days gone trophy list

However, stay tuned. They will be screaming for help and this is the signal you need to start the rescue. This trophy is particularly frustrating for anybody who got the pre-order edition of the game. Get the cheapest options. Here, you can sell any meat or plants youve managed to gather from your travels in exchange for camp trust points and camp credits. During the story campaign, when you are asked to go to the Iron Butte for the first time, youll meet a Breaker. Hidden Trophy for completing the Story, Ambush Camp Hunter 2008-2022, all rights reserved. With Copeland's camp mechanic, you can buy all upgrades in terms of performance, looks and paint. Youll begin drifting in that direction. Swipe up on the Touchpad to enter the Storylines portion of the menu, here youll see a Trophies option on the far right, select this to view the trophy tracker. And thats exactly how they should always be made. I personally really like when games dont have a roadblock trophy / achievement that prevents completion or makes it extremely difficult to obtain. To craft weapons, you need to complete ambush camps and find the respective blueprints. Unlocked by completing the mission For a Biker Bandit. The following is a list of collectibles in the game Days Gone . But focus on searching ALL human (non-French) bodies in the game. During this fight, you can use the health bar to see when you have his health very low and then switch to your Boot Knife to deal the final few blows. A trickier trophy than it looks. This trophy is just a pit stop on your way to the Platinum as it will require you to complete all Ambush Camp locations, Infestation Site locations and Nero Checkpoints (not Research Sites) in a single region. History trophy. This is also a good opportunity to use stealth. Required fields are marked *. Bronze Untouchable EmissaryReach, Read More The Last Guardian Trophy GuideContinue, The Hero of HeroesCollect every trophy in Ratchet & Clank Platinum The End Of The BeginningDefeat Dr. Nefarious on the Deplanetiser. When rescuing a survivor, refer them to the camp of their choice to gain more trust in them. Below is the link to the respective collectibles, with more detailed indications of where to get these they are in English, but easy to understand. Always look for opportunities like this to use up your resources and ensure you have room to collect more from corpses. History trophy. $20,000 per year. If everything was easy then everyone would have them. Its accumulative, too, so if you run out of fuel you can just refuel and then pick up where you left off. List of trophies Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. When you find a Nero Checkpoint it will usually be out of power and full of enemies. Collect 541 Items from corpses, Lend Me Your Ears The above three trophies in this Days Gone Trophy Guide will occur naturally as you work your way through the last three Phases of the trophy journey as long as you have been spending your skill points, but the next trophy is going to require a bit of an additional push. Sometimes so long that a group of Freakers have plenty of time to surround you so that when the conversation finally ends, youll be in a really bad situation. When you unlock all the other Days Gone trophies, this one will be yours. 463 User Favourites 91 Ratings 298,668 Views Guides Days Gone Trophy Guide Check the trophy Improved performance for more information. Unlocked by completing the mission should have realized in sequence shattered. Days Gone has 33 Character Collectible Locations. You will need to be careful about just restoring power willy-nilly, though, as there are often loudspeakers found on top of buildings, booths and floodlights at a Nero Checkpoint and when the power is restored they will begin blaring a pre-recorded public message and will attract Freakers to the Checkpoint. Once you kill them all, the objective will change to tell you to find the Bunker nearby. Use a bandage to heal 2HP, just so you can craft a new one freeing up room for more rags and sterilizer in your inventory. Unlocked by traveling with Boozer to the Lost Lake Camp on the LineHe is my brother. We also want to reach Trust Level 3 with the Lost Lake, Diamond Lake and Wizard Lake encampments. Thats all the Trophies in Days Gone. The other four are as follows:Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'platget_com-small-square-2','ezslot_31',169,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-small-square-2-0'); Once you can craft each of these, equip the crossbow and craft them all. And its greatly appreciated that the developers understand that not all of us are still young , Ive been playing games since the commador 64 wax the only gaming n bbs was the internet. This information comes from reddit user DeftonesBandPSN, who has leaked trophy lists for several games on PS4.That said, like any rumor on the internet, take this information with a grain of salt. Intel Ethernet Server Adapter XL710-QDA2 for Open Compute Project. Simply ensure that you go out of your way to complete any which you do stumble across and we will revisit them in Phase Two of the journey. I personally earned it very early in the game due to the amount of inventory-space-freeing crafting I was doing. Heres another drifting trophy and this one is particularly difficult to pull off. Clear all Ambush Camps, Infestations, and NERO Checkpoints in a single region, Kitchen Courier The match will attract an unlikely Zimbabwean fan, 34-year-old Marvellous Mutohwo, who. When youre close enough, a prompt will appear above their heads, allowing you to perform a stealth kill.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'platget_com-sky-2','ezslot_24',167,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-sky-2-0'); Using suppressors on your weaponry while in these areas will allow you to get any unavoidable ranged kills while remaining in stealth. Thus, you will be better equipped with stronger and improved weapons and resources. Days Gone Trophies List. Improvements to the attributes are only found at NERO checkpoints and research sites. Your objective in each of the camps is to eliminate all enemies. Complete the Worlds End storyline, Farewell Drift Everything looks like a basic tutorial thing that youll get along the way without giving it any thought. 298,389 Views. If you still dont have the hordes attention and have run out of throwables, get their attention by spraying rounds into the group with the Chicago Chopper, and then turn tail and run. These icon indicates that there is a Freaker corpse with an ear to collect. There is a tier IV survival skill which you should avoid at all costs until you have earned this trophy. Follow us on twitter @GetPlat or Instagram @platget for updates on new reviews and guides, as well as small anecdotes about our platinum journeys. He will say something angrily in protest of them being there and the icon will appear then on the map. Swifts are agile and have hair on their backs. The health, stamina or focus one! By Retrolag January 20, 2022 January 26, 2022. Your email address will not be published. Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'platget_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',162,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-leader-4-0'); With the Freakers swarming your attractor, throw a Napalm Molotov right into the center of the group, killing up to a quarter of the horde in a single attack. Days Gone Encampment Trophies As you travel through the world of Days Gone you will spend a ton of time at different encampments. When approaching a nest, it will be marked on the map and you will be able to distinguish them by a black mass of infect around them. A good way to do this without losing fuel is to do it during a mission. Before proceeding any further, it is advisable to make a proper premise: THE FOLLOWING GUIDE TO THE SPOILER TROPHIES ON THE TRAMA OF Days Gone GAME! It should still be fun. It is recommended to leave this trophy until after you finish it, as eliminating hordes is the most difficult activity. Weve got you covered below. I cannot begin to grasp why people (very few) want difficult trophies. Sometimes even a whole horde. History trophy. There are many collectables in the game such as the Radio Free Oregon broadcasts and Sarahs Research notes which will come to you naturally and with minimal effort you should be able to earn 50% of the collectables. Days Gone Trophy Guide. Silencers are available from all weapon vendors so you can likely take out most of the enemies without even being noticed. Your objective is to burn the nests in each infestation area. Below is a video with the location of the 12 easiest to find. So what I would actually recommend is that you get your Health, Stamina and Focus up to around 75% and then simply focus on increasing Health each time until the trophy pops. Hard plats/hard games have a sales cap and only attract a certain group of players, why limit the audience after spending 6 years developing just to say hey, ma game is hard? Level 3 turbo upgrade required. You will need to make sure that if youre looting a corpse that has steriliser on it, you have room in your inventory for steriliser.'block';'px';'100%';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); You are also going to want to keep your eye out for survivors. Check the trophy Departure Roadside Attraction for more details. Additionally, there will sometimes be a Fuse missing from a panel on the wall of one of the cabins. DmC5 is a lot of fun, but its platinum is a chore to get,replaying the game 6 times at the very very least and the fact that you have to S rank every level on every difficulty. 463 Favorites. Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'platget_com-sky-4','ezslot_26',163,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-sky-4-0'); When you head through a narrow passage, the whole horde will get funneled into a tightly-packed group, perfect for mowing down with the Chicago Chopper. Lost Lake and Wizard Lake will be closest thanks to the main campaign, but also we need Diamond Lake for a particular miscellaneous trophy. You don't know what to expect from your opponent except for the cards you gave them. [Spoilers] What does the end of Kingdom Hearts 3 mean for the franchise? There are five types of bolts in Days Gone, the regular crossbow bolt, the residue bolt, the poison bolt, the incendiary bolt, and the explosive bolt. Make your choice and complete the mission. Many Africans say they will be glued to their screens on Saturday. The reason I put this trophy here is that you will most certainly earn it just by crafting anything and everything to waste resources and make more room for the Youve Got Red on You trophy above. Bethesda Conference Summary! Your email address will not be published. One Percenter You can also hold on any plant-life such as mushrooms which you find in the wild and sell those here too. Theres is a lot of hiddens so i can only hope that a couple of them are challenging. Hidden Trophy, Spoilery Story Trophy11 Do this 10 times in total to earn the trophy. The other 8 come from side quests camping quests which means you can't find them wandering around the map. 2000 acres low fence. Bronze You Better Start RunningEscape from the Baker family home. Silver Spry EmissaryReach the end of the game in 30 hours or less. This trophy turned me into a very reckless driver, I was constantly driving into enemies and obstacles with reckless abandon, going up ramps at full speed and allowing sniper ambushes to hit me, all so that I would get an opportunity to repair the bike. Over time youll unlock other things you can craft such as the Sawblade Axe, Superior Club and the best weapon the Superior Axe. So always have room in your inventory before searching a body. Its pretty unlikely you will have enough resources to craft each and every one at once, so it might be a better idea to just take the time to do this each time a new bolt type is unlocked. If you take a 90-degree turn then youre pretty much asking to be swarmed, unless theres something blocking the horde. I really liked mad max ;). You simply need to arrive at the location and kill all of the enemies there.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'platget_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',153,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); Theres usually between 12 and 20 enemies at a Marauder Camp and they will sometimes call additional reinforcements to bolster their numbers, but theyre really not all that difficult, just bring enough ammo. There are 252 collectibles marked on the map, and 104 quest items. Use nitro and drift at the same time on your bike for at least 5 seconds. I hope Days Gone does the same. SPOILER WARNING Gold Super TraderComplete every holocard set. Obviously, were going to be doing this for every region anyway, so there is nothing additional to be concerned about for this trophy. I think itll be though game. And, of course, of course, it still has a coveted platinum trophy. Use nitro and drift at the same time on your bike time for at least 5 seconds, The Art of Bike Repair There were several businesses underneath the arches in days gone by, these included; restaurants, shops, boutiques, cafes, a bakery, exhibition spaces, and a 1,000-capacity events venue. More fond of single-player experiences and story-driven games than anything else, TheDblTap has a keen eye for secrets and collectables, a skill which serves him well as a Trophy Hunter. On this page of our trophy guide to Days Gone we have provided a detailed description of obtaining the brown trophy called Go Kick Rocks. Days Gone Easy Burnout Apocalypse Trophy PS4 2020 YouTube from It doesn't depend on the b position, it depends on the company a. Apocalypse burnout john halstead february 26, 2022 uncategorized burnout, end of the world, privilege it's been said that a person can get used to anything. Which doesnt just mean, kill and loot 541 human enemies (you will kill many more than that, trust me) but it also means that you need to constantly have room in your inventory to actually gather anything.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'platget_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',139,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-medrectangle-4-0'); For that reason, I highly recommend being extremely liberal with resources. Days Gone Trophy List (28 Bronze, 15 Silver, 2 Gold, 1 Platinum) Bronze - Just a Flesh Wound - Get out of Crazy Willie's Bronze - Special Delivery - Make a delivery to Tucker or Copeland Bronze - The Ends and the Means - Discover what happened to NERO Bronze - Lost and Found - Drive south with Boozer Bronze - Brothers in Arm - Check up on Boozer Also, it is only necessary to collect 75% of all available in the game. Dont worry if you were enjoying killing hordes and dont want to stop, as well be doing that again soon.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'platget_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',164,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-leader-3-0'); During this third phase of our Days Gone Trophy Guide, youll be looking to pad out your collectible collection. Platinum TrophyCollect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy Platinum War Never ChangesEnter The Wasteland Bronze When Freedom CallsComplete When Freedom Calls Bronze Unlikely ValentineComplete Unlikely Valentine Bronze ReunionsComplete Reunions Bronze Dangerous MindsComplete Dangerous Minds Bronze Hunter/HuntedComplete Hunter/Hunted Bronze The Molecular LevelComplete The Molecular Level Bronze The Nuclear OptionComplete The Nuclear Option Silver InstitutionalizedComplete Institutionalized, Though We Are Far ApartPlay the game all the way to the end. Complete the main storyline, loot the corpses and perform side . Do this for 50 items throughout your game and you will earn this trophy. In this phase of the Days Gone Trophy Guide while they could be left until last I will actually recommend that you complete these brown-coloured camp side-quests as soon as you have them, giving them priority over Main Missions. 46 trophies (28 Bronze / 15 Silver / 2 Gold / 1 Platinum); An estimated time to achieve platinum from 60h to 80h; Finish the story, while doing all the extra activities / missions / searching human bodies you find; Achieve trust level 3 in three different camps and unlock 45 skills; Beast Dart From the beginning of the game; Residue Dart Automatically unlocked after the mission. However, as you will need to complete all ambushes, infestations, and checkpoints in Days Gone to earn their respective trophies, this one will come naturally. Open world combat and exploration, driving around with your trusty vehicle. Just know that this will take a hell of a long time to do. Finding and clearing ambush camps is important as it unlocks parts of the map, marks collectibles on it, and provides instructions for building new weapons. This trophy can be won in the first camp of the game. Red Dead Redemption 2 Secrets: Legendary Animals and Where to Find Them, What is yours? This game better be great lol. Nintendo Fan? RDR2 was an example of a terrible trophy lost because all the activities werent actually fun. In the meantime, do as many optional objectives as possible as well, as this helps you get platinum faster. Survivors are random encounters as you roam the world of Days Gone. maybe its cuz Im older now and prefer simple and fun over the more demanding or outride near impossible ones + its well known that Sony exclusives have simple and well made trophy lists (HZD, GOW4, BB, Spider-Man, etc). Im sure there will be some time consuming catch to it though. Bronze You Aint Gettin AwayEscape to the yard. Killing a horde in the related zone of the map will earn you a huge amount of trust. Im happy with a Platinum that you have to work towards but not be punished for trying. You will need to travel through most of them throughout your journey. Check out our Sister Site at, Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase One Days Gone Main Missions and Side Quests, Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase Two Side Content, Hordes and Trust Level 3, Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase Three Collectables, Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase Four Miscellaneous Trophy Clean-up, Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase Five More Hordes and Level 45, See the World From the Safety of Your Sofa, Any remaining Side-Quests from Camp Leaders (Marauder Camps, Bounty Hunts, etc). For a stealth kill, approach the enemy from behind and press . Complete the Marauder Camp Hunter storyline. These weapons will break with enough use, but you can repair them using scrap by holding on them in the weapon wheel. To earn it, you simply need to use a Nero Injector for the first time. Go above and BEYOND, unlocking every trophy in Days Gone, Complete the Ambush Camp Hunter storyline, Complete the Infestation Exterminator storyline, Complete the Marauder Camp Hunter storyline, Accumulate 10 minutes of drifting while on your bike, Kill a Breaker, Reacher, or Rager with a knife, Kill an enemy with every type of crossbow bolt, Purchase an upgrade under the Performance, Visual, and Paint Categories for your bike, Use nitro and drift at the same time on your bike for at least 5 seconds, Upgrade either your Health, Stamina, or Focus for the first time, Max out either your Health, Stamina, or Focus, Receive the Allied Trust status with an Encampment, Gain the Allied Trust status with three different Encampments, Clear all Ambush Camps, Infestations, and NERO Checkpoints in a single region, Sell Animal Meat or Plants to any Encampment. Farewell Original Get this trophy by purchasing an upgrade for your bike under the performance, visual and paint categories. Going north from there, the exp rewards decrease again but you should have more than enough without needing to do the ones in Cascade or Belknap. To repair it, it is necessary to use the scrap found around the world especially in car engines. Having now finished the main campaign, it is time to clear up any of the aforementioned side-content which you havent already taken the time to do. As you will see from the screenshots Ive used in this guide, a lot of the trophy screenshots are taken within UI transitions and look like trash. You will find that in most missions where you need to follow an NPC to a destination, the Fuel icon will not be visible next to your mini-map. Even then, I didnt earn this trophy for using 100 scrap on my bike until I was near the very end of the game. Days Gone is a new, PlayStation exclusive title that is slated to release on April 26, 2019. Finding 75% will require going out of your way to collect more and I recommend looking for all Character Collectables, Nero Collectables and Historical Landmark Collectables, which should bring you up to the 75% that you need. Thats why it is called the Platinum. Electric and water and small camp house. Check the trophy Departure Roadside Attraction for more details. History trophy. So, here we just want to give the Trust Levels that little extra nudge into Level 3. After the story, the only really inaccessible location is an enemy camp near the Iron Butte region, which is flooded. You may also need to repair the Generator, if it begins sparking, which will cost you some scrap. You can help Days Gone Wiki by expanding it. Each frenzied kill leaves an ear behind, which can be collected simply by walking on it. Platinums should be for completing a game. All you need to do is do this once and the trophy is yours. Time consuming maybe but not close to impossible. Seven of them are automatic story unlocks and cannot be missed. BEAUTIFUL trophy list. History trophy. Employee burnout as a global issue. They may be trapped in a vehicle being attacked by Freakers or they may have been ambushed and you will need to use your tracking skills to find out where they are being held. Paint Upgrades will allow you to change the colour or add one of the many skins you will unlock through general gameplay. The game is structured in 6 regions and 5 allied encampments. Just be sure to actually collect ears from the Freakers you kill, by doing a lap around the area once a horde is dead. There are currently 46 available trophies. To ensure you have room, you can craft items as much as possible. You can craft items from the crafting menu. No African team has gone any further. Knock down 12 Anarchist Cairns. Because of that real meaty play-time, there are a few things we can do from the beginning to reduce this and compensate for the games most grind-filled trophies before they can become a problem. The best things to do now are to either find a ledge to climb, or a narrow gap to go through such as an alleyway. Below is a breakdown of the 11 types of Collectables in the game and the general places to find them: You can use our Days Gone Collectable Guide to locate the collectables you need via the maps I have created there. Days Gone Go Kick Rocks Trophy Guide. One gold trophy is for finishing the story, the other for maxing out Allied Trust status with every camp (side tasks). Days Gone Trophies One Percenter Go above and BEYOND, unlocking every trophy in Days Gone Spoilery Story Trophy 1 Hidden Trophy Spoilery Story Trophy 2 Hidden Trophy Spoilery Story Trophy 3 Upon completion of the final mission For An Outlaw Biker the trophy will unlock. Just a Flesh Wound Rarity: Bronze Description: This is a story trophy you'll get for finishing the mission You Got a Death Wish. This is a trophy that will come naturally, without you having to worry about it. Your email address will not be published. Actually, the more I go through this list it might even be a 2/10. The first two are story-related quests. Then do it on hard, so e of Ys as mentioned above are older n not able to do wut we once could in games, but would still like to b able to play without ruining my hands. In this game players take on the role of Deacon St. John, a former bounty hunter who must navigate a post-zombified world filled with freaker. While you playthrough this title you may be curious as to what the Days Gone trophy list looks like. Check the trophy I belong to the top 10for more details. These guys are big muscle-bound Freakers and can deal huge amounts of damage with a single attack. Sounds like a nice 30 hour fun platinum, in between grindy 80 hour plats. Days Gone is semi-open-world and you can explore rather vast areas of the map fairly freely from the beginning. Use the Switcheroo Method which we detailed here to ensure you get a decent Platinum Trophy Screenshot. The following trophies in this Days Gone Trophy Guide all relate to upgrading and interacting with Deacons bike. Note that at certain points a storyline will reach 98% or something similarly close to 100% and then stop gaining progress for literal hours of gameplay. In Days Gone, Anarchist Cairns are singular stacks of rocks that protagonist Deacon St. John must knock over. Another trophy you should be aiming to earn as early as possible.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'platget_com-sky-3','ezslot_25',168,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-sky-3-0'); At a certain point, youll earn the ability to turn Stool Legs, Fence Posts and Baseball bats into a custom-made weapon by using a box of nails and some scrap. Our guide details the locations of all character collectibles in the game. Days Gone has arrived with an unforgiving and vast post-apocalyptic world. There are 33 in total. Spend 20,000 credits at one Encampment, Welcome to the Party, Pal Reminds me of Horizon and God of War. History trophy. The list looks OK. They are easier to harvest than to slaughter animals. There are, thankfully, no trophies which are actually missable thanks to post-game free-roam but there are a couple of points at which the game will warn you that continuing with the main campaign will result in a temporary lock on the region you are in, meaning you are unable to return. However, there can be up to 5 Crier nests in a single tree and a Molotov can only really take out 2 at once with perfect placement, so I recommend doing these once you have the Incendiary Crossbow Bolts as you can craft 3 bolts with a single bottle of Kerosine.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'platget_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_15',151,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); There are skills with which youll be able to carry up to 6 Molotovs, 6 Napalm Molotovs and 6 Incendiary Bolts, making it much easier to clear an entire Infestation site in a single run Provided youve been able to find enough Kerosine. Thus, you will be much more prepared and your chances of success are significantly higher. This trophy will likely happen naturally as youll need to refuel and restock ammunition quite frequently throughout the story. Let me know in the comments below. We just need 75% of them, which adds up to 181. On the other hand, enemies can even have three different items, which speeds up the process. Besides, Sony know that there are plenty of games out there with those 0.1% plats that nobody completes because they are a complete waste of time outside of the campaign completion. Other hordes can be ignored. There are over 200 collectables in Days Gone, but the trophy list will never ask that we collect them all. Performance upgrades are things like the Fuel Tank, Engine and Suspension, which will all make the bike handle better and last longer. The last thing Ill say before we get into the actual Days Gone Trophy Guide, is that Days Gone actually has an in-game trophy tracker! It is better to play safe,. There are a good number of miscellaneous trophies in Days Gone, but I have broken those up into categories throughout this phase of my Days Gone Trophy Guide which should help break them down into more approachable chunks. The people complaining about collectibles, well, there you go, you dont need to do 100%. The first thing to know at the top of this Days Gone Trophy Guide is that there are no difficulty-specific trophies so feel free to play on Easy from the start if you wish. After just getting the plat and all DLC trophies in Nioh Im looking forward to a nice, relaxed and fun trophy hunt. This is the most long-winded trophy in the game and will require an enormous post-game grinding session unless youve taken my advice from the top of this guide and have been very careful to loot as many human corpses as possible.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'platget_com-netboard-1','ezslot_19',170,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-netboard-1-0'); To re-iterate; the difficulty with this trophy is that you probably wont need resources that often and so when you loot a human corpse, if you dont receive anything from it then it wont count towards the 541 corpses you need to loot. Sell Animal Meat or Plants to any Encampment. Nice to have a vegetarian option, I suppose. English (US) Default; Japanese; English (US) French; Spanish; German; Italian; . Taking down a horde is quite difficult and will require a lot of stamina and some decent weapons. The same activities that reward activity points also earn you credits see trophy Best friends forever (in life) for details of these activities. Also, the hordes will be marked on the map after the end of the story, so it's really best to leave it for that moment. One Percenter Go above and BEYOND, unlocking every trophy in Days Gone: Platinum: Just a Flesh Wound Get out of Crazy Willie's: Bronze: . Unlocked by completing the mission I need a little hand in sequence He is my brother. Days Gone Trophy Guide By ezlo_86 Published 20th May 2019 Updated 31st January 2022 Studio Bend's first major console title follows a outlaw biker named Deacon St. John in a unique world of a post-apocalyptic Oregon, where creatures named Freakers roam the landscape. Pre-orders for the physical edition of Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut begin , Total War is the hallmark of Battlefield 2042, Definitive guide for you to choose the best 4K TV for your video game, Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: special edition with steelbook now on sale. To earn the above trophies in this Days Gone Trophy Guide, you simply need to buy upgrades for your bike from any Mechanic, such as Manny in Copelands Camp. After level 40 you will need around 20,000 26,000 exp per level and as a horde will give you 3000-4000 exp, your best bet is to farm those. Deer, Turkey, Hog, Dove, and Quail. You will need to drift in a wide circle for 5 seconds, without stopping your drift or your boost and you cant leave the ground. For the rest, eliminate as many hordes as needed. Check the trophy Farewell original for more details. Be very careful to collect all 10 in this mine before freeing the captive ally there, as the mine will become instantly swarmed with Freakers the second you free them which will force you to run out of the mine to safety. To earn this trophy, you will need to unlock all of them. Apply 100 scrap to your bike, Youve Got Red on You In either case, kill the enemies and then speak to the Survivor. Days Gone: Gold: Complete the story of Days Gone. There is an extreme grind-fest of a trophy called Youve Got Red on You. Your absolutely right, I cant stand some games like the last of us that has a very low percentage of getting nearly all the trophies. Other activities that give trust points are bounties, survivors and delivering plants and animal meat to camp kitchens. Collect 989 Freaker Ears, Finders Keepers This is a viable option if you don't want to do a lot of work at this stage of the game. As you explore the map, you will frequently see blue ? icons flashing on the map, these indicate that an optional event is occurring at that location and quite often those events feature survivors who need your help. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a0368d0e09edd2be0e4236c4dde542d9" );document.getElementById("e001e2432c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *. I dont mind it tbh. Days Gone Trophies Show completed trophies Show secret trophies 61 trophies ( 1 4 19 37 12 ) One Percenter Go above and BEYOND, unlocking every trophy in Days Gone (15) Days Done Complete the story of Days Gone Ambush Camp Hunter Complete the Ambush Camp Hunter storyline (2) Infestation Exterminator Complete the Infestation Exterminator storyline Bronze: Special Delivery - Make a delivery to Tucker or Copeland. God of War Ragnarok Trophy Guide & Roadmap, God of War Ragnarok Wiki & Strategy Guide, God of War Ragnarok Collectibles Guide 100% Completion, God of War Ragnarok All Favors (Side Quests). For this trophy you will need to collect 989 of these ears. The materials needed to make each of the darts will be shown next to them. Once you have purchased your last remaining skill, the trophy will pop and our journey through this Days Gone Trophy Guide should come to an end: Go above and BEYOND, unlocking every trophy in Days Gone. This trophy requires you to use 100 pieces of scrap to repair your bike, which if you are a careful driver wont happen very often So be a bit less of a careful driver. Unlocked by completing the mission you want to kill yourself, in sequence He is my brother. Since the Lost Lakes camp is where you will spend most of your time that will most likely be where you manage to spend a total of 20,000 credits. So keep an eye out: if you complete the story and all the ambush camps, depending on how much of this trophy you've already done, it's going to be a LONG walk. Spending resources to upgrade camps and gain allies. Otherwise, you might get stuck grinding this trophy out at the end of the game and nobody wants that. It is not necessary to be "stealthy", as long as the enemy does not go into combat mode. With the above loadout, heres the best way to take out a horde. Youll hear a wet cutting sound to indicate that an ear has been collected and will see it enter your inventory on the left side of your HUD. Yes this type of game similar to HZD has the scope to be creative with its trophy list because of the open world aspect and how the game plays, but as we (trophy hunters) are in the minority, devs it would seem, dont seem to bother about how the Platinum pans out. This is honestly the easiest trophy in the game and you can earn it as soon as you have your bike. Then start by finishing the game's story mode, which should take around 30h to 40h hours. Also tell me if you will platinum Days Gone. The best way to earn the remaining confidence and skill points is to eliminate the hordes after finishing the story. Unlock your first collectible, Wannabe Fortune Hunter When eliminating a HUMAN enemy frenzies don't count search their body. Days Gone Trophies. This trophy is quite difficult. It is recommended to do this after finishing the story, and armed with the Chicago Chopper. We will review it in the next few hours. Too easy maybe? Once you have the skill Executioner you can kill larger enemies with a stealth attack or by hitting, Also using the Executioner skill, what I did to earn this trophy was to let a Rager (Freaker Bear) attack me and once it had me pinned on the ground, I mashed the indicated button until the. Usually, the nearby Generator (look for where the power-lines converge) will be out of fuel and so you will need to find a Jerry Can and use it to refuel the Generator allowing you to turn it on. Bronze Into the DepthsEscape from the, Read More Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Trophy GuideContinue, Father and SonObtain all other trophies Platinum The Journey BeginsDefend your home from The Stranger Bronze A New FriendSurvive the Witchs Woods Bronze Feels Like HomeAllow the Light Elves to return home Bronze Dragon SlayerDefeat the Dragon of the Mountain Bronze Troubling ConsequencesDefeat Magni and Modi Bronze Hello, Old FriendRetrieve the Blades of Chaos Bronze, Read More God of War Trophy GuideContinue, Platinum TrophyAll Trophies Unlocked Platinum Tower KompetitorComplete a single Tower Bronze Tower WarriorComplete a Tower with every character Bronze Tower MasterComplete 10 Living Towers Bronze Tower GodComplete 50 Living Towers Silver Challenge AcceptedWin a single Tower Challenge Bronze BUDDY!! Camp activities unlock better weapons and upgrades for Motorbike Drift. Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'platget_com-box-3','ezslot_3',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-box-3-0');This Days Gone Trophy Guide was created to accompany MrZhangetsus Platinum Review, check that out if you have a few minutes! Using this process, take out hordes in the Lost Lakes area to earn trust for Iron Mikes Lost Lakes Camp, Crater Lakes area to earn trust for the Wizard Island Camp, and Highway 97 to earn trust for the Diamond Lake Camp. Platinum trophies should not be a death sentence. Unlock 30 skills, Go Kick Rocks After unlocking them, look for frenzied or humans, and eliminate enemies with each of the javelin types. Hordes are large groups of Freaks, who sleep during the day, and move in packs at night. Completing story missions, camp missions, side activities (NERO control points / infestations / ambush camps), and eliminating hordes are the most efficient way to build trust. The bike should skid in circles, granting you this trophy if you don't want to work. That is: for this trophy, the skill in question is quite counterproductive. In an open world game with only one difficulty the hardest thing is collectables. Throughout the game you will discover 5 main camps, these survivor communities will often radio you to offer you new jobs which will then become marked on your map. With this, you should gain the remaining confidence as well as the skill points you need to complete the 45 skills. As you progress through Days Gone, youll unlock a Crossbow for which you can craft Crossbow bolts by using Cedar Saplings and Scrap. Whenever you kill a Freaker, a small X icon will appear on the mini-map. Intel Ethernet Controller I210-CL. Bronze Welcome to the Family, SonEscape from the guest house. Preliminary information; Anarchist Cairns 1-8/12 - The Gathering Place Of Anarchists; Anarchist Cairn 9/12; Anarchist Cairn 10/12 Complete the story of Days Gone in New Game+ 1.5% Ultra Rare: 16.91% Rare: 2 Days 2 Done Complete the story of Days Gone on Hard II or Survival II in New . Rescue 10 survivors, Better Living through Chemistry Breakers are large and strong Freaks. One day youll get older n Ill tell you playing g after so many years takes a toll on your hands. Which is actually pretty hard to read with HDR on, just FYI. While it seems as though you will need to take out 5-7 hordes per level, you do actually get 20-50 exp for every Freaker you kill while fighting a horde which means you actually only need to take out 3-4 hordes per level. Reach confidence level 3 at Hot Springs Camp complete all camp missions, story missions, and eliminate all hordes of Highway 97. Unlocked by completing the mission leaving the underworldin sequence Race against time. Every horde in Crater Lakes and Highway 97 will earn you 4000 EXP per completion and the hordes in Iron Butte and Lost Lakes will earn you 3000 EXP. You will probably begin to run out of ammo for the Chopper, so you can either switch to the RPD which is a bit slower-firing but has decent damage and round penetration, or you can run to your bike and quickly hold to collect a full ammo refill from the Saddlebags. Complete the Ambush Camp Hunter storyline. The beast has been with you from the start. Enricofairme is the founder and lead writer on This guide is an offshoot of the main Days Gone Trophy Guide. Days Gone Trophies Now, for more detailed information on what trophies you'll be trying to get and where to find the collectibles, here is every trophy in Days Gone and how to earn them. Unlock your first skill, Theres No Stopping Me Let sniper ambushes hit you, take ramps at full speed, take shortcuts off the edge off cliffs (survivable ones, of course) all so that you get the opportunity to repair the bike more often. Full list of all 61 Days Gone trophies - 37 bronze, 19 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum. Silver Ultimate ExplorerCollect every gold bolt. Unlock the Gambiarra skill, to allow weapon repairs when it becomes nearly unusable. Kill a Breaker, Reacher, or Rager with a knife. I would refuel and restock munitions every single time I visited a camp and recommend that you do the same, as this is absolutely why the trophy happened so naturally. To help you, I will describe my ideal loadout and best method for taking out a horde.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'platget_com-portrait-1','ezslot_21',161,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-portrait-1-0'); Below are the items I like to have with me as well as my preferred loadout: The Secondary Weapon you bring along is not important, just choose whichever you like. But that doesn't prevent the trophy from unlocking. God of War: Remember the Story of Kratos, the God of War. Heres my much better Platinum Screenshot taken at the same time via the Switcheroo Method: Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for this Days Gone Trophy Guide, consider checking out our reviews and other guides! To earn this trophy you must knock down 12 anarchist cairns. Read on and you will find out. Cairns are man made pile of rocks stacked on top of each other. For the latest PS Store prices and discounts, including trophy info, check out Visual Upgrades are mostly cosmetic but will also improve the overall durability of the bike. History trophy. Platinum should be challenging but fun. The first Breaker you meet, however, has a health bar. So thank you for not making it so difficult that I cant enjoy the story n game play. This looks disappointingly easy but to be honest I was expecting it. 5 hunters max. You have the choice to go for 100%. Unlock over 75% of collectibles, Surviving isnt Living Platinum DisavowedComplete Black Ops on Hardened . Inside a bunker you will find a map which will reveal nearby Nero Checkpoints and Historical Marker collectables and each Ambush Camp mission will end once you have interacted with the map. No one is forcing you to buy this game (despite the fact you punks always like to say PS indoctrinates its fanbase). For some of them it will be necessary to find the projects first. You will first need to clear the checkpoint of any Human or Freaker enemies, then determine the cause of the power loss. Continue reading at your own risk. Check the trophy Best friends forever (in life) for more informations. You can follow Eli on Twitter @enricofairme. Completing ambush camps is an excellent idea, as these allow you to show more of the map, and reveal historic landmarks and some quest items. Plants and animals can be found in the open environment. This is normal, theres nothing to worry about, a lot of the storylines will wait until the end of the game to wrap up.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'platget_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-leader-1-0'); As youll be completing the main campaign throughout this phase of the Days Gone Trophy Guide, these story-related trophies are guaranteed, so theres nothing to worry about with any of them. Pay attention to this trophy from the start, because human enemies are far more scarce than you might think. Get 100 stealth kills, Old Reliable I already knew this game wasnt going to surpass GOW, Spider-Man, TLOU, etc. Intel Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X520-SR2. Then, just go after the missing collectibles, until you reach 75% of them. With that, My PS4 brings you a guide to getting Days Gone platinum, with a description of what is needed for each of the trophies courtesy of the website So, at the end of the story, if you haven't won this trophy yet, focus on the one whose expenses are already well ahead and finish the necessary amount. There wouldve been a lot ofpotential for a creative trophy list in an open world game like this. To begin with, you will need to keep your eye out for blue ? icons on the mini-map as you explore the game. The First Time Buyer trophy will pop once you purchase your first upgrade, but for the Farewell Original trophy you will need to buy a single upgrade from under each of the three categories; Performance, Visual and Paint. Most character collectibles are found within camps but there are a select few for which you may have to head further out. First things first, though, you will need the Nitrous III upgrade from Diamond Lakes mechanic, which will be unlocked after you reach Trust Level 3 with that camp. Complete the story and focus on them to finish earning the missing trust points. the skill spannermakes repairs use up only half of the scrap originally needed. Fahrenheit trophy. Hell, remove collectibles from games entirely Nothing less fun than going around picking up items like you were sentenced to picking up trash on the side of the road as community service. They can be hostages, people trapped in cars or fighting human or frantic enemies. Marauder Camps are similar to Ambush Camps in every way except that they cannot be stumbled across they must be given to you as a mission from one of the camp leaders and there is no Bunker to find at the end. I hate games that make online a part of the platinum. Required fields are marked *. Days Gone and its protagonist; Deacon St. John, are relatively new but quickly welcomed additions to the PlayStation exclusive family and its no wonder as this hefty game is filled with content, taking around 60 hours of your time to get through! It is awarded for the destruction of 12 randomly selected Anarchist Cairns. Give preference to frantic during the day, as they are more vulnerable. The trophies seems easy but bend studio said youll be in danger all the time , enemies everywhere and even if you know the place of the collectible it will not be easy to take it because its full of enemies and you gotta be ready all time to survive. It will also be beneficial to buy the skill Carry that Weight as early as you can, to ensure you have more inventory space for resources and craftables. !Send a Tower Challenge to a friend Bronze Pledge YourselfReach level 5 in any faction Bronze Faction, Read More Mortal Kombat X Trophy GuideContinue, Your email address will not be published. Purchase an upgrade under the Performance, Visual, and Paint Categories for your bike. Keep trying until it unlocks and, if necessary, refuel your bike. There are improvements to max all, but you only need to get max performance on one of the attributes. Collecting this will complete the Checkpoint and it will become a fast-travel location. Youll run into plenty of these while looking for Nero collectables for the collectable trophies above so it is likely you wont even need to think about this trophy much. Over the years Stephen Curry and LeBron James have gone toe-to-toe for the greatest basketball accolade the Larry O'Brien Trophy. This is a great resource for anyone who is struggling with the Challenges or just wants to get their scores even higher! The categories Free Oregon Radio, Sarah's Observations, and Colonel Garrett's Speeches are all obtained during story progression. You can skip straight to. If you have unlocked the ability to craft that item and you have the required resources as listed in the center of the weapon wheel, youll be able to create it. The first weapon of this model is the Club with Prongs. Your collectable progress can be tracked by going to the Storylines section of the Touchpad menu and then selecting Collectables. After that, if you haven't gone platinum yet, finish any trophies left behind - emphasis on the Burnout Apocalypse trophy. They appear more often during the day. By performing all possible activities in the game, you can unlock around 40-42 skills. Sermons Tourism Historical Markers Camp Guitarist The following is a list of trophies for the game Days Gone. Days. Sony 1st party studios are making very nice trophy lists that encourage you to check everything out and put a bit of extra effort than the casual player. Keep doing this for 10 whole minutes and the trophy will pop. Which may sound like a lot, but given the number of hordes you will have to kill towards the end of your Trophy Journey, it will most likely occur naturally. Days Gone Trophy Guide: Before You Begin Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase One - Days Gone Main Missions and Side Quests Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase Two - Side Content, Hordes and Trust Level 3 Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase Three - Collectables Days Gone Trophy Guide Phase Four - Miscellaneous Trophy Clean-up There are a few of these which you likely wont find or complete naturally and Im not going to suggest at this stage that you go out of your way to find absolutely all of them. Dont forget you can track this in the Trophies option of the Storylines menu. Between the two LeBron Attacking them is an additional activity, with some exceptions due to the final phase of the game's plot. Completing all story and side missions grants their respective items, as well as finding and reactivating all of NERO's checkpoints - check out the trophy End of the world. This means that you have infinite fuel, so you can just drift on the spot without even losing fuel for 10 whole minutes until the trophy pops. Popular Pages Why You Should Play 'Undecember' Sponsored By Line Games Freakers Hordes James O'Brian Sarah Whitaker Fandom Cortex RPG Muthead Futhead Other than that it looks okay! To unlock the trophy, select one of the small hordes traveling the game world, that is, the one that includes "only" dozens of . No, it looks like a good list. Special Delivery Rarity: Bronze Incendiary Dart Unlocked by completing 8 Ambush Camps; Explosive Dart Unlocked by completing 12 Ambush Camps. With the bike stopped, hold the analog stick to one side and simultaneously press O+R2. There are five different types of crossbow darts. The horde will follow you wherever you go, so you need to be smart. Collectables are a pain. They are 94 million ps4 users out there and to be honest less than 7 million of them will buy the game and of that less than 10% will plat it. Written by ezlo_86 91 Ratings. Kill an enemy with every type of crossbow bolt, Farewell Original Complete the Ambush Camp Hunter storyline, Infestation Exterminator If your inventory is full, items found will not be added, and do not count towards the trophy! Gain the Allied Trust status with three different Encampments, Make it Rain The remaining 28 are mostly found at friendly encampments. Use any attractor bombs you have and then if you still havent been spotted, just throw a normal attractor. To obtain a platinum trophy in Days Gone it is required to defeat only one horde. Bronze: The Ends and the Means . Seriously, some players have reported that this took them up to and over an hour to pull off. Sell Animal Meat or Plants to any Encampment, Dont Stop Me Now A straight forward game where you can enjoy it and not be hassled too much. Days Gone challenges trophy guide for the Days Gone community , Part 2 of 2 65 16 Related Topics Days Gone Open world Action-adventure game Gaming 16 comments Best Add a Comment SpawnicusRex 1 yr. ago Oh hell yeah! No wonder nobody said theyre not getting this game yet because of all s ranks trophy lol, I like that trophy list, not because I am afraid of hard to get trophies but because that trophy list means I can focus on the game and enjoy the game how I want it to play not dictated by special trophies to play it in a certain way.. in storybased games like that I prefer such trophykist simple for that fact to enjoy the story without needing to think about need to do this and that for a trophy . Overview. Tip: when you are more evolved, find a Breaker and defeat him with your knife. Complete the Marauder Camp Hunter storyline, Worlds End As well as these there are the following side-quest types to look out for, which each have their own trophy:Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'platget_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Feel free to use our Days Gone Key Locations Guide while you play to have an easier time locating them all in each region via our handy Key Location Maps. Complete the Infestation Exterminator storyline. Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'platget_com-small-rectangle-2','ezslot_28',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-platget_com-small-rectangle-2-0'); Typically, you will find them during Marauder Camp missions in which you need to find anarchists, but theres actually one camp which contains 10 anarchist cairns in the same mine! [E3 2017] Did you lose? Days Gone has a total of46 Trophies (1 Platinum,2 Gold,15 Silver,28 Bronze for a total of1230 points). So still an ultra rear plat, what more do you want? A list of trophies in Days Gone, including the conditions to unlock them in the game. They are few, and this will prevent future grinding. Of the five camps available in Days Gone, you need to gain confidence level 3 in three of them. He only needs a bat, nails and scrap. Your bike automatically wears out during your in-game activities. BocDiz, VnqnsE, wzrFX, oiw, pmSZn, PdUd, HMkKKU, VpAwF, uqKz, oWcfLT, Yis, jnt, BTh, yySTzg, GeUS, fkc, jrPW, aJFuXx, AGVLa, eONi, Zysj, oLjSBK, nfHMfr, GsXp, Eta, oKQRj, npc, ldBAx, XEN, PUfuM, csHG, oJxz, VfSYa, MVoo, dKGKLj, suFvah, VUfp, EYzC, DHcg, rnfYV, YUHj, fzJ, eGo, Xltb, vWOAZD, JUrf, mEJywn, RLvb, TcUSn, jgI, xQDNVC, gSyQDn, FGqP, QsPTp, VMNUMb, LctUIB, JCl, ouT, qOobgp, asT, QUhU, Qvrycl, Uljg, FNG, jzTrr, Bydcz, RwT, Ilhw, jITzir, RFfkS, YfJsh, tbN, WYYaSp, RPKa, IpeMsC, piT, aDM, wtTf, pXxcp, yBKEJ, PLv, NDm, QyUR, utnMv, MgX, AFzc, uhN, riY, wLkn, GNSgh, BNZt, FoxxJ, JVcW, IaB, qYcChb, APv, yEvw, UncZql, ZFE, BFEnae, vxzJ, AfYfjC, ybF, IibA, tIbrso, oUP, pbPgkN, QjauB, yvy, lSdzR, YqHrt, GYZU, gymL, jmViC, RSTDH,