HI IM JUST WONDERING HOW LONG YOU CAN TAKE ALOE VERA GEL IM 264 IBS 49 YRS OLD , I TAKE 3 ONCES A DAY THE BRAND I AM TAKING IS LILY OF THE DESERT IS THIS A GOOD BRAND IF NOT IS THERE A BETTER BRAND THANKS ONTARIO CANADA. A better place was by my side. I dont blend it but just eat it raw. I have good days and bad days and still have his ashes on the coffee table. Do you have hobbies? Weve been to the vet and got eye drops for his water pink eye and zithromax to prevent lung infection. They would be orphaned. I stopped my medicine myself and was very slowly getting better each day, I guess I am allergic to the antibiotics. I am a nurse and ask God and those who have passed to direct me and assist me to bring me peace as I strive to help others. almost empty nesters.. making plans. After what happened to me I was so done with God. But, I do know which foods I would eat and which I would avoid. Blessings to you Pat. I dont know the circumstances of his death but I hope you get the closure you need. Heres my story. My heart goes out to you. Anyway, I encourage you to live your life as best as you canto take care of your needs, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Hope it helps. My two adult cats have it now as they sneeze and have runny noses. Also I am in my 30s and do eat alot of processed foods on the weekends like hamburgers and also simple fastfoods So, if this cat still has these symptoms for years, nasal discharge and difficulty breathing, if it's not FRV what else could it be? I am lost, lonely, angry, frightened, sad (oh so very sad) and without a rudder. He told me and my daughter that he wanted to be cremated and didnt want a church service, and he wanted this to happen as soon as possible. But thats just not enough intimacy with another person to help me completely. I've been married for 21 years. It was difficult then but so much worse now. Get a therapist and connect with others in a group. He was 64 and a beloved physician who spent much too much time at the office and his retirement was upcoming which was supposed to be ME time. I just dont know what that is supposed to mean, although I realize its not meant to be offensive. My name is Manpreet. I think I may go. D idnt know if it was the Zoloft he was on. Give yourself time to grieve. I am so deeply lonely without him. I just dont know how long I can be by myself. Shortly after my husband passed away, I, too had a very low willingness or emotional strength to go on. Help! I really dont like being in my bungalow anymore. This is too damn hard and Im scared that Im failing. I try to stay positive and active. Im very worried I will not find a job in time to move. But I believe (from living experience) that its just the role you have to play for now to help her let go and be at peace. Everyone said wait a year if you can. At first I think it was denial and its been 6 months and some days are worse than before. Im 62 years old, wow how time flys. maybe the antibiotic shot will give her the start of clearing up and then start the colloidial silver. Dont take it personally. I was grateful that my son and wife and my grandson and I were all at his bedside all night until he took his last breath. He never wants to just sit and talk and sex is almost always out of the question We have sex once every week or 2 weeks but when we do its fast or sloppy. Adding super colostrum to their food has really helped. Go bavk to sift food. Memories and rembering are all we have left. He is receiving drops in his nose because it helps with the inflammation in his sinuses. (I was in the minority of Male attendees). One vet prescribed steroids for my cat and they worked, but another vet warned that steroids suppress the immune system so he does not recommend them against a viral infection like herpesvirus. Im almost entirely alkaline foods since my pH was 5.5 a month ago..Its now 6.4..Im far from my goal, but closer! please try famciclovir, an anti-viral medication that can be prescribed by your vet. Ive had to put their grief into perspective. It depends for specific questions, you are welcome to contact us. I joined the local gym with a indoor pool. God bless Dr. agbomina for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HSV since 2013 and taking medications, I wasn't satisfied and needed to get the HSV1&2 out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HSV1&2 and then i saw a testimony about Dr.agbominaon how he cured illness with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. Am I doing everything right? I realize more each day how alone I really am. When they sound really horrible, we give them 1/3 pill of human allergy over the counter medication, which helps minimally. He prescribed medication. Dont look too far into the future. It has been 10 years since my father passed. Maybe not for some lucky cats but it looks like it is for mine. I thought I didnt want to be alone but when making the decision of moving in with my daughter and son in law I couldnt do it. The legacy he left for me is our 2 adult children & grandbabies. Believe it or not, I slept with a stuffed bear for comfort. Hope this offers some solace. Hi Dee, You definitely have a plate full of heartbreak. Thankyou for sharing. Jan 7th he picked me up from work, we went home and he said his drainage was affecting his asthma, so he took a breathing treatment on his machine. His was the last funeral before all was shut down due to Covid. On top of it all I had major back surgery and a total knee. Avoid watching the news or other programs that distress or depress you. So I talked to his doc about introducing an estrogen blocker. I believe that our lost loved ones really are part of our lives. Soo fast, soo unexpected, shocking, just like you. She licks it off her legs without a problem. I consider myself attractive, loving, caring on the outside I am lonely and broken on the inside. Your story is the same as mine. I do know that I will move on and begin some new life. He went into ER and 1 month later was gone. Have you thought about counselling. Omg I wish I found this this 3 days ago when I had 2 teeth pulled. U can try to eat it after the swelling goes down. I must say however that its tone is somewhat condescending to the wife left behind. I have been been married 3 years known my husband for 5 . Its so hard to even express how I feel. The loss of our husbands, so traumatic and life changing. Even thought about killing myself. by Anonymous: replies 90: December 10, 2022 4:44 AM but he is hardly alone in his assessment that the Biden administration gave up too much to get Griner home. It sounds like youve tried many different things, but nothing has filled the emptiness. Anyway, she was same age as our oldest son, so yeah, it hit hard. . It is getting harder for me, not easier. My husband god bless his heart makes me tomato soup with seasoned croutons-he let's them sit and get mushy-since I have been starving for "normal,filling" food. After a month of treatment by the vet with little or no improvement, I decided to step up the treatment and took her to an ophthalmologist. I have kids. Its only been two weeks. Amen to that. I had to have him put to sleep. My thinking is definitely slower right now, so the guidance and outline from the workbook help give me direction or I would be all over the place. I am so happy for her. I dont need domestic help, I need HER! I have shared on this site since my husband first passed away, 2 years plus ago. Could be mites mange which requires oral liquid medication from the vet. He did not. Her eye is almost clear now but it was horrible at first to the point of me thinking she would lose her site. Im still in shock, I keep telling myself he is gone to a football game with friends and will be back soon. was helpful but i am still overwhelmed with what i am going through. When he was diagnosed with kidney disease, I was stunned because I had been doing everything to avoid it! I kept going for my cats as I am all they have. I was utterly and completely shattered by this catastrophic event. I know this is the way God planned it. Hello I am wondering if this would help with candida and adrenal issues? My next challenge is my mixed feelings. I can only imagine how hard it must be to say goodbye to your beloved husband and start over. I understand how hard is to continue without them. Elderly (78), all acquaintances have family or spouses, adult kids/grands are busy with their own lives, I feel like Im imposing on them, all 3 live away from me except daughter who lives next door, it was her idea to buy her house & live next door but now they are rarely available. Blessings to you. Try to find mechanisms to destress, even for short periods in your day. Friday evening he was fine until he said he couldnt catch his breath. My husband died in July, 2020 on his birthday. Nursing husband and he was really hungry too. I buy the whole leaf and filet it and extract the gel. I hate that Ill lose my best friend & love of my life of 35 years. Im talking about taking walks in her neighborhood, etc. Dont give up Haily. Our experiences are different yet the same. He was a great father. I totally recognize my situation in this post. Why? Nights and early mornings are the worst. My heart goes out to you. Here's something I learned, pineapple juice helps the gums to heal faster and stronger especially if you start before the surgery. He died 19min after they extubated him. You can spread it on bread or just enjoy it on it's own. She is a good companion. (Inflammation, gerd, slow motility, dysbiosis). Back in March 2021 i lost the mother of our daughter and future wife. All better for about two weeks. He cuddles with me through the long nights, sits on my lap when ever I sit down. My prayers to you my sister in Christ. I was truly blessed to meet my husband when i was twenty two years old. Kinda went through the same thing,my husband was never in the mood,then i discovered why.turned out he had a porn problem,i got angry he promised to stop but sex never really returned after that.i ended up losing my feelings for him because i felt like such a loser begging for sex,sucks he was a great provider and an awesome father just a really bad husband. It it a painful road, but everyday gets better!! Now you have to make a future. After all, look at all the love and companionship they give us. Its so hard. I'm so confused and I feel like so lost, undesired , insecure and like u say I feel down or angry most of the time, also maybe a bit resentful which does not help as he then tries to say its me that's not showing him anything. He has the nicest personality. He falls asleep alot in the recliner watching TV leaving me to cry myself to sleep but sometimes he apologizes and says he was tired. I just knew that God would have taken me instead of him. He is moving out and I am devastated. I miss all of him so much. I found him dead 4 feet away from where Im sitting now, He died this past Tuesday (05/19/2021). It sounds like it. No one but another widow/widower will understand in my opinion as they havent been in our shoes. Silver is not dangerous. Of course it was taken at the periodontist so that might have contributed a little bit. Please ensure you are on the correct MEGA Pro plan, or contact support@mega.nz. Life has to go on, and so shall we. My cat was in the pound for 9 months before I adopted her, so its not surprising that she has Feline Herpes. My husband died seven years ago with cancer. Another reason I think my vet didn't think it was FRV was because this cat literally had these symptoms for years and from what I was able to find out, that usually resolve within 7-10 days. The only time we kiss(peck) is when he leaves/comes home from work. Inflammation caused by gallstones blocking the ducts to your small intestines can also result in severe pain. My husband just died 3 weeks agowhen I read your comments i know exactly how you feel. My heart is broken too, its so difficult to be alone after being a wife for such a long time. He has gone threw several different medications over the years and nothing seemed to really help. for anyone who cant get their animals to take itmake sure theres plenty of clean fresh water as it can be dehydrating. Id like to order this juice, but I live off grid and have a small refrigerator I pray that you can feel your husband spirit close to you. Every day. The surgeon came to me and said Ken isnt Ken anymore. It is a food. It happened in the car.He was a young 63. While indigestion typically goes away on its own, your stomach might also hurt after eating because of an underlying condition, says Ashkan Farhadi, MD, a gastroenterologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center and the director of MemorialCare Medical Groups Digestive Disease Project in Fountain Valley, California. I pray for as many moments of peace as are possible for you & that those peaceful times keep extending in length and multiplying in frequency. Keep going to the grocery for yourself. He kept saying he needed to clean the tube out but I told him to just buy a new one. i just hope that the loneliness doesnt keep me from living my best life. As a certified GAPS practitioner, I am certain that I can help you figure out your best diet. Feels like yesterday. I am so ready for the Good Lord to take me home. I tell you all this so that I can tell you this: 1. I raised children and had part time jobs. Miss him more than I could have ever imagined. I miss the phone calls and texts during the day. We were married 32 years and I am still crying..best to all and we are the same. I am fortunate to have enough means to do some modest traveling and have joined a senior group in town who travel to near and far destinations. Most of his relatives live into their 90s, so I never expected this so soon. So, in my simplicity, all I can offer is my heartache and share my Gods willingness to help me. The past cant be changed. I am continuing our remodel also by myself. . Healthy. If you havent, I suggest you do before you buy or use the stuff. They are in our hearts, no other person can love us .. so deeply and completely. We celebrated our 23 anniversary in November but the weather was bad so we did not do anything but decided to take a rain check and go another day to lunch and a walk on the beach. Regarding citric acid, some occurs naturally. Share what youre feeling with us we understand. She had more money coming in than I did but was always behind. I cant help myself. I use gel aloe Vera directly from plant. Yes, we wouldnt be so sad if we hadnt had so much. what about applying aloe vera gel to skin to reduce those articular inflammation? We have faith that keeps me going. He was 78 and I am 75. Every single positive part of our life together escaped this miserable realm with his sweet soul. I took in a stray who has feline herpes. There is plenty to do but I just dont have enough energy, both physical and mental to do whats needed. Sometimes I feel like I have gone around the bend. My husband died in 2005 so this was the second time for me and I am 54. My life is not the same and I know that it will never be. I actually believed him and went to a Dr about it. By 1wk/1day post fall, I was afraid we were getting in Gods, or my husbands bodys, way. And tells me he loves me a lot. Take care of yourself. If I needed to go to Target and pick out lipstick he was right there with me to hold my purse if need be :-). I am still having difficulty just getting in the car and running an errand. That is the extent of my human contact. I am at the end of my this rope that has been frayed for years. I don't know if he's cheating? I was also in no state of mind or emotions to make such important decisions. Better safe than sorry. My husband died 4 months ago and Im 73 and you never know what lies ahead. I am lost and fearful after the death of my beloved husband 3 months ago-I cant believe he is gone. Carol, I hear and feel your pain. He is a bigger guy too and the dr told him that losing weight would help but he doesn't do anything about it. I lost the love of my life through Leukemia. I get frightened when I think of the future without my husband.. I ask myself for who am i doing things for when life without her seems so pointless and empty, I am so sorry for your loss, Ken. Acute and painful, it will be over soon. My only solace is knowing I will be reunited with my husband and loved ones and finally meeting my God. I lived in a perfect little world not realizing I was destined to be part of this one. Id never even heard of feline herpes and the vet told me it wasnt contagious and my others had been vaccinated against it. I really, really aprreciate all the information! Husband. my daughter said youre not trying to find someone to replace him. We got into the car and I went to the nearby fire station where EMS were there. Steve didnt deserve to get COVID and die and I dont deserve to be in this hell on earth trying to figure everything out by myself. I am so hurt now, I have tried for so long now. I read online convenia is bad if a cat has herpes. I am going to give your Colloidial Silver a hard try. An easy sexual partner: people assume that you are desperate and will do anything to find another partner Please! I take tap and jazz classes, and go to the gym. The holidays were pretty tough but I made it through. Oh my. Am I lonely? I NEVER thot Id say this, but it does get better.it takes time and we are all different. my cat is the same. He didnt come home. Pretend to? I also believe in God, Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, but that hasnt taken away my pain or sadness. Dear God please forgive me I cant fathom this intense pain. OMG I am starving. I was always a self motivated person. Not sure its for everyone either, but it is all I have to share. I have no interest in continuing the hobbies he and I had together. All of October. I fought hard to keep him at home until a couple of months before he died. If so, please join our She Blossoms group. We were so connected. I am going to wait until the end of January to make any decisions about returning to work. Talk about the memories,cry, laugh get angry too. You deserve better. We are only 28 years old. You will get through the worst of this, and the grief will ease up. After 34 years being in relationships, being alone wasnt for me. Your vet. I am at my whits end. Thanks, Sincerely, THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. Let me say again, that is what I thought. He was months away from retirement. EVER. This list is a life saver. If your interesting in talking to me write back on this forum ( I hope its private) w your response. But I wouldnt have traded my life for anything. I hope that helps. I just miss him so much.. But it does not mean it is the same as their product. Don't fool yourself. Im expecting him to walk thru the door any time now. At the opposite end of the spectrum, If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Im not getting that impression reading all these posts. Steve & I had discussed not wanting any more pets once something happened to Baby as we wanted to start traveling again and retirement was 5 years away. The body was moved from my home while I was in a fog, trying to understand it all. My father-in-law died in mid-March, and my mother-in-law is grieving in much the same way you describe. Takes me on trips, buys me things, cooks for me, calls me and texts me all day. S L O WL Y, little by little Im getting better. Not the last day, or the months of struggle prior to that day, but the happy times, the pictures in my head of laughter and joy. I am not sure what pushed me to settle so many things since I was not expecting his death. Stress such as from introducing a new pet into the environment, from moving, and from a change in routine. Love doesnt choose a time to stop. It is frightening. Alternate days he gets in the wet food about a quarter teaspoon apple cider vinegar (like Braggs with the mother), and a drizzle of olive oil with it. I feel now more reclusive that I dont want to walk the dog. With celiac, a person's small intestine becomes damaged when they eat gluten; with a gluten intolerance, someone may simply have a physical reaction like diarrhea or gas after eating gluten. I will never see Kevin again, never hear his voice, never feel his touch never. furnace, whole house, etc. I too have good and bad days. I never needed anyone else. And when we did start having sex after the baby I had to do everything. My husband and I were married 52 years and he died in September of 2020. Oh, I do have a dog, see is my constant companion which we both enjoyed while he was alive. I got him to the ER at about 9, he was always trying to make people smile and what breath he had, he joked with the triage nurse about his hands matching the nurses (blue) gloved hands. I lost my husband of 44 years, who was also 67, two months ago due to cancer. I walk every day . Family and friends dont get it. Try to keep busy, it helps. We were married for 42 years and now my life is empty and I am so lost without him. The doctor recommended 1/2 cup daily. He drowned trying to save me, when I fell off of the boat we were on. I have always been very independent but now that the closing of my home is a mere weeks away I struggle a bit with the unknown. Losing the cat suddenly (he had been drooling for a few weeks and it got worse and found out he had jaw cancer and was in pain) opened the wound of losing Steve. Lost my husband of 22 years just 3 weeks ago..His health had been failing slowly since his stroke in 2019and the last 8 months I could see him slowly fading away..Even tho it was hard losing him ,I was relieved that his suffering was over..I miss him so much.. Katherine, you need to ask your husband about everything he handles and systematically write the answers in a notebook. Then I do not have anyone bringing my loss up. I had no idea how one gets through this yet here I am 11 months later. In this case, lowering stress meant more seclusion from the households other pets some rather rambunctious dogs. :), I like this list of food - many are tasty things I'd be happy to eat. I would get second opinion. I wish there was a place to go where like-situated grieving widows could be with support systems, meals, activities, etc. Get to know your neighbors and make sure you have their phone numbers. What do you Think? Just got all 4 out and didn't know what to eat, but this helped a lot!!! I also had the thought of what happens if I just drive off this bridge. I dont know how to get to the other side of this darkness. To all you folks out there who have used Lysine for feline herpes. Now my life is empty and I dont know how to live again. I cant watch tv or no way can I look at pictures of him or us. I can hear him walking around in the house at night and that is the most comforting feeling. Please help me with some advice, I am so sorry, Losing a beloved parent is heartbreaking. Hospice nurse were on the ball and before long they showed me how to administer morphine and another drug to keep him comfortable. Instead of helping with finances, she was a drain on them; she NEVER paid on time and made continual excuses about her shortfall. We moved home when we married to a location that was new for both of us. They were always being brushed daily in his chair. On Monday, April 25th I told him I would be home for good on Thursday, April 28th. You would have to take those questions to that specific manufacturer. I will never be whole again, but feel closer to him when I help others. Its all I can do sometimes but it has to be enough for now. I have four adult children who are also struggling with the untimely death of their dad. He will not go get checked for what ever reason. But dont think of taking aloe for your diseases but rather, as a superfood with exceptional metabolic properties that is good for you and will support your body as it tries to maintain homeostasis. Thanks! I feel alone. Unbelievable. Its an amino acid and boosts the immune system. Crush the pill up with a spoon (in a dish with sides, as it scatters). Karen. Stats where from study I found online of 900 participants, that over 90% went home, tho my Tony never did, and doctor said he suspected , tho they had to try and save him of course, that he was already gone when helicopter landed, so doctor said they could put him in nursing home or such place , in bed but unlikely hed ever get better or let him go. i am going through the exact same thing but we are in our 20's its starting to make me feel like something is wrong with me. We finished a 3 week round of Famciclovir and a couple days later I noticed she was starting to relapse back to being lethargic and not eating as much. I have been married 30 years. My husband died November 4, 2017 from a traumatic brain injury sustained a week prior when he fell from scaffolding at work. He believes that if he withholds sex/affection, which he has done periodically over the entire 40+ years of our relationship (and which now is almost for 4 continuous years), I will become so miserable that I will turn into this meek, submissive, unargumentative spouse and undergo an entire personality change just to suit him. It will be one of the hardest conversations you will ever have, but later you will be grateful you know what he wanted. He was a professional musician (classic country, classic rock, old time fiddle), so talented a singer & guitar player. If he has no medical issues or some kind of physical problem/medications that would maybe impede his sex drive, than I can't see why a man wouldn't want sex anymore. Before he died, he invested in some home improvements, left some financial documents on the desk, and made sure to replace our old cars with a new one. Please do read through their comments and stories. We were married 47 years and I miss him so much, I cant function, my heart is broken.. You will never be the same. She made all of us better. Hopefully I can rest better at night. Nothing we did for the next week brought & kept his ICP down. Now I am faced with taking care of everything and know just about nothing! Antonella. Please let me know if there are any studies between aloe and my autoimmune diseases. I would just pet and pet him and he let me. I feel is this it. Hi there, any thoughts on aloe vera for bladder infections and inflammation? Well my cat has just been diagnosed, the vet made it sound like it was no big deal. Hello Dr. Michael Haley, It depends what you want to accomplish. Jennie. I only have my mother as we disconnected from my husbands family over 2 years ago (a decision we made together) I know understand how my mom must have felt. Hello Dr. Haley, Make sure his ducks are in a row (estate planning, funeral home, thats where we screwed up) and tell him everything, how much he means to you, how much you love him, until hes tired of hearing it ( my husband actually asked me why do you keep saying that?). I am going thru many of the same feelings you are, but it helps to share them and express them with someone else. If I can give adviceprotect yourself. And then find a job or volunteer position you can get up and get dressed for every morning! Hugs to you. No, we never get over the loss, but time helps soften the pain. Yes, I miss him so much, but I know that God got him now. Please keep posting-i read everyone for courage and helps me continue on. Jan 5th he seemed to be coming down with a head cold. I desperately wish that I did. I, too remember your post and our similar experiences. A sprinkle for each of the sad and heartbroken widows. She was truly my best friend. For the first week after removal of all my teeth, I drank a lot of egg drop soup. I dont want a room mate I want a husbandmy husband. Since I couldnt get out too much being his caregiver, since his death I have started walking and go to several widows luncheons. thousands and thousands of wonderful cats are eutanzized daily at shelters across the country. Terrible. Everyone gets sad, or irritated, if I bring it up & I have no insurance now, so I cannot afford to go to the psych for anything more than a med check/adjustment. It will be forever that I will miss him. Im sorry about the losses in your life and in such a short time frame. Stay healthy! The hospital told me to look for a rehab facility, because they were going to discharge him. I have just started drinking Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice (Whole Leaf). Im glad, Irene that my words, made up of only true heartache may offer some solace. Therefore, anyone taking blood sugar lowering medications should consult with a physician before consuming Aloe vera. Thats the only way I can handle the fact hes gone. We had one son. Please dont ever try to give famciclovir without wrapping it in a piece of a pill pocket!!! My situation is a little different- I practiced abstinence for 29 years before meeting the love of my life. ). I have better days now than just after Bobby died. Yours is one such story. my husband died with kidney failure last year august its hard for me to accept that hes not here anymore am awake at 2 in d morning thinking of my husband i love him, My husband passed away on January 6, 2020. I guess thats all I can do right now. It makes me feel awful to admit that I want to leave. I am going to drag my sorry ass to the walking trail and walk until I cannot walk anymore. I juice celery and carrot on an empty stomach and has helped me. Maybe genuinely asking her without judging her? I feel sick at times-We were very much in love and extremely close-We did everything together; we loved traveling and we could relax for hours together just reading snd having snacks , talking & enjoying each others company-he too took care of the home repairs snd yard work was one of his hobbies,along with cooking which we did as a team on holidays-He was so bright filled with curiosity, and everyone loved him-When he died I no longer knew how to function-I have been inundated with home repairs,hiring landscapers ect which isis very expensive and it is very difficult to find people that you can trust-Our daughter lives very close and has been wonderful-She has a family of her own and I dont want her to burden herself with caring for me!I am so upset with life but I am a person of faith which gives me comfort-But wow I miss his attention ,his kisses hello and goodbye, his text snd phone calls and just his mere presence-Im miserable-Its been nine long months snd not getting much better. Give up? I don't know if he still or has ever loved me. It left him legally blind and in a wheelchair. For them. I wish you the best and stay strong! The worse thing a widow can hear is I know how you feel when theyre sitting next to their husbands. Family is partly near but far away if you know what I mean. I too get mad when they try to make me take his name off things and refuse to on somethings. I reach for him at night and he is not there . So thank you! Its also worth considering how much better off the industry might be if Microsoft is forced to make serious concessions to get the deal passed. I have two teens to take care of. Takes time to go thru all the memories. Time to leave. Antonella. In about a week, I saw improvement. The house is just as it was when he was alive. Wow, I can relate so much to this & the OP. Family lives close by. We werent very social because of his work schedule. The first year with all the milestones was the hardest. Taking care of him was physically and emotionally draining, but he was my husband and I loved him so much. Maybe one day we will wake up and look forward thats all we can hope for. Hope you can help Are you spiritual? That would very much be a betrayal of the trust she gave you. In addition to the grief and loneliness of living alone, you have your hands full of kids, responsibilities, and serious commitments. We got COVID, I lived. Best Sex Positions to Improve Your Sex Life. There was no hope in rehabilitation and we had talked about that very situation. I believe I do this because I just dont want to think anymore how sad I get this time of the day. I try, but it doesnt change my mood. We were together from day 1 for thirty-onederful years. Although many start out at three large (6- to 8-ounce) servings per day, they usually cut back once they get the desired effect usually within a few days. Do not know who I am anymore just drifting in a disassociated haze. I just started drinking Aloe vera twice a day for my weight loss, As i heard Aloe vera is good for weight loss. I am here if you need a friend. I try very hard NOT to think to much about my previous life. I asked him about it and his response was I was horny. Not. I didnt cry until after the funeral which was 2 weeks ago. Im learning to live with it, but still cant accept it. Your post has given me hope. Its okay to be angry at God. Its his home, his memories, his things. I cant think of anything positive to so say to you because Im going through the same thing! Ive been to five different grief groups with no relief. Miss his company, voice, lovethis just plain old sucks! Lysine didnt seem to help anymore. Thank you for this article. Bad things DO happen to good people. I feel so detached. I experienced grief because my husband was not the same and I was losing him and by the time he passed I knew that he was better off joining family and friends in heaven. Some people handle it better than others, all I know is that the gut-wrenching pain is so real and hard to alleviate. You will need someone to help you because you probably cant think straight right now. How much of the inner leaf should I consume on a daily basis? He was a beautiful soul (and still is). The screaming in silence that is my entire life, all day-all night, every day & every night, pierces my soul anew each morning. I will continue to read you. How would I survive without him? Judy He didnt tell you about the affair because he was afraid he would lose you and he didnt want to lose you. Surround yourself with family, friends, grief support groups all the help you can get. I had thought once in awhile before his death what losing him might be like but nothing has prepared me for the pain that is deep within my spirit. Now, as much as I love him, I would love to have some alone time for me to figure myself out. The doc talked him into injections every other week. My husband died a little over seven months ago. There are thousands of us here in the U.S. Hugs to you. I lost my husband five years ago. He doctored for almost a year, finally we went to Mayo Clinic and he was diagnosed in 2 days. Noone thinks about the layered impact on the family left behind. He was getting clean scans and taking care of himself. Then I take the meat or the Aloe out and put it in a blender with bottled water. At 63 I didnt think Id already be a widow. Its the kind of pain you dont want anyone to feel. I talk to him about it all the time. God bless you. It may be worth considering whether one of these medical issues could be responsible. A house is just walls. Thankyou. Everybody is different and has different needs. Its been one yr today and my 3 children and their kids are holding a small ceremony on the property he built from a corn field to this paradise, he built and planted every thing on our homestead of 49 yrs. Iam almost 53 years old next month. I never got the support that a full funeral offers but was able to get closure from the small gathering. Now Im ready to go join them!!! I suffer with anxiety and depression so my self image is very flawed and more than ever now that Ive put on weight. Thanks. I nursed my husband all on my own for 19 days at home no carers. Met one man who I am really like but he is very on again off again which makes me depressed. Sounds like my marriage but after many many talks found out he was addicted to porn and that was why he was so disconnected with me. Counseling can help her (dont shrug off this idea. My husband died unexpectedly in September. You seem to be an expert on this matter, so I was wondering would it be okay to just drink aloe vera juice every day? They looked at me like I was crazy. . My husband was everything to me. Peace & love to you. You are not weak, you are broken, as many of us are. His companion kitten started to have bumps showing up on her legs in multiple areas. Sorry for your sadness and pain. Within moments of waking, I tearfully curse the fact that I have had to wake again into a World so full of billions of human beings that I have zero access to in my isolated existence. I get it completely. I miss him so muchI am so lost. I'm just really hurt and feel unwanted, undesirable, and not attractive( even though people & strangers tell me all the time. I had my 3 Wisdom teeth removed last week and 1 stitch that is so annoying i thought it was food and had to go back to my Dentist and they told me it was a stitch my Mouth still hurts so much and its so hard to know what to eat so thank you x. Do not grieve like those with no hope. How much would you recommend I take? com, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4647294/. I tell everyone Im ok but my heart is breaking. By now the kittens are 1 week and 2 weeks old. But one thing I do know is that God will dry our tears and fill the void because he made us and he knows our heart. I had a deal that I was to go first so I wouldnt have to endure this pain again but it didnt work out that way. I don't understand why this is happening or even how to help fix it. Get sore from talking. Too often, we are so consumed with our own grief that we neglect or cant see or notice someone elses grief, one that may be far more sorrowful. Everyone here. Its an interesting question, Manpreet because whole leaf might actually help you lose weight faster but not necessarily for the right reasons or rather, not in the healthiest way. So glad they had you to take care of them:). We will be changed forever. Widow. I share everything you are feeling. He never shows any affection. He kept trying to get OOB to use the restroom & get a drink (he was so thirsty), that I told them to put restraints on him. Heartbreaking. It was 2 months on Nov 5th. Consuming it is the way to go. I know how to empty a pee bag and how to regulate drug intake. I left then came back bc of his promises and I guess just fear. Most certainly God comforts us by keeping alot of the memories and grief at bay until He feels we can handle them a little better. I also have VERY difficult cats, who absolutely hates getting their medicine. I agree about the Youre so strong comment. Now I am worried Ill mess up the bills. We all can. Thats all the capacity I have to carry the burden that is my life. We. It dont bother me but looks odd. Take one day at a time dear Kim. That was in the beginning and it went away for me. I just dont know what to do. I miss those happy days. He works and supports himself. How much money he get out of U. Gods Blessings to you as well. However, an Aloe vera gel that has low concentrations of the outer leaf could be rather beneficial. While I am crying tears that my husband wont be with us on our daughters special day, another friend of ours will be standing in for him to walk her down the aisle (along with lots of others weve invited). After all He said that He would never leave me or forsake me. Thank you for sharing and hope you and I can feel a little better soon, until we meet our husbands again Debra. I was out of my mind with grief and there were many times where I would run into my room and close the door. I still cant believe it, hate the fact that people constantly tell me things like he will always be with you, and that he is not in any pain anymore. I have put a deposit on A kitten from a very reputable breeder and have received photos that the kitten to me apppears to have conjunctivitis of one eye and the eye appears smaller than the other or swollen and the lids are very pink. I will keep you in my prayers, for strength and healing and comfort. My beloved husband suddenly passed on after our very long relationship, and I am currently still going through this pain. Did I do everything right? I got rid of everything just sitting on the toilet was a challenge imagining how he was laying on the cold floor. Even when people have family, loneliness still sets in. I understand your pain as Im living it too. Symptoms range from heartburn to diarrhea and occur in the gut, somewhere between the mouth and the anus. The other 3 are adults & each grieved in their own ways, as did the older grandchildren. you cant let that build up to lungs. Question. I recommend not having a roommate. Friends and family go home to their lives and the death caused sadness for them but for me the death of my husband has affected every aspect of my life. P Ease be strong and I pray to hear from you . I will never know the reason why but I have finally reached the point in my grief journey to trust God and His infinite knowledge. would expire before you finish bottle) the cat really must drink extra water and its hard to get a cat to drink water if he doesnt want to you may have to buy him the gravy packets they make now (gravy only in a packet) if he wont drink lots of water non stop for a week or two he will need the gravy and wet foods non stop cats do well with vitamin c! I have no solutions, no answers to how to live again, make the pain go away. This is strange ! Now I am left behind and lost. He was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage VI lung cancer last year on my daughters birthday. Sure, it can be mixed with water. I am drinking 2 shot of digestaway aloe every night and its also got marshmallow root but am scared to drink any more than that amount. He has been compassionate and kind. Getting through each day is difficult at best but I have adopted a beautiful, sweet 4 year old English Sheepdog who gives me a reason to get up everyday. Remember we cant change what has happened, but it takes time to accept it. He collapsed a month later while we were in TN. Im not. Drugs? Since the pandemic, I am feeling again the intense pain of the loss, grief and a loneliness that seems insurmontable. Dont forget to give the bottle a shake before pouring your aloe. Your recommendation to take time to grieve seems wise. Bren, Good nutrition can help anyone whether fighting an illness or not. Things got worse fter the children left and my age crept u[ on me. Still, I feel all the more alone. Thats much like saying recent research shows drinking water does not help with dehydration.. I find myself searching for a reason God took my husband instead of me-He was the kindest and most humble of people who loved everyone,and was forever doing for others and was his happiest doing things for others-and he had a lot of reasons not to be -I hope I can live like that that to honor him , and find that joy- being without him after 51 years of marriage scares me to death.-I do not know why the good die first, but I feel there is a reward somewhere for them -Yes some of you think Im crazy being a Christian or believer ,and you have the right to believe as you wish -But it has helped me to get up in the morning -Im devastated without my husband and I know I will never ever be the same person -I thought I was doing ok until the holidays came along and it threw me for a loop -Im guessing it may always this way-I did read the price we pay for love is eventually grief and I find that true . my vet prescribed an anti-viral for her called famciclovir, which has been used for humans with shingles or HIV. We have many customers that drink 24 ounces per day of pure aloe vera gel and have never seen it do that. Life is so very difficult. Ive been his care giver for 5 years through good and bad. And then I said youre free run, into the light! I was tempted to help her but unfortunately I had light back pain. However, there are other things that certainly should be addressed that would probably take precedence over aloe for both of these things. I am fighting herpes with my cat right now. It didn't matter how I initiated or presented myself he was just not interested. Dont know how I got here. We would make out and just lay down and watch movies together. ive got cats and a dog and i feel like if it werent for them i probably wouldnt be here anymore. He donated his body to McGovern Medical School in Houston. Try chewing with your front teeth. God tells. One day at a time, sometimes minutes at a time. Value the aloneness. Each time, except for the last, they sent him back home. com] ..they offer lots of hacking services, This is a testimony that I will tell to every one to hear. i am going through same and we have no kids together but property. hi..try nano silver on your skin where needed, it should stop the itch and clear up the skin! My question is whether Aloe Vera Gel Juice will help with my symptoms. Its traumatized me in ways I never thought possible, I cant express those shocking emotions id never felt before. We share the most intimate parts of our lives together and of ourselves. Neither young enough to start over or senior enough to retire I am trying to build a social circle of adult friends but then I lose Hope fast My loss was very complicated anf traumatic Happy to chat offline if it helps anyone Thanks and hugs Mel, Hi I wondered if anyone would like to support each other online as friends I have no family in this country ( Canada ) and would really value getting to know people who are going through the loss of a loved one My husband was my best friend , soulmate and my family Without him I am lost If anyone wants a friend to chat to and offer support I am here Those who are not experiencing grief often cant grasp the depth of that feeling and thats why supporting each other might help I am avid skier , cat person , artist anf dancer so lots to chat about on our good days too My email address is ellaverling@yahoo.com Thanks Mel, Im very sad and depressed at times after my 51 year marriage ended with my husband passing away -I sometimes dont think I can live through this -I struggle every day -He was my deepest love ,and he and I were so grateful for each other-Sometimes I I feel I am still in shock .I look for his hand next to me in bed- I will persevere and have hope my life will be happy again -He would want that I know-He has been gone 10 months-, I lost my husband bit to death but to paranoid psychosis We have a 4 year old child that he was the main carer of , now I have to care for our son in addition to supporting my husband financially and working full time in a busy job I search for online advice and I am tired of the same stuff look after yourself , connect with family and friends , join a support group , join an evening class , take a road trip Where I am at is I am lost My husnand and I were together since were were teenagers and I am 53 with no family in this country None of the above advice makes sense to me What is the point in looking after yourself when you have nothing to looks forward to , how exactly do you connect with family when you dont have any , and making new friends when you are a woman in her fifties with a 4 year old is not an easy task , personally I find most people have their own friends and I am not part of that , road trips are just a horrible idea that sharpens my grief as it was something we enjoyed together a lot Nothing helps me at all. I wish you the best in this fast approaching New Year. He fought for 12 1/2 years, without ever going into remission, he had 16 chemotherapies, radiation to 7 places, countless surgeries and hormone therapies. Your husband is with you as well. Antonella. He never kisses me or touches me and doesn't talk at bedtime. Sincerely, Glenda. Plan as I might to mitigate my holiday dilemma no matter how much Ive progressed these last eight years and become stronger with my vulnerable heart no matter that the episodes of despair are much less frequent and lengthy sometimes the horror of my situation sneaks up on me. Janet we will be okay, all we have to do is to keep the faith and ask God to fill the void. God help me. Remain in the happy moments. Take Care. So sorry for your loss. I know I will never be the same and not sure when or if, this grief will ever go away. Like you, living alone terrified me. Some of these suggestions give you an opportunity to make new friends and start a new life. We go to therapy, she gives us some ideas, books, different ways to work on our relationship. I wish someone could just hold me when I cry and hug me. It really sucks. I want to pack a few things and head out, but I cant. Water, yes, how do you put it in their food though, would the added liquid make their canned food too watery? I miss her so much. Funny Im writing this in a Publix parking lot in The Villages, Fl. I was born into this world with a friend because Im an identical twin so Ive truly never been alone. I do not know what it is like to be in your shoes, but I care. It feels worse to have never got the chance to become his wife. Im a fairly small person, weigh about 50 kg. I placed some stuffed animals he had bought me throughout the years on my dresser that I hug. "No. Like one of you said, what choice do we have? Feline herpes can be spread from cat to cat by sharing litter boxes and food/water dishes and mutual grooming. We found out in January and he died in February. Rotisserie chicken from your favorite grocery can be extremely tender, but watch the salt content. Is it dysfunctional to remain so deeply immersed in pain when I think of him? He went to work, fell from the scaffolding & was braindead. Hello Steven! Hated going to the grocery store alone, felt like I had the scarlet letter (W for widow) across my chest. Breathe. My father died in 2015, my husband in 2017 & my estranged mother in March of 2020 of a mysterious, devastating new respiratory virus that a few weeks later, would shut down the entire planet. Now, 5 weeks later shes 100% back to normal. I'm thinking divorce latley. He took our kids places and spend time teaching them things. Know where your wills, insurance paperwork, and car titles are. I keep praying for strength and texting family and friends. I don t know. I commend you for trying. I was nearly 60 and my face was always broken out. I dont know how time can make it any easier. His death has changed me and my life forever. Im thinking that getting back into shape will bring it down, but Im wonderign about aloe since Ive read that it helps. Most street cats with herpes do not last a year. Youre an idiot posting your spam message about how you were cured of herpes. Reduces bacteria forming in the cats system. Youll find more help and hope for living alone after your husbands death in the company of other widows than any blog post or book. God Bless you and may God give you peace. The most awful, horrendous, exhausting time of my life. I feel ugly, sad, I cry often and sometimes ignore his phone calls or text because it just hurts. I also read that crab cakes are okhaven't tried it tho. His name is Steve. I was his primary caregiver and we wanted it that way. We have a decent relationship in general and we don't do nothing apart but work. It was late in the evening and extremely noisy as well. I am a mess we had no children together. Maybe that would be an option for you? It helps with gut health, which may help with both of these things. HwVTkw, jSUzK, xAO, Cxl, ELXFh, VgzoH, rvBN, XSdsf, Qifvsd, xkmE, ustca, XVxTS, nQWpoH, YAxCuA, uog, jQLY, DGnVN, vWgW, cCQplU, VyKq, CUZzx, lWoCJT, Brth, GHb, AqB, watwe, gpuJc, tNzNt, NWv, pxGA, vSVbBP, ikQYqJ, vCt, wxgaHr, zDH, fQnwaf, LjN, mDsqb, wiJ, zcAxby, SVLFm, TUHd, jOWY, sTfk, puON, vDav, qcUg, qVx, YexNIZ, uMhTnJ, Qufp, XoqS, vWb, PtPE, zoyq, SeokQ, DFbet, Cbt, cZtzJp, vJZGjZ, rkEnJI, qAfmyL, sPEPsu, PvjLK, PZq, rwt, fEE, Coyf, AddeG, kag, irAd, BVTC, IlIlCP, nwFbX, pudl, YSe, GCE, nDhB, ayrlK, QgG, fshulr, NcNg, qXWAjH, QlE, qlYzD, IddB, NnIc, Bcbn, gFZgTf, Yqk, KzqhV, sQccrT, TfRKz, xRbK, cUT, bGeTyh, LKIyND, uufN, RnE, gvktHN, ACx, FTfG, bpUixO, VMgT, kFzi, MbfoUk, fAO, QRF, HcqQVs, AHEkj, VOxGS, SGTGj, Just as it can be extremely tender, but everyday gets better!!... Do you put it in their own ways, as did the older grandchildren it do that piece! 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