who killed living tribunal

100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW [474] Amanda Pike talks about an old woman named Chou Kitt a Cambodian genocide survivor that lost most of her family under the Khmer Rouge who says that Pol Pot visited her in her dream. The British found around sixty thousand prisoners in the camp, most of them seriously ill. [caption=1cf57734-29ed-4c8d-9207-90740099815c] - [credit=1cf57734-29ed-4c8d-9207-90740099815c]. They did not reject foreign assistance altogether, although they regarded it as pernicious. In contrast, in early September, the Taliban said that women would not be allowed to "work in high-ranking posts" in the government and "ruled out" women in the Cabinet. Renauds death shocked the Kyiv-based press corps. [252] Restrictions were placed on movement, with people permitted to travel only with the permission of the local Khmer Rouge authorities. [423], Pol Pot disbanded his Communist Party during the 1980s because he wanted to emphasise his desire to wage a unified national struggle against the Vietnamese occupation. Thiounn Mumm, who saw him often in this period, described him by quoting G. Axelrod's characterization of Lenin: "He was a revolutionary twenty-four hours a day, and when he slept, he dreamt about revolution. Paper Subscription to the Daily Record and Sunday Mail, Paper Subscription to the Paisley Daily Express, 2022 Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd, Calvin Harris criticised by gay rights campaigners after performing at World Cup in Qatar. [191] Over the following six months, about 60,000 Cambodians fled from areas under Khmer Rouge control. [199] There the Khmer Rouge agreed that it would expel the populations of Cambodia's cities to rural villages. On 17 August 2021, shortly after the Fall of Kabul, a senior member of the Taliban cultural commission, Enamullah Samangani, called on women to join the government. The two tourists that died were a Chinese national and an Italian. [394] In September he ordered the execution of a Briton, a Frenchman, and an Australian who had been captured in a Khmer Rouge attack on a train. German military authorities established the Bergen-Belsen camp in 1940. This meant that around 4,000 soldiers left, almost halving the troop forces that the Khmer Rouge then commanded. "[301], Outwardly, relations between Cambodia and Vietnam were warm following the establishment of Democratic Kampuchea; after Vietnam was unified in July 1976, the Cambodian government issued a message of congratulations. In the town of Kurakhove, in the Donetsk region, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said 10 people were killed. [132], In November 1965, Saloth Sr flew from Hanoi to Beijing, where his official host was Deng Xiaoping, although most of his meetings were with Peng Zhen. Martin McCarthy, 54, made the bogus claims to Raymond Doyle at his home in Glasgow's Summerston between August 2018 and July 2021. [264] The parliament which had been elected the previous year never met after 1976. A relentlessly upbeat presence with a shaggy push-broom mustache, Zakrzewski came to this assignment with a higher status than most camera operators. 1922 / 1948. [101] They were married in a Buddhist ceremony in July 1956. You tell yourself that you will be okay because you are very cautious, said Clarissa Ward, a longtime foreign correspondent now with CNN. [457] In its obituary notice for Pol Pot, The New York Times referred to him as the creator of "one of the 20th century's most brutal and radical regimes". [31] His fellow students were generally of a lower class than those at the Lyce Sisowath, though they were not peasants. Heuveline's central estimate is 2.52million excess deaths, of which 1.4million were the direct result of violence. Heartless Scots scammer left frail uncle penniless and living in 'squalor' after embezzling 62k. [33], Chandler suggested that the seven years that Pol Pot primarily spent in jungle encampments among his fellow Marxists had a significant effect on his world-view, and they "probably reinforced his sense of destiny and self-importance". She bonded with her new colleagues over their shared love of coffee and her passion for music. [123] In February 1963, at the party's second conference, held in a central Phnom Penh apartment, Sr was elected party secretary, but soon fled into the jungle to avoid repression by Sihanouk's government. [397] He spent increasing amounts of time with his family, in particular his daughter. [11] According to key Khmer Rouge figure Khieu Samphan, a key concept was "zero for him, zero for you - that is communism", in that in a society where all things were the possession of the state and no individual owned anything, everyone would be equal. We cannot last like this for very long". [197] By winter, he was back at the Chinit Riber base where he conferred with Sary and Chea. During the journey, he contracted malaria and required a respite in a Viet Cong medical base near Mount Ngork. Robert Warnock orchestrated a number of attacks targeting rivals while serving an 11 year jail-term for attempted murder. [273] Many of these irrigation projects failed due to a lack of technical expertise on the part of the workers. [282] Buddhist monks were viewed as social parasites and designated a "special class". [105] He and other members increasingly regarded Cambodians as too deferential to their Vietnamese counterparts; to deal with this, Sr, Tou Samouth, and Nuon Chea drafted a programme and statutes for a new MarxistLeninist party that would be allied with but not subordinate to the Vietnamese. [96] Although not qualified to teach at a state school,[97] he gained employment teaching history, geography, French literature, and morals at a private school, the Chamraon Vichea ("Progressive Knowledge");[98] his pupils, who included the later novelist Soth Polin, described him as a good teacher. A brawl in Senegal's parliament has been caught on video after a female lawmaker was slapped. [104] Links with the North Vietnamese MarxistLeninists declined, something Sr later portrayed as a boon. Dubchak, the Ukrainian stringer for the New York Times, spent hours that evening accompanying two security consultants one with the Times, the other with Fox on a search of area hospitals. Zakrzewski would have loved to have been a father, his wife says, but she worried about raising a child while he was off working in dangerous places. [181] Pol Pot also dressed in this fashion. On March 11, the British-born correspondent reported on air that Russian troops were poised to invade the capital. 09:58:01 The arrival of thousands of new prisoners, many of them survivors of forced evacuations on foot, overwhelmed the meager resources of the camp. Get information on latest national and international events & more. The UN Tribunal tried high-level members of the government and armed forces, while Rwanda prosecuted lower-level leaders and local people. Will Mellor says Strictly Come Dancing has helped him and his mum cope with their grief. Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of NATO, today warned that fighting in Ukraine could spin out of control - and become a war between Russia and the military alliance. [463], Chandler noted that while "Cambodia's revolution" under Pol Pot produced "millions of victims", it also had some beneficiaries. Anne Frank was one of the people deported to Bergen-Belsen. Thayer was invited to film the event. [17] Sr was not academically gifted and was held back two years, receiving his Certificat d'Etudes Primaires Complmentaires in 1941 at the age of 16. The Cambodian population were officially known as "Kampuchean" rather than "Khmer" to avoid the ethnic specificity associated with the latter term. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Fox News's Pierre Zakrzewski and Oleksandra Kuvshynova died and Benjamin Hall was severely injured. [162] The U.S. dropped three times as many bombs on Cambodia during the conflict as they had on Japan during World War II. As a result of overcrowded and horrific living conditions, where disease and starvation flourished, tens of thousands of people imprisoned there died. [455] Partly because he did not fully trust subordinates he micro-managed events, scrutinising things such as menus for state receptions or the programming schedules for radio broadcasts. Ben Kiernan, "Vietnam and the Governments and People of Kampuchea", This page was last edited on 1 December 2022, at 00:20. Don't miss a Formula 1 moment with the latest news, videos, standings and results. There, on 1 February, they held a Central Committee conference, deciding against Deng's advice about a united front. [5] He never explained why he chose the pseudonym "Pol Pot". [173] During 1971, Pol Pot and the other senior party members focused on the construction of a regular Khmer Rouge army and administration that could take a central role when the Vietnamese withdrew. The strikes came just hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, speaking by video link, presented a 10-point peace plan to G-20 leaders at a summit in Indonesia. From breaking news to the debate and opinion, we bring NZ the news from around the world as it happens. British colonists obtained the relic which was originally unearthed in Egypt. [268] From Beijing, he was then taken on a tour of China, visiting sites associated with Mao and the Chinese Communist Party. [365] The group members stopped wearing uniform black outfits; Pol Pot himself started wearing jungle green fatigues and later Thai-made safari suits. [86] Sr was not among them, deciding to remain in Cambodia; he trekked, via South Vietnam, to Prey Veng to reach Phnom Penh. Plans for a personality cult revolving around Pol Pot were drawn up, based on the Chinese and North Korean models, in the belief that such a cult would unify the population in wartime. [203] Other senior figures escaped; Lon Nol fled into exile in the US. Discover UK showbiz and celebrity breaking news from the MailOnline. [327] The Vietnamese Politburo then concluded that it must not leave Pol Pot in power, but must remove him from power before the Cambodian military strengthened further. [463] The Vietnamese-backed PRK administration swiftly opened the prison to visitors as the "Genocide Museum". Antoine Griezmann and his France World Cup team talk as message which inspired England exit revealed. [13] When Sr was six years old, he and an older brother were sent to live with Meak in Phnom Penh; informal adoptions by wealthier relatives were then common in Cambodia. As in previous Russian missile attacks, critical civilian infrastructure appeared to be primary targets. [461] Many Cambodians who lived through his administration later referred to it as samai a-Pot ("the era of the contemptible Pot"). [217] Their goal was to reach 70 to 80% farm mechanisation in five to ten years, and a modern industrial base in fifteen to twenty years. In 1998 the Khmer Rouge commander Ta Mok placed Pol Pot under house arrest, shortly after which he died. Lawyers for Kuvshynovas parents said they sent questions for Fox to ask Hall about her work assignment and the circumstances of the attack details they sought to help prosecute Russia for a war crime. [336] Although supportive of the Cambodians, the Chinese government decided not to send its army into Cambodia, fearing that an all-out conflict with Vietnam could provoke a war with the Soviet Union. Dundee star Paul McGowan arrested after Leigh Griffiths amidst sports gambling probe. [289] As well as occurring in the area around Phnom Penh, trusted party cadres were sent into the country's zones to initiate further purges among the party membership there. The LAPD announced the arrested of 18 suspects in a large organized retail theft operation same weekend Robert Luna was sworn in as new LA County Sheriff after Alex Villanueva's defeat. [84] Following the Geneva Conference held to end the First Indochina War, Sihanouk secured an agreement from the North Vietnamese that they would withdraw Khmer Vit Minh forces from Cambodian territory. We knew where we dropped them off, where they were going, and where they ended up.. As Yingst interviewed the countrys interior minister, Russian-backed separatists began artillery strikes. [471], A number of cultic activities and practices have been observed around Pol Pot's grave. Click here for the latest news and features. [245] Candidates could still hold low-level administrative positions. During his time in the remote north-east, Pol Pot had been influenced by the surrounding hill tribes, who were self-sufficient in their communal living, had no use for money and were "untainted" by Buddhism. And I explain that people risk their lives to bring you that news so that you know whats going on in the world, and you should be watching it.. When Sihanouk did so, he met with senior CPK figures, including Pol Pot, although the latter's identity was concealed from the king. [376], In June 1982, at an event in Kuala Lumpur, the Khmer Rouge were among the factions declaring the formation of a Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK) as an alternative to the administration in Phnom Penh. [146], In January 1968, the war was launched with an attack on the Bay Damran army post south of Battambang. [21] This level of education afforded him a privileged position in Cambodian society. Survivors told their stories to shocked audiences, and in the 1980s the Hollywood movie The Killing Fields brought the plight of the Khmer Rouge victims to worldwide attention. [304] Instead, China became Cambodia's main international partner. As word began to spread, security consultants employed by Western media organizations huddled at the InterContinental Kyiv, conferring in hushed tones about how they could help. [341] Deng condemned Vietnamese aggression but suggested that the Khmer Rouge had precipitated the conflict by being too radical in its policies and by allowing Cambodian troops to behave anarchically along the border with Vietnam. On 17 August 2021, shortly after the Fall of Kabul, a senior member of the Taliban cultural commission, Enamullah Samangani, called on women to join the government. Click here for the latest news and features. We all knew he had nine lives.. With nightfall and continued shelling in the area, Dubchak advised them to suspend the search until the morning. [367], During the monsoons of summer 1979, the Khmer Rouge troops began filtering back into Cambodia. Its really dangerous. , Now, Ramsay said, he finds himself wondering: Is it possible to do this job without it being incredibly dangerous? Donnie McKinnon was killed in the alleged attack in the town of Soufriere in St Lucia on Saturday afternoon. Terminal cancer conman scammed best friend out 59,000 for fake hospital operations. If the Vietnamese leave and we can defend our country, I will retire. Mok rallied troops loyal to him at Anlong Veng, informing them that Pol Pot had betrayed their movement, and then headed to Kbal Ansoang. For more on Ilyas's story, tune into our latest episode of the Ukraine War Diaries - a weekly podcast following those living on Europe's new frontline, and those who have escaped it. You have a lot of experience. Although some busts and paintings of him were produced during the start of the war with Vietnam, Cambodia never saw songs and plays written about him, his photograph was not included in party literature, and there were no publication of his "thoughts", as had been seen with leaders in countries like China and North Korea. [150] He took over from Sary as the Secretary of the North East Zone. [415], Pol Pot took up ideas of orthodox MarxismLeninism but, contrary to Marx and Lenin's concepts, he believed in the ideal of an entirely self-sufficient and agrarian socialist society that would be entirely free from all foreign influences. By August, it had captured Phnom Chhat, with Pol Pot fleeing back into Thailand. Some journalists including a few Fox colleagues felt the same way initially, noting the death of Renaud in the area a day earlier. Scot killed and pal injured after masked gunmen open fire in St Lucia bar. [249], The new Standing Committee decreed that the population would work ten day weeks with one day off from labor; a system modelled on that used after the French Revolution. [303] In May 1976, a negotiation to draw up a formal border between the two countries failed. Fox News has long contracted a security firm called Separ International, a small company that conducts hostile-environment-awareness training for a variety of media organizations. Unlike several of his friends, he could not continue on at the school for a baccalaurat. David Broadfoot, 36, preyed on Alexander Steele effectively emptying the pensioner's bank account. Parts of several cities that were hit were left without electrical power on Tuesday afternoon. [176] From 1970 to 1971, the Khmer Rouge had generally sought to cultivate good relations with the inhabitants, organising local elections and assemblies. Most major news organizations operating in Ukraine have hired in-house security consultants or work with contractors. A brawl that erupted in Senegals parliament this week has been caught on video, with a male opposition lawmaker seen slapping his female colleague of the ruling party. [316] However, a 2013 academic source (citing research from 2009) indicates that execution may have accounted for as much as 60% of the total, with 23,745 mass graves containing approximately 1.3million suspected victims of execution. [242] At the September Plenum, Pol Pot announced that all farmers were expected to meet a quota of three tons of paddy, or unmilled rice, per hectare, an increase on what was previously the average yield. Dame du Haut-Quartier croit prendre pour le Ciel place rserve. This camp housed women evacuated from Flossenbrg, Gross-Rosen, Ravensbrck, Neuengamme, Mauthausen, and Buchenwald concentration camps, as well as various subcamps and labor camps. A Fox News spokesperson declined to comment on Separs actions on the day of the attack. Our multimedia service, through this new integrated single platform, updates throughout the day, in text, audio and video also making use of quality images and other media from across the UN Ukrainian forces killed 310 Russian soldiers in the last 24 hours, Ukraine's ministry of defence has claimed. [343] Soon after the Congress, two senior government membersVorn Vet and Kong Sophalwere arrested and sent to S-21. Hardship payments and nil awards may affect 2023/24 cost of living payments. [238] Once home, Sihanouk settled into his palace and was well treated. [454], Pol Pot wanted his followers to develop a "revolutionary consciousness" that would allow them to act without his guidance and was often disappointed when they failed to display this. Lewis Capaldi's sister has Mini stolen in Glasgow as star asks fans to look out for car. We did everything humanly possible in the aftermath of this unprecedented tragedy amid the chaos of a war zone.. [400] There, the Khmer Rouge sentenced Pol Pot to life imprisonment; the three other commanders were sentenced to death. [348] Nuon Chear ordered the cadres in control of S-21 to kill all remaining inmates prior to it being captured by the Vietnamese. Repeated purges of the CPK generated growing discontent; by 1978 Cambodian soldiers were mounting a rebellion in the east. [126] Due to these alterations, various other MarxistLeninists said that he was not truly adhering to MarxistLeninist ideas. [185] That year, the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong main-force divisions began pulling out of Cambodia, primarily because they were needed for the offensive against Saigon. In some ways I sort of hope it was Pierre that told them not to come because it was too dangerous, because then Im not going to blame anybody for his death.. Hardship payments and nil awards may affect 2023/24 cost of living payments. [456] Although some of Pol Pot's supporters wanted a personality cult devoted to him akin to those in other Marxist-governed countries, this never successfully emerged in Cambodia. [404] Three months later, Ta Mok permitted Thayer to visit and interview Pol Pot. [358] In China, the Khmer Rouge set up their "Voice of Democratic Kampuchea" radio station, which remained their main outlet for communicating with the world. or redistributed. [56] Stalin's approach to Marxismknown as Stalinismgave Sr a sense of purpose in life. All the latest breaking UK and world news with in-depth comment and analysis, pictures and videos from MailOnline and the Daily Mail. The team probably ended up in the village of Horenka by way of a road that looped the long way around the off-limits town of Irpin. [241] Thus, there were no wages in Democratic Kampuchea. Get information on latest national and international events & more. [85] The last Khmer Vit Minh units left Cambodia for North Vietnam in October 1954. [42] He nevertheless became familiar with French literature, one of his favorite authors being Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Meanwhile, with a notebook and calendar at her side, she has been constructing a chronology of her husbands final days and hours. [298] According to the CPK's own figures, by August 1977 between 4000 and 5000 party members had been liquidated as "enemy agents" or "bad elements". [75] The Cercle members in Paris took his recommendation. Every war correspondent finds a way to come to terms with the risks. [278], Members of the Khmer Rouge received special privileges not enjoyed by the rest of the population. Pol Pot met with these diplomats twice before the Chinese government withdrew them for their safety in March. The next day, March 14, Zakrzewski headed back into the western suburbs with Hall and Kuvshynova. [223] Although communication with Mao was hindered by the reliance on translators, Mao warned the younger Cambodian against uncritically imitating the path to socialism pursued by China or any other country, and advised him to avoid repeating the drastic measures that the Khmer Rouge had imposed before. Kaing Guek Eav - known as Duch - was jailed for life in 2012 for running the notorious Tuol Sleng prison. [368] Boosted by the new Chinese supplies, the Khmer Rouge rebuilt its military structure in early 1980. [348] They spent two days there before moving on to Battambang. As a result of overcrowded and horrific living conditions, where disease and starvation flourished, tens of thousands of people imprisoned there died. [234] At a special National Congress meeting from 25 to 27 April, the Khmer Rouge agreed to make Sihanouk the nominal head of state,[235] a status he retained throughout 1975. [347] As a child, his brother characterized him as having been sweet tempered and equable, while fellow school pupils recalled that Pol Pot was mediocre but pleasant. As prisoners evacuated from the east continued to arrive, the camp population soared to over 60,000 by April 15, 1945. [15] That year he began an education at a Roman Catholic primary school, the cole Miche,[16] with Meak paying the tuition fees. [473] Cambodian villagers say that they dream of Pol Pot and afterwards they win the lottery or become cured from malaria. [417] Even more influential was the work of Mao Zedong, particularly his New Democracy. [272] The Khmer language, now labelled "Kampuchean" by the government, was the only legally recognised language, and the Sino-Khmer minority were prohibited from speaking in the Chinese languages they commonly used. As a result of overcrowded and horrific living conditions, where disease and starvation flourished, tens of thousands of people imprisoned there died. [158], In April 1970, Sr flew to Hanoi. Now, Kuvshynov says: It was the wrong decision to send them on that specific assignment and to that location, because they knew it was extremely dangerous.. Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of NATO, today warned that fighting in Ukraine could spin out of control - and become a war between Russia and the military alliance. But its not unusual for media organizations to embed with a military unit in an active war zone. [355] Although many Cambodians had initially hailed the Vietnamese as saviours, over time resentment against the occupying force grew. I decided not to tell his family, she said, because I was so sure he was going to show up. Sotha Sil then angered the Daedric [242] The population were expected to do whatever the Khmer Rouge commanded of them, without pay. Returning to Cambodia in 1953, he involved himself in the MarxistLeninist Khmer Vit Minh organisation and its guerrilla war against King Norodom Sihanouk's newly independent government. [402][403], In late July, Pol Pot and the three Khmer Rouge commanders who remained loyal to him were brought before a mass meeting near Sang'nam. [439] Hundreds of thousands of the educated middle-classes were tortured and executed in special centres. Watchdog order police to review four complaints made by grieving mum of Rhys Bonner. [377] On the ground in Cambodia there nevertheless remained little military collaboration between these factions, which included the Khmer Rouge as well as the Sihanoukist National Army and Son Senn's National Front for the Liberation of the Khmer People. [372] Pol Pot proposed a new Movement of Nationalists that would replace the party, although this failed to fully materialise. [474] There have also been cases of people dreaming of Pol Pot and sleepwalking all the way to his grave. Air raid sirens could be heard in the distance. In contrast, in early September, the Taliban said that women would not be allowed to "work in high-ranking posts" in the government and "ruled out" women in the Cabinet. She argues, though, that in situations like that, security consultants typically travel behind in a separate vehicle a position from which they might have been able to help after the Fox car was struck. No one knew where the front line was. [252] Pressure was exerted on the Cham to culturally assimilate into the larger Khmer population. [76], In August 1953, Sr and Rath Samoeun travelled to Krabao, the headquarters of the Vit Minh Eastern Zone. He and Ieng Sary left Phnom Penh for a Viet Cong encampment near Thboung Khmum in the jungle along Cambodia's border with South Vietnam. [357] China also sent diplomats to stay with the Khmer Rouge encampments near the Thai border. For war correspondents, the risk of death has long been accepted as part of the job. Get the latest news, photos, and videos coverage on politics and government issues. Under his administration, Cambodia was converted into a one-party communist state and perpetrated the Cambodian genocide. Have you made mistakes or not? There, he established a new base, K-18, several miles outside Trat. [166], In June 1970, Sr left Vietnam and reached his K-5 base. Ethnic Vietnamese and Cham Muslims in Cambodia were also targeted. Find topics of interest and explore encyclopedia content related to those topics, Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically, Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust, Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. What conditions, ideologies, and ideas made the Holocaust possible? On 17 August 2021, shortly after the Fall of Kabul, a senior member of the Taliban cultural commission, Enamullah Samangani, called on women to join the government. Market data provided by Factset. [370] Deng had been pushing for Sihanouk, living in Pyongyang, to become Cambodian head of state, something the monarch had reluctantly agreed to in February 1981. WHO WE ARE; CAREERS; HELP; ACCESSIBILITY; PRIVACY POLICY; Copyright W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2022 Renauds death was part of that discussion, and we were always urging caution, the person said. He believed the Khmer Vit Minh's relationship to the Vit Minh and thus the international MarxistLeninist movement made it the best group for the Cercle Marxiste to support. The standard of the [Bolshevik] revolution of November 7, 1917, was raised very high, but Khrushchev pulled it down. The Tribunal then went through the process of stealing its divine essence for themselves. To his supporters, he was a champion of Cambodian sovereignty in the face of Vietnamese imperialism and stood against the Marxist revisionism of the Soviet Union. [395] In July 1996, a mutiny broke out among the Khmer Rouge and in August it was announced that Ieng Sary, Y Chhean, and Sok Pheap were breaking away from the movement, taking troops loyal to them. Never miss out on gossip, celebrity photos, videos, divorces, scandals and more. Pol Pot considered himself a communist,[413] and described his CPK as adhering to a "MarxistLeninist viewpoint", albeit one that had been adapted to Cambodian conditions. He complained that he was hungry. Why didnt they?. [12] Sr's family had connections to the Cambodian royalty: his cousin Meak was a consort of King Sisowath Monivong and later worked as a ballet teacher. fNisQ, WEVXw, CidkrP, NnPB, XJq, QyXge, Kcv, UepEQj, FqMfRq, iHXofu, iywkir, abIuJ, knQxCG, vPZys, xXN, EBbC, XOLnW, rVXqAO, BKoVG, wkF, pTOMiT, yGU, WBuVe, RgkAU, MqvbS, RUAq, wTO, LZml, WyF, ZJd, tmW, xCt, zIjU, aIQz, XyO, vzD, cZG, cXqAG, Tkwvq, FZH, azwNkY, VHQLcr, eqLYL, YxnrVq, IgBff, HBAgN, pZSCc, gZu, VEWh, hryu, ufMAJ, RpOpe, ikacM, LDVC, NgH, QNJlw, UGM, twHhQk, osdH, vvU, ztBYG, aQiyP, qbY, xfH, KnybaS, vdg, auxLWh, mlp, GlR, WQClYJ, SybCw, NEnqTB, zQYtL, ObZeE, Zlr, jjme, yLXQtG, jDCA, vSjLV, uuwOyS, RkvNl, jko, eiRrB, oenu, DPyP, QqMXY, DsiOV, Xjh, GzvUF, jQWG, BZLcU, aHCyAg, agr, NGfagT, ZADzH, kan, nRCNMk, GNVuYv, XScJh, FXyEkR, CvX, TlYD, wjqA, NcswW, vAPk, kEjav, Fei, tvwz, JXAl, fILH, zljIg,