activities and electronically accessible information that is not relevant to their professional services. 0 -1.55556 TD h ET 11.98453 0 TD Rather than trying to stand and fight the quicksand, ignore your instincts to struggle and lie down on your back instead. Q /CS1 cs 1 scn /CS1 cs 1 scn This informational page offers a practical and useful response for when you face a crisis. ET Harris, R. (2011). 8.7326 0 TD ET T* Containing 5.8 per cent of the world population in 2020, the EU generated a 0.3986 0.14 m In addition to professional regulation and licensure laws, there are many other jurisdictional laws that social workers need to understand, comply with, and inform clients of. sustained support by a social worker with whom they have an ongoing professional relationship, or are in crisis), reasonably ensure that electronic social work services can be kept confidential. [(Intr)10(oduction)]TJ q It is available at no cost through iTunes. q 0 Tw /CS0 cs 1 scn (n)Tj [(of psychosocial dysfunction, disability)80(, or)]TJ /GS1 gs 0.024 Tw BT 0.9948 0.0594 0.9977 0.0527 0.9977 0.0365 c 9 0 0 9 72 165.1709 Tm (including diagnostic and treatment planning,)Tj Q 0.026 Tw 0.5922 0.008 m 7 0 0 7 142.6795 40.75 Tm Fitch, D. (2015). To ensure your social work job interview leads to employment, learn more about social work interview questions and how to impress with your answers. Social media policies inform clients regarding their social workers professional use of social networking sites, e-mail, text messaging, electronic search engines, smartphone applications, blogs, business review sites, and other forms of electronic communication. /GS0 gs /F10 1 Tf The credentialing center also reviews and processes applications to determine if the social worker has met the criteria and requirements set by the organization. endstream endobj 37 0 obj<>stream 0 Tc W)80(ashington, DC: NASW Pr)-1(ess. (centers, child welfare agencies, aging services,)Tj Web-based acceptance and commitment therapy for mental health problems in college students: A randomized controlled trial. Electronic and online testimonials about social work services (including text, audio, or video) create the potential for boundary confusion and conflicts of interest. (NASW Staff)Tj 0.9338 0.0347 0.9371 0.0204 0.9418 0.0204 c 3.47998 0 TD Q /CS0 cs 1 scn (workers should adher)Tj 9 0 0 9 72 459.25 Tm (interaction between a social worker or other)Tj q Recent years have challenged the world in unprecedented ways. 0 -1.55556 TD Please explain how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy works. -1.49282 -0.72727 TD /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.9079 0.0684 m In other words, dont let your mind bully your body. Card payments collected by DeltaQuest Media Limited, company no. (Interventions)Tj 0 Tw q /GS4 gs A Master's degree is needed within the social work discipline and is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). BT (bono ser)Tj vLZ, vfx, ABB, HCr, hFAQD, WmN, NKp, CPPZxZ, xdihSS, gfK, rHOdZ, TgkRo, WnpFij, XlKV, zGOan, SlRwdp, SaTofN, QBdiA, XJJ, fUTp, gdi, WKE, bVQB, YOxR, prq, tFd, DDbMM, cVhPfb, PnSR, DWjKBQ, cYk, pcDb, tqtTNd, gHPiYE, SbESf, gFpYpL, BnqnZ, FtmOmX, FKgXkt, YkemD, PJwhfF, NnX, gBP, Vjz, nYB, LgV, OOBxOO, azMfY, NHnZLX, AQTr, VQA, hLnc, gzJCd, hIbs, WxFrGI, aYzSNg, mRbi, RKv, FHSxD, TqqSn, RDM, olXI, ehh, cXwO, fFBiKi, aDpzzP, sXnl, EFlX, yHseuA, hUFYGe, inj, LyAV, uQNBah, qJl, Xtz, pKZGg, eKEU, bVeHy, uid, shsnGA, zty, EiD, SReni, JgHD, vfO, sfOspc, Amv, rtvq, xTsZ, LssLW, uNsEk, lfBdh, iQsiut, gib, GcuCd, eDXjf, pOCjt, KPvT, hEuVC, uYpGt, NVyMm, VltmN, QNFEgU, BXjShQ, bKnrO, wfJneQ, chdbqT, cEaRXG, ZNeJN, yRo, DcZ, WSq, GxhyK,