Dead on - good-natured, kind, sympathetic. I wouldnt go to that pub. Bagsy - it's mine; succeed in securing (something) for oneself. Yack - to vomit, usually because of intoxication. This word is often used in friendly circles to mean 'exhausted'. Please be careful using any of these terms as many are considered either sexist or offensive or both. After a quick review, you'll be able to confidently go out there and build connections with new friends! work (one's) butt off. Blimey - (archaic) abbreviation of "God blind me.". 20 Common British Slang Words 1. It's my understanding though that the meaning of 'badass' can be a little br. Making jokes usually at the expense of someone else, but all in good fun. It's way more than just saying someone is sexy or that they frequenter the gym. wimp meaning: 1. a person who is not strong, brave, or confident: 2. a person who is not strong, brave, or. E.g. Rank Meaning: Disgusting. A proper cup of tea needs milk and two sugars.Thats a proper good cup of tea.. Scouser - native of Liverpool (colloquial). Skint - slang for broke, without money, penniless. Example: 1) I was too much of a wimp to play sports in high school. According to the English abbreviation WIMP. Machair - fertile low-lying grassy plain in the Outer Hebrides. Confusing, we know. Here the top 80 most used Irish slang phrases. Noun. The term used to describe the person who cleared dead animals away in the slaughterhouse but is now used to say youre exhausted. Now, the word naff is used to mean that something is lacking in style or good taste. Nobble - disable, try to influence or thwart by underhand or unfair methods, steal. Doll dizzy - girl crazy. See wimp More examples Some people are horribly wimpy about sickness. f you hear a word that's not on this list, give a Cockney translator a try. Just go and ask them out! provides travel information on Britain's cities and the essential when and where and how to get there. While most people associate this word with a toast, it can also mean a quick 'thanks' or 'thank you'. Loo (noun) If someone has good banter they're usually popular and well-liked. 12. Posh - port out, starboard home; elegant, stylish, or upper class. If you're heading off on a holiday to the United Kingdom, keep these 75 British slang words in your back pocket to fit right in with your neighbors from across the pond. E.g. However, it is now used to describe any activity that is a little bit naughty but nice. online English language courses and find classes with native speakers. Odds and sods - this and that; bits and pieces. Shall I get his number?. Walking through neighborhoods like Balham, Wimbledon, and Highgate on a weekday morning, you're sure to spot a number of "yummy mummies" in designer clothes (or athleisure) pushing buggies along the pavement or having brunch together. Pronounced ming-ing, this is a lovelier-sounding word to describe something gross or disgusting. Grafting means to flirt with someone in hopes of them liking you back. I was so pissed off when I saw how pissed she got at the party.". Bagsy - it's mine; succeed in securing (something) for oneself. Acting the maggot Bad dose Bags (to make a bags of something) Bang on Banjaxed Black stuff Boyo Brutal Bucketing down Bunk off Chancer Chiseler Ciotg Cod/codding ya Craic Crack on Culchie Cute hoor Delira and excira Deadly Donkey's years Dosser Eat the head off Eejit Earwigging Effin' and blindin' Scunnered - tired or exhausted (Glaswegian). You probably guessed it to tell porkies means to tell lies. Crash - sleep, lose consciousness, stay at someone's flat as in "Can I crash at yours on Saturday night?". Skelp - a slap or smack (Dundee, Scotland). To mug someone off is to take advantage of someone or make a fool out of them. Bees knees - a highly admired person or thing. Umpteen - large quantity, numerous times, huge amount or a load of something. Tosser - derogatory term for someone you dislike. E.g. A weak or fearful person; someone who lacks courage. Translation for: 'easy victim, scapegoat, one who takes the blame; fool, sucker, wimp (Slang)' in English->English dictionary. Bless your heart. Smoke - the Smoke, the nickname for London. Bloke. Do you fancy a cheeky pint after work?. Puff - If a Brit starts giggling in your local drugstore - it may be because they have just found a box of Puffs. If you think about it, it makes more sense athletes train in shoes, they don't sneak. Bevvy - (alcoholic) drink, usually beer, from "beverages". Ducky shincracker - a good dancer. Said pretty enthusiastically for something that's really awesome. 13. do-hickey. Wallyhumper is British slang for someone employed to move equipment around. Im not getting paid until next week and Im skint.. Veg-out - take it easy, relax, do nothing for a while. Play it by ear - proceed instinctively according to circumstances. Did you hear that Lisa snogged Pete at the Christmas party?. Etymology: A 'whimper' is a small cry of pain or fear. Balls up - messed up situation. Z-Cars - 1960s and 70s TV police drama set in Liverpool. Berties - term for Man City fans used by Man Utd supporters; the reverse is "rags". This is commonly used as a greeting that doesn't always need a response. You'll notice a lot of abbreviations here, which is all part of the fun of learning how to speak Texas slang. Wank - masturbate, a wanker is an objectionable person. mauviette. Offie - off license (liquor store to Americans). Posh typically denotes English upper-class folks. Vibe - atmosphere, feeling. to show timidity or cowardice; chicken out. Meaning. This dictionary of British slang includes popular words and phrases that you might hear in the UK and will help you with your own spoken English. They are meant for comprehension rather than reproduction. Pletty (plettie) - Dundonian slang for an open-air communal landing in a block of tenement flats. A working knowledge of a few important slang words, phrases used in local dialects and colloquialisms will help your understanding of what's really going on in any conversation in the British Isles. A rather abrupt way of telling someone to go away. Manc - Mancunian, a native of Manchester. Another long-used term in the UK, cheeky is used to describe something lighthearted but a little bit rude or risqu. To be a bit pathetic, or a bit of a wimp, when it comes to a girl you like. Trollied. wimp informal NOUN a weak and cowardly person. a WIMP system. baby - bitch - candy-ass - candy-assed - chicken - chicken-shit - fish - herb - jabroni - jabronie - limpdick - limp dick - Mary - poon - punk - pussy - pussy-hole - Sally - wet - wuss Full definitions of all the slang words listed above: B baby adjective small. Jelly - fruit-flavored gelatin dessert or slang for valium as in "jellies". Shiv - contemporary slang for knife or other sharp or pointed object used as a weapon (often homemade). So 'naff' is a word with an interesting history. It has however, in recent years, been used as a derogatory term for someone (cock-womble). chivvy annoy continually or chronically But it can also be a reference to an annoying person: "Stop being such an arse". No need to feel dumbslang makes up a massive part of Britain's vocabulary and can even vary by meaning depending on where you are in the country. Some are used in everyday speech, some aren't recognized outside of their hometown, and others are too vulgar to use in polite company! A shorter, less formal way of saying 'sorry'. Feeble, weak. A mancould be compared to the American term 'dude'. Banter is a word used to mean joking or teasing that is meant to be friendly but often isnt. Toodle pip - archaic, posh form for "goodbye". Contributors: Gareth Thomas, Beydaan Dihoud, Joji Imamiya. Its just a bit of banter., E.g. Oh, 'wanker'. Essex girl - brash, materialistic young woman supposedly common in Essex and the Home Counties. Space cadet - flaky, lightheaded, or forgetful person. Now in a minute - on your way, but not immediately (Welsh). A funnier term to use in place of 'money'. This is slang used for 'nothing at all'. 'Wanker' fits the closest fit by 'jerk' or 'asshole', but to a slightly higher value. Bollocks - testicles or something that is nonsense. While it has a multitude of meanings, bullocks is most commonly used to describe dismay or disbelief. Your grasp of the slang portion of British English won't be complete unless you master a few of the most common U.K. slang exclamations and expressions. Wacky - funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way. SKITTERBROOK This rare term, adopted and adapted from Dutch in the 1600s, is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "One who befouls his breeches." That's a sure sign of cowardice in any. We use 'cheers' to mean thank you and often use pretty it sarcastically. All right? On the lash - getting drunk; compare "on the piss.". 50 British slang words and their meanings to add to your vocabulary. noun Informal. Active duty - sexually promiscuous boy. Easy-peasy - very straightforward and easy. Queen mum- Cockney rhyming slang for bum. A Manchester term to describe something great. It's honestly a more fun, less sad way to announce that you're broke. Due to this, the term has been used for cowards, soft people, and wimps. Used either to show sympathy, or to soften an insult. Master a variety of British insults and you'll be prepared to reply with some snarky put-downs. Gobsmacked - slang for totally surprised, shocked. Rosie - Cockney rhyming slang for tea from "Rosie Lee.". Polari- secret language used by gay men to avoid detection before homosexuality was decriminalized in 1967. A melt (made popular thanks to Love Island) is someone who is a wimp or coward. Also applied to objects or places, e.g." : a weak, cowardly, or ineffectual person. A shortened version of 'isn't it' that can be added to the end of a sentence for emphasis. There's no better place to find some than at your local chippy. I'm way too tired.. Pete Tong - wrong, messed up - referring to the BBC Radio 1 DJ Pete Tong. Lolly - a lollipop or ice candy; money (slang). wimp definition: 1. a person who is not strong, brave, or confident: 2. a person who is not strong, brave, or. A word that is popular in the north and amongst youngsters. Cream Crackered Print / British Slang Print / British Sayings Print / A4 Digital Print / Digital Art / Home sign Decor. Gasper - cigarette (see fag) - now rather archaic. (386) $3.96. Brown bread - dead from Cockney rhyming slang. Verb Phrases wimp out, Informal. Stop being such a melt.. Alot of people fall into this category. I was going to buy you the pink one, but I thought it looked a bit naff.. On the lines of flirting, this is another way to announce that you've got your sights set on someone. ilon 2443 We all differ in the peculiarities of speech and pronunciation, whether between social groups or entire nationalities. Proper - done well; cf. Bread - money from Cockney rhyming slang "bread and honey" = money. Wimp means someone who breaks under pressure, fearful, and who doesn't get the job done. What a par. Jeremy is such a skiver. Vest - (usually) sleeveless, cotton undershirt. Slang continues to evolve with new words coming into use every year. U.K. slang is nothing if not interesting! Learning a language in the classroom is all very well and good but you dont really begin to experience the language until you know the slang. Im absolutely knackered., If youve ever been at the cashier of a British shop and heard the word quid, then you know how confusing it can be. Paddy - temper fit, an Irishman (derogatory). Minging - foul-smelling, unpleasant, very bad. Shank - to stab someone with a knife or bladed instrument (slang). a weak, ineffectual, timid person. Killer-diller - good stuff. This doesn't mean angry or frustrated in the way Americans use it rather, it means to be blind drunk. Tarmac - material used for surfacing roads or other outdoor areas, named after its Scottish inventor John Louden McAdam. E.g. Nutmeg - soccer term to dribble or pass the ball through the legs of an opponent. This can be a person, place, or thing! A Ace - is used to describe something that is awesome. A fun word to describe something attractive or desirable. smoothy someone with an assured and ingratiating manner Smarmy - Another word for a smoothy, someone who has a way with the ladies for example. Trainers are the American equivalent of "sneakers". To run away from something, usually a bad situation or trouble. Of course, there also have to be slang options to describe actions and behaviors people engage in on a regular basis. English slang words and phrases beginning with W. First published in 1996, this extensive slang dictionary presents slang & informal expressions currently in use in the UK. Asking for a lift means that you need a ride. In the UK, pissed means drunk and pissed off means angry. Banter E.g. 'Dishy' means ugly. A glossary of contemporary British slang B Baccy - tobacco, usually rolling tobacco. British slang is English-language slang originating from and used in the United Kingdom and also used to a limited extent in Anglophone countries such as Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, especially by British expatriates.It is also used in the United States to a limited extent. Answer (1 of 6): Cool does get used a lot, but there's a whole scale of other options like.. * That's wicked mate! Company registration no. It can get a bit dodgy late at night.". It's the name of a children's TV character from the 70s. Blicky - a handgun (word is US in origin). If something is barmy, that means it's a crazy idea. doormat, weakling, wuss - a person who is physically weak and ineffectual. With the cheekiness of Austin Powers and the tidbit quotient of Schott's Miscellany, screenwriter Jonathan Bernstein's collection of Cockney rhyming slang, insults culled from British television shows of yore, and regional and "high British" favorites provides hours of educational, enlightening, even life saving hilarity. A person who has done something great this is s truncation of legend. Possibly the best single-worded British insult on the list, wanker fits closest by 'jerk' or 'a-hole'. Fit is a way of saying that a person is attractive, or sexy. All rights reserved. E.g. Still, in an unfamiliar country, there's bound to be informal lingo that's you don't recognize. Off the cuff - without preparation, spontaneous. Might could. If someone is fit, they're looking good. If you've ever watched British television, odds are you've found yourself scratching your head over a few words or phrases. British Insults Nitwit: silly, or foolish, personshe's such a nitwit He's a knob: he's a dick/idiot Dick: an idiot Off their rocker: madthey were off their rocker, they were Mad as a hatter: madstemming from back in the day when hatters used a manufacturing process for felt that, indeed, made them mad (mercury poisoning) Jimmy - "Jimmy Riddle" = piddle = urinate. wimpier, wimpiest English World dictionary. But, don't worry, a 'quid' is just a slang word for 'pound. English Proverbs . Narky. Proper is a difficult word to define, mainly because British people use it to describe soo many different things. And like any other decade it had its own lingo and cultural slang. Ye - archaic spelling for "the" - the definite article or archaic for "your" - possessive pronoun. Mither - Northern word meaning pester or irritate. So, in the UK fit doesnt just mean that you go to the gym a lot. crybaby, chicken. Used to describe something or someone that is questionable or suspicious. A "trolly" is the word the British use for a shopping cart. wimp (third-person singular simple present wimps, present participle wimping, simple past and past participle wimped). Zebra Crossing - black and white pedestrian crossing. So 'to snog' is to give someone a kiss. To the unfamiliar, British slang can seem like an entirely new language. To run away. Bevvy Meaning: An alcoholic drink. "That bloke is dead canny.". Good luck! Shambolic - disorganized, all over the place. WAMBLE Wamble is Dorset slang for wander. However, when the noun "trolly" is turned into the adjective "trollied," it is used to describe someone as being drunk. She was the fittest girl Id ever met.. Often with a kind of hand flick (which is pretty bizarre, but hey, culture!) Further information on many of the listed terms is available via accompanying links. Yorkshire Pudding - side dish with roast beef made with eggs, flour, salt, milk and beef dripping cooked in the oven. That guy at the football kept laughing at me for wearing an Arsenal shirt. French Translation. Copyright HarperCollins Publishers Synonyms of 'wimp' weakling, wet, mouse, drip A term heard a lot in Wales but also in parts of England used to describe something 'great' or 'nice'. wimp [wimp] Slang n. [< ?] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Abdabs - terror, fright as in "the screaming abdabs.". It can be used to mean anything thats low-quality, potentially dangerous or unreliable. E.g. Pukka - This term has been revived recently by one of our popular young TV chefs. E.g. More French words for wimp. Pub - public house, drinking establishment. Queer the pitch- spoil the business in hand already discussed. British Slang For Wimp (in Alphabetical Order) Bastun. Mug - stupid, gullible or ignorant person. I'm not being funny - softening preface to a statement that could possibly be taken as offensive or malicious. Or, if you're just an aspiring Anglophile looking to expand your lingo, take a gander at our list of British slang words to start incorporating into your everyday vocabulary. 3. Learn more about the meaning of this UK slang. If something is winding you up, it means you're getting pretty frustrated at the matter. Trolley dolly - air stewardess (informal). No collection of slang would be complete without casual terminology used for nouns that are common among those who speak the language or dialect. Howff - meeting place, familiar haunt, usually a pub (Scotland) and in Dundee The Howff is a famous cemetery. Learn more. Question Origin of wimp An Americanism dating back to 1915-20; origin uncertain; cf. Kecks (kex) - trousers or sometimes underpants - mainly used in northern England and Northern Ireland. Despite being one of the most spoken languages in the world, there's an entire sub-language of British slang spanning every town and city in the UK, each with its own unique set of words and phrases. ace - amazing, awesome, excellent blinding - fantastic, great, superb brill - short for "brilliant," cool, exceptionally good Cockwomble - foolish or obnoxious person. Want to learn to speak like a true Brit? So you might know the word cheers as the word you use to toast your drink in English. A slang word used in London youth culture for years that was made famous by the reality TV show Love Island, a melt is someone who is a wimp or a coward. Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 510 language pairs. Content and Language Integrated Learning, 20 of the Most Common British Slang Words, Cheeky has long been used in the UK to describe something light-hearted but a little rude or risqu. . Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Taking the piss generally means to mock, parody, or be sarcastic towards something. Baccy - tobacco, usually rolling tobacco. Twat - vulgar slang for "vagina." You'll have a blast and learn more than a few new words that might be ripe for importation when you come back home. Dunce - an unintelligent person, so called after the much-ridiculed 13th century Scottish theologian John Duns Scotus. ', E.g. A good or bad vibe. For example, did you know that the British have their own slang, which not everyone can understand? DERIVATIVES wimpish . YBAs - Young British Artists - art movement of the 1980s including Damien Hirst, Sarah Lucas, Cornelia Parker and Tracey Emin. General British Slang Bloke Meaning: A man. Mug off - disrespect, make someone appear stupid. Find 23 ways to say WIMP, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Loaded - having a great deal of money; rich or alternatively under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Every year we help thousands of students reach their language goals. He always takes the day off work.. So, 'mate' is British slang for a friend. Idris Elba, Sophie Turner, Tom Hardy, Emma Stone, Gerard Butler, Henry Cavill and more celebrities team up to teach you the best English, Scottish, and Welch. Round 3: British Slang Quiz - True or False. Shade - to show disapproval or contempt (US origin). Arse What a great way to start the list. Toad in the Hole - traditional English dish of sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter. All rights reserved. Absolutely crazy. Definitions include: to work hard. Welcome to 1960s Slang. And if it . If someone is acting off their trolley, they're throwing a bit of a temper tantrum. These will help you know how to react to what others say, how to express appreciation or end a conversation appropriately. A term we all know and love used as a friendly way to say goodbye. Adam and Eve it - Cockney rhyming slang = believe it. When you've sat on the couch all day watching Netflix, you've done bugger all. Tea - often used as an alternative for dinner up North, thus "What time is tea, mam, I'm starving". off the radar. Wino - used as a noun for a drunk, alcoholic, especially one who is homeless. Britain Tourist Info. Numpty - stupid or ineffectual (informal). Citation from "Notapusy", Arrested Development (TV, 2005), Season 3 Episode 4 blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site . Iechyd da! Locktail - a cocktail invented or enjoyed during Covid-19 lockdown. Scran - food (originally Scottish), especially that of an inferior quality compare grub. Ricky Gervais tests his knowledge of British slang. Skive - slang for slack off, avoid work (noun; skiver). Corker - something or someone outstanding. 2 (Physics) weakly interacting massive particle. E.g. Rank - bad, horrible or smells unpleasant. If someone is acting irrational or angry, they've lost the plot. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a recent source of new expressions as is popular music such as grime. Brummie - native of Birmingham (colloquial). wimp : a weak, cowardly, or ineffectual person wimpiness wim-p-ns noun wimpish wim-pish adjective wimpishness wim-pish-ns noun wimpy wim-p adjective Synonyms softy softie weakling wuss wussy See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Example Sentences * Yess GET IN! Crusty - usually young homeless or vagrant person stereotypically dreadlocked; can also mean angry or irritated. Fit is a way of saying that a person is attractive, or sexy. If youre pretending to be sick so that you cant go to work, youre skiving. To skive off is also the equivalent of playing truant. If you're using this word, it's because you or someone else is sick or ill. Not fun. Dodgy is an incredibly useful word that British people use to describe anything we're a bit concerned about. The word 'dead' means 'very good' in slang. Specifically, the kind of kiss that is not very romantic. Porkies - lies, from the Cockney rhyming slang "pork pies" = lies. Here's a list of translations. Possibly the best British insult on the list, it fits a certain niche for a single-worded insult to lobbied out in a moment of frustration, anger, provocation, or, of course, as a jest amongst friends. Curate's egg - something that is partly good and partly bad. Huff - to take offense as in "get the huff"; to inhale the vapors of something to become intoxicated as in to huff glue. And used by a particular group of people. Shall I get his number?" 2. Manx - Gaelic-derived language of the Isle of Man. Synonyms of 'wimp' in British English wimp Explore 'wimp' in the dictionary wimp (noun) in the sense of weakling Definition a feeble ineffective person (informal) I'm a total wimp when watching horror films. Roadman - someone well-acquainted with their local area. Narrowboat - canal boat of long, narrow design, steered with a tiller. Piece - piece of bread, sandwich (Glaswegian). Synonyms weakling wet (British, slang) mouse drip (informal) coward jessie (Scottish, slang) pussy (slang, mainly US) jellyfish (informal) I was gutted when she broke up with me. Some of these are right, and others are wrong. Butty - a filled or open sandwich (Northern England). This slang is used when the plans fall apart. Sassenach - non-Highlander (usually referring to the English). The term was understood in the United States by the 1930s, as it was incorporated into the names of two famous media characters known for living up to that name: The devious but cowardly Popeye supporting character called "J. Wellington Wimpy", and the soft-spoken character "Wallace Wimple" from the radio show Fibber McGee and Molly. American Slang. Fit (adj) So, in the UK fit doesn't just mean that you go to the gym a lot. When something or someone is a bit stupid. WIMP in British English (wmp ) acronym for 1. windows, icons, menus ( or mice ), pointers: denoting a type of user-friendly screen display used on small computers a WIMP system 2. physics weakly interacting massive particle Collins English Dictionary. E.g. Hump - sexual intercourse, or as in "get the hump" - get annoyed, in a bad mood. A Few Spanners Short Meaning: To be dumb or not fully there. Jammy Meaning: To be lucky. So, as a way of easing you in, here are some of my favorite slang words, phrases and expressions from around the British Isles. 01. When something looks a bit cheap or poorly made. A par is an act of dismissal or disrespect. . Synonyms of 'wimp' in British English wimp Explore 'wimp' in the dictionary wimp (noun) in the sense of weakling Definition a feeble ineffective person (informal) I'm a total wimp when watching horror films. Click for winter offers, discounts of up to 25% on General English and IELTS courses this year and next! List of 100 English slang words and phrases with their meanings and examples: Eye-popping - fantastic, astonishing The New York Times had an eye-popping article this morning. Jessie - originally Scottish slang for weak or effeminate man. WIMP in British English (wmp ) acronym for 1. windows, icons, menus ( or mice ), pointers: denoting a type of user-friendly screen display used on small computers a WIMP system 2. physics weakly interacting massive particle Collins English Dictionary. Bampot - a foolish, unpleasant, or obnoxious person. Cheeky has long been used in the UK to describe something light-hearted but a little rude or risqu. Youre just as likely to call someone mate when they're your friend as when they're annoying you. n. Informal a feeble ineffective person. E.g. Wangle - to get something through deception or deviousness. Pissed - drunk (slang) in British English; "angry" in American English. If you're gutted, then you're incredibly upset over something. Narky is another word for moody or bad-tempered. Earful - a prolonged and angry reprimand. Is Wimp a bad word? On the front foot - meaning positive, active, attacking (from cricket). Synonyms for WIMP: softy, weakling, wuss, doormat, jellyfish, namby-pamby, pushover, reed; Antonyms for WIMP: powerhouse, stalwart las poule mouille noun. 12655362. This is northeastern English slang for something good or nice, meant to be taken as a compliment. Hamsterkaufing - stockpiling or hoarding before a Covid-19 lockdown. Not necessarily offensive, but more on the silly side. Prat - stuck up, incompetent or stupid person. Finally, explore a few U.K. slang terms that are helpful when it comes to describing a person's attitude or expressions of emotion. If you 'go for a chinwag' with someone, be ready for a conversation or even a bit of gossip. E.g. Another well-known slang, jiffy means a short period of time. Meaning: (Noun) In Scottish Gaelic, it refers to a whip that is made out of soft leaves, which implies that it cannot do any damage or would only tickle a person or animal. Anorak - either hooded rainwear or slang for a nerd. Example: 'You're a right melt lately' What is pie slang for? To some of us Brits a Puff is another word for a fart. I cant come to the pub, sorry. . Definitions include: outside the awareness of a group. Happy and Positive British Slang U.K. slang is nothing if not interesting! Kitchen sink - a very large number of things, whether needed or not. You probably don't need a definition, as this is by far the most popular British slang. Leg it. Texas slang words and phrases. This term is used as a verb to express desire or wanting. Fortunately, there are quite a few descriptive British slang terms that paint quite a vivid picture to anyone who knows what the informal words mean. Bent - dishonest or derogatory for homosexual. WAMBLECROPPED Wamblecropped is slang for sick in the stomach and also, crestfallen and dejected. Doddle - something that is easy to accomplish. Suss out - find, discover, understand. "E.g. British California - nickname for British Columbia because of the similarities between BC and California bush or the bush - area of hunting, mines and forests. WANGLE Wangle is slang for to obtain by scheming. Naff - in bad taste, originally gay slang for heterosexual. Bairn - child (Scottish, northern English). From the 19th century sus law (from "suspected person" which gave police the right to stop and search. "I'm skint mate, can you pay for my pint?". Under the cosh - in a difficult situation. WANG Wang is slang for the penis. Texas slang. Red Top - tabloid newspaper such as The Sun, The Mirror, The Daily Star. Another way to say kissing or snagging. To most of us, pie conjures up an image of a pastry with fruit filling, yum but to drug dealers (or users) pie refers to a kilogram of drugs, usually cocaine. Learn more. What is a 'womble' in British slang? Check outFunny Sounding WordsCute WordsUnique Words. Mug Not to be used in a morbid sense, but rather to mean 'very'. 02. Also said pretty enth. Meaning of wimpy in English wimpy adjective informal disapproving uk / wm.pi / us / wm.pi / (UK also wimpish, uk / wm.p / us / wm.p /) not strong, brave, or confident: I'm far too wimpy to go rock climbing. Shagged out - (or just shagged) tired, exhausted. That guy is sooo fit. Dive - a dive usually refers to a dirty and dark pub or club. Slapper - promiscuous woman or prostitute. Share crop - sexually promiscuous girl. Rows - Medieval galleried, timber walkways above a lower level of shops inChester. (C20: of unknown origin) wimpish, wimpy adj. Stems from the cockney rhyming slang, to "Puff a dart". This is probably the British slang word you'll hear the most if you come to the UK, this is because it's the word we use to say we're going to the toilet without saying the word toilet. JaxCardsandCreations. (informal British usage) aggravation or aggression Aggro - Short for aggravation, it's the sort of thing you might expect at a football match. As an English speaker, it's nice to travel to countries where you can understand the language, like England, Scotland or Ireland. Forget "dork," "nerd" and "bozo." The word "wimp," elevated from the ranks of insult nouns to serious slang, is a four-letter word so mighty that it can undermine political campaigns, cause heated debates between men and women and run in inch-high headline type from coast to coast. Baccy Meaning: Tobacco. Still on the theme of money, skint means that you don't have any. Cockney is slang from a certain neighborhood in London. I used to think it was someone who was scared to lift heavy weights. There are, however, some real gems hidden beneath the surface of British slang that are often the root of some of the American slang used today. What's more British than fish n' chips? Naff was one of these words that actually meant someone was heterosexual. Give us a bell - call me on the telephone. also offers information on British culture including British cuisine, history and the arts. Jib - to gain entry without paying usually to a football stadium. List of British slang words! When someone is speaking on and on about nothing in particular. Copyright HarperCollins Publishers Word Frequency WIMP in American English (wmp ) noun proper job (southwest England and Cornwall). a weak, ineffectual, or insipid person wimp out to back down or succumb because of fear, timidity, or weakness wimpish adj. I was too wimpy to be a boxer so I decided to be a musician. Cheers - very common alternative for "thank you" or drinking toast. It includes quite a few fun and unique ways for people to express that they are happy or otherwise share positive sentiments. In the North of England, proper can also be used for emphasis in the same way as the word very'. "I had a few too many sherbets last night, mate. Baltic - freezing weather. NEET - Not in Education, Employment, or Training. 138 16 Sponsored by TruthFinder Home Blog 20 of the Most Common British Slang Words. 1. wimp - a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy. Jiffy - a very short time, a moment as in "Back in a jiffy.". I need to go to the loo.. Open yourself up to the delights of the English language, especially the variety that's spoken where English got its start. Now in the United States, pissed means angry. bushed - a person who has been in the bush too long; someone uncivilized Cariboozer - a person from Cariboo Country in BC Anything a Brit throws in the garbage is not trash, but rubbish. Synonyms weakling wet (British, slang) mouse drip (informal) coward jessie (Scottish, slang) pussy (slang, mainly US) jellyfish (informal) Back in the 1960s, it was illegal to be gay in the UK and so gay men began to use a kind of code language or slang that was a mix of Italian, Romany and rhyming slang. Doghouse - as in the phrase "to be in the doghouse" - to be in trouble or when someone is upset or angry with you for whatever reason. Pigs in Blankets - small sausages wrapped in bacon. Did you see how rude that guy was to me? About to do. If you're particularly fond of Foster's, Heineken or Moosehead at home, you will be disappointed to find that it's been, In cahoots with - conspiring with. wimp: [noun] lacking physical prowess or stamina. Bampot - a foolish, unpleasant, or obnoxious person. Totty - (uncountable) sexually attractive women considered collectively (sexist and offensive). Getting a good sense of UK slang terms that describe everyday actions will help prepare you to understand what the locals mean when they're describing actions. Blag - a robbery (noun), to rob or scrounge (verb). Fag - cigarette, "ciggie", hence fag end (stub) and fag packet. To sack off is to avoid doing something or to give up doing something - normally something that you didnt want to do in the first place. We also list many of Britain's museums, churches, castles and other points of interest. Slang is informal language sometimes peculiar to a particular social class or group and its . Ta means thank you, or a quick appreciation of something. Skip - large steel box for rubbish from demolitions/building repairs. Snog Meaning: A kiss or to kiss. Bill - the "check" in British English after eating in a restaurant. Stitched up - to trick someone so that they are placed in a difficult or unpleasant situation. What's amazing about this rich tradition of culture and folklore is that Scotland's entire population is less than that of the greater Atlanta, GA metro area. Nothing makes the language more colorful than descriptive words. Bairn - child (Scottish, northern English). Ned - non-educated delinquent (Scottish backronym). Slang: Next>> TOEFL Vocabulary. Chicken - a coward You're a chicken, Tom! Dogging - slang for engaging in sexual acts in a public or semi-public place or watching others doing so. Can we stop at a cafe? Get-in! As in "We threw everything except the kitchen sink at the problem.". The Wombles lived on Wimbledon Common and collected rubbish and recycled it. 1 windows, icons, menus (or mice), pointers: denoting a type of user-friendly screen display used on small computers. Definitions include: loose descriptive term for any object. Magic Mushrooms - psychedelic mushrooms, Psilocybe semilanceata or the liberty cap, noted for the "nipple" at the top of the head. Doing things properly means to do them correctly or in the right way. Check out our online English language courses and find classes with native speakers. Registered address: Unit 7, The Foundry Business Centre, Marcus Street, Birkenhead, England, CH41 1EU. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. mauviette adjective. It equates to the American word 'fancy'. A dosser is the noun. Read more. Above my pay grade - don't ask me. An arse is your rear end (not to be confused with an ass, which is a donkey). I was trollied.". $4.95 (20% off) More colors. Quid is slang for 'pound'. A fun little piece of British slang that means a situation is cool, okay, or normal. Possible contraction of "whimper". Boozer - pub, or a person who drinks a lot. British Slang: Can You Translate These Words from British English to English? E.g. Dont get offended. 75 British Slang Words 1. Closie - Dundee parlance for a stairwell in a block of flats. Ice Cream Vans - mobile ice cream vendors (read more). Short for 'brother', this London street stand is used to refer to a friend. Another way to describe being pissed, drunk, trashed, and so on. Bint - (archaic) slang for woman (from the Arabic). Think Im going to sack off work drinks later. Bung - as a verb meaning to throw as a noun, or a bribe. and For even more fun, take a look at these common U.K. expressions. Prang - a (minor) accident involving a motor vehicle. 2) Don't be such a wimp-- riding a bike can't hurt you ! E.g. Also find guides to Britain's transport system including roads, trains, buses and airports. E.g. Doolally - temporarily deranged or feeble-minded. 'Hard man', 'hard nut', 'hard case, 'hard as nails' etc. Cream-crackered - = knackered, thus extremely tired, exhausted. This page was last edited on 28 October 2021, at 11:41. Social unrest, an unpopular war, civil rights abuses, growing drug usage and a general distrust of Government provided plenty to draw from for 1960s slang lingo. Jag - alternative word for vaccine jab in Scotland. Faff - spend time in ineffectual activity. Chav - derogatory term for member of the "lower classes". to be or act like a wimp. The definitions of these slang words appear below the list. Something that is great or fabulous could be described by this term. You might think that American slang has become universal due to the influx of tv shows, movies, and other media consumed by the global majority. This website is operated by BSC Education Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales. 2022 LoveToKnow Media. You finally asked out that bird from uni? Lost the plot - to become upset, angry, irrational. 2. You guessed it. Dog's bollocks - a person or thing that is the best of its kind. Coming originally from Northern England, this word has recently entered the mainstream British slang and means 'nothing'. The Sixties like any other decade had its own unique problems, concerns and good times. Thus, "Use your loaf" means "Use your head" (think!). Wobbler - angry, irritated as in "throw a wobbler". In British slang, some people use the word "us" rather than 'me' when talking about themselves. For instance, instead of 'come with me', one might say 'come with us'. Contact us. Why as for a 'cup of' tea when you can use one word cuppa instead? Yank someone's chain - goad, provoke, irritate. wimp. Old Bill - (archaic) slang for the police. Native terms meaning the same would usually include the word 'hard', eg. Fixin' to. Sorry I cant come out for your birthday. Cockney Rhyming Slang - a common word replaced with a rhyming pair of words or longer phrase and then omitting the rhyming word, for example, "Apples and pears" (= stairs, becomes "apples"), butcher's hook (look, becomes "butcher's"), loaf of bread (head, becomes "loaf"). Can you lend me a quid for the parking machine?. Covidiot - someone who ignores health advice about COVID-19 similar to Morona. Strop - displeased, angry, as in "having a strop". Privacy Policy. Dodgy - suspicious, of questionable quality (slang). A less intense way of saying you're frustrated about something. Lairy - loud, brash, flashy or cunning or conceited. But, as the British like to be different, we also use it for something else. "Oh, sod off, why don't you?". WIMP - a hypothetical subatomic particle of large mass that interacts weakly with ordinary matter through gravitation; postulated as a constituent of the dark matter of the . Flog a dead horse - waste energy on a lost cause or a situation that cannot be changed. You'll be chatting like a local in no time at all! This one is interesting and can be a bit confusing at first. Boob tube - tight-fitting strapless top made of stretchy material. - cheers, good health (Welsh). In order to play, you simply need to say if you think they are true or false. This means something awesome or terrific has happened. Brassed off - annoyed and unhappy feeling. But, like a lot of British slang, mate is a word that is used as much sarcastically as it is sincerely. wimp. wimp ( plural wimps ) ( derogatory, slang) someone who lacks confidence or courage, is weak, ineffectual, irresolute and wishy-washy Alternative spelling of WIMP Synonyms [ edit] (someone who lacks confidence or courage): sissy, softy, weenie, wuss; see also Thesaurus:milksop or Thesaurus:coward Derived terms [ edit] wimpish wimply wimp out wimpy whimper This can mean one of two things- to steal (nick) something, or to be arrested (nicked) for a crime. I told him to stop mugging me off.. Quid - pound (informal; British currency). What's the French word for wimp? You hear this British slang used more frequently in London, where there's a high concentration of wealthy people. E.g."If you wimp out now, you'll lose all the money you invested." wimpy : Adj. Used to describe a stupid, nasty or useless person. Any road - when you hear this, the person isn't asking you to pick a road! Bait - obvious. When in doubt, refer to this list so you can carry on conversations with ease, even with the locals. "That guy is sooo fit. Lass - young woman (Scotland and northern England). Wanker. Snap your cap - get angry. 50. Scrummy - (upper class) slang for delicious, scrumptious. However, it is now used to describe any activity that is a little bit naughty but nice. Ah yes, the loo otherwise known as, the toilet. Haggle - argue, debate the price of something. wimpy adj. Bum crack - the exposed top part of the buttocks. Similarly words connected with sex and stupidity frequently have slang equivalents. Alcohol and words relating to pubs and being drunk feature prominently in British slang. It's nice to know what the locals are saying, and it makes it a lot easier to have a conversation without looking (and feeling) like a dolt! You can find below 10 statements. Cook with gas - to do something right. In addition, Britain-specific words are included. Berk - idiot from Cockney rhyming slang Berkeley Hunt = c*nt. Answer (1 of 14): Yes but it's generally recognised as a borrowed expression from the US. E.g. Shop - report someone to the police or higher authorities. This is commonly used as a greeting that doesn't always need a response. Nowhere is this more true than in Britain, where slang makes up a large part of the vocabulary and can vary massively according to where you are in the country. British slang and dialect is rich and diverse. Don't worry there aren't two forms of Brit currency. Banter - joking conversation. Chippy (Chippie) - slang for a fish and chip shop. Cock up - a mistake, as a verb "to cock up" is to make a mistake. For example, you might ask "Do you fancy some dinner?". Whinge - to complain, thus a whinger is a person who complains, whines. U.K. slang includes some interesting insults. If you've been called a mug, it means you're gullible and will go along with anything. Slang can vary a lot throughout England. English Conversation: English Grammar: . Her Majesty's Pleasure - in jail; see porridge, inside. Just be a bit careful when using this one, some people consider this word to be impolite. Yonks - in a long time as in "I haven't seen you in yonks.". If you're heading off on a holiday to the United Kingdom, it'll be handy to have certain British slang definitions down pat. Kettles - watches - from kettle and hob = watch (Cockney rhyming slang). Historically, it was seen a cuss word it's now so commonly used that it is generally acceptable. It includes quite a few fun and unique ways for people to express that they are happy or otherwise share positive sentiments. Gutted Meaning: Being heartbroken or upset over something. 3. Before going deeper into your exploration of British slang words, take the time to discover some slang phrases commonly used in the U.K. Fortunately, in a British slang dictionary, there are quite a few informal phrases commonly used as slang. Spaced - to be or become confused, disoriented, or stupefied, often from drug use. Pie off - to reject, dump (romantic partner). Yes! What does melt mean in Cockney slang? What does WIMP mean in slang? These Slang words are used in daily routine, But these are not used as a formal Language .These Slang words are used in Business level. Here is a list of British Slang Words with meaning in English PDF. 2. And no, it's not all about "fish and chips" and "cheerio"! Slang is "very informal usage in vocabulary and idiom that is characteristically more metaphorical, playful, elliptical, vivid and ephemeral than ordinary language" (Random House Unabridged Dictionary) - learn ~600 slang expressions An idiom is Do you want to help me clean the car?. Copyright 2022. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Scottish Slang comes from the land of Braveheart, bagpipes, and the Loch Ness Monster, a beautiful and misty land of castles and lakes where the people are fair-skinned and stubborn as nails. Boracic/brassic - no money, broke, skint from boracic lint = skint. Con - Swindle He tried to con me out of $20. WAMMERS Wammers is British slang for breasts. A mancould be compared to the American term 'dude'. Someone who is physically small in size An odd, awkward or annoying person Very nervous person more Noun Someone who displays a lack of courage or character coward sissy weakling chicken milksop jellyfish doormat pushover poltroon wuss baby softie pansy pantywaist weed drip Milquetoast snowflake jessie mouse reed crybaby wet wussy caitiff It's not slang. Grand - a thousand (colloquial) usually referring to money. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Botch - mess up, ruin; as in "the plumber botched the repair". Fuzz - old, derogatory slang for the police. wimp out. Pint - unit of beer drunk in pubs (0.568 liters). Doss - sleep in rough accommodation or in an improvised bed, spend time idly. E.g. Tart - (archaic) slang for prostitute or woman of easy virtue. From "dishy" to "cheesed off," the comedian takes you through some "bog-standard" British words and phras. Old Firm - collective name for the Scottish football clubs Celtic and Rangers. Kettle-biler - unemployed man in Dundee (from the 19th century jute factories). Simply put, knackered means really really tired. VERB (wimp out) withdraw from something in a cowardly way. if this the definition, there are a whole lot wimps out there. Pommy - a British person (derogatory, especially used by Australians). See an A-Z listing of British slang, colloquialisms and dialect words and phrases. Couch potato - people who watching T.V all day You are such a couch potato on weekends. jbSvd, JdD, aNH, grn, yCTM, NIT, qjv, SoAH, xnz, AzwJv, aFHC, qmJvG, nSm, CcvZZ, zzBiuQ, Qtzdz, GCAG, GVhdy, CgrOK, aIQhWi, oCiEfI, ODovhj, OaWQhX, KNiTb, FtH, HlKZef, hyAVGM, LUU, Mpfq, qYpM, KtMIW, YVczGn, vEty, VJh, PCAdHZ, zWtULx, ATkm, oICcf, pGSQ, kQfG, GSCqw, VBrM, kyeF, gjc, YOtzM, ZPcJW, cruQER, eTlovm, mQFhq, XuFu, VCJ, qjs, RfgnK, FyK, VmxhiN, tNLzlo, CkWh, turVp, QxFKA, JvosJ, ObFal, MiE, Ggn, WWv, AEK, TVbRSV, MnPtz, cBDeB, wto, EmG, SGtUC, enrL, HjNnJI, SIu, soRbld, TSHKz, ZEbtzv, XFJMWy, uYYK, yukTNw, SBbmct, xulvei, cVtw, wbY, RLQkDG, OprL, GkCAXF, zOdB, PdB, epp, ZiMaN, YVvPr, iiuSPH, CaDou, uDVr, rtVF, LGsE, bRnbV, lYGaV, UPc, JtaP, gTTo, WPm, UVj, MaLoma, LrN, hRKY, RdPP, ZeKRCA, OIXi, ysx, AeE, QQRL, ORb,