Leave a comment below and let us know. This tool saves your time and helps to decode base64 data. If youre looking for a one-liner that could turn your XML document into a Python object, then look no further. 'born': '1893-04-20', It parses the file because it reads it from disk and also the entire file isn't stored in memory. The schema can be used to validate XML documents: Using a schema you can also decode the XML documents to nested dictionaries, with Since you dont need to understand it, just expand the collapsible section below to reveal the HTML code with embedded JavaScript and save it in a file named whatever you like. 2022 Python Software Foundation An abstract representation of the entire document tree is stored in memory, giving you random access to the individual elements. If theres more than one child with the given tag name, then you can iterate over them with a loop or refer to one by index: You might have noticed that the element was renamed to inkscape_custom. Interactive Courses, where you Learn by writing Code. The two years that are in the wrong decade are the movies from the 2000s. Model number: RW345 You can expand the collapsible section below for a complete content handlers code. Secure JSON Decode is online JSON decode tool to Edit, Validate and Format JSON data. Site map. This XML Navigator helps user to navigate through large XML data structures easily. Please try enabling it if you encounter problems. Unlike the rest of the XML parsers so far, this one expects either a Python string or a file-like object open for reading in binary mode: By default, the library returns an instance of the OrderedDict collection to retain element order. Python has a built in library, ElementTree, that has functions to read and manipulate XMLs (and other similarly structured files). Excellent xml decoder tool to decode xml data without wasting time. You can use this tutorial as a roadmap to guide you through the confusing world of XML parsers in Python. In addition, as you have seen in the introduction, elements might have attributes, which are additional descriptors, used especially for repeated tag usage. All model data: Due to the XML format present in the hierarchical data format, it becomes easier to represent it by a tree. The downside of such code is that its usually less readable than if written by hand. SAX also lets you discard elements if youre not interested in them. To find an element by ID, you must use the Document instance rather than a specific parent Element. Online JSON Formatter and Online JSON Validator provide JSON converter tools to convert JSON to XML, JSON to CSV, and JSON to YAML also JSON Editor, JSONLint, JSON Checker, and JSON Cleaner.. Free JSON Formatting Online and JSON Validator work well in Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. pyclbr: Supports information extraction for a Python module browser. Factors include the size of the code file, and the language it is written in, etc. The XML parsers in Pythons standard library are vulnerable to a host of security threats that can lead to denial-of-service (DoS) or data loss, at best. Java use -and _ in base64 string, and C# use + and /. . You can then import that module and use it to parse the incoming messages: It looks similar to the lxml.objectify example shown earlier. 2022 Studytonight Technologies Pvt. model1 To get started with it, you must import the xml.etree.ElementTree module, which is a bit of a mouthful. The following code should work on Python 3.7 and later. It means that both read from the URL and the write to file are implemented with asyncio libraries (aiohttp to read from the URL and aiofiles to write the file). With this in mind, theres a less verbose pull parser available in Python, which youll explore next. The parser triggers user-defined callbacks to handle specific XML nodes as it finds them in the document. The full xmlschema documentation is available on Read the Docs. Use ElementTree to fix the designator based on how many formats the movie comes in. Convert XML to JSON helps to convert your XML data to JSON format. In the previous modules, those were wrapped in less convenient adapters. python -c "from pathlib import Path; path = Path('yourfile.txt') ; path.write_text(path.read_text(encoding='utf16'), encoding='utf8')" It is Python module, used to read XML file. The .SubElement() method can be used to add this tag to the end of the XML. Moreover, the XML gets parsed at once, as a whole, so it has to be reasonably small to fit the available memory. Element Tree represents the whole XML document as a single tree. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. 1. xmlstr = ElementTree.tostring(et, encoding='utf8', method='xml') 2. Language-Specific Formats. The main point here is to protect our code from reverse engineering, tempering and stealing. Printing out the XML is helpful, but XPath is a query language used to search through an XML quickly and easily. SAX is also inconvenient for handling deeply nested elements. Example Read XML File in Python. Other than that, its performance should be on par with SAX, depending on the parser implementation. An XML attribute can only have a single value and each attribute can appear at most once on each element. Similarly, a mouse event could look like this: Instead of the key, however, theres the mouse cursor position and a bit field encoding the mouse buttons pressed during the event. You can jump to the last section in this tutorial for more details. The lxml library is considered to be the fastest at working with XML, even faster than the included xml.etree.ElementTree.. Use what's A WebSocket Client in JavaScript and HTMLShow/Hide. Run C++ programs and code examples online. This is also a XML visualizer tool to visualize, Search XML in Tree View. Oct 1, 2022 Commenting Tips: The most useful comments are those written with the goal of learning from or helping out other students. "xmlns:inkscape": "http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape", startPrefixMapping: prefix=None, uri='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', startPrefixMapping: prefix='inkscape', uri='http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape', startElementNS: name=('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'), endElementNS: name=('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'), START_DOCUMENT , START_ELEMENT , END_ELEMENT , END_ELEMENT , None [], , , end {http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape}custom, end {http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}linearGradient, """Download chunks of bytes from the URL asynchronously.""". Upload File. You need to mark an attribute as an ID explicitly using DTD or by calling .setIdAttribute() in Python, for example: However, using a DTD isnt enough to fix the problem if your document has a default namespace, which is the case for the sample SVG image. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. The descriptor expects an XPath expression for element lookup in the received message. It allows programmers to develop their own applications to read data from other applications. Vulnerability Disclosure Fixed In Vulnerable CVE; Buffer overflow in the _sha3 module in Python 3.10 and older: 2022-10-21: 3.7.16 3.8.16 3.9.16 3.10.9 Remember to include the XML namespace, such as {http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}, in your tag nameas long as its been defined. The difference is that using data binding enforces compliance with the schema, whereas lxml.objectify produces objects dynamically no matter if theyre semantically correct. import xml.dom.minidom. values that match to the data types declared by the schema: Davide Brunato and others who have contributed with code or with sample cases. *****Model***** Using smart structuring can make it easy to read and write to an XML. Our XML to JSON converter is free and easy to use, simply paste your XML code into the input and hit the "XML to JSON" button. To make it work, youll need to overload one or more callback methods from the superclass. Then we will display the parent tag of the XML file. However, another jarring quirk with minidom is how it handles whitespace characters between elements: The newline characters and leading indentation are captured as separate tree elements, which is what the specification requires. StreamRecoder Using StAX gives you more control over the parsing process and allows for more convenient state management. It was an implementation several times faster than the same interface written in C. Today, the regular module uses the fast implementation whenever possible, so you dont need to bother anymore. Right now, your messages arrive in plain string format. The root element specifies the default namespace xmlns as well as a prefixed namespace xmlns:inkscape for editor-specific elements and attributes. MaX (Materials design at the Exascale) European project. Heres a sample XML message produced in response to holding down the Shift+2 key combination: This message contains a specific keyboard event type, a timestamp, the key code and its Unicode, as well as the modifier keys such as Alt, Ctrl, or Shift. Patch by Victor '@id': 'b0836217463', a text file having a BOM; an XML file is encoded in UTF-8 or its encoding is given in the preamble; a JSON file is always encoded in UTF-8; Not aware: a CSV file; any random text file; Some encodings are versatile, ie they can decode any sequence of bytes, some are not. Therefore, it makes sense to push and pop the current element onto a stack, which you can simulate through a regular Python list. Note: Custom headers are given less precedence than more specific sources of information. model2abc Learn how you can parse, explore, modify and populate XML files with the Python ElementTree package, for loops and XPath expressions. Earlier, the movie titles were an absolute mess. Then, we will get the parent tag of the XML file using getroot(). Currently, there are two major modules that allow to serialize Python dictionary to XML. The file inside the GZ file is an XML file. You can run this script from a batch file etc. In this method, first, register callbacks for events that occur, then the parser proceeds through the document. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit. Note that untangle redefines the meaning of dir() for its parsed documents. Dict2xml is good but it doesnt have many options to specify how I want my XML to be formatted or to add attributes in tags. Python decode() Python Python decode() encoding decode() str.decode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='strict') encoding -- UTF-8 errors -- .. model1abc On top of that, XML has attributes, comments, processing instructions, and other ways of defining metadata that arent available in dictionaries. Its a lightweight, efficient, elegant, and feature-rich interface that even some third-party libraries build on. # The length of an element equals the number of its children. Here are a few more element attributes and methods that are worth mentioning: One of the benefits of this API is how it uses Pythons native data types. Its somewhat limited compared to the DOM but should be enough to implement a basic XML streaming push parser without resorting to third-party libraries. one of the features of the Xml decoder is that it can even edit and indent code that is written in other computer languages, such as C and C++, etc. . The parse function has the following syntax: xml.dom.minidom.parse (filename_or_file [, parser [, bufsize]]) Here the file name can be a string containing the First, youll want to store your content handler object in a separate variable to extract information from it later: Since the SAX parser emits events without providing any context about the element its found, you need to keep track of where you are in the tree. It also restricts the allowed values for the XML attributes. fileinput.input(files=None, inplace=False, backup='', *, mode='r', openhook=None, encoding=None, errors=None) files ['f1.txt', 'f2.txt'] . To start working with SAX in Python, you can use the same parse() and parseString() convenience functions as before, but from the xml.sax package instead. The lxml is a Python library which provides a Pythonic interface for C libraries lixml2 and libxslt. In practice, you rarely do that because Python bundles a binding for the Expat library, which is a widely used open-source XML parser written in C. All of the following Python modules in the standard library use Expat under 'estimation': Decimal('10000.00'), 1. XML URL Encode XML URL Decode; YAML URL Encode YAML URL Decode; Base64 Encoders. Note: re is the standard regex interpreter for Python. Paste your string in the Base64 field. All strings in .NET are effectively UTF-16. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. First you need to read in the file with ElementTree. Another popular type of attack known as XXE takes advantage of general external entities to read local files and make network requests. Its almost like looking through a tiny window moving over an infinitely long sheet of paper. - Hit the decode option below to begin the code conversion and the resulting code will be published on the right box. Its worth noting that Pythons standard library defines abstract interfaces for parsing XML documents while letting you supply concrete parser implementation. Syntax of XML is similar to HTML other than the fact that the tags in XML arent pre-defined. Say you wanted to convert that SVG file into a simplified JSON representation. It works with your favorite parser to provide idiomatic ways of navigating, searching, and modifying the parse tree. Convert XML to JSON helps to convert your XML data to JSON format. Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. However, this library is a bit dated too. By using our site, you XPath Descriptor and the Model ClassShow/Hide. With the use of lsof, is seems that the file remains open, or at least, this is how I interpret the following results.Before, running the open there is no record in lsof table about the filename.Then after the open is executed, multiple records appear with read access. The default string representation of a Python dictionary might not be legible enough. Now, you understand the different strategies for parsing XML documents as well as their strengths and weaknesses. There is some work that needs to be done on this tag. 12. They must be searched using .getElementsByTagNameNS(), which expects different arguments: The first argument must be the XML namespace, which typically has the form of a domain name, while the second argument is the tag name. Note: Dictionaries are made up of key-value pairs, while XML documents are inherently hierarchical, which may lead to some information loss during the conversion. Say you want to consume a real-time data feed over a low-latency WebSocket connection with messages exchanged in XML format. [Updated November 2022], https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html, The largest, top-level element is called the. It should produce the following output: Thats essentially the observer design pattern, which lets you translate XML into another hierarchical format incrementally. Currently, there are two major modules that allow to serialize Python dictionary to XML. Thats a relatively surface-level example that ignores a few details, but it should give you a general idea of how to use such a hybrid parsing strategy. Note: Its possible to combine more than one XML parsing model. A bit field of zero indicates that no button was pressed. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit. Using the attribute .text, you can print out this content. Level up your data science skills by creating visualizations using Matplotlib and manipulating DataFrames with pandas. This tool saves your time and helps to decode base64 data. An XML Schema validator and decoder. The encoding and decoding process are instant. the file containing the schema as argument: For XSD 1.1 schemas use the class XMLSchema11, because the default class Note: The XML namespace support is enabled by default in xml.dom.pulldom. This avoids typing the command lines to do the job. It provides parse() function to read XML file. The search interface is very flexible but is outside the scope of this tutorial. This tool allows loading the Base64 data URL, which loads base64 encoded text and decodes to human readable text. , Python count(), Python find(), Python index(), Python ljust()rjust()center(), utf-8 gb2312, , , utf-8 encoding=, strict, xmlcharrefreplace xml . The SAX parser will call these three methods for you in response to finding the start tag, end tag, and some text between them. Learn more about it in this cheat sheet. Youre going to use a custom XPath descriptor and an accompanying Model class, which provide reusable properties for your data models. What is surprising, though, is that there are actually two DOM parsers. quopri: Encode and decode files using the MIME quoted-printable encoding. The code is all retrieved up and ready to be and shared!. If you want to know more about regular expressions, consider this tutorial. Xml decoder from decoderkit.com offers versatile features while decoding our code online, the main features include- - Unmasking our code by the replacing ASCII values with their respective characters. It is therefore perfectly {'@available': True, It will be useful to print out both the decade tags and the year tags throughout the document. Company: Onida However, finding or modifying random tree nodes is cumbersome because it usually requires multiple passes on the document and tracking the visited nodes. Pythons standard library is 'tests/test_cases/examples/vehicles/vehicles.xsd', 'tests/test_cases/examples/vehicles/vehicles.xml', 'tests/test_cases/examples/vehicles/vehicles-1_error.xml', "/home/brunato/Development/projects/xmlschema/xmlschema/validators/xsdbase.py", xmlschema.validators.exceptions.XMLSchemaValidationError. They are . Otherwise, if you only provide the tag name without the right namespace, you could end up with fewer or more descendant elements than initially anticipated. You will see a large number of angle brackets in XML files. Schema based files for Install it using: Unlike the DOM, the ElementTree API doesnt expose methods or properties for walking over the tree in any direction, but there are a couple of better alternatives. One of the most common attacks is the XML Bomb, also known as the billion laughs attack. model2 Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for decoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. this library can be useful for other cases related to XML Schema based processing, Note: To find the namespaces declared in your XML document, you can check out the root elements attributes. Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. I am surprised to find that there doesn't seem to be a way with ElementTree.tostring().You can however use ElementTree.ElementTree.write() to write your XML document to a fake file:. While DOM follows the W3C specification and SAX was modeled after a Java API, neither feels particularly Pythonic. 'dead': '1919-12-03', You only need to use .getroot () if you have an ElementTree instance. In this article, we will learn various ways to read XML files in Python. So, please no handle work advices. You can use the dot operator to access its children and the square bracket syntax to get XML attributes or one of the child nodes by index. No installation is required. You can find them with string constants such as "comment": Heres a list of all the available event types: The downside of iterparse() is that it uses blocking calls to read the next chunk of data, which might be unsuitable for asynchronous code running on a single thread of execution. It means that both read from the URL and the write to file are implemented with asyncio libraries (aiohttp to read from the URL and aiofiles to write the file). Get tips for asking good questions and get answers to common questions in our support portal. The built-in mmap module lets you create a virtual view of the file contents, even when it doesnt fit the available memory. in any case. Users can also convert base64 data File to Plain text by uploading the file. The magic trick is that it even works on a slower internet connection. Fire up your favorite editor, type the following code, and save it in a file named svg_handler.py: This modified content handler prints out a few events onto the standard output. Firstly, choose the type of encoding tool in the Tool field. Enter or paste your code in the left box. jss format. Complete this form and click the button below to gain instant access: No spam. '@xmlns:inkscape': 'http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape'. You might have already heard about the DOM because web browsers expose a DOM interface through JavaScript to let you manipulate the HTML code of your websites. Here, you will search the tree for movies that came out in 1992: The function .findall() always begins at the element specified. Understanding XPath is critically important to scanning and populating XMLs. While the DOM tree allows for fast and omnidirectional navigation, building its abstract representation in the first place can be time-consuming. The elements are properly nested now and have no invalid content. Attributes typically take very specific values so that the XML parser (and the user) can use the attributes to check the tag values. The Xml decoder tool from decoderkit.com is not connected to any server out there, so the code which the user is working on will not be stored anywhere and as a result, it will be erased instantly when the user refreshes the browser on which he is working on. 'position': 2, 'name': 'Joan Mir', Decoderkit.com wont change any character in the code while editing or after downloading it. To designate the genre, the XML uses the attribute category. NOT ALLOWED CHARACTER DATA In the below case docs stores the result of the parse function. So, please no handle work advices. Youll find more information about the pulldom parser later. In the second example, they do because you requested to process them. Secure your applications and networks with the industry's only network vulnerability scanner to combine SAST, DAST and mobile security. Here is additional approach for the use-case of async chunked download, without reading all the file content to memory. bathrooms price property_id 0 1.0 7020000.0 35237.0 1 3.0 10000000.0 32238.0 2 nan 4128000.0 44699.0 Note: The xmltodict library is not recommended for huge XML files as many developers have observed performance drops. gh-93353: Fix the importlib.resources.as_file() context manager to remove the temporary file if destroyed late during Python finalization: keep a local reference to the os.remove() function. Youre going to compare those parsers against a sample Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image, which is an XML-based format. I want essentially the same output I would get if I copied the text from a browser and pasted it into notepad. Click on the filename link to download the file. These routines are not actually very powerful, but are sufficient for many applications. {http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape}custom, '{http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape}custom', {'x': '42', '{http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape}z': '555'}, {http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}linearGradient, , , , .select at 0x7f430ba6d190>, [], , Element(name = None, attributes = None, cdata = ), Element(name = svg, attributes = {'xmlns': }, ), ['defs', 'g', 'inkscape_custom', 'script', 'text']. As the name implies, the library can parse an XML document and represent it as a Python dictionary, which also happens to be the target data type for JSON documents in Python. This library arises from the needs of a solid Python layer for processing XML Schema based files for MaX (Materials design at the Exascale) European project. The resulting node will have children with properly initialized attributes. At the same time, it uses the default DOM implementation from xml.dom.minidom for representing document elements. Install it using: Now suppose you have a Dictionary named data in Python which you want to convert to XML. Beautiful Soup supports the HTML parser (lxml) included in Pythons standard library. The XML standard is a flexible way to create information formats and electronically share structured data via the public Internet, as well as via corporate networks.XML files are encoded for many important reasons, one of which to is done to protect the source code of web application, which is public (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) in order to be compiled by the browsers. Example Read XML File in Python. Even worse, both DOM and SAX parsers feel antiquated as some of their code in the CPython interpreter hasnt changed for more than two decades! Assuming youve already installed the lxml and beautifulsoup4 libraries into your active virtual environment, you can start parsing XML documents right away. Now that you have initialized the tree, you should look at the XML and print out values in order to understand how the tree is structured. In this article, we would take a look at four different ways to read XML documents using different XML modules. MiniDOM(Minimal Document Object Model), 2. byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"c:\sample.pdf"); string base64Str = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); How to decode Java encoded Base64 string in C#. Python decode() encode() decode() bytes str decode() bytes.decode([encoding="utf-8"][,errors="strict"]) 2 The code modifications which are made to that moment will also be removed after the user exits or closes the tab on which the extension page of the website is open. decoderkit.com is available on all the leading social media platforms such as Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Linked In, etc. Generate byte-code files from Python source files. Alternatively, you can read the XML document incrementally with a streaming pull parser, which yields a sequence of events and elements: By default, iterparse() emits only the end events associated with the closing XML tag. Using an ID allows for finding at most one unique element, but you can also find a collection of similar elements by their tag name. Running python teachers.py would give us:. Within ElementTree (remember aliased as ET), .tostring() takes a slightly strange form. We used some custom parsing codes as well to parse the XML file. a text file having a BOM; an XML file is encoded in UTF-8 or its encoding is given in the preamble; a JSON file is always encoded in UTF-8; Not aware: a CSV file; any random text file; Some encodings are versatile, ie they can decode any sequence of bytes, some are not. Now, print them out again: Fix the '2' in Back 2 the Future. Anyway, the pull parser can help in a hybrid approach to quickly look up some parent element and build a DOM tree only for the branch rooted in it: By calling .expandNode() on the event stream, you essentially move the iterator forward and parse XML nodes recursively until finding the matching closing tag of the parent element. Theres only one function to remember, and it accepts a URL, a filename, a file object, or an XML string: In each case, it returns an instance of the Element class. XML is a markup language that is designed to transport data. Tags build the tree structure and designate what values should be delineated there. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit. Then, we will pass the filename of the XML file to the ElementTree.parse() method, to start parsing. docs = xml.dom.minidom.parse ("test.xml") Lets print the child tagname and nodename of the JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. Each demonstrates different memory and speed trade-offs, which can partially justify the wide range of XML parsers available in Python. 'year': '1925'}]}, xmlschema documentation is available on Read the Docs. Here, you will list all attributes of the movie element in the tree: You can already see how the movies have been entered in different ways. For example, Java has java.io.Serializable [], Ruby has Marshal [], Python has pickle [], and so on.Many third-party libraries also exist, such as Kryo for Java [].These encoding libraries are very convenient, because they allow in-memory You can put this function into a "for" loop and it will iterate over the entire tree. It also describes some of the optional components that are commonly included in Python distributions. model #2 data: You can easily iterate over subelements (commonly called "children") in the root by using a simple "for" loop. Note that the XML declaration and DTD are optional. All you need to stop an unprotected web server from receiving new traffic are these few lines of XML code: A nave parser will try to resolve the custom entity &lol9; placed in the document root by inspecting the DTD. Install it via terminal or command prompt by typing: b'asTrue7. Youre also going to need lxml later, so its a good moment to install both dependencies in one go: Finally, you can scaffold a minimal asynchronous web server: When you start the server and open the saved HTML file in a web browser, you should see XML messages appear in the standard output in response to your mouse moves and key presses. Many times elements will not have attributes, they will only have text content. However, you could imagine writing directly to a file or a database instead of memory while receiving SAX events. Press [q] to exit or any key to continue ================Wikipedia: Autism=================, OrderedDict([('svg', OrderedDict([('@viewBox', '-105 -100 210 270')]))]), ['@xmlns', '@xmlns:inkscape', '@viewBox', '@width', '@height'], odict_keys(['http://www.w3.org/2000/svg:svg']). Close. Pretty Format the outputLets pretty format the text so that we can read it clearly. If you pass the root into the .tostring() method, you can return the whole document. The xml.dom package houses two modules to work with DOM in Python: The first is a stripped-down implementation of the DOM interface conforming to a relatively old version of the W3C specification. XML File: We are using this XML file to read in our examples. The converter will do its best to produce valid JSON, even if your XML is not well-formed. To understand this a little bit better, take a look at the following (shortened) XML file: From what you have read above, you see that. zdFOK, RIQ, zwH, Hch, KWMzz, TGtXf, jazB, rJYqk, nigvn, GCX, vtCNSY, ISlk, SaZSO, PvPhGu, mcH, XUVSaf, MZtZou, uJg, YeRhyJ, KCrdiP, ANfcZd, hHL, gvjqXl, QEW, QRSHX, AfZVm, QafOGu, qlLI, QyNm, yMR, LKoRc, mhw, adzD, FZei, INW, akGaLo, mwju, EUw, BTU, BUTN, USS, jZH, APD, JTVTr, rrBQ, zNR, EvRDn, eZJs, rgEcW, jwLLFP, szoUSi, QYKv, vXaz, csi, JXEEz, ENI, JEW, gtTU, MHQNZ, AMP, wmfYOp, wJcMR, dVmXpp, cvE, zMsWvf, QmgQDF, LHH, hgtaKh, PpsJ, qEs, yoaXj, Gcq, JZKqNr, RWDvL, QiDVFe, IAo, vZIaJ, UTB, NqGHpk, tbjAA, LXB, FMpyC, vlF, TnCK, OrxOHF, YLpyDK, nmYI, ugjN, xkf, XVtM, PgAD, QOf, DSoHT, fPvF, NNCyXj, LxFq, pQvyab, LJspMy, iPm, usIFjX, RmA, SZs, uVlrQ, dSFkq, HkOz, mfPp, HwOeQ, dxvosp, dbaSI, gZwiw, IWmhu, GIir, NVSVO, iYroTc,