istio fault injection not working

Then, simply bind both VirtualServices to it like this: An HTTPS Gateway that specifies the hosts field will perform an SNI match on incoming requests. develop different microservices independently. @mrtalley IMO the problem can also be in the value you used for host in the routing rule: Have you tried using the name of the service entry instead? Output of istioctl version --remote, Environment where bug was observed (cloud vendor, OS, etc) To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Note this example can be applied against the bookinfo Istio sample application.. To run it, simple set the KUBERNETES_CONTEXT environment variable to the target cluster and ensure your local kubeconfig is properly populated for that context. The default policy I'm able to successfully apply rules internally and to http routes, but it isn't working for https. Open the product page URL in a browser and refresh a number of times.. x509: certificate signed by unknown authority errors are typically Do you have any suggestions for improvement? This includes an injected sidecar when it wasnt expected and a lack If you login as any other user, you will not experience any delays. Verify the caBundle in the mutatingwebhookconfiguration matches the It's not a question of Istio versus Envoy or Istio versus Kubernetesthey often work together to make a microservices-based containerized environment operate smoothly. In this case, only the TCP Proxy network filter on the sidecar proxy is used both on the client-side and server-side. is the Pod IP of one of the replicas of nginx and the service is accessed on containerPort 80. Install Multi-Primary on different networks, Install Primary-Remote on different networks, Install Istio with an External Control Plane, Getting Started with Istio and Kubernetes Gateway API, Customizing the installation configuration, Custom CA Integration using Kubernetes CSR *, Istio Workload Minimum TLS Version Configuration, Classifying Metrics Based on Request or Response, Configure tracing using MeshConfig and Pod annotations *, Learn Microservices using Kubernetes and Istio, Wait on Resource Status for Applied Configuration, Monitoring Multicluster Istio with Prometheus, Understand your Mesh with Istioctl Describe, Diagnose your Configuration with Istioctl Analyze, ConflictingMeshGatewayVirtualServiceHosts, EnvoyFilterUsesRelativeOperationWithProxyVersion, EnvoyFilterUsesRemoveOperationIncorrectly, EnvoyFilterUsesReplaceOperationIncorrectly, NoServerCertificateVerificationDestinationLevel, VirtualServiceDestinationPortSelectorRequired, Stopping and restarting the fixed microservice. I wasn't able to get this to work with the "Accessing External Services" example ( or with my own project. I then have a retry policy that retries 1,000 times (complete overkill), so that if 8 out of 10 calls fail, I then retry up to a 1,000 times until I get a 200OK . caused by an empty caBundle in the webhook configuration. We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here. request routing task or by Refer to this traffic routing page for some additional information on headless services and traffic routing behavior for different protocols. version distribution to be observed. If is accessed first, it The CA certificate should match. Bookinfo cleanup instructions Whenever you apply a DestinationRule, ensure the trafficPolicy TLS mode matches the global server configuration. If you migrate all traffic to reviews:v3 as described in the For example, the following configuration would only allow requests that match * in the SNI: For example, if you do not have DNS set up and are instead directly setting the host header, such as curl -H "Host:", no SNI will be set, causing the request to fail. Currently, Istio does not support configuring fault injections and retry or timeout policies on the Service Entry. In that case, should we change the wording in the documentation from If not specified, all requests are aborted. Ensure your pod is not in the kube-system or kube-public namespace. Istio's fault injection rules help you identify such anomalies without impacting end users. Instead, you can set up DNS or use the --resolve flag of curl. This is a setup in Google's GKE. Injection is fail-close. [ ] User Experience I deployed the yaml file below, but I am getting a response in a very short time when member service is getting aborted with 500 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: retry-member spec: hosts: . Below is an example of using this extension to inject a delay of 5 seconds to a specific user. For example, if you configure mutual TLS in the cluster globally, the DestinationRule must include the following trafficPolicy: Otherwise, the mode defaults to DISABLE causing client proxy sidecars to make plain HTTP requests Istio's fault injection rules help you identify such anomalies without impacting end users. Open the Developer Tools menu (F12) -> Network tab - web page actually loads in about 6 seconds. Click the (+) icon on the Apply Custom Configuration card and paste the configuration below. You can observe that the HTTP route is not applied using try to change the delay rule to any amount less than 2.5s, for example 2s, and confirm Multicluster Istio configuration and service discovery using Admiral. In this case, you expect the page to load immediately and display the Ratings service is currently unavailable message. generally port 443 is dedicated for HTTPS traffic. and this can lead to routing failures at the host level. However, starting in Istio 1.8, you can expose HTTP port 80 to the application (e.g., curl Looking at envoy logs, it looks like the mesh is recognizing requests to the https route, but I haven't been able to apply any fault injection rules to it. node autoscaler is unable to evict nodes with the injected pods. istiod pods. Fault injection, in the context of Istio, is a mechanism by which we can purposefully inject some issues within our mesh to mimic how our application would behave in case it encounter such problems. An EnvoyFilter configuration that specifies an insert position relative to another filter can be very Jobs are deployed as part of the istio-init Helm Chart to install the CRDs. A fault rule must have either a delay or abort (or both). recommendation-v1-798bf87d96-d9d95 2/2 Running 0 1h. Usage. The sidecar model assumes that the iptables changes required for Envoy to intercept without impacting end users. If the pods or endpoints arent ready, check the pod logs and status Did neanderthals need vitamin C from the diet? connection to another host has already been established. that leverage HTTP/2 connection reuse The access logs may also show an error like 400 DPE. that it is processed after the istio.stats filter which has a default priority of 0. that the end-to-end flow continues without any errors. helloworld VirtualService which directs traffic exclusively to subset v1. The namespaceSelector for opt-in will look like the following: The injection webhook will be invoked for pods created Communication between Envoy and the app happens on, and is not encrypted. including all route rules. There are hard-coded timeouts in the microservices that have Istio 1.8 has just been released and is one of the best Istio releases so far. a known issue. Another potential issue is that the route rules may simply be slow to take effect. 1980s short story - disease of self absorption, Penrose diagram of hypothetical astrophysical white hole. OS: Windows 10 Enterprise. Yes, the user is trying to apply config for http routing but they are sending https traffic. How can I use a VPN to access a Russian website that is banned in the EU? No License, Build available. To fix this, you should switch the virtual service to configure tls routing: Alternatively, you could terminate TLS, rather than passing it through, by switching the tls configuration in the gateway: When configuring Istio to perform TLS origination, you need to make sure Check the kube-apiserver files and logs to verify the configuration and whether any requests are being proxied. istioctl create -f samples/apps/bookinfo . This will result in the virtual service configuration having no effect. While Istio will configure the proxy to listen on these ports . Gain deep understanding of how service performance impacts matters upstream with the robust tracing, monitoring, and logging . An issue was filed with Kubernetes related to this and has since been closed. instead of TLS encrypted requests. The following DestinationRule originates TLS for requests to the service, @howardjohn Hi, we've encountered the same problem here. Using Kiali with Istio Fault Injection. running the following commands: With the above configuration, this is how requests flow: To test the Bookinfo application microservices for resiliency, inject a 7s delay A standard API for service mesh, in Istio and in the broader community. without the istio-injection=disabled label. Before starting this tutorial, you will need a small idea of Istio resiliency Fault Injection feature. of true forces the sidecar to be injected while a value of I'm using the sock-shop demo to test several aspects of Istio's functionality. Run the following command to see the log: In the default access log format, Envoy response flags are located after the response code, Since the gateway (gw1) has no route for, it will then return a 404 (Not Found) response. This causes the sidecar injector to inject the sidecar at the start of the pods container list, and configures it to block the start of all other containers until the proxy is ready. for details. Another way to test microservice resiliency is to introduce an HTTP abort fault. So far it was not possible to convert an HTTP request to an HTTPS request. kandi ratings - Low support, No Bugs, No Vulnerabilities. Using Meshery, navigate to the Istio management page: Enter default in the Namespace field. so that it is compatible with (less than) the timeout of the downstream productpage requests. The Fault Injection Panel allows us to inject faults to test the resiliency of a Service. Something can be done or not a fit? I have a fault that is injected 80% of the time. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. . Consider the following configuration: You would expect that given the configured five retry attempts, the user would almost never see any Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The following sections describe some of the most common misconfigurations. You can confirm this using the istioctl proxy-config routes command. Notice that the fault injection test is restricted to when the logged in user is jason. The following label overrides whatever the default policy was To fix this, you should change the port protocol to HTTPS: There are two common TLS mismatches that can occur when binding a virtual service to a gateway. So I think it cannot be safely changed. As a result, an EnvoyFilter like the one above may initially @howardjohn is there any way i can perform fault injection on https traffic. When would I give a checkpoint to my D&D party that they can return to if they die? For example, lets say you have 2 hosts that share the same TLS certificate like this: Since both gateways are served by the same workload (i.e., selector istio: ingressgateway) requests to both services default destination rules. How can I fix it? Config: Copy 1apiVersion: 2kind: VirtualService 3metadata: 4 name: reviews No luck so far with the Istio failure injection so far. By default, access logs are output to the standard output of the container. Lets assume you are using an ingress Gateway and corresponding VirtualService to access an internal service. Traffic Management concepts doc. This test First, we will test the resiliency of the application by injecting an HTTP delay fault. Assume Istio is installed with the following configuration: Consider nginx is deployed as a StatefulSet in the default namespace and a corresponding Headless Service is defined as shown below: The port name http-web in the Service definition explicitly specifies the http protocol for that port. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. inject the fault to the upstream Envoy proxy using EnvoyFilter instead: This works because this way the retry policy is configured for the client proxy while the fault QGIS expression not working in categorized symbology. because the timeout between the reviews and ratings service is hard-coded at 10s. i am using istio 1.6.5. I've tried to set the name of the service entry as the destination as you suggested. NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE. will uncover a bug that was intentionally introduced into the Bookinfo app. Multi-Mesh Deployments for Isolation and Boundary Protection. I'm able to successfully apply rules internally and to http routes, but it isn't working for https. Note that the reviews:v2 service has a 10s hard-coded connection timeout for or replaced by newer ones when upgrading Istio. To avoid this, set holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts to true. If you login as any other user, you will not experience any delays. Then we can install Istio CRDs on our AKS by using the next command: helm install --name istio-init --namespace istio-system. Looking at envoy logs, it looks like the mesh is recognizing requests to the https route, but I haven't been able to apply any fault injection rules to it. Specifying the Host header as nginx.default in our request to nginx successfully returns HTTP 200 OK. Set port name to tcp or tcp-web or tcp-: Here the protocol is explicitly specified as tcp. For example, sending a request like curl will result in an error: It doesn't work. The gateway will be applied to the proxy running on a pod with labels app: my-gateway-controller. for any indication about why the webhook pod is failing to start and Sending an HTTPS request like curl, which defaults to port 443, will result in an error like rev2022.12.9.43105. window (or in another browser), you will see that /productpage still calls reviews:v1 and the errors continue until you remove or revert the DestinationRule, then the DestinationRule is probably To fix this problem, you should switch the virtual service to specify http routing, instead of tls: In this configuration, the virtual service is attempting to match HTTP traffic against TLS traffic passed through the gateway. curl: (35) error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number. Open the Bookinfo web application in your browser. Another common issue is load balancers in front of Istio. [ ] Installation Fault Injection. If requests to a service immediately start generating HTTP 503 errors after you applied a DestinationRule We are running in the same issue as we want to test our application circuit breaking settings by returning just 500 (as example above) from google API instead of the real response. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: This is expected, as https is treated as raw tcp in envoy. Apply application version routing by either performing the I've configured Istio to delay/abort http-traffic with 30 seconds to my catalogue-service, yet when i refresh my page, the catalogue shows without any delays. It looks like this was resolved with no follow up. [ ] Developer Infrastructure. The ingress requests are using the gateway host (e.g., Therefore you be working perfectly but after upgrading Istio to a newer version it will no longer be included in the network Get the gateway URL of /productpage from the script output. root certificate mounted in the istiod pod. Refer to the Envoy response flags Monitor service mesh. This is useful in certain scenarios where a client may not be able to include header information in the request. I did some analysis and found over 10% of fault configs in live clusters are NOT setting percentage. For example, when using NGINX for serving traffic behind Envoy, you [ ] Security Fault injection works on its own and retries work on their own as expected, but not the two combined. @rcaballeromx I'm trying to do the same thing. Deploy the Bookinfo sample application including the The only related failure log can be found in kube-apiserver log: Make sure both pod and service CIDRs are not proxied according to *_proxy variables. If you are not planning to explore any follow-on tasks, refer to the If he had met some scary fish, he would immediately return to the surface, Is it illegal to use resources in a University lab to prove a concept could work (to ultimately use to create a startup). error log to indicate that this filter has not been added to the chain. recommendation-v2-7bc4f7f696-d9j2m . I was successfully able to create the filter but it does not seem to have any effect. ? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. @kyessenov commented on Mon Oct 09 2017 Context: production readiness proposal and plan The feature "fault injection" is identified as incomplete test coverage. Envoy requires HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 traffic for upstream services. Consider a filter with the following specification: To work properly, this filter configuration depends on the istio.stats filter having an older creation time which will activate the rules in the myapp VirtualService that routes to any endpoint of the helloworld service. The following example introduces a 5 second delay in 10% of the requests to the ratings:v1 microservice: apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: ratings spec: hosts: - ratings http: - fault: delay: percent: 10 . In this example, the gateway is terminating TLS while the virtual service is using TLS based routing. still expect the end-to-end flow to continue without any errors. In Istio, fault injection is a way to introduce problems in your architecture deliberately to understand how your system and organizational process will respond when it happens in real life. If the rule propagated successfully to all pods, the page loads in namespaces with the istio-injection=enabled label. Due to the fact that the sidecar container mounts a local storage volume, the webhook is scoped to opt-in or opt-out for the target namespace. default creation time-based ordering. On the /productpage web page, log in as user jason. Are defenders behind an arrow slit attackable? For these reasons, it's important to test your services' behavior when upstream dependencies fail. The new version contains exciting experimental features, numerous enhancements, as well as deprecations and removals. In this task, you will introduce an HTTP abort to the ratings microservices for Example: ulimit -n 16384. Chaos Engineering is only effective when you know your application can take failures, otherwise, there is no point in testing for chaos if you know your application is definitely broken. Install Multi-Primary on different networks, Install Primary-Remote on different networks, Install Istio with an External Control Plane, Getting Started with Istio and Kubernetes Gateway API, Customizing the installation configuration, Custom CA Integration using Kubernetes CSR *, Istio Workload Minimum TLS Version Configuration, Classifying Metrics Based on Request or Response, Configure tracing using MeshConfig and Pod annotations *, Learn Microservices using Kubernetes and Istio, Wait on Resource Status for Applied Configuration, Monitoring Multicluster Istio with Prometheus, Understand your Mesh with Istioctl Describe, Diagnose your Configuration with Istioctl Analyze, ConflictingMeshGatewayVirtualServiceHosts, EnvoyFilterUsesRelativeOperationWithProxyVersion, EnvoyFilterUsesRemoveOperationIncorrectly, EnvoyFilterUsesReplaceOperationIncorrectly, NoServerCertificateVerificationDestinationLevel, VirtualServiceDestinationPortSelectorRequired, Route rules dont seem to affect traffic flow, 503 errors after setting destination rule, Route rules have no effect on ingress gateway requests, Envoy wont connect to my HTTP/1.0 service, 503 error while accessing headless services, Double TLS (TLS origination for a TLS request), 404 errors occur when multiple gateways configured with same TLS certificate, Configuring SNI routing when not sending SNI, Unchanged Envoy filter configuration suddenly stops working, Virtual service with fault injection and retry/timeout policies not working as expected. Fault injection is part of Istio's routing configuration and can be set in the fault field under an HTTP route of the VirtualService Istio custom resource. At what point in the prequels is it revealed that Palpatine is Darth Sidious? Istio is an open service mesh that provides a uniform way to connect, manage, and secure microservices. another filter (e.g., INSERT_FIRST), or set an explicit priority in the EnvoyFilter to override the which will fail because the HTTP is unexpectedly encrypted. You should only see this error if you disabled. Install Istio with the Istio CNI plugin Tasks Traffic Management Request Routing Fault Injection Traffic Shifting TCP Traffic Shifting Request Timeouts Circuit Breaking Mirroring Ingress Ingress Gateways Secure Gateways (File Mount) Secure Gateways (SDS) Ingress Gateway without TLS Termination Kubernetes Ingress with Cert-Manager Egress Notice that the fault injection test is restricted to when the logged in user is jason. Fixing the bug You would normally fix the problem by: In this post, we'll review what's new in Istio 1.8, and highlight a few potential snags to look out for when . When nginx is accessed from this sleep pod using its Pod IP (this is one of the common ways to access a headless service), the request goes via the PassthroughCluster to the server-side, but the sidecar proxy on the server-side fails to find the route entry to nginx and fails with HTTP 503 UC. Kubernetes services must adhere to certain restrictions in order to take advantage of Deploy the BookInfo sample application.. Initialize the application version routing by either first doing the request routing task or by running following commands:. privacy statement. Istio / Traffic Management Problems Documentation Operations Common Problems Traffic Management Problems Traffic Management Problems 15 minute read Requests are rejected by Envoy Route rules don't seem to affect traffic flow 503 errors after setting destination rule Route rules have no effect on ingress gateway requests Envoy is crashing under load I tried this task with Abort I see service not available even when I am not logged in . In computer science, fault injection is a testing technique for understanding how computing systems behave when stressed in unusual ways. If route rules are working perfectly for the Bookinfo sample, (which does not call ratings at all) for everybody but jason. That can be a great tool to test your app for operational readiness and resilience. the same VirtualService, the retry configuration does not take effect, resulting in a 50% failure traffic shifting task, you can then Faults include aborting HTTP requests from a downstream service, and/or delaying the proxying of requests. filter chain of the sidecars. After that is done, when curling from inside a sidecar-injected pod, expect to see the specified fault, say a 500 response. It also means more requests on the network, increasing the possibility for errors. Direct encrypted traffic from IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Ingress to Istio Ingress Gateway. Unrecognized policy causes injection to be disabled completely. If you see the "cross", you're on the right track. the Envoy sidecar will attempt to parse the request as HTTP while forwarding the request, Have a question about this project? This can be achieved using physical- or software-based means, or using a hybrid approach. Not the answer you're looking for? Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Why is the federal judiciary of the United States divided into circuits? Istio's fault injection rules help you identify such anomalies without impacting end users. Set also the PRODUCT_PAGE_SERVICE_BASE_URL to the . to If not specified, none of the requests will be aborted. Many traffic management problems typically be captured in the event log. However, there is a problem: the Reviews section displays an error coded as 3s + 1 retry for 6s total. Only internal requests with the host helloworld.default.svc.cluster.localwill use the but similar version routing rules have no effect on your own application, it may be that encrypted requests. One workaround is to remove the proxy settings from the kube-apiserver manifest, another workaround is to include istio-sidecar-injector.istio-system.svc or .svc in the no_proxy value. I've tried again with the same configurations as posted in the original question, and it works now. Istios fault injection rules help you identify such anomalies The best way to understand why requests are being rejected is Any thoughts? Here web-0 is the pod name of one of the 3 replicas of nginx. between the reviews:v2 and ratings microservices for user jason. Trying to inject faults to an external service with ServiceEntry and a VirtualService via HTTPS but no way of doing it. label in the pod template specs metadata. I followed this document to create the filter. A request to nginx with or without explicitly setting the Host header successfully returns HTTP 200 OK. I checked istio config dump but I couldn't find my filter there, so I think my filter configuration is wrong. Most cloud load balancers will not forward the SNI, so if you are terminating TLS in your cloud load balancer you may need to do one of the following: A common symptom of this is for the load balancer health checks to succeed while real traffic fails. Version (include the output of istioctl version --remote and kubectl version) Fault Injection - delays and aborts not working in Istio. Setup Istio by following the instructions in the Installation guide.. [X] Networking These jobs should take less than 20 seconds to complete. namespace. Tabularray table when is wraped by a tcolorbox spreads inside right margin overrides page borders. Here is the setup : ingress -> service-a fault.yaml (here is the fault rule for service-a) apiVersion: kind: RouteRule metadata: name: ratings-delay-abort spec: destinat. kubectl get pods -l app=recommendation. I'm running istio version 1.2 and have my outboundTrafficPolicy.mode set to ALLOW_ANY. Configure Istio ingress gateway to act as a proxy for external services. and fault injection. I've been testing with By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Check the webhooks namespaceSelector to determine whether the This is a setup in Google's GKE. 7 seconds. Confirm the ISTIO-INJECTION column shows it has been enabled. message: Youve found a bug. (i.e., most browsers) to produce 404 errors when accessing a second host after a Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Authorization Policy ConditionsSupported Conditions Istio IBM Lyft Istio For pods on the host network this assumption is violated, This task shows how to inject delays and test the resiliency of your application. If you login as any other user, you would not experience any delays. Istio defines two types of faults injection: Delays: Delays are timing failures such us network latency or overloaded upstreams. With this misconfiguration, you will end up getting 404 responses because the requests will be Here are some of the ways to avoid this 503 error: The Host header in the curl request above will be the Pod IP by default. HTTP Abort : This specification deals with immediate abortion of a request and return a predefined status code. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? The rubber protection cover does not pass through the hole in the rim. Enable Istio automatic proxy sidecar injection. download and install 1.7.4 release version of Istio label the default namespace to enable automatic proxy injection install and expose the book info app from the Istio samples directory. I'm running istio version 1.2 and have my outboundTrafficPolicy.mode set to ALLOW_ANY. Using "fault.abort.httpStatus:404" for the uri-prefix-match in ISTIO VirtualServer leads from external request perspective to too-many-redirects. When the Kubernetes API server includes proxy settings such as: With these settings, Sidecar injection fails. (e.g., curl, but it will also perform TLS origination before forwarding requests. Bugs like this can occur in typical enterprise applications where different teams The gateway terminates TLS while the virtual service configures TLS routing. rate. The gateway does TLS passthrough while the virtual service configures HTTP routing. specific (i.e., that include the proxyVersion field in their match criteria). Even with the 7s delay that you introduced, you causing a TLS conflict for the service. Automatic sidecar injection will be ignored for pods that are on the host network. However any other container in the same pod will see all the packets, since the To work around this issue, you may remove the fault config from your VirtualService and For example, your VirtualService looks something like this: You also have a VirtualService which routes traffic for the helloworld service to a particular subset: In this situation you will notice that requests to the helloworld service via the ingress gateway will I've added destinationrules and virtualservices for ALL my services, and this seems to produce the correct results. Allowed policy values are disabled and enabled. The reviews:v3 service reduces the reviews to ratings timeout from 10s to 2.5s Before you begin. However since both fault and retries are configured on The Istio implementation on Kubernetes utilizes an eventually consistent @howardjohn Any existing tools which you recommend for injecting faults to tls traffic? that the application sends plaintext requests to the sidecar, which will then originate the TLS. traffic are within the pod. Installation guide. Thus, the requests conflict with the server proxy because the server proxy expects If the istio-sidecar-injector pod is not ready, pods jason. Not with TLS nor HTTPS as protocol label in the ServiceEntry: Fault Injection on External Https Service Not Working, connect-failure,refused-stream,unavailable,cancelled,resource-exhausted,retriable-status-codes,gateway-error,500. Do non-Segwit nodes reject Segwit transactions with invalid signature? The namespaceSelector for opt-out will look like the following: The injection webhook will be invoked for pods created in namespaces by inspecting Envoys access logs. will not see any error message. Istio enables fault injection to test the resiliency of your application. Many applications execute commands or checks during startup, which require network connectivity. Istio's fault injection rules help you identify such anomalies without impacting end users. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. To control the traffic from the gateway, you need to also include the subset rule in the myapp VirtualService: Alternatively, you can combine both VirtualServices into one unit if possible: Check your ulimit -a. Otherwise, the INSERT_BEFORE operation will be silently ignored. OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.4 and 8.5, as well as on Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) 4.10. This can cause application containers to hang or restart if the istio-proxy sidecar container is not ready. In such cases youll see an error about no endpoints available. Implement istio-fault-injection with how-to, Q&A, fixes, code snippets. serve traffic. Fixing the bug You would normally fix the problem by: Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This task shows you how to inject faults to test the resiliency of your application. [1] Widely studied physical fault injections include the application of high voltages, extreme . sent to HTTP routing but there are no HTTP routes configured. network namespace is shared. Such filters may be removed Configure the cloud load balancer to instead passthrough the TLS connection. I'm trying to apply fault injection rules to external services that my cluster is accessing. Deploy environments that require isolation into separate meshes and enable inter-mesh communication by mesh federation. [ ] Performance and Scalability Well occasionally send you account related emails. If your application sends an HTTPS request to a service declared to be HTTP, Verify the application pods namespace is labeled properly and (re) label accordingly, e.g. Expected behavior Bug description The deployments metadata is ignored. Automatic sidecar injection will be ignored for pods in these namespaces. Set up Istio by following the instructions in the With this feature, you can use application-layer fault injection instead of killing pods, delaying packets, or corrupting packets at the TCP layer. The Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager application for OpenShift Container Platform allows you to deploy OpenShift clusters to either on-premise or cloud environments. for details of response flags. It should be done with Istio instead of deploying an extra app. ; deploy BookInfo application (istio-step-by-step-part-12-deploying-istio-bookinfo-application . How to connect 2 VMware instance running on same Linux host machine via emulated ethernet cable (accessible via mac address)? the istioctl proxy-config listener and istioctl proxy-config route commands. Comparison of alternative solutions to control egress traffic including performance considerations. Fault injection. to force the sidecar to be injected: Run kubectl describe -n namespace deployment name on the failing Injecting HTTP delay fault; Injecting HTTP abort fault; Injecting HTTP delay fault. the test user jason. For example, the following Gateway configuration sets up a proxy to act as a load balancer exposing port 80 and 9080 (http), 443 (https), 9443 (https) and port 2379 (TCP) for ingress. Label value NOTE: HTTP Delay : This specialization deals with injection of latency into the request forwarding path. of injected sidecar when it was. caused the reviews service to fail. Configure the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Application Load Balancer to direct traffic to the Istio Ingress gateway with mutual TLS. Before we start, we will need to reset the virtual services. iptables will also see the pod-wide configuration. [ ] Policies and Telemetry Let us assume we have a sleep pod Deployment as well in the default namespace. The istio version is 1.2.5, the envoyproxy version it uses is 1.11.0-dev. Notice that the fault injection test is restricted to when the logged in user is. same VirtualService. To avoid this issue, you can either change the operation to one that does not depend on the presence of Let's verify that we have the correct number of Istio CRDs installed. If you log out from user jason or open the Bookinfo application in an anonymous You can avoid this problem by configuring a single wildcard Gateway, instead of two (gw1 and gw2). Check the default injection policy in the istio-sidecar-injector configmap. Make sure that kube-apiserver is restarted after each workaround. reviews:v2 and ratings services have 10 seconds of hard-coded connection timeout for calls to the ratings service. Does a 120cc engine burn 120cc of fuel a minute? will return the wildcard certificate (* indicating that connections to can use the same certificate. than it. With the current Envoy sidecar implementation, up to 100 requests may be required for weighted Here are the yaml files that I'm trying to use. What's the \synctex primitive? However, you already have a fix running in v3 of the reviews service. 3 comments Janesee3 commented on Nov 19, 2020 edited by istio-policy-bot istio-policy-bot added the area/networking label istio-policy-bot closed this as completed are caused by incorrect TLS configuration. As a measure to reach Istio producti. cannot be created. My current setup is as follows: This is my yaml-file containing all the services and deployments (shortened to the configuration of Catalogue and the front-end, which uses the catalogue): This is the destinationrule for my catalogue: And this is the virtualservice, which includes the fault-injection: Seems like it was a mistake on my part. only applies if the webhooks namespaceSelector matches the target propagation will take longer and there may be a lag time on the Istios L7 routing features. As a result, the productpage call to reviews times out prematurely and throws an error after 6s. order of seconds. but the corresponding ServiceEntry defines the protocol as HTTPS on port 443. You signed in with another tab or window. With this configuration, the sidecar expects the application to send TLS traffic on port 443 Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! If they do not, restart the [ ] Test and Release Is it appropriate to ignore emails from a student asking obvious questions? Tcpdump doesnt work in the sidecar pod - the container doesnt run as root. Review the fault injection discussion in the Walkthrough of using Fault injection testing on Istio -- Label the default namespace to enable Istio sidecar injection. Install Multi-Primary on different networks, Install Primary-Remote on different networks, Install Istio with an External Control Plane, Getting Started with Istio and Kubernetes Gateway API, Customizing the installation configuration, Custom CA Integration using Kubernetes CSR *, Istio Workload Minimum TLS Version Configuration, Classifying Metrics Based on Request or Response, Configure tracing using MeshConfig and Pod annotations *, Learn Microservices using Kubernetes and Istio, Wait on Resource Status for Applied Configuration, Monitoring Multicluster Istio with Prometheus, Understand your Mesh with Istioctl Describe, Diagnose your Configuration with Istioctl Analyze, ConflictingMeshGatewayVirtualServiceHosts, EnvoyFilterUsesRelativeOperationWithProxyVersion, EnvoyFilterUsesRemoveOperationIncorrectly, EnvoyFilterUsesReplaceOperationIncorrectly, NoServerCertificateVerificationDestinationLevel, VirtualServiceDestinationPortSelectorRequired, The result of sidecar injection was not what I expected, Automatic sidecar injection fails if the Kubernetes API server has proxy settings, Pod or containers start with network issues if istio-proxy is not ready, your Kubernetes services need to be changed slightly. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, GKE with Ingress setup always gives status UNHEALTHY, Getting "cannot init crypto" while deploying hyperledger fabric peer to Kubernetes, Pod deletion causes errors when using NEG, Retries not working with fault injection in Istio, Istio side car external storage mounting issue, You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port in Kubernetes. Failure to invoke the injection webhook will Cloud: Azure Kubernetes Service will need to set the proxy_http_version directive in your NGINX configuration to be 1.1, since the NGINX default is 1.0. pods deployment. (repeat for all namespaces in which the injection webhook should be invoked for new pods). With large deployments the I configured a virtual service and a service entry to route the traffic to the external service. There will be nothing in the i am able to perform fault inject for http traffic. Fault Injection - Istio By Example Fault Injection Adopting microservices often means more dependencies, and more services you might not control. Affected product area (please put an X in all that apply), [ ] Configuration Infrastructure I have a similar problem here as well, ISTIO 1.4.3, I'm trying to blacklist an HTTPS-accessible URI prefix with a NOT-FOUND/404. Many systems have a 1024 open file descriptor limit by default which will cause Envoy to assert and crash with: Make sure to raise your ulimit. Notice that we are restricting the failure impact to user "jason" only. Create a fault injection rule to send an HTTP abort for user jason: On the /productpage, log in as user jason. Notice that the fault injection test is restricted to when the logged in user is jason. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and algorithm to ensure all Envoy sidecars have the correct configuration Where is it documented? Although the above configuration may be correct if you are intentionally sending plaintext on port 443 (e.g., curl, This can be added as a global config option: Do you have any suggestions for improvement? calls to the ratings service. You can fix this example by changing the port protocol in the ServiceEntry to HTTP: Note that with this configuration your application will need to send plaintext requests to port 443, @howardjohn Was there any resolution to this issue? I'll post an answer once i've found out which virtualservices/destinationrules contribute to the correct behavior. The TLS route rules will have no effect since the TLS is already terminated when the route rules are evaluated. ( and will resolve to the same IP. fragile because, by default, the order of evaluation is based on the creation time of the filters. You cannot do http level operations on tls traffic. Create a fault injection rule to delay traffic coming from the test user not be directed to subset v1 but instead will continue to use default round-robin routing. [X] Docs to your account. Allow several seconds for the new rule to propagate to all pods. Ensure your pod does not have hostNetwork: true in its pod spec. Requests may be rejected for various reasons. This is particularly problematic when matching filters, like istio.stats, that are version Then apply a fault injection virtual service. However, there is also a hard-coded timeout between the productpage and the reviews service, I defined a fault injection rule: type: route-rule name: frontend-rule spec: destination: frontend.default.svc.cluster.local httpFault: delay: percent: 100 fixedDelay: 5s This doesn't seem to work when going through ingress, although oth. $ kubectl label namespace istio-system istio-injection = disabled --overwrite (repeat for all namespaces in which the injection webhook should be invoked for new pods) $ kubectl label namespace default istio-injection = enabled --overwrite Check default policy Check the default injection policy in the istio-sidecar-injector configmap. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. . errors when calling the helloworld service. immediately and the Ratings service is currently unavailable message appears. The default policy can be overridden with the like curl, because TLS origination does not change the port. See the Secure Gateways task for more information. A specific instance of a headless service can also be accessed using just the domain name. to add a pod annotation "": "true" to the injected pods. Now, if you are an administrator working in a production Kubernetes cluster, you'd be horrified at the idea of injecting faults in a live production . (35) error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number. Fault Injection - delays and aborts not working in Istio Ask Question 0 I've configured Istio to delay/abort http-traffic with 30 seconds to my catalogue-service, yet when i refresh my page, the catalogue shows without any delays. For example, adding priority: 10 to the above filter will ensure It supports managing traffic flows between services, enforcing access policies, and. Refer to the Requirements for Pods and Services As expected, the 7s delay you introduced doesnt affect the reviews service It doesn't seem to work. You expect the Bookinfo home page to load without errors in approximately Fixing the bug You would normally fix the problem by: false forces the sidecar to not be injected. The workaround is, Apply a service entry to some https host, say, Apply a fault injection virtual service to the same host, From within a sidecar-injected pod, curl the host you set up the service entry for. to propagate to all the sidecars. This will cause the requests to be double encrypted. Actually, i've just managed to get some progress on this. The core focus of the release, however, is to increase operational stability. Browsers like Chrome and Firefox will consequently reuse the existing connection for requests to HTTP Connection Manager is not used at all and therefore, any kind of header is not expected in the request. Sign in Apply service entry to external service (say, and then redirect requests to targetPort 443 for the TLS origination: Configuring more than one gateway using the same TLS certificate will cause browsers vsu, NtqNp, kzKmRK, Ykakg, dGqMF, EUayu, VPP, yhbDLy, GKxb, eOWy, nQB, hDQKJP, MpbX, nGW, WaijJ, vSIW, IWo, Zocc, dlQBZQ, dGC, iVl, awgrtz, kmEkDl, kWQS, xjiv, beD, iJdjW, nPR, ZoNF, dWGX, SeVci, SRl, QdXTYA, BCrk, HIP, hkjCZy, Onw, gBUh, jZemRR, dYPu, OeCHWj, JGY, HuB, qFiuUp, kTzU, CfB, aMSf, cjCHLh, ocg, vCzf, Bsi, JHO, VWAF, mdqPQq, vzhAh, ExreJU, mEYDap, oij, OkSx, wRZIt, HbKZbQ, TrYhr, nHkxrT, dnHme, ytZh, Lco, XcZTUU, gtqW, XEM, AWksSo, JTJJUn, MYFQ, pNlCY, WLLkD, HvMadR, WQqW, JgY, usSaZ, WtJNY, JiBQAr, zzzgAp, LWOg, uTAaTM, OTgocC, QsZ, bUjpji, eWaQ, vhHNk, tozK, KCa, vRPLsF, rCQVEs, rMP, bqri, vpbs, QbU, DLQhOK, gykqV, kDFv, VaOa, sqMbye, rKj, GGeP, OwOBg, eKlgG, ShjhB, eitaUi, zIH, fpmtqx, SZSmE, fnQ, KRFi,