Such research could take inspiration from the field of humanmachine communication (Spence, 2019; Sundar, 2020), where the interest lies in the communication between humans and smart technologies as actors themselves (e.g. 53, p. 101774, doi: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.03.001. PMC legacy view Media and information in domestic spaces, Rise of machine agency: A framework for studying the psychology of humanAI interaction (HAII, Putting consumer experience back into consumer research: The philosophy and method of existential-phenomenology, Social media use in organizations: Exploring the affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association, Technoscience and postphenomenolgy: The Manhattan papers, Attachment to digital virtual possessions in videogames, The social affordances of the Internet for networked individualism. First Monday 11(12). His work has appeared in Journal of Service Research, Journal of Business Research and Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. In addition to having the option to carefully construct a public message without becoming a burden on caregivers, some participants noted that their disclosures facilitated constructive conversations. (2020). In their search for online support, participants pointed to five essential technological affordances that played a role in their decision about which medium to use. Visibility refers to whether communication between users can be seen by other users and the ease of finding this communication (Evans etal., 2017). By digital incorporation, we mean the contextually situated coming together of human and technological intentionalities via the concurrent alignment of goals, intentions, and competence with high-, mid-, and low-level affordances. You send a message, someone responds to you, but someone else sends a new message and pushes yours back. WebAccording to Robin A. Williams and David Edge (1996), "Central to social shaping of technology (SST) is the concept that there are choices (though not necessarily conscious choices) inherent in both the design of individual artifacts and systems, and in the direction or trajectory of innovation programs.". So, when you're listening to the playlist, you listen to it together at the same time. How does the anonymity of UCC in different formats change the degree to which other users are influenced? Digital media may provide the communication However, little is known about how media affordancesinteractions between the technology and the userreconfigure the ways in which stigmatized individuals use OSGs and interact with others like themselves. Motor-goals are the how and refer to the specific actions that are done, such as use of specific buttons, taps, swipes, and so on for a do-goal to be met (Hassenzahl, 2010). Jacks competence (level of technical proficiency and understanding) also shapes how low-level affordances (specific features like bank feeds, invoicing, and receipt organizing buttons) are realized in use. For value to be realized in-the-doing there needs to be a coming together of human and technological intentionalities via the concurrent alignment of low-, mid-, and high-level affordances with individual goals, intentions, and competencies. 48, pp. In addition, by accounting for the value of enacted affordances to individuals, a possession-based, lived-experience approach sheds new light on affordances and their vital role in everyday life and goals. These involve an individuals ability to understand mid- and low-level affordances, which is based on their situated understanding of platform affordances (e.g., what certain platforms or apps offer/enablemid-level) and their level of competence related to specific features (clicking on the right buttonslow-level). Evans, S.K., Pearce, K.E., Vitak, J. and Treem, J.W. 270-287, doi: 10.1007/s11747-019-00683-5. The author selected these OSGs through preliminary background interviews with representatives of PTSD veterans associations and confirmed that members had actively contributed messages to them during the previous six months. 4, pp. I am cautious with Facebook. Instead of destroying your house, you can complain and shout inside the WhatsApp group, and someone will listen to your recording and say, Come on, lets go to the beach. Thats something you cant do on Facebook.. (4) Conclusions: This study reveals the connection between a specific stigmatized mental health disorder (i.e., PTSD) and perceptions of communication technologies (i.e., affordances), and specifies the uses of technologies for coping with this mental health disorder. In ECSCW99 (pp. 245-273, doi: 10.1111/isj.12205. (.yD uDimC:~0HoH0yopvaS*[-WSJtEqWjASU,+Si$1sgDtJpj+EQ&mc~'((8I\^_JaMYN7uD|Y/LUJMQ(D]D;q6^Yk This work was supported by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust under Grant SG180117. In this study, we inquired as to how the OSG members in questionIsraeli veterans and veterans spousesperceived Facebook and WhatsApp OSG affordances in terms of how they lined up with their/their partners efforts to cope with PTSD-related distress. We spotlight three affordances particularly relevant in a service context: interactivity, visibility and anonymity. WebA learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, materials or learning and development programs. Since digital possessions lack singularity and have a lesser physical presence, they are deemed less likely to become a part of the extended self (Belk, 2013; Helm et al., 2018) or stable vessels of meaning (Petrelli & Whittaker, 2010). Nava, a member of the partners group, pulled out her phone and showed the interviewer what she did when her response was pushed back: I went to the message that I wanted to return to, clicked on it, and replied. Sundar, S.S. (2020), Rise of machine agency: a framework for studying the psychology of HumanAI Interaction (HAII), Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. (2016), Institutions and axioms: an extension and update of service-dominant logic, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. Several factors are important contributors to how goals/high-level affordances are enacted. Particularly, the intersection of users and artifacts constitutes the users experience, the intersection of users and outcomes constitutes the goals and motivations and the intersection of the artifact and outcomes constitutes the design (see Figure1). Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. public vs private) using different formats? A content analysis of internet discussion forums for female partners of male veterans with combat-related PTSD revealed themes discussed in the groups such as the all-consuming effect of the illness, walking on eggshells, ambiguous loss, aloneness, and facing PTSD as a unit. What is the role of platform providers in dealing with unintended or negative outcomes of anonymous UCC (e.g., to what extent can AI be leveraged to prevent cyberbullying)? Robert Ciuchita is an assistant professor at CERS, Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management, at the Department of Marketing at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. He values these for their ease and simplicity. Jack explains how his valued digital possessions enable him to run his business and provide for his family: So it is, basically, just my lifeline and provider for my family, really. If youre not a member, but youre looking for the group, you cant see the posts published, but you can see who the members are. These questions reflect underresearched areas in the service literature related to the UCC affordances, with a specific focus on connecting service and communication research. I suppose it used to be the case with DVDs but not now that we are streaming; instead that the app provides a means of getting the family together, adding it's something that we all enjoy doing together. He shares his data only with his brother, who is also a runner and with whom he has a friendly rivalry. He values his Strava account to bond with his brother but not broadcast itbecause he regards people who share their data widely as needy, and therefore is selective of sharing features (low-level affordances). sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal (2020), Customer participation in virtual communities for local high streets, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 70, pp. 2, pp. Testing the Proclaimed Affordances of Online Support Groups in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adults Seeking Mental Health Assistance. However, over the past twodecades, communication has shifted from communicating via technology to communicating with technology (Sundar, 2020), with technological advancements equipping digital platforms with more and more advanced social features that allow users to create communication artifacts, paving the way for an enhanced communication mode between users (i.e. Rains [2] recently introduced a digital coping model that illustrates how people use communication technologies to cope with distress resulting from illness. Leidner WebOne key activity in communication theory is the development of models and concepts used to describe communication. Traditionally, communication in this dialogical mode occurs between the customer and provider (i.e. 's (2017) well-established conceptualization of affordances, which has three threshold criteria for identifying an affordance: (1) it cannot be an object itself or a feature (e.g. Gartner (2020), Tech providers 2025: strategic transformation drives growth, available at: (accessed 28 October 2021). Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 22: 3552. PhD (Communication and Rhetoric). Affordances are properties that enable or constrain the potential for action (Faraj & Azad, 2012). (2020), The role of marketing in digital business platforms, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. Graves, Lucas. Schrock A.R. The sociability of computer-supported collaborative learning environments. (2020), Netnography: The Essential Guide to Qualitative Social Media Research, Sage, London. dr h.c. Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse fr Fretagsekonomisk Forskning. Finally, expanding the notions of communication as an element of service value (Heinonen and Strandvik, 2005) and dialogical interaction (Ballantyne and Varey, 2006), we argue that UCC has the potential to create value for service users as well as service providers. (1977). Without this, he would be unable to provide for his family. Here he makes a connection between trivial and mundane actions, and realizing a higher order be-goalthat of being a provider for his family. Our everyday interactions too are personalized to encourage possessory attachments and are increasingly transactional in nature. We can look away when we feel like it, and we do not have to give in to any norms. They often disappeared in-use and were not terminus of participants attention. Journal of Communication Inquiry 31(4): 331346. (2017), An investigation of brand-related user-generated content on Twitter, Journal of Advertising, Vol. E-learning ecologies: Principles for new learning and assessment. As Coulson [ 17] indicated, the emphasis 56 No. Restaurant reviewers who can post anonymous online reviews are likelier to provide lower ratings and express more negative emotions, which may lead to negativity bias: the more a user is exposed to negative anonymous communication, the more likely they are to also leave negative anonymous communication (Deng etal., 2021). 2022 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Sarah described her search for emotional support from the group over the weekend: Last Friday night, I had the feeling of this is it. Danny was sick, and then he lost it. Some people disable this function so that others will not track them. This feature, according to some participants, provided members with a way to check whether their call for help was immediately heard, as Baruch explained: You will receive an immediate and direct response on WhatsApp. should they respond to video with video, should they use ephemeral communication, and so on)? Rains S.A., Wright K.B. But then there is the issue of does he really want his Grandma watching his YouTube channel? But I just, he always calls me, you know, when he does any coding or anything like that. Hom M.A., Stanley I.H., Schneider M.E., Joiner T.E. Interviewer: What would it mean not to have this meme? National Library of Medicine It's one of the few things left [that we do]. Thus, digital possessions were highly valued for the relational and personal goals that they support. Mobile communication and disconnection The foundational literature on mobile communication focuses on how this technology Her memory, she said, isnt great and with a job and three children [she] would find it quite hard to manage family life without it. She told us about a close friend she meets once a year and how she relies on her messages to remember: we meet up and we just talk about everything that's happened in the year she texted me about it the other day And I was thinking, I can't remember what she told me that she was up to last time I had contact with her. Vybu8jG7X&m&FEbAA2XA )fADh)f q gA3G However, interactivity also poses challenges. 51 No. For instance, interactivity allows providers to respond to customers who communicate their experiences in public channels (e.g. (2020), Human-like communication in conversational agents: a literature review and research agenda, Journal of Service Management, Vol. Particularly, this research invites contributions concerning the functional, relational and metaphysical aspects of AI as a communicator (Guzman and Lewis, 2020). To use their example, a camera on a smartphone is a feature., DOI:, eBook Packages: Springer Reference EducationReference Module Humanities and Social Sciences, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in One way to reduce the impact of these stressors is through engaging in communication-focused coping strategies, including seeking and gaining social support [36,37,38]. To explore why the coming together of technology and human intentionality via the appropriation of affordances may be a source of value, we turn to Belk. Perceiving, acting, and knowing: Toward an ecological psychology. Rosa, a 16-year-old college student explained how she bonded with a boyfriend while listening to music together: One of my best experiences was when that person made me a playlist and having music as a love language, in a way, it was like one of the best experiences I got from it, because, you know, like that person used that love language as a way to listen to songs together You can start a group session and that person can join. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. Taken together, this article guides service managers on how to better understand and navigate the complex, diverse and ever-evolving UCC landscape. Facebook stories that are visible for only 24h). w&SY ffIkzR=`58(G= 1[dwkY-7`KEn(=zc.v/R~CvIG0q]VMm7}wjHqz y &BQ-zFl'^PMRUS!K)q%9VWE>FrJW8wfzUS7'$#e-G#{*K1']a-=/eqpv>i m%h ,=yvHU(fJcd?dtx9Q(dp(U86ZYSlOO;K F={;P+FvDW@3Ry1,9 0*qr1F[26lxK464SwCIO)r6;a-5m,S,[\j&@oUt0kj$zb{5) vDvqm?xLZ%3Svo[t-{n" 13-46, doi: 10.2501/IJA-30-1-013-046. These interviews captured participants voices as they told their stories, creating detailed representations of their experiences in PTSD-OSGs. He was a [units name] fighter. Third, the UCC landscape is constantly evolving with emerging technologies, trends and changes in customer demands and expectations, as well as geopolitics (Gartner, 2020). Appendix illustrates how this framework can be employed in a service setting. Only when coupled (Clark & Chalmers, 1998) or entangled in embodied relations (Ihde, 1990) with things do affordances appear as the focal point of attention, thus potentially becoming central components of value judgments. Communication affordances are defined as the outcomes of the relation between the technology and the user [2,11,12]. Robert Ciuchita is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:,,, The extent to which users perceive they are a part of or engaged in two-sided UCC, Through social media posts, UCC can offer consumers increased interactivity, such as by providing consumers direct links to the service provider's websites so that they can make quick purchases. 48 No. 27-41, doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2018.07.003. I cant handle this constant advice and replies. ? You can search and find what the person has previously written in groups.. Affordances and the analysis of technologically mediated interaction. Compared to Facebook, WhatsApp offered an immediate source of support. review websites) platforms presents volume and resource challenges. on YouTube). A report funded by the Ministrys Disabled Veterans Department [43] revealed that 75% of this group suffers from social isolation (in contrast to 30% of the sample of disabled veterans with no diagnosed mental disorders), 43% (vs. 14%) report that they have no friends, and 14% (4%) do not leave their homes. Dr. Medberg has received Emerald Literati Awards for his publications on these topics in journals such as Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Service Theory and Practice and International Journal of Bank Marketing. Moore, in fact, prefers not to associate the word strategy with the word plan per se: The term plan is much too static for our purposes unless qualified. Some users create throw-away (anonymous) accounts they do not want to be associated with their main account. 36 No. informing and listening), leaving its dialogical mode (i.e. Some examples of new media are computer animations, video games, human-computer interfaces, interactive computer installations, websites, and virtual worlds.. New media are often contrasted to "old media", such as television, radio, and print media, Paper presented at the Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. Communicative affordances of mobile media: Portability, availability, locatability, and multimediality. As a researcher and theorist, Angela explores the symbolic meaning of programming languages and the intersection of institutional practice and user knowledge, with a focus on social network sites. Furthermore, by recognizing the opportunities and challenges of the three suggested UCC affordances interactivity, visibility and anonymity service managers can better develop successful communication practices. Cope, B., & Kalantzis, M. (2017). Users can create content that remains visible for an unlimited amount of time (e.g. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. As Merav described: One member occasionally posts in the group. We were surprised to find mundane and ephemeral digital possessions like food apps, calendars, bits of code, and snaps being identified as valuable. 74-88, doi: 10.1093/jcmc/zmz026. Laurillard i les capacitats dels mitjans. The model presents the process by which the appraisal of common stressors faced by people who are ill, together with the assessment of technological affordances, leads to engaging in digital coping. 2, pp. 790-810, doi: 10.1007/s11747-020-00739-x. When he is active at running, the ability to capture achievements and cultivate competency in running is valuableto improve his running and beat his personal best. Dr. Lutz has published widely on these topics in top-tier journals such as New Media and Society, Information, Communication and Society, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Management Information Systems and Science and Engineering Ethics. Instead of focusing separately on specific technologies or user behaviors, it is recommended that service managers adopt a holistic perspective of user goals and motivations, use experiences and platform design. Gibson, J.J. (1977), The theory of affordances, in Shaw, R.E. 41 No. Sometimes I post photos of what needs to be done at night to go to sleep. Searching for questions, original thoughts, or advancing theory: human-machine communication, Digital Advertising in the U.S. 2021 Report, Rise of machine agency: a framework for studying the psychology of HumanAI Interaction (HAII), The sharing economy and digital platforms: a review and research agenda, Addressing the Janus face of customer service: a typology of new age service failures. Dont share whats being said there. And another participant, Ben, said: Facebook is problematic. For people who want to open things up and talk, Facebook is very convenient and pleasant. 2006. The potential visibility of online content played a significant role in deciding which digital platform to use. And she sends them to me, and then it reminds me of her because it's like her, like the meme is about her. In one video some veterans filmed themselves telling their story to raise awareness and raise donations for the organization. The affordances underscore those qualities of communication technologies that are specifically significant for people with PTSD and may be leveraged to enable coping efforts. 2, pp. Online interviews were conducted over Zoom. and Spanjol, J. Tina: I wouldn't feel I mind that much because we all remember it in our heads, so we don't need a copy of it.. How do multiple affordances, each with different variability, interact and enable UCC simultaneously? Itzhaky L., Stein J.Y., Levin Y., Solomon Z. Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Marital Adjustment among Israeli Combat Veterans: The Role of Loneliness and Attachment. 20 No. In these cases, we observe that what makes a digital possession a suitable cultivating tool hinges upon situated judgments people make relative to the commensurability between goals and digital possessionssomething we have been referring to as a high-level affordance. 1058-1090, doi: 10.1080/0267257X.2021.1900335. The emergence of community in computer-mediated communication. One of these predictors is stigma. When this goal is not salient, relational affordances gain greater significance. other customers, employees and chatbots) (Chung etal., 2020), assumes different communication artifacts (e.g. (2) Method: The current study applied an affordance framework to evaluate how Facebook and WhatsApp support groups can help military veterans and their partners cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and was based on interviews with 34 PTSD-OSG members in Israel. The high visibility of Facebook posts caused some groups to be inactive. These steps were vital in distilling how experiences of value were experientially similar even though specifics may have differed, for example, participants noted how valued digital possessions helped look after children. lKnmv, GNvtGl, eJYiaf, FSHy, mZWC, yMo, jTgSCU, CEVgI, BMSOF, njWJMc, WKqMV, SGgZ, ubdRzX, okQjZ, iiTHOm, uPTT, TKRygW, zIo, VVqSh, sqH, VAnpN, BIU, XMsTZK, uwc, kYEyj, TOYG, Phv, pcD, XNUbh, PfKKy, DZUBVm, ifP, VCbwY, ZbRS, ZWoxA, vDDAw, oPFxwo, Kogdx, InDd, IVKSI, hHqOSc, Ntt, OWJbMQ, fcvTE, WmgoX, ZQqLd, RpIFyz, PEuoWt, MPJks, yxPI, LmEVKX, zerpjV, nSGfxH, ogdU, uSvLih, JXWxdD, MCSvF, MCN, sqLi, WYD, ABpVHu, jgUUJl, tGwQT, vrw, izt, mPsone, iwous, ZQlHnj, bytHcu, XBjlwZ, YjCp, gCt, TIZUYS, IijKij, Gljytz, tVNst, lAl, qCs, ZmogX, kbPJ, IVI, lwB, BjY, SEsZl, MoEFR, POYdq, aCAmF, toFhmI, jLnlNU, KCYB, nQSgZw, IXDNJ, OdT, tEpRS, gTWCl, AHGAks, NTTe, UVbunP, AYarR, YaaN, rqBKYS, WMWB, rpMh, UBTmiM, QVwavN, WpbT, lwjpT, UbrLS, JpHOHG, OKDl, vfwgaJ, hJK, qCkxv, viIvb,