The final act, Spanish Girl/Ghetto Girl, began with an instrumental interlude of Don't Cry for Me Argentina; several dancers did a Tango number with lit candles placed along the side of the stage. [34] Das Wembley-Stadion in London war dreimal nacheinander ausverkauft, und auch in Frankreich war die Begeisterung gro. The singer then proceeded to grab a shotgun and pretended to shoot one of her dancers. Von 2000 bis 2008 war Madonna mit dem britischen Regisseur Guy Ritchie verheiratet. She has been active in the industry since 1993. I never was. [33] Die erste Zeit hielt sie sich mit Gelegenheitsjobs ber Wasser: Sie arbeitete als Kellnerin, verkaufte Donuts[33] und machte Nacktaufnahmen (die wenige Jahre spter in Millionenauflage in den Magazinen Playboy und Penthouse erschienen). Im Rahmen der Confessions Tour kam Madonna im August fr zwei ausverkaufte Konzerte nach Deutschland (20. [6] Mit 50 Songs an der Spitze einer singulren Sparte der Billboard-Charts ist sie der erste und bislang einzige Knstler, dem es gelang, so viele Nummer-eins-Hits in fnf verschiedenen Jahrzehnten zu erzielen. Talking about popularity and none of the Kardashian appears on the list is not at all possible. Other material included a mechanical bull and equipment designed for aerial movements. Though she was active in the industry since 2000 but rose to popularity later in 2008 with her album known as One of the Boys. Das Album erreichte auf Anhieb Platz zwei der deutschen Charts. [40] In diesem Kino-Abenteuer ist sie als Protagonistin Breathless Mahoney zu sehen. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. But again it is delighting to hear that, she has overcome all her pathetic issues of life and has lodged in her name in the list of the most successful and wealthy women in the history of Hollywood. [43] Jon Pareles, from The New York Times, said the singer's voice sounded "fuller and smoother" than on previous tours, particularly in performances such as "I Deserve It" (2000) and "You'll See" (1995). This versatile English millionaire celebrity is known widely for his industrious achievements from media life. [29] Ab Oktober 2006 bemhte sie sich um die Adoption eines 15 Monate alten Jungen aus Malawi[30], diese wurde im Mai 2008 rechtskrftig. She was critical. 2004), Kris Humphries (m. 2011; div. Die grten Erfolge erzielte Madonna jedoch in der Musik. Hilary Erhard Duff was born on 28 September 1987 in Houston, Texas, U.S. She rose to popularity because she acted as a leading character in the most popular show of its time Lizzie McGuire. In the list, you must have noticed that these women are mostly actresses, singers, philanthropists, or models, and some are even multitalented. [28] By suggestion of music director Pat Leonard, they tried out using 14kHz of sound frequency in their live speakers, which was unusual to use at the time. After that, she released several albums, all of which were critically acclaimed and received generous amounts of love from her fans. Das zweite Greatest-Hits-Album GHV2 erschien im November 2001. Keshas real name is Kesha Rose Sebert, and she was born on March 1, 1987, in Los Angeles, California, U.S. She has been active in this industry since 2005 and got quick success and fame by the year 2009 as she was featured in Right. [63] Das Forbes Magazine fhrte sie bei einem Einkommen von rund 125Millionen US-Dollar im Zeitraum 2012/13 als bestbezahlte Knstlerin im Showgeschft.[64][65]. People reported that Solange was "provoked" after an interaction with fashion designer Rachel Roy (who has long been speculated to be "Becky with the good hair," aka the woman Jay-Z allegedly cheated on Beyonc with). Das Album verarbeitete ihre gescheiterte Ehe, das komplizierte Verhltnis zu ihrer Familie und nicht zuletzt ihr gespaltenes Verhltnis zur katholischen Kirche. blind item, 'My heart is no longer in this.' [34] Am 5. With her songs, lyrics, and vocals this American Singer is the most popular for her diversity while singing on stage or in videos. Her first album Fallin sold for over 12 million copies which was a significant breakthrough in her singing career. Later, she also got recognition in the music industry as she released two albums, one in 2004 known as Speak and the other in 2005 known as A Little More Personal(Raw). I believe it has even been mentioned twice. April 2008 verffentlicht. Wow. I love you to the moon and back. Selena Marie Gomez was born on July 22, 1992, in Grand Prairie, Texas, U.S. She is a well-known artist and specialized in the field of singing, acting, songwriting. He is the first-ever director who earned $10 billion at the global box office for his movie Ready Player One and was also nominated for an Oscar and also a Golden Globe for directing one of his other films named The Post. And now we all know his estimated net worth is almost a billion dollars. In ihrer kreativen Karriere als Sngerin hat Madonna allerdings sehr oft auf religise und speziell katholische Symbole zurckgegriffen. Im Herbst 2002 erregte Madonna mit ihrem gemeinsam mit Mirwais geschriebenen Titellied zu James Bond Stirb an einem anderen Tag Aufsehen. After all these years, I have determined that it is not healthy for me to be around my father, especially now that I am responsible for my own child. Er erschien in einigen Lndern auf DVD. Towards the end, they were joined by a lost technician. "I Deserve It" opened the Cyber Cowgirl segment. Check out our breaking stories on Hollywood's hottest stars! Im Herbst 1995 nahm Madonna drei Monate professionellen Gesangsunterricht in London, um die Musical-Songs von Evita perfekt singen zu knnen. Madonna Die Another Day Madonnas Eltern waren praktizierende Katholiken, in deren Haushalt der Katholizismus bestimmend war. Am 15. August 2006, Dsseldorf, LTU Arena und am 22. One of the highest pop divas of all time, Madonna has grossed an estimated $1.2 billion on the road in her career. Miley Ray Cyrus was born on 23 November 1992 in Franklin, Tennessee, U.S. Not many people are aware that her parents named her Miley after her nickname Smiley as she used to smile a lot during her childhood. [27] A writer from Argentinean newspaper Clarin said that the tour "reaffirmed [Madonna's] Queen of Pop title". Hollywood is one of the most important fields of celebrities. Die grten Erfolge dieser Zeit verzeichneten die Remixe der Singles, die Madonna in den Billboard Dance Charts fnf Nummer-eins-Hits bescherten unter anderem der Remix von Stuart Price zu Hollywood. He told. As is Kate. November 14, 2017 I will try not to make this book length. Im Stck Up For Grabs von David Williamson unter der Regie von Laurence Boswell spielte Madonna die Rolle der Kunsthndlerin Loren. However, she made several bad headlines due to her partying lifestyle and drug use. Juli 2009 setzte Madonna ihre erfolgreiche Sticky & Sweet Tour von 2008 in London fort, es war das erste Mal in Madonnas Karriere, dass sie eine Welttournee fortsetzte. Ein groer Erfolg war die Re-Invention World Tour 2004. "Human Nature" featured a bondage-themed choreography with a lasso and, towards the end, the singer sensually rode a mechanical bull. First, we need to go back more than a couple of decades. Furthermore, because of the success of High School Musical, she ended up signing a contract with Hollywood Records, which gave her more fame. Some Italian-American film directors of the silent film era included Robert Vignola, Gregory LaCava, Frank Borzage (Borzaga) and Frank Capra. [31] Three exact copies of the outfits Madonna wore in each segment were created, while only two copies were made for the dancers' clothes. Therefore, because of her extensive political career, she became so much popular among her people and has a large following. Our Classics editor muses on things ancient and modern. [34] In Europa kam der Film mit dem Titel In Bed with Madonna in die Kinos. This rich figure owns about 150 of coolest cars in his own collection among them numerous Porsche is just nothing but his cup of tea. Die Performance warb um Akzeptanz fr homosexuelle Paare. Mit ber 17,8 Millionen verkauften Singles hat Madonna in Grobritannien mehr Singles verkauft als jede andere Sngerin. [47] DVD Movie Guide's Colin Jacobson remarked that anyone who "expected to see a greatest hits concert left sorely disappointed", but praised the singer for creating the show "she wanted to do, not the one she thought would be the safe choice". She played several roles in so many movies, and success came slow to her, but in the end, she got success and rose to fame. Im Jahr 1995 arbeitete die nun 37-jhrige Madonna als Model fr Gianni Versace. But being a rich celebrity still, he is a man who loves anonymity hiding behind the characters like Garfield. [78][79] Dabei hat sie sehr genaue Vorstellungen, wie ein Lied oder das ganze Album klingen soll. Ebenso wirkte Madonna in den Filmen wie Eine Klasse fr sich (1992) und Schatten und Nebel (1992) mit. Kim was born on October 21, 1980, in Los Angeles, California, U.S. 1999)Children: Josephine Archer Cameron, Quinn Cameron, Elizabeth Rose Cameron, Claire CameronUpcoming movies: Avatar 2, Avatar: The Tulkun Rider, Avatar 3. Jack White & Alicia Keys Another Way to Die In 2011, she was also listed as the Worlds Top-Earning Model by Forbes. He is one of the richest guys in hip hop and surely his popularity owns all of it. A video of a beaten, bruised Madonna played on the main screen during this final part. Es prsentierte auch den nchsten Skandal: Das sexuell freizgige Video zu Justify My Love, das mit ihrem damaligen Liebhaber, dem Model Tony Ward aufgenommen wurde. Madonna prsentierte sich wieder deutlich provokanter als bei frheren Auftritten der letzten Jahre. Madonnas dreizehntes Studioalbum Rebel Heart erschien im Mrz 2015. His debut album was certified seven times platinum and as a starting that was a massive success indeed. Something an old-fashioned gentleman might say to his partner when getting divorced. W.E. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit I said, 'You know, the Institution has never intervened for anything for us, but they can try to go in and kill this story. Der Erotik-Thriller Body of Evidence versuchte 1993 vergeblich, den Erfolg des Kassenschlagers Basic Instinct zu wiederholen. A lo December 1, 2022 It is not lost on the world that the working couple flew commercial and the non working alliterate one flew private. Ursprnglich war der Film als Kurzfilm geplant. She was engaged to Joshua Sasse in 2016, but the engagement broke in 2017. Mit der dritten Single Holiday schaffte sie den Durchbruch in die Top Ten der internationalen Charts. Obsessed with travel? Net Worth: $3.7 BillionNationality: AmericanBest Movies: Schindlers List, Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T. September 1987 live per Satellit im Fernsehen bertragen. This Canadian renowned singer is a born star. Appearing on the same episode as her son, Mary admitted that she'd been "enjoying his fame more than he was" at the time. However, it is a big task to label a rank on them regarding their popularity as some have a vast social media presence and others have a massive real-life following. Scarlett Ingrid Johansson was born on November 22, 1984, in New York City, U.S. She has been active since 1994 and did a significant amount of work. She has a humongous fan following of over 92.4 Million on Instagram. Madonna appointed Jamie King choreographer while French designer Jean Paul Gaultier, who had worked with the singer in the past, was in charge of the tour's wardrobe. a.) 'We can figure this out,' he was saying. Madonna then played the electric guitar for "Candy Perfume Girl". Ihr erster Auftritt in Deutschland war am 22. I need to take a trip around the world and sing a few songs". Oktober 1996 wurde ihre Tochter Lourdes geboren; sie stammt aus der Beziehung Madonnas mit ihrem kubanischen Fitness-Trainer Carlos Leon. Italian-American actors included Enrico Caruso in the cultural legitimation of American silent cinema, to Rudolph (Rodolfo) Valentino.. So, this is the list of the top 30 Hollywood celebrities with the richest net worth so far! [56][53][18] With forty-seven concerts, and over 730,000 tickets sold in Europe and the United States, it was reported to have earned US$76.8million ($117.53million in 2021 dollars[1]), averaging at $1.6million ($2.45million in 2021 dollars[1]) per show; Drowned World became the highest-grossing concert tour of 2001 by a solo artist, as well as the fourth highest-grossing overall, only behind U2, 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys. Es ist offensichtlich, dass Madonna versucht, wieder strker den amerikanischen Markt zu bedienen, da dort die Albenverkufe seit dem Jahr 2003 stark gelitten haben. [69] Das Album erhielt international positive Kritiken, landete in Deutschland auf Rang 1, verkaufte weltweit allerdings weniger Einheiten als sein Vorgnger. Sheryl Crow Tomorrow Never Dies [34] Im Frhjahr 1985 war Madonna erstmals auf ausverkaufter Virgin Tour durch die Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada. Furthermore, she is a model and has a great presence on social media, with over 153 Million followers on Instagram. Die zweite Singleauskopplung Revolver aus dem Best-of-Album ist eine Zusammenarbeit mit Lil Wayne.[53]. In Grobritannien ist Madonna mit 63 Top 10-Hits, 13 Nummer-eins-Hits und 12 Nummer-eins-Alben die mit Abstand erfolgreichste Knstlerin in der Chart-Geschichte. Furthermore, she gained success after two of her albums subsequent failures were released in 1991 and 1993, respectively. The show was divided into four different thematic segments: Rock 'n' Roll Punk Girl, Geisha Girl, Cyber Cowgirl and Spanish Girl/Ghetto Girl. So waren der Tod ihrer Mutter, ihre Familie, ihre Selbstreflexion, ihre Freude an Tanz, Party und Musik sowie Sexualitt Themen ihrer Songs. First, we need to go back more than a couple of decades. In this era of pop music, he has made a revolutionary influence with his achievements of 100 singles sales, 100 million album sales, and 60 gold discs. He [had] just done everything he could possibly do for his daughter, and she wanted no part of him once he couldnt do anything for her. WebA Forbes Magazine article from May 2015 estimated her net worth as $520 million. George Lucas is the top man on the list of billionaire celebrities 2022. However, she gained popularity later in 2006 for her album Back to Basics. It felt formal, seriousand permanent. [28] Aus dieser Ehe stammt ein Sohn, der am 11. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. The media has titled her the Queen of Latin Music. Later, all the following albums that were released received immense love from the audience, and everyone knew that theres no stopping this lady now. A Certain Sacrifice ist der bekannteste Film dieser Reihe, da er auf dem ersten Hhepunkt von Madonnas Karriere 1984 als Skandal-Video verffentlicht wurde. She has over 113 Million followers on Instagram, and her Net Worth is estimated to be around $330 Million. Books: Garfield At Large: His First Book (1980), Garfield Fat Cat However, a lady should not be known by her husband, especially Michelle; she was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois. Die Another Day wurde zum meistverkauften Bond-Titellied und Madonna spielte in dem Film auch eine kleine Cameorolle: die Fechtlehrerin Verity. READ ALSO: Daniel LaBelles biography: age, height, wife, religion, net worth. Shirley Bassey Diamonds Are Forever Die Single-Auskopplung Cherish etablierte sich erneut in den US Top fnf, womit Madonna 16 US-Top-fnf-Singles in ununterbrochener Reihenfolge hatte, was vorher nur den Beatles gelungen war. Mai 2019, bei dem sie Like a Prayer und als Premiere ihren neuen Song Future (zusammen mit Quavo) auffhrte, wurde medial zwar differenziert, aber berwiegend negativ aufgenommen. Mrz 2008 wurde ein lang ersehntes Artwork zum Albumcover verffentlicht, auf dem erstmals nicht das Wort Madonna aufgedruckt sein wrde. [34] Nebenbei nahm sie Klavierstunden und Tanzunterricht und beschloss, nach der Schule Tnzerin zu werden. Angelina Jolie Voight was born on June 4, 1975, in Los Angeles, California, U.S. She is widely liked by people all around the globe and is mostly critically acclaimed by the media for her work. After that, her three subsequent albums were well received by the audience, and she became widely famous around the globe. "[21] Angesichts ihres groen kulturellen Einflusses gehrt Madonna laut Time-Magazine zu den 25 mchtigsten Frauen des vergangenen Jahrhunderts. Hhepunkt der Tour waren die ausverkauften Open Air-Konzerte in Australien, wo sie ebenfalls erstmals live zu sehen war. Welove each other, and above all, we are family. Ultimately, so she, she gave her $500 a month and pays, and pays for her medical bills.". Vanessa Anne Hudgens was born on December 14, 1988, in Salinas, California, U.S. She is popularly known for her role in The High School Musical series as Gabriella Montez. First, we need to go back more than a couple of decades. Madonna Louise Ciccone feierte 1965 ihre Erstkommunion und wurde zwei Jahre spter gefirmt. This celebrity net worth 2022 is more than a billion and he is considered one of the billionaire celebrities 2022. Mit diesem Film allerdings steht ein weiterer weltweiter Hit Madonnas in Verbindung, nmlich die Coverversion von Don McLeans Klassiker American Pie. "Lucky Star", which she single-handedly wrote for the album, earned Madonna Madonna wordt ook wel de almaar transformerende Queen of Pop genoemd en is de Net Worth: $600 MillionNationality: United KingdomBorn: October 7, 1959Education: Windsor Technical CollegeOccupations: Television personality, entrepreneur, businessman, record executiveSpouse: Lauren Silverman (2013 Present)Children: Eric Cowell. True Blue wurde Nummer eins in 28 Lndern und konnte ber 25Millionen Mal verkauft werden. After she was done with the franchise, there were several offers on her way, and now she works only on the projects that hold her interest. I think she was just holding on and doing the best she could, struggling financially and dealing with a husband who was no longer there. "Secret" was performed with the acoustic guitar and footage of riverside baptism, Sufi dervish ceremonies and Buddhist prayers on the backdrops. Peace is his ultimate concern and poverty in his eyes is a curse that should be abolished. So above-mentioned are some of the leading ladies in our world. Madonna, who wore a cowgirl outfit with chaps, sat on a bale of hay and played the acoustic guitar. You deserve a great thanks from my heart , Really nice work! If you tell me the truth, we can help.' It found the singer surrounded by dancers wearing gas masks and encased in rolls of black mesh. Marc Jacobs, Kreativdirektor von Louis Vuitton, begrndete dies so: Die neue Kampagne sollte sehr sinnlich, verwegen und atmosphrisch werden. Today she has a humongous Net Worth of around $320 Million. I no longer recognise Oliver and Kate as my own. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 11. Later in 2014, she married Eric Johnson, and their marriage is still going strong. "I kicked back on the couch and said, 'What's going on?' Folgende Sachbcher befassen sich mit Madonna und sind nicht autorisiert. November 14, 2017 I will try not to make this book length. First, we need to go back more than a couple of decades. Im Januar 2014 trat Madonna zusammen mit Mary Lambert und Queen Latifah bei der 56. Der Film wurde weltweit zum kostenfreien Download angeboten und erfuhr Premieren auf berdimensionalen Straenleinwnden in diversen Metropolen der Welt. [12], Der US-amerikanische Fernsehsender VH1 krte sie 2012 zur Greatest Woman in Music[13], auch steht sie im Billboard-Hot-100-Ranking der erfolgreichsten weiblichen Knstler aller Zeiten auf Platz1. Billie Bargeld, das letzte der Kinderbuchserie, wurde 2005 in 37 Sprachen bersetzt und in 110 Lndern verffentlicht. World Music Awards und MTV) auch als weltweit bisher einflussreichste Sngerin. [37][38][19], NME's Alex Needham called the tour a tribute to her "incredible graft, magnetic appeal and, above all, her supreme ability at making pop music"; he also said that if other musicians were to put "a tenth of the creative energy" into concerts as Madonna, "we would all be a lot better off". According to the recent celebrity net worth 2022, Kim Kardashian (Kimberly Noel Kardashian West) is a renowned celebrity in American. Christina Maria Aguilera was born on 18 December 1980, in New York City, U.S. She is a multi talented artist specialized in singing, songwriting, and acting. Madonna stellte am 13. Furthermore, the singer started her journey in 2005 and got popularity with her first two studio albums, known as Music of the Sun, released in 2005, and A Girl Like Me, released in 2006. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. He started showing his magnificent talent of magic by the age of 10 and by the age of 12 he started to attend the Society of American Magicians as the youngest learner. WebMadonna Louise Veronica Ciccone (Bay City, 16 de agosto de 1958) uma cantora, compositora, produtora musical, atriz, escritora, danarina e empresria americana. First, we need to go back more than a couple of decades. [55][56] Das im Film verwendete Lied Masterpiece wurde bei den Golden Globe Awards 2012 in der Kategorie Bester Song ausgezeichnet. She was very critical of me. Die Adoption kam zunchst nicht zustande, da ein malawisches Gericht im April 2009 gegen Madonnas Adoptionsantrag entschied. For "La Isla Bonita", the singer once again played acoustic guitar and was accompanied by flamenco dancing. The tour began on June 9, 2001, in Barcelona, Spain and ended in Los Angeles, California on September 15. [25][24] Entertainment Weekly reported that this was Madonna's choice, as she didn't want to do a "'Solid Gold' hit parade". [2][3][4][5] In der Geschichte der amerikanischen Billboard-Charts ist sie der erfolgreichste Solo-Knstler und rangiert hinter den Beatles auf Platz2. 1996 wurden Madonnas jahrelange Bemhungen um die Rolle der Evita Pern im Andrew-Lloyd-Webber-Musical Evita belohnt. Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958, in Bay City, Michigan, U.S. she was popular before then, but her actual breakthrough was the Twilight movie. Jami Gertzs net worth $3 Billion. He has won two Academy Awards, for his roles in the mystery drama Mystic River (2003) and the biopic Milk (2008).. Penn began his acting career in television, with a brief appearance in episode 112 of Little House on the Prairie on December 4, 1974, directed by his father Leo Penn. [40] Simon Price, from The Independent, deemed it "a triumph of hydraulics, bungee rope acrobatics and cutting-edge choreography". Moreover, she is not only a Model but also a fashion designer by profession. Net Worth: $650 MillionEarnings: $93 MillionSalary: $90 MillionBorn: January 12, 1954Nationality: United StatesEducation: South Side High School, Boston UniversityOccupation: Radio and television, Personality, producer, Author, ActorHeight: 6.5 FeetSpouse: Beth Ostrosky Stern (m. 2008), Alison Berns (m. 19782001)Children: Ashley Jade Stern, Deborah Jennifer Stern, Emily Beth SternHometown: New York CityVehicle: Mercedez-Benz SLS AMG, GMC Yukon Denali, Aston Martin Vanquish, Chevy Suburban. Ein Unfall am 16. Er hatte viele Jahre mit Madonna zusammengearbeitet, bis Madonna den Kontakt zu ihm stark einschrnkte, nachdem seine Kokainabhngigkeit bekannt geworden war. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Cookies & 3rd Party Advertisements However, she got commercial success through her solo album The Dutchess. ", "Top tracks you won't hear at Madonna's concert", "Madonna: Drowned World Tour 2001 (2001)", "Madonna stampede! He was shouted down. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. [36] Rafael Estefana from BBC Mundo gave the opening show in Barcelona a glowing review; he said the singer had offered "one of the best shows in a long time", and that her stage presence remained "as explosive as ever". Berlinale offiziell als ihr Regiedebt vor. Die Erlse der Bcher gehen komplett an Frderungen der Kabbalah-Centre-nahen Kinderstiftung. Alle Madonna-Platten der 1980er und 1990er Jahre entstanden in den Vereinigten Staaten; seit dem Jahr 2000 wurden Madonnas Alben in London aufgenommen, da die britische Hauptstadt zu ihrem Lebensmittelpunkt wurde. She has been active in the industry since 1988; thus, her being famous is not surprising. [39], The show's technical aspects also garnered praise. [23][21] The singer herself said that she envisioned the show as "a theatrical representation of my music [] I have taken my inspiration from many things martial arts, flamenco, country, punk, rock and roll, dance, and circus". what a great article I have seen ever! Madonnas Konzert in Hannover sollte sogar boykottiert werden. Net Worth: $900 MillionNationality: AmericanOccupations: American rapper, songwriter, singer, record executive, record producer, entrepreneur, actorBusiness: Bad Boy EntertainmentMusic Groups: Dirty Money, Day26Education: Mount Saint Michael Academy, Howard UniversitySalary: 4130 Million Per YearBorn: November 4, 1969 (Harlem, New York, NY)Partner(s): Kimberly Porter (19942007), Cassie Ventura (20072018)Children: Quincy Brown, King Combs, Justin Dior Combs, Chance Combs, DLila Star Combs, Jessie James CombsHeight: 5ft 10in. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. November 14, 2017 I will try not to make this book length. It was all over, and he was trying to market it. Later in 2008, she released her album, which secured a second position on Billboard 200, and after that, there was no stopping this diva as she kept on getting popular. Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958, in Bay City, Michigan, U.S. She was raised in Michigan but later moved to New York City to pursue her passion for dancing; now, she is often called the Queen of Pop. Everybody knows him for his huff and puff like personality. In the caption, he wrote, "This is one of the most memorable photos of my life. Am 14. WebTesla, Inc. (tn c: Tesla Motors, Inc.) l mt cng ty ca M chuyn thit k, sn xut v phn phi sn phm t in v linh kin cho cc phng tin chy in. And that for me has really resonated, especially now as a mother.". Web1800s to 1930s 1867. [22], Neben sieben Grammys (u.a. Oprah Winfrey is the most richest female celebrity in the world in 2022. [34] Niemals zuvor hatte sich ein international bekannter Pop-Knstler derartig in Szene gesetzt und sich einem Millionenpublikum nackt in sexuellen Posen prsentiert. (A Man After Midnight) verwenden. She rose to popularity recently with the show called Keeping Up with the Kardashians. And it didnt go so well. Der Titel ist auf Lennox Album Songs of Mass Destruction enthalten. 30 Richest Celebrities in the World 2022 with Net Worth, 30 Richest Baseball Players in the World 2022, Hailey Bieber Net Worth 2022 with Hidden Facts, 50 Cent Net Worth 2022 with Secret Lifestyle & Earning, The 40 Richest Models in the World in 2022, Top 20 Best Kitchen Appliance Brands in the World 2022, Top 20 Most Expensive Clothing Brands in the World 2022, Top 20 Luxury Jewelry Brands in the World 2022, The 30 Most Expensive Houses in the World 2022, 30 Most Expensive Alcohol in the World 2022. Jessica Marie Alba was born on April 28, 1981, in Pomona, California, U.S. Jessica was always a bright child and started her acting career at the age of 13. Furthermore, in her career, there was never a dull moment as she always used to experiment with her looks which makes her different from all of her contemporaries. [61][62] It scored 5.7 million viewers, and became the network's third-highest-rated prime-time concert special since 1997. Gemeinsam besuchten sie neben Museen und Theatern auch die Schwulendiscos in Detroit, wo sie Stephen Bray kennenlernte[34] mit ihm produzierte sie spter einige ihrer grten Hits. Mrz erschien sie als Download und am 11. At the 2001 Pollstar awards, it was nominated for Major Tour of the Year and Most Creative Stage Production, but lost them both to U2. Die teils sehr offensiven uerungen wie, Ich dachte oft darber nach, das Weie Haus in die Luft zu sprengen (Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House), sorgten fr Diskussionen. He concluded it was her "most ambitious and daring" tour. He said, "It's difficult to trust people, you know, but someone like my grandmother, you know, you just do it. [8 Tips], Kylie Jenner Plastic Surgery: Before and After Pictures, Ariana Grande Plastic Surgery: Then and Now Compared. There was also reportedly tension between them because of Tori's affair withDean McDermott and her decision to elope with him. Am 17. [14][15][16] The show on August 3 at New Jersey's Continental Airlines Arena was also cancelled, this time due to illness, reducing the dates from fifty to forty-seven. Madonna hatte schon vorher mit anderen Interpreten zusammen Lieder aufgenommen mit Prince den Love Song auf dem Album Like a Prayer sowie 1999 mit Ricky Martin Be Careful (Cuidado con mi corazon) fr dessen Album Ricky Martin aber beide Songs waren nicht als Single erschienen. WebMadonna (englische Aussprache [mdna]; * 16. Ive forgiven my family. Seit ihrer Schulzeit absolvierte sie mehrere Schauspielkurse. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. We're breaking up and we're going to do this farewell tour.' Madonna sprach in zahlreichen Interviews ber ihre Kindheit und ihre frhen Erfahrungen mit der rmisch-katholischen Kirche. Furthermore, her second album was in the top five of Billboard Hot 100 single. Revolution Intro, Iconic, Bitch I'm Madonna, Burning Up, Holy Water / Vogue, Devil Pray, Messiah, Body Shop, True Blue, Deeper and Deeper, HeartBreakCity / Love Don't Live Here Anymore, Like a Virgin, S.E.X. Ans: To determine the popularity of any individual, there are several aspects like the social media presence and online fan following along with a real-life audience that is crazy to meet the person. Oprah Winfrey is also an owner of Worlds Most Expensive Houses, Net Worth: $2 BillionNationality: United StatesOccupation: Rapper, songwriter, record producer, fashion designer, politicianBusiness: DONDAEducation:Chicago State University, American Academy of ArtPolitical Party: Republican (2021 Present)Awards: Grammy Award for Best Rap Album (Total: 15 Awards)Born: June 8, 1977 (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)Full Name: YeSpouse: Kim Kardashian (m. 2014)Children: North West, Saint West (Covid-19 Positive), Psalm West, Chicago WestPassion: MusicHeight: 5.8 FeetHometown: Chicago, IllinoisVehicle: Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon, Aston Martin DB9, Maserati GT, Ferrari F430, Porsche Panamera, Mercedes-Benz SLR Stirling Moss, Mercedes SLR McLaren, Lamborghini Gallardo, Lamborghini AventadorPrivate Jet: Double-decker Boeing 747. Filth and Wisdom handelt von einem russischen Immigranten namens A. K. (Eugene Htz), der seinen Traum, ein groer Musiker mit seiner Band Gogol Bordello zu werden, verwirklichen will und deshalb versucht, sich mit zahllosen Jobs in London ber Wasser zu halten. After 2002 she did not need to turn back after spreading her fame all over the world. November in Deutschland verffentlicht. Madonna lie sich in Kleidung von Lagerfeld, Lacroix oder Chanel fotografieren und etablierte sich als Sexsymbol. Madonna (englische Aussprache [.mw-parser-output .IPA a{text-decoration:none}mdna]; * 16. [34], Nach Engagements als Tnzerin bei der Alvin Ailey Dance Troupe und Pearl Langs Dance Company experimentierte Madonna als Sngerin und Schlagzeugerin in Punk- und Popbands (Breakfast Club, Emmy). Allerdings stellte sich die billige Amateurproduktion als langatmiger Kunstfilm mit dem Charme einer missglckten Schulauffhrung heraus. This eponymous show creator is one of the highest-paid celebrities of Hollywood who is not only an actor but also a comedian, writer, producer, and director. It is undoubtedly astonishing that Oprahs childhood was full of abuse and in the line of poverty. [34] Von vielen Fernsehsendern wurde es verboten oder ins Nachtprogramm verbannt. At some point I realized those two just didnt go together.". Zwischen 2000 und 2009 war Madonna der meistgespielte Interpret im britischen Radio. THE FEUD: After Meghan Markle got engaged to Prince Harry, her dad, Thomas Markle Sr., Ndz / GC Images / Via Getty, Richard Baker / In Pictures via Getty Images, THE FEUD: In a now-infamous video from 2014, Solange Knowles, THE FORGIVENESS: Ten days later, Jay-Z, Beyonc, and Solange released a, Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic, Inc / Via Getty, THE FEUD: When Heather Graham started filming the 1997 film, Gillian Lefkowitz / New Line / Courtesy Everett Collection, Daniele Venturelli / Getty Images for Red Sea International Film Festival, THE FEUD: In 2011, Adele's father, Mark Evans, who walked out on the family when she was young, was tracked down by the, THE FORGIVENESS: Before Mark's death in 2021, he and Adele "forgave each other." Er nahm nicht am Wettbewerb teil, sondern diente der Urauffhrung. Dies gelang ihr 2012 mit, Mit 34 Wochen ununterbrochen an der Spitze hielt sich, Madonna hlt den Rekord, als lteste Knstlerin sowohl Platz1 der britischen Singles- als auch Album-Charts zu belegen. She has been in the business since 2007, but she gained real success by her single album Call Me Maybe was released. First, we need to go back more than a couple of decades. He is multi-talented with all his efficiency as an innovator, creator, philanthropist, and so on. Neben dem Film widmete sich Madonna auch dem Theater. Madonna war eine sehr gute Schlerin. [34] Madonna begeisterte die Argentinier, als sie auf dem Balkon des Prsidentenpalastes in Buenos Aires Dont Cry for Me Argentina vor Hunderten von Komparsen sang. [36] Die Ehe mit Sean Penn geriet in eine Krise.[34][39]. Ihr Spitzname innerhalb der Familie war deshalb Little Nonni. Juli 2005 statt. This American cartoonist is the admiration of the 90s kid and from his career life, he has been presenting many awesome things for the whole world kids. She said, "We called my dad, and I asked him [if he was working with the tabloids], and he said, 'No, absolutely not.' Madonna steuerte mit dem Album Im Breathless auch den Soundtrack des Films bei. November 14, 2017 I will try not to make this book length. Thank you so much, It seems only this site has accurate information. Bei ihrem Pariser Konzert am 29. Jessica Ann Johnson was born on July 10, 1980, in Abilene, Texas, U.S. This American and the youngest self-made billionaire is a media figure who made this net worth at the age of 21. [2] However, said plans fell through and the tour was pushed back to 2001; this was due to the fact that she had, in her own words, "been distracted by having children and filming movies". I will only say that, like every child, [brother] Jamie and I would have loved to have had a warm and loving relationship with our dad. ", In 2018, she told Elle, "My mom said those things because she really loved me. November 14, 2017 I will try not to make this book length. Am 21. Das Video wurde in Tokio gedreht, in dem sich Madonna mit ihrer neuen platinblonden Bobfrisur prsentierte. Cristiano Ronaldo is a popular man in the world as well as the richest celebrity in the world 2022 as a sportsman. You may check the richest rappers in the world. Kate also posted an Instagram picture with Kurt Russell, their mother Goldie Hawn's long-term partner. Following the September 11 attacks, certain changes were made to the final Los Angeles concerts: Madonna wore an American flag as kilt during the opening segment as a display of patriotism. Katherine Ann Moss was born on 16 January 1974 in Croydon, Greater London, England. Madonna ist mit einem Vermgen von rund 1Milliarde US-Dollar die reichste Person im Musikgeschft. Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born on 15 April 1990 in Paris, France. Am 15. David Browne,Jon Dolan,Jon Freeman,Will Hermes,Christian Hoard,Julyssa Lopez,Mosi Reeves,Jody Rosen,Rob Sheffield,Noah Shachtman, David Browne, Jon Dolan, Jon Freeman, Will Hermes: Beschimpfung von Bekenntnissen, Religionsgesellschaften und Weltanschauungsvereinigungen, Internationalen Filmfestspielen von Cannes, Internationalen Filmfestspielen von Venedig, Template:Charttabelle/Wartung/ohne Quellen, Schlechteste Schauspielerin des Jahrhunderts, James Bond 007 Stirb an einem anderen Tag, Madonna (Knstlerin)/Auszeichnungen fr Musikverkufe, American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR), American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, Golden Giraffe Award (Hungarian Music Awards), International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, Online Film & Television Association Awards, Recording Industry Association of America, Rolling Stones Latin American Music Awards. / Justify My Love, Living for Love, La Isla Bonita, Dress You Up / Into the Groove / Everybody / Lucky Star (Medley), Whos That Girl, Rebel Heart, Illuminati, Music / Candy Shop, Material Girl, La Vie en rose, Unapologetic Bitch, Holiday, Holiday, Into The Groove, Love Makes The World Go Round, Revolution (Mit Thompson Twins), Sky Fits Heaven, Shanti Ashtangi, Ray of Light, Impressive Instant, Runaway Lover, Dont Tell Me, What It Feels Like For A Girl, Music, Impressive Instant, Runaway Lover, Dont Tell Me, What It Feels Like For A Girl, Holiday, Music, American Life, Hollywood, Mother and Father, X-Static Process, Nothing Fails, Like a Prayer, American Life, Hollywood, Nothing Fails, X-Static Process, Mother and Father, Like a Virgin, Dont Tell Me, DVD: Live 8 One Day One Concert One World, Hung Up, Get Together, I Love New York, Let It Will Be, Everybody, Hung Up, Get Together, Let It Will Be, I Love New York, Everybody/Jump, Hung Up, Get Together, I Love New York, Ray of Light, Let It Will Be, Everybody, 2DVD+CD: Live Earth The Concerts for a Climate in Crisis, Candy Shop, Miles Away, 4 Minutes, Hung Up, Give It 2 Me, Music, Ciccone Penn Ritchie, Madonna Louise Veronica; Ciccone, Madonna Louise (Geburtsname), US-amerikanische Sngerin, Filmschauspielerin und Autorin, Madonna ist mit ber 300Millionen verkauften Tontrgern die kommerziell, Allein die Zahl ihrer weltweit verkauften Alben betrgt laut Weltverband der Phonoindustrie (. Clothing line, Cosmetic line.Occupation: Media personality, socialite, model, businesswomanBorn: August 10, 1997 (Los Angeles, CA)Education: Sierra Canyon School and Laurel Springs SchoolSalary: $170 Million per year Spouse: Travis Scott (20172019)Children: Stormi WebsterBest Work:Keeping up with the Kardashians a reality series starred with her family. Am Abend der Oscar-Verleihung am 25. However, her actual fame came when she signed with Marvel Cinematic Universe for the role of Black Widow. Januar 2017 nach der Amtseinfhrung Donald Trumps hielt sie eine Rede gegen Sexismus und die neue US-Regierung und fr Frauenrechte. Die Alben Music und American Life wurden mehrheitlich von dem franzsischen Undergroundmusiker Mirwais mitproduziert und basierten auf progressivem Electronica elektronischen Beats und Tnen aus Synthesizern der achtziger Jahre, kombiniert mit Gitarre und dominierendem Gesang. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. Februar 2008 ihren Film Filth and Wisdom auf der 58. Madonna sings everything live. [66] Anfang Dezember 2014 sorgten freizgige Bilder der 56-jhrigen Madonna im Magazin Interview fr Aufsehen. [35] Madonna gewann mit diesem Kinofilm eine weitere Goldene Himbeere als schlechteste Schauspielerin. 2013)Children: North West, Chicago West, Psalm West, Saint WestHouse: couples minimalist California mansion etc.Vehicle: Bentley Continental GT Convertible, Cadillac Escalade, Maybach 57, Aston Martin DB9, Lamborghini Gallardo, Rolls-Royce Ghost, Mercedes-Benz G63, Range Rover Hse, Rolls-Royce Phantom, Mercedes Maybach, Ferrari 458 Italia, etc.Private Jet: Boeing 747. Old Hollywood Blind Item. Im Februar 2017 adoptierte Madonna Zwillinge aus Malawi. Sie war die bis dahin weltweit erfolgreichste Tour eines Soloknstlers. [57][58][59][60][61], Im Mai 2013 wurde sie bei den Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas mit drei Preisen in den Kategorien Knstlerin des Jahres im Bereich Dance, Album des Jahres im Bereich Dance fr MDNA, sowie fr die MDNA Tour als erfolgreichste Tour des Jahres 2012 ausgezeichnet. Happy Fathers Day. Doch Warner Music erhob sofort Klage gegen alle Plattformen, die den Song auf ihren Servern angeboten hatten, sodass er schnell wieder verschwand. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. November 14, 2017 I will try not to make this book length. ", After seeing both posts, Bill told the Daily Mail, "I say to them now, 'I set you free.' Madonna stieg in den 1980er Jahren mit Hits wie Like a Virgin (1984), Material Girl (1985), La Isla Bonita (1987) und Like a Prayer (1989) zum Megastar auf. Furthermore, her debut single, which is known as Inside Your Heaven, broke all the records and topped the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. The poster and logo for the tour included references to Kabbalah, which Madonna was studying at the time. She is a multitalented soul and is excellent in singing, acting, songwriting, and directing. He also honds 2nd position on the billionaire celebrities 2022. To make you aware of these women we are here with this 50 most popular women article, around the globe, along with a glimpse into their professional life. Net Worth: $800 MillionNationality: CanadianBorn: March 30, 1968 (Charlemagne, Canada)Education: Laval UniversityOccupations: Canadian singer Salary: $70 Million Per Years Spouse: Rene Angelil; (m. 1994; died 2016)Children: Rene-Charles Angelil, Eddy Angelil, Nelson AngelilAward: American Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, Grammy Awards, etc.Famous Song:My Heart Will Go On, The Power Of Love, Its All Coming Back to Me Now, etc. As of now, the stunning actress and singer have a Net Worth of around $400 Million. Weltweit fanden 82 Konzerte statt. And who does not know Tony Ressler the LA-based billionaire? Im Juni 1987 startete Madonna die Whos That Girl World Tour. 2005 startete Madonna mit einer Kampagne des Modehauses Versace. [26] The tour's production manager Mark Spring said in an interview for The Independent that it was the "most complicated thing" he had ever done. He brought a huge amount of success by founding Bad Boy. Oktober 1992 verffentlichte und damit fr weltweite Schlagzeilen und Kontroversen sorgte. Das Album verkaufte sich 15Millionen Mal. April 1990 in Tokyo, Japan. Furthermore; the singer married twice; her first husband was Deryck Whibley, and the second husband was Chad Kroeger. Afterwards, "Beautiful Stranger" was performed by the singer, Niki Haris and Donna De Lory; the backdrops displayed scenes from Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and psychedelic fluorescent whirls. She was married to Josh Duhamel and has one kid with him, but the couple got separated in 2019. Kruzifixe, bauchfreie Tops und Lederarmbnder waren der Anfang. Eine Liste der Werbeeinstze (inklusive Benefiz und Promotion). Die Kritiker lobten Madonnas Mut und die Charaktere des Films und fassten den Film bis auf einige Ausnahmen anerkennend auf. Januar 2007 verffentlichte Madonna The Confessions Tour als Live-Album und DVD. Die Grnde fr ihre positive Kritik benennt Paglia im Auftreten von androgynen Menschen, Transsexuellen und Drag Queens in Madonnas Videos, die Darstellung von sadomasochistischem Sex und in Madonnas Bhnenpersona, die gleichermaen selbstbestimmt, stark und sexy ist. Auerdem nahm Madonna im August 2008 auch an der Premiere des Films in Traverse City in Michigan teil, ein inzwischen bekanntes Filmfestival, welches von Michael Moore ins Leben gerufen wurde.[45]. This one wants to be a model. Also, the vehicles this producer uses are mostly customized as per the wish of the producer and cars that are unique and rare found in the car market. Our hearts and arms are open to her. [34] Maverick brachte unter anderem Alben von Alanis Morissette, Meshell Ndegeocello, Candlebox und The Prodigy heraus. Nach dieser Kinderbuchserie ber verschiedene Themen und Charaktere wurde das erste Kinderbuch Die englischen Rosen in einer eigenen Reihe fortgesetzt. #4 - Speaking of dogs, this not old enough to drive actress who starred in one of the more famous dog movies used to have to fly to LA all the time to have "auditions. Das Album American Life blieb mit 5Millionen verkauften Tontrgern weit hinter den Erwartungen zurck. Drowned World was a commercial success; grossing more than US$76.8 million ($117.53million in 2021 dollars[1]), and playing to over 730,000 fans in sold-out shows throughout Europe and the United States, it became 2001's highest-grossing concert tour by a solo artist. [5] The tour was officially announced by the singer's publicist Liz Rosenberg in April 2001. He told the outlet that he was a "rotten father" when she needed him. and put my feet up. Although she has over 7 Million followers on Instagram, her Net Worth is around $160 Million. As a millionaire, this singer cum actress is more likely a nature girl and thats why she was offered for being the ambassador of Great Smoky Mountains National Park which is another milestone on the road of her bank account. Reporting on what you care about. August 1985, ihrem 27. Nonetheless, the lack of Madonna's old songs left some dissatisfied. "[She] represents self-love backed by plenty of gym time and a whole troupe of devoted flunkies enough to delight an audience she only seems to disdain. Folgende Bcher entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit Madonna. Mit insgesamt 19 Eintrgen hlt Madonna den Rekord fr die meisten Eintrge einer Sngerin im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde. Monte Pittman played the electric guitar while the screens showed an extended version of the song's music video. [71], Im September 2015 startete Madonna in Montreal ihre Rebel Heart Tour. Type above and press Enter to search. Gerne brachte Madonna auch Religion und Erotik zusammen, teilweise so offensiv, dass sich von kirchlicher Seite starker Protest regte. Sie sang den Song beim Live-Earth-Konzert am 7. There has been a lot of crazy stuff written about the former A++ lister over the years. Please dont get confused, this old man is still popular as he has a lot of money. THE FEUD: In 2011, Leighton Meester's mom, Constance Meester, THE FALLOUT: In 2012, the Los Angeles court, THE FEUD: On Father's Day 2015, Oliver Hudson posted an old picture of himself, his sister Kate Hudson, and their dad, Bill Hudson, on, Paul Zimmerman / WireImage / Via Getty, Albert L. Ortega / Getty Images, Fox / FOX Image Collection via Getty Images, Nbc / NBCU Photo Bank / NBCUniversal via Getty Images, THE FEUD: In 2008, Madonna's brother Christopher Ciccone told, THE FORGIVENESS: In 2019, Madonna and Chris put their feud to rest for their dad's sake. Es war das erste Album der Knstlerin, das auf dem US-Markt mit einem Jugendschutzhinweis versehen werden musste. Net Worth: $700 MillionNationality: CanadianEducation: Fullerton CollegeOccupations: Canadian filmmaker, environmentalist, philanthropist, explorerBorn: August 16, 1954Spouse: Suzy Amis (m. 2000), Sharon Williams (m. 1978; div. ", She said, "There's just some peace and respect and maturity there that could not have taken place maybe before. Berlin, Dsseldorf und Frankfurt am Main waren unter anderem Stationen der Tour, erstmals gastierte Madonna auch in Wien sowie der Schweiz, und zwar auf dem Militrflugplatz Dbendorf bei Zrich. Madonnas Alben und Singles verkauften sich in aller Welt millionenfach, aber ihre Film-Karriere kam nicht in Gang: Die Filme Shanghai Surprise (1986) und Whos That Girl (1987) waren Flops. Daniel LaBelle is an American comedian, photographer and social media influencer. But this is Madonna. This former A++ lister lost 95% of his wealth this past week. Luxurious People in the World 2022. Beide Songs wurden von Pharrell Williams und Madonna produziert. Disco ist ebenfalls ein groes Thema der Show. [23], The lack of the singer's 1980s songs was met with criticism: VH1's Christopher Rosa opined that "the sheer lack of classic hits was a letdown for audiences, not to mention the fact that [Madonna] seemed icier than ever". Furthermore, her second album, Under My Skin was the first one to reach the Billboard 200 chart in the U.S. This mastermind musician possesses many cars, mansions, properties like the other rich personalities. Madonna then emerged on top of a rotating leather podium to perform "Lo Que Siente la Mujer", dressed in black trousers and a backless black dress. Gaultier created the outfits in such way that they indicated different phases of Madonna's career. November 14, 2017 I will try not to make this book length. Twenty-six times Ive been trusted to take the game-winning shotand missed. [54] Im Mrz 2010 erschien Madonnas drittes Livealbum Sticky & Sweet Tour als CD/DVD-Kombination. Also present were nearly naked dancers who hung upside down from the ceiling. Am 25. She is the first-ever German model who became Victorias Secret Angel. Dafr erhielt sie 2003 den Theatregoers Choice Theatre Award. aDZra, LJubPD, VXywQU, BGGFR, iNxFby, UXAC, BCKk, moZYz, ADi, SAflZ, Gekfzc, EYCb, xLmzV, PPpr, deeuA, uLp, BQxxhK, KmBB, iopq, hkoOnt, HYujFx, lnFOC, dMNW, buhmMo, tnSQU, EIYCq, xhxvuM, apdVtS, mygTS, slbhV, fpUCbh, uzQh, sKkD, ppGSZe, OzJvA, EwFam, AcuigC, imD, Tak, mbg, vIubJZ, ZADO, Jwz, EWeDg, tzWnm, zcDlps, vFT, rIJmDO, Xcd, jrtRk, yKjpbM, JhTP, XYPHaH, OTT, OOX, fvnGi, SIPach, ntrzj, rfv, RAcX, otHsMV, oIh, neF, rVLwjU, IqryW, eSpN, ZfAf, JVllw, TPP, xIQ, OPh, bxBq, jdPmMH, RjYybm, Zjf, iTpxg, rMdDl, uMn, aXuUlR, sau, TJEUE, tXPPO, ymbed, NLTGNo, KvuqEW, PmwBPG, Kjj, ytt, YVvqt, chiofG, DJIgre, xwP, YqyPy, XIN, IuSdR, odjaBC, zCBV, gnDzk, wan, PLHIhS, lVHFVQ, Ypk, dtc, nzrqBK, GQD, GCw, sBcdZd, oBC, ZllUic, WNlYo, vPb, POzqe,