These moments, on the other hand, still stick out like a sore thumb to some. So Bonnie gets Junior as a replacement boyfriend, and gets. Is it fair game to list the Fanon Discontinuity trope in the tropes page of a fanfic explaining what said fanfic doesn't acknowledge about the canon? It was that bad. Many fans wish "Rocknaldo" never happened. In the altered timeline, Jess stabs Luke to death in order to stop him from messing with her timeline, Rudy 2 preemptively disbands Jumper after finding out what they would have become before he and Helen leave England in order to pursue their relationship away from Rudy 1, and the whole squad, presumably, lives happily ever after. The winner of the California 47th congressional race is. Even works liked by fans can be subject to fanon discontinuity if fans prefer to think of it as a standalone work as opposed to part of the continuity, often due to pulling a Happy Ending Override and/or clashing with continuity. When the revival was announced in February 2021, fans are certain that the two new seasons would, Much of the fandom refuses to acknowledge the third (, Butch Hartman has gone on record that the ghosts are, in fact, not actual ghosts but rather monsters from another dimension, some of whom take on the memories of deceased living things. The shortened sixth and final season however seems to have potential of getting fandom interest back. and whether or not the changes are canon depends on the person. Discontinuity is when something that was a part of the continuity is no longer regarded or completely changed. Fanon ("Fan Canon") Discontinuity is the act of fans mentally writing out certain events in a show's continuity that don't sit well, be it a single episode, a season-spanning arc, an entire season, or even an entire series. Fanon Discontinuity is the act of fans mentally writing out certain events in a show's continuity which don't sit well, no matter if it's a single episode, a season-length arc, an entire season or even an entire series. The multi-season storyline of Jeff being trapped in space is often ignored by fans due to how it was an. Season 9 focused on a new cast of characters, removed other characters and downplayed the role of existing characters who stayed and included a major redesign of the sets, as it was intended to be a spin-off rather than a direct continuation. The fact that the former (, Less commonly than the above mentioned examples, some disregard Seasons 7 and 8 entirely and consider Season 6 to be when the show ought to have ended. Please cite the sources when you make a page. A number of fans ignore the post-cancellation seasons of the show on TBS. Live Action TV Fanon Discontinuity lies ahead. Lane, Sandra D. 1997. The awesome of, Many fans of the series are starting to ignore everything after the show's second season, where the character of Felicity Smoak went from being a fan favorite to a widely-hated, Some fans also ignore everything after Season 5 (or at least ignore Season 6), widely considered to be the best season of Arrow, due to the, Also, don't ask about the TNT TV movies, or worse, Much smaller in scope than an entire season or even an episode, but about half the fanbase doesn't accept notorious, Many fans of the series do not talk about ", The consensus among some fans is that the show ended with ", The latter half of the BSG finale is this for many. You can't unwatch it!" Futurama Or can you? Despite the repeated claims that there are no episodes that would be normally be considered as ". After 2003, the end line would always be, "D'you know Rodney? There are a good many Wotchers who do . there are some that would have preferred that. Others also pretend the two-part finale doesn't exist, especially since much of it wasn't in the original scripted ending. They tend to view this version of Luan as character assassination. To be fair this theory seemed canon for several seasons until, Most fans say that Willow's romantic relationships ended after, On a related note, many fans of Willow prefer to ignore, A segment of fans also prefer to ignore the majority of the events of Season 4. There is a faction of the Ninjago fandom that does not consider the events after Season 10 to be canon. Proceed with caution. A number of KISSfans prefer to pretend there was never a time when the band performed without the makeup. Let your readers know what your topic is about and add some general information about it. Though "Raise the Barn", "Back to the Kindergarten" and sometimes "Sadie Killer" get a free pass due to the first two being related to the overall plot of the series, the last for just being an enjoyable episode in its own right and all three having next to nothing to do with Steven's situation with Connie ("Sadie Killer" doesn't even reference it at all). Taking his place was Bob Hilton, who was far more experienced as an announcer than a host. Events also get "discontinued" for particularly screwing up the characters or setting, and a show that starts to suck will end up screwing things up eventually anyway. Others will accept season 7 and the first half of season 8 up though Sara's departure. And while it ends with his parents having their minds wiped of the episode's events, they willingly consent to it, assured that Timmy is happy and safely protected by his fairies at all times. To say that 3/4 of long-time fans deserted and that fans who celebrated it being canceled outnumber those who want it continued is really an understatement. To a lesser degree you can discontinue parts of a movie. Many fans hate the episode "Arthur's Big Hit" because of the treatment Arthur gets after he (rather understandably) gets fed up with, "So Funny I Forgot to Laugh" is also widely despised because of how it inexplicably derails, Fans of the show like to pretend that the episodes "Dexter Detention", "The Old Switch-A-Rooms", and "Dexter Vs. Santa's Claws" never happened due to all three episodes having a, Fans also tend to ignore the 3rd and 4th seasons due to the original creative staff leaving and the show becoming, The most radical ignore everything after the, The season eight finale "Meet the OddParents" is seen as another good ending point, as it has Timmy being able to happily interact with both his parents and his fairies, who get along perfectly. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. Note 2: Ignoring certain works of a person or company so they're "still good" is also forbidden as that would be ignoring real life events (which we are not doing here). Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from There's also a group that likes to pretend the Danny/Lindsay ship never happened. A novel might have Spock declared the first Vulcan in Star Fleet, but even though the series never did, it sticks in readers' heads. Which featured the, Some fans will tolerate a bit of the sixth season and stop at. Finn's poor conclusion and no closure to his love life, "The Wild Hunt" and "Seventeen" with Finn and Huntress Wizard dating while pretending Gumbald doesn't exist, The Lich is defeated once again, but Finn and Flame Princess never broke up. The flashbacks of "Whatever the Case May Be", featuring Kate orchestrating an armed bank robbery and then betraying and nonfatally shooting all three robbers just to get a toy airplane, are almost universally disregarded. On the other hand, quite a few fans, while rejecting several previous seasons, are quite willing to accept Series X onwards. being a double agent all along during his time with the Teen Ninjas. Home Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video Wikis Explore Wikis Community Central Start a Wiki . Not to be confused with Negative Continuity. Aside from people who actually ship them, The 5th season gets this by some fans for introducing a slew of new characters, spending episodes focusing on them, and concluding with a, A similar situation happened with Cyborg and Bumblebee, who, Some fans prefer to disregard the endings of several episodes where Beast Boy and Raven look to become an official couple, only for the reset button to hit. Pretty much what it says on the tin, guys. Season 5, which marked a huge break from the books for major characters like Sansa, Jon, Jaime and Stannis, and cut out a huge number of characters and storylines from the books, is especially considered as a breaking point for many book fans, especially due to controversial developments, such as, Some fans like to pretend that the series ended after the second or third episode of Season 8. Fanon Discontinuity/Laconic < Fanon Discontinuity. (To the point that the He-Man wiki, puts the continuity of Revelation as a different one). Related to Luan, some people ignore the April Fools episodes which depict Luan as a cruel, prank-obsessed sociopath. It lost to Diet Supernova and was discontinued. Some fans will watch the show up to Grissom's departure in season 9 and then stop. Star's reaction to this reveal is to. A significant group of fans can collectively agree on it or just something you individually cannot tolerate. It gets ironic when a semi-inversion of this happens when the work is officially removed from continuity, but fans still like it or hate the "real" story meant to replace the old one and still treat it as canonical. Even the zaniest of fans is willing to admit that "The Unconquerable Man" a Season 3 episode showing what would have transpired with Gaheris Rhade at the helm instead of Dylan Hunt happened. Aside from Season 6 being the last ten-episode season, it wraps up numerous long-running subplots and/or sets things up for the next great conflict Cersei eliminates most of her rivals and is crowned Queen, seizing contested power; Jon is declared the new King in the North ruling alongside Sansa; Daenarys sets sail to Westeros at last to take back the Iron Throne; Jon's parentage is revealed, Many fans have rejected season 4, and like to pretend. despite there being no hints at its existence in any prior episodes. This is alluded to by Maddie in one throwaway line, but almost all fans ignore this, as it, Season 4 has been subjected to this by a good number of fans due to characters being, Some fans who didn't like the ending but still want some conclusion for Eclipsa and Globgor story like to discount everything after, Many fans of the show like to pretend that the events of, Fanfic writers ignore the hookup between Bonnie and Seor Senior Junior. The 1990-91 revival was the first incarnation not hosted by longtime host Monty Hall. If a plot or ending rubs one the wrong way severely enough, fandom can just decide that the offending events never happened. despite Logan's boss in the conspiracy, Graem, having appeared in Season 5, Season 7 establishes the mastermind of the conspiracy to be Alan Wilson, who is said to have done everything Graem confessed to in Season 6, which established both Graem and Phillip as the masterminds with no mention of Wilson, and Graem and Phillip aren't mentioned when Wilson's involvement is discussed in Season 7 so it's murky on whether they were co-masterminds or whether one was superior to the other. Person #3: Too bad they never made any sequels. There are a number of reasons for this happening (fixing a Plot Hole, changing it to cater to the fans, etc.) Not only was the last season rather light on fan favorites like Jim Byrnes and Peter Wingfield, most of the episodes were perceived as auditions for, Some fans will tell you that Peter Marshall was the only host, Some people don't like the 1986-89 John Davidson run for various reasons, including its self-contained gameplay format, among others; even, Aside from the people who only consider the, There's some disagreement as to where the discontinuity begins on, Many fans choose to completely ignore the third season of the original, A sizable portion of the fanbase likes to pretend that, A less serious disorder involves the belief that the last episode of. One of the meta-causes of Alternate . On the series level, events may fall under Discontinuity because the show is perceived to suck at that point or decline too far in quality. Some people only consider the first 5 seasons, when, Some people consider the true ending to be in the middle of the season 6 episode "Radioactive" when. The Ren & Stimpy Show: The Games Animation episodes get this within the original series. The Teenager flash back in "The City of Clipsville"? Please don't list this on a work's page as a trope. There's a handful fans who like to pretend Hayley and Jeff getting married never happened, as they feel it ruined her as a character. Revan is the one entering my dreams long after he became one with the force. The latter in particular is egregious because it was a canon violation itself: Before the, The fact that certain elements have become, Many fans who otherwise consider all the shows canon consider, Within the fandom, some fans only consider the 1977-2002 series as good and reject the, Then there's another group who find the new team of Paddy, A fair number of fans refuse to accept the last episode of series 2, ", Some fans just refuse to accept the end of ". Sometimes the discontinuity is more subtle, such as a single line of dialogue or the specifics of an event. Many fans have written off Season 8 due to many factors, including rushed and unsatisfying conclusions to many long-standing plotlines, There are some fans that have written off season 6 and beyond due to, Some fans choose to believe that only the first two seasons count as canon, due to the creators' admission that the seasons that came later involved a lot of, There's a sentiment among some fans of the Marvel cartoons in, Even people who do not hate the series, consider that the series has so many changes over the original, which is more of an Alternate Universe than a true sequel. A Special Issue on MOROCCAN CINEMA Edite - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. last time Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles would crossover, lighter and more suitable for younger audiences, is problematic given the issue of the lead character's race, The network pushed for the show's main storyline to be resolved early, Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism, you'd best avoid mentioning the 1999 film, Some people wish anything after Series 3 of. More radical fans like to make-believe that things were where they left off in the first season finale, and ignore any content from after the second-season premiere. This also tends to happen to theatrical cuts if a director's cut or extended cut is available, often overlapping with Canon Discontinuity if the director also disapproves of the theatrical cut. Fanon Discontinuity From Pearl Jam's Vitalogy: Most people stop the album after "Immortality", ignoring "Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me". Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed. Fans often do this to "No Such Luck", "The Sweet Spot", and "Brawl in the Family", saying that they're too abusive to Lincoln. Examples of Canon Discontinuity include: Contents 1 Anime & Manga 2 Comic Books 3 Film 4 Literature 5 Live Action TV 6 Music 7 Other 8 Professional Wrestling 9 Tabletop Games 10 Video Games 11 Web Comics If their complaints are loud enough, and if the writers agree, this can lead to the offending element being written out of Canon altogether. Fanon ("Fan Canon") Discontinuity is the act of fans mentally writing out certain events in a show's continuity that don't sit well, be it a single episode, a season-spanning arc, an entire season, or even an entire series. In this series of events, Rudy, Jess, Finn, Abbey and Alex all have to band together to stop Helen, Sam and Karenalso known as the Jumper teamwho have lost sight of their original goal of becoming actual superheroes, and have killed dozens of people. Fans like to disregard the short, humorous segments that, Also up for debate is whether to include the. It's also easy to skip over the worst parts, especially when going through an Archive Trawl. Whereas the series originally largely exonerated Leland as a victim, the film seems to intentionally challenge his awareness by making him a far more consciously tormented character and introducing elements which suggest a more personal responsibility for his actions rather than just, an animated sketch where Charlie is saved from his previously-stated death by a goat, only to have a piano dropped on him, followed by series creator Chuck Lorre getting the same treatment. Proceed with caution. the fact that all of the original Misfits had been either killed off or. Some people usually cite the first 3 seasons as the best, and argue the season 3 finale ended most characters stories on a satisfying note. Plenty of fans were either irked by Buttercup's behavior, or were angry at how she was punished at the end. Fanon Discontinuity. This may have to do with the fact in the episode where said hook-up happens, Bonnie rigged an election to become homecoming queen (instead of Kim) and we also learn Brick Flagg (her ex-boyfriend) broke up with her. Pepsi products that were at the point of discontinuation. "Sun Scream" is also disowned for not only the cruel behavior of the citizens of Townsville (who simply laugh at the girls while they writhe in agony, and, Bliss, the fourth sister who was introduced in the 2016 series, is neglected by fans who insist that the only character who was worth that role was, Some fans will excuse Season 4, the first post-cancellation season, from discontinuity, saying that while it's not as good as seasons 1-3, it's not as bad as anything from season 5 onward. showed that you could resurrect people from transporter buffers, explained away all humanoid life in the galaxy as deliberately seeded by an alien race, The death of Allison and departure of Isaac, These fans may not be remembering the Season 1 episode ", Rex has gained a form of Jack's immortality, Jesus dies, Hoyt and Jason's relationship falls apart, Sookie breaks up with both Eric and Bill, and Tara gets shot by Debbie, the vampires losing their daywalking abilities, Eric burning in the sun, and the 6 month, Tara and Alcide's unceremonious deaths (which angered many fans), the deaths of previously known characters (Kenya, Kevin, Rosie, Maxine, etc) for shock value, the widely disliked Hep-V story, the reliance on. rwby fanfiction jaune cynical bad batch fanfiction sick brought. Largely due to Ronaldo being even more obnoxious than usual, nothing of substance happening and all of the interesting plots being wasted. loud house fanon tv tropes The Loud House Movie is a horror comedy film based on the Cartoon Discovery Kids Nickelodeon Network TV show of the same name.  . bungling on the part of Orion and Mark Goodson, committing suicide in order to avoid spreading the "zombie infection", NBC forced upon the series to broaden its appeal, The humor is comparatively bland and uninspired and the characters act nothing like they do in later seasons, being forced to take the law into his own hands, the episode's overall very dark and depressing tone. manages to undo Ashi's fate in the finale. The Real Housewives . TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Some fans ignore the arc of Connie & Steven not speaking to each other following his return from Homeworld, mostly due to the levels of idiocy it contained as well as most of the episodes during the arc not being all that memorable or entertaining. The reasons are numerous anger over a, Season eight has received this reception, largely due in part to, Fans will frequently ignore anything that happened after the season four finale, when, Out of those who do acknowledge post-Sorkinism, a large portion refuse to acknowledge Toby's wildly, The majority of the fandom is perfectly happy to ignore Sam's return for the final episodes, as no matter which of the many theories you subscribe to explain his disappearance, his subsequent ''reappearance' and willingness to take on a White House job is a massive, There are also Sorkin-era episodes that get this treatment: the post-9/11. Some fans think that season 3 was the worst season and tend to ignore everything after the second season finale. Fanon Discontinuity is the act of fans mentally writing out certain events in a show's continuity which don't sit well, no matter if it's a single episode, a season-length arc, an entire season or even an entire series. Then again, the two-episode group in that sliding scale is probably dead serious. Examples can go on the work's YMMV tab. ''Friends' itself has fans who would rather forget the last few years of the show, picking either the end of season two, four, or five (the show's golden years) as when they should have called it a day. Season 7 introduced the concept of season-long story arcs - generally revolving around a serial killer - and brought more attention to the interpersonal relationships of the characters. After the credits, a vanity plate is briefly seen where Lorre takes one last shot at Sheen for wanting to make a cameo on the show only in exchange for setting up a, Jesus' determination to spare the Saviors eventually results in them escaping, even though it has fatal consequences, and Rick's decision to spare Negan despite fighting him for two-and-a-half seasons, leaking of classified military information, or his subsequent firing, The Legend of the Rangers: To Live and Die in Starlight, Drusilla was hardly in a fit state of mind to raise a child herself, a new boyfriend for Buffy, ill received by fans, and the equally loathed Frankenstein Monster, Adam. Contrast Fan Disillusionment for when it causes them to stop being fans of the work altogether as opposed to just pretending the disliked stuff didn't happen. Numbuhs 2 and 5 get married in the future, Numbuh 1 never left earth to join the Galactic Kids Next Door, April being revealed to be a half-Kraang alien the entire time. 2 (all US preorders eligible) and enter our contest for a chance to win a dedicated comic and What If blog post! The irony is that the latter was itself a, Stan's team of hockey players get beaten to a pulp by the Detroit Red Wings, Vlad being unceremoniously killed by a random asteroid, Tom's mother knows Star cheated on him, since he asked for advice on how to deal with it. turned Earl's new wife, whose introduction was the upshot of the whole season, into a nun and sent her away, with the original SeaQuest vessel being destroyed and its crew waiting for a new one to be built this was actually intentional on behalf of the writers as it wasn't certain at that point whether the show would return for a second season, a pivotal episode with Chloe learning Clark's secret and Alicia dying, where Clark and Lionel switch bodies and actors Tom Welling and John Glover give what are considered to be two of the best acting performances of the series. Fans due to Ronaldo being even more obnoxious than usual, nothing of substance happening all. 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