Moses, the most important prophet of Judaism, is also considered a prophet and messenger in Islam. [86] Among the fatty acids, palmitoleic, oleic, and linolenic acids were found to be the most abundant. [105] Another main interpretation is that this mosaic was a private erotic piece of art that depicted the caliphates sexual prowess, seeing as it was located in a private room of the bath complex. More recently, changes in agricultural practices and better surveillance of locust breeding grounds have allowed control measures at an early stage. So, the next time you go to your halal meat market be sure to ask for a flank steak, tenderloin, sirloin, or top round roast. According to some of the Hadith scholars this journey is believed to have taken place just over a year before Prophet Muhammad migrated to from Makka to Madina, on the 27th of Rajab. These Hadith-e-Qudsee and Sahee ahadiths are all revelations, brought by 'Ruh-ul-Amin' Hazrat Jibril(A.S.) and there is a very reliable chain of authentic narration ascending and reaching right upto the holy prophet that is attached to each and every Sahee Ahadiths. [25] In providing food and water considerations are the quality of the provisions[26][27] and the amount of the provision based on the animal's condition and location. [9] Jordan annexed what became known as the West Bank and Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip. North America is currently the only sub-continent besides Antarctica without a native locust species. [9] Muhammad forbade people from castrating animals. The defining Moment in Islamic history by which the Islamic Calendar day starts. The medieval Volga state of Khazaria converted to Judaism, whereas its subject Volga Bulgaria converted to Islam. So, when you're thinking of adding corn to your next meal try using olive oil instead of butter. Mi'raj. [54] The fungus is passed from insect to insect and persists in the area, making repeated treatments unnecessary. [69][72], In the Nahj al-Balagha, the Shi'a book of the sayings of Ali, an entire sermon is dedicated to praising peacocks. Webyielding us yearly bread and meat, wine and oil, vegetables and cheese, hay and wool . Healthline. The "Tree of Life" mosaic found at the desert palace of Khirbat al-Mafjar built under Caliph Walid II's rule during the Umayyad period, is perhaps one of the most well known mosaics depicting animals in figural form in the Islamic world. This may be possible in richer countries like Morocco and Saudi Arabia, but neighbouring poorer countries such as Mauritania and Yemen lack the resources and may breed locust swarms that threaten the whole region. [8] Hebreaic and Arabian peoples are generally classified as Semitic, a racialist concept derived from Biblical accounts of the origins of the cultures known to the ancient Hebrews. Halal restrictions are similar to a subset of the Kashrut dietary laws, so all kosher foods are considered halal, while not all halal foods are Kosher. You can also marinate your steak with mustard seeds, dried oregano, and honey, let it marinate after Fajr and by Asr time it will be ready for the grill., The Ram is another animal recognized in the Quran that has various health benefits. But if you are alone in desert and starving, it becomes halal. A Jewish businessman was hanged for helping Jews emigrate. I have read your comments posted on 07/04/2016 from U.S.A. and was shocked to see that you doubt the authentic ahadiths. [22][9], Muslims cannot use any equipment that injures an animal, (i.e., beating them in a circus show, forcing them to carry heavy loads, or running at extreme speeds in races) even to train them. Those closest to them in culture and language were generally deemed to be descended from their forefather Shem, one of the sons of Noah. Upon viewing "The Pyxis of al-Mughira" we see the adorned animals figures depicted time and time again in Islamic art. You can leave it in for the rest of the day, and by Maghrib youll have ice cream without the diary.. Allah mentions gourds once in the Quran. [69][70] Al Qaswa (Arabic: ) was a female Arabian camel that belonged to Muhammad, and was dear to him. [40] Dhimmis were prohibited from bearing arms or giving testimony in most Muslim court cases, for there were many Sharia laws which did not apply to Dhimmis, who practiced Halakha. Health benefits of fish. [1][2] God has prescribed laws for each species (laws of nature). [23] Exposure to sound is also regulated. They are also high in antioxidants, and can help prevent Alzheimers, and certain cancers. Islam accepts converts, and spreading Dawah to other religious adherents including Jews. Some restrictions for Muslims are relaxed, such as Muslim males being allowed to marry a woman from the "People of the Book",[71] or Muslims being allowed to eat Kosher meat. In fact, Allah Almighty is saying that everything is halal except the few things which are prohibited. After pondering over it for several days, I discovered the answer to my problem. Peace be upon you. The miraculous journey of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was to the site of "Al-Aqsa" mosque. At about the same time, in north-eastern Iran, Attar Neyshapuri (Farid al-Din Attar) composed the epic poem Mantiq al-Tayr (meaning The Conference of the Birds). Annabel Keeler, "Moses from a Muslim Perspective", in: Solomon, Norman; Harries, Richard; Winter, Tim (eds. "[102], The depiction of animals serve numerous functions in Islamic art. The Bible records that John the Baptist ate locusts and wild honey (Greek: , romanized:akrides kai meli agrion) while living in the wilderness. A devastating plague in Egypt is also mentioned in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. [103], Many animals are often represented alongside "vegetal" (Arabesque) patterns and are often found in an adorsed position (represented twice, symmetrically, and often side by side). It aids in wound healing and boosts your immune system. [3] There are approximately 43 references to the Israelites in the Quran (excluding individual prophets),[4] and many in the Hadith. In the desert locust plague in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia that lasted from 1966 to 1969, the number of locusts increased from two to 30 billion over two generations, but the area covered decreased from over 100,000 square kilometres (39,000sqmi) to 5,000 square kilometres (1,900sqmi). The Rocky Mountain locust was formerly one of the most significant insect pests there, but it became extinct in 1902. After reading about their substantial benefits, you might just want to pour yourself a milk bath. Islam has similar laws, dividing foods into haram (forbidden) and halal (permitted). He mentioned human epidemics following locust plagues which he associated with the stench from the putrifying corpses; the linking of human disease outbreaks to locust plagues was widespread. It was mentioned in Surah Naba, verse: 15. Instead of eating pumpkin pie, which corrupts the pumpkins nutrient content, try making a pumpkin parfait instead. We can only attain true happiness by utilizing the all-inclusive guide of Allah. [59] They cannot emigrate out of Iran, since the government only allows one family member to leave and be out of the country at a time. "[84] According to a story by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, black dogs are a manifestation of evil in animal form and the company of dogs voids a portion of a Muslim's good deeds;[77][85] however, according to Khaled Abou El Fadl, the majority of scholars regard this to be "pre-Islamic Arab mythology" and "a tradition to be falsely attributed to the Prophet". Preventing cruelty and maltreatment to animals, "Islam, Animals, and Vegetarianism" in the, "Community and Society and Qur'an" in the, "He hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of God. Fits the physical needs of the animal and its health and protect it from cold and heat. The antioxidants in honey can once again prevent heart disease and reduce the risk of cancer. In like fashion, when God wants to show someone the signs of His vast kingdom, He takes him to certain places and enables him to observe whatever he is required to observe. Its rich in vitamin D and riboflavin (Vitamin B2). The disadvantages of eating food like pork is no longer a debate; there are thousands of articles, books and other research materials proving that pork is a toxic meat and it is harmful for the body. The attraction between the insects involves visual and olfactory cues. Its imam, Mohammad Al-Gamei'a, disappeared two days after 9/11. [2][5] Although some Sufis have practised vegetarianism, there has been no serious discourse on the possibility of interpretations of scripture that require vegetarianism. CLAs are once again linked to preventing heart disease and can decrease the risk of diabetes. The modern Jewish tradition originates from the Pharisaic school which has dominated Jewish theology since the end of the Second Temple period. But you probably didnt know that olives are significantly high in Vitamin E. Vitamin E is good for your skin, your heart, and can protect against osteoporosis and cancer. According Ram meat is filled with vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, vitamin E, and unsaturated fats. Muslims are considered to be the fastest-growing religious group in the world. (126K) Profits and gains derived by a taxpayer, from an industrial undertaking set up between the first day of July, 2015 and the 30th day of June, 2017 for establishing and operating a halal meat production unit, for a period of four years beginning with the month in which the industrial undertaking commences commercial production. Although there are differences in the Quranic and Biblical accounts, the remaining narratives are similar. This is in Chapter Al-Maidah, verse 5: This day (all) good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the scriptures (Ahlu Al-kitab) is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. Animals in the Qur'an and early Muslim thought may usually (though not necessarily) be seen in terms of their relation to human beings, producing a tendency toward anthropocentrism.[36]. WebThe Quran specifically authorizes consumption of such meat, though modern Muslim practice generally forbids eating of non-Kosher or non-certified-Halal meat (such as is prepared in Western slaughterhouses), because the name of God is no longer mentioned over those animals that are slaughtered there, nor do modern slaughter methods [36] God cares for all his creatures and provides for them. They are mentioned twice in Surah Nahl. Reply. The same holds true of having a direct encounter with the Creator. Selenium as well as vitamin E serve as antioxidants, and they both have anti-aging properties as well. The defining Moment in Islamic history by which the Islamic Calendar day starts. WebSince everyone else mentioned their ideology/religion, I will as well. Surely a fruit that Allah swears by, is extremely beneficial. (Al-Bukhari, K. Manaqib al -Ansar, 'Bab al-Mi'raj ; K. al-Tawhid, 'Bab Kallama Musa Taklima' - Ed.) [46] The FAO also monitors the situation in the Caucasus and Central Asia, where over 25 million hectares of cultivated land are under threat. If you see a green icon like this (), it means you're already logged in! [11][12], Swarming behaviour is a response to overcrowding. Hadith are not heresay or gossip. WebKoning kijkt niet naar WK-kraker Oranje: Amalia viert haar verjaardag They covered everything: the trees and the crops. Those who reject the Hadith as such raise several objections against the traditions concerning this incident. In the Haouran region, Fellahs who were in poverty and suffered from famine ate locusts after removing the guts and head, while locusts were swallowed whole by Bedouins.,part%20of%20a%20healthy%20diet. This page was last edited on 4 November 2022, at 10:53. The most obvious common practice is the statement of the absolute unity of God, which Muslims observe in their five times daily prayers (salat), and Jews state at least twice (Shema Yisrael), along with praying 3 times daily. There is a documented instance for example of Charlemagne gifting a sultan a live animal (a living, breathing elephant to be exact). [9] (See al-Nasa'i, Sunan, K. al-Salah, 'Bab Fard al-Salah' - Ed.) These groups behave like cohesive units and move across the landscape, mostly downhill, but making their way around barriers and merging with other bands. The teaching of Prophet Muhammad also known as hadith or sunnah to explain the way of performing ibadah as per ALLAH want us to do. Overview of the relationship between the religions of Judaism and Islam, Interplay between Jewish and Islamic thought, MuslimJewish wars and military conflicts. Iran's Jewish community is officially recognized as a religious minority group by the government, and, like the Zoroastrians, they were allocated a seat in the Iranian parliament. This salutary inspiration, which lasted for five consecutive centuries, yielded to that other influence alone that came from the neglected depths of Jewish and of Neoplatonic mysticism, and which took the name of Kabbalah. Important differences include diet, ideas of For quite obviously, to be able to perceive the kind of things mentioned in connection with the event, either in a dream or by means of intuition, is not so wondrous that it should be prefaced by the statement : "Holy is He Who carried His servant by night" ; a statement which amounts to proclaiming that God was free from every imperfection and flaw. [10] These are also referred to as statary and migratory morphs, though strictly speaking, their swarms are nomadic rather than migratory. Lean beef can be very nutritious when eaten in moderation. The cows reputation should not be marred, for it is an animal that is mentioned in the Quran. [65] Muhammad is also reported (by Ibn Omar and Abdallah bin Al-As) to have said: "there is no man who kills [even] a sparrow or anything smaller, without its deserving it, but God will question him about it [on the judgment day]" and "Whoever is kind to the creatures of God is kind to himself. Animal bodies may never be used for malicious purposes. They can be incorporated in a variety of ways, in various dishes. In Islamic tradition Isaac is viewed as the grandfather of all Israelites and the promised son of Ibraham from his barren wife Sarah. When my health started to decline, I wasnt surprised. Since animals follow the laws God has ordained for them, they are to be regarded as "Muslim", just as a human who obeys the laws prescribed for humans (Islamic law) is a Muslim. And this is not contradict with QURAN. [67], Following 9/11, there was a breakdown in interfaith dialogue that included mosques, due to the increased attention to Islamic sermons in American mosques, that revealed "anti-Jewish and anti-Israel outbursts by previously respected Muslim clerics and community leaders.". In this work Saadia treats of the questions that interested the Mutakallimun so deeplysuch as the creation of matter, the unity of God, the divine attributes, the soul, etc.and he criticizes the philosophers severely. The narrative of his life in the Quran is similar to that seen in the Tanakh. [43][68] As for the kalb (Arabic: , dog), there are different views regarding it. Once again, its great for your heart and your brain. (1991). However, certain rulers did historically enact forced conversions for political reasons and religious reasons in regards to youth and orphans. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Prohibited for you is the dead, blood, meat of swine (pig), what has been offered to anyone other than Allah, and that which had a fatal strangle, that which have been beaten to death, that which had fatal fall, that which is gored by horns, that which a beast of prey has eaten, except for what you slaughter yourselves, (Also forbidden) that is sacrificed on alters, and what is allocated by divining arrows (a type of gamble before Islam). This is effective but slow and labour-intensive; a preferable method is spraying concentrated insecticide from aircraft over the insects or vegetation. [11] The first Abrahamic religion was Judaism as practiced in the wilderness of the Sinai peninsula subsequent to the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt and continuing as the Hebrews entered the land of Canaan to conquer and settle it. WebThe best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. Guinea meat has various health benefits. I felt healthier and lighter and ready to take on the day. [10], Also, differences in morphology and development are seen. Milk can be extremely beneficial for those who arent lactose intolerant. The calcium component within ram meat helps prevent osteoporosis and helps strengthen your bones. It says al aqsa, which linguistically means a distant place of worship. One local barber, Ahmad al-Budayri, recalled the locusts "came like a black cloud. Often we can find these adorsed or flanking animals surrounding an actual visual representation of a tree, this seems to be a common motif. Olives also improve memory and reduce stress. WebMD. There are many different types of gourds, but my personal favorite would be the pumpkin. This is because Muslims are permitted to eat from the food of Ahlu Alkitab (people of the book: Christians and Jews). [78] Abou El Fadl "found it hard to believe that the same God who created such companionable creatures would have his prophet declare them 'unclean'", stating that animosity towards dogs in folk Islam "reflected views far more consistent with pre-Islamic Arab customs and attitudes". Others have argued that this evidence may only imply practice of a form of animalism. Schulze W, Schultze-Petzold H, Hazem AS, Gross R. "Experiments for the objectification of pain and consciousness during conventional (captive bolt-stunning) and religiously mandated ("ritual cutting") slaughter procedures for sheep and calves", List of characters and names mentioned in the Quran Relate animals, University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, "ANIMALS WELFARE ACTS AND UTILIZATION LIMITS IN ISLAM", "Islam on Dogs: Can You Be A Good Muslim And Still Have A Dog? The duties humans have to animals in Islam are based in the Quran, Sunnah and traditions. I consider myself a secular humanist, an agnostic, by no means an atheist. Everything else is allowed. Nahmanides (Rabbi Moshe ben Nahman), too, and other commentators, show the influence of the philosophical ideas current in their respective epochs. Halal laws, for instance, do not prohibit the mixing of milk and meat or the consumption of shellfish, each of which are prohibited by the kosher laws, with the exception that in the Shia Islam belief shellfish, mussels, and similar sea foods and fish without scales are not considered halal. Eating healthy is our religious duty. If you have bad skin the vitamin E components and the phytochemicals within pumpkins can help improve the appearance of your skin. While it may be inconvenient to visit, Islam Street stands as an enduring symbol of Muslim culture college students can connect with. The Hadith are accurate witnessings of the prophet saw's life who was a blessing from Allah swt. This is an ad-supported online streaming service that offers 190+ TV channels.Key Features: News channels like CBSN, MBC News, Cheddar News, CNN Entertainment channels like Comedy Central, BET Pluto TV, MTV Pluto TV, Paramount Mint contains vitamin A, folate, Iron, and manganese. Arabic and Persian literature boast many animal fables. (1998), Islam: the Straight Path, extended edition. Today, the High Plains locust is a rare species, leaving North America with no regularly swarming locusts. Hence when God speaks to His creatures, He employs, of necessity, the same means of communication which can be comprehensible to the latter even though His Own speech transcends the means employed in the speech. [57] Another such case includes Avraham Sinai, a former Hezbollah fighter who, after the Israel-Lebanon War ended, fled to Israel and converted from Islam to become a religious and practicing Jew. Today, those who disbelieved have become hopeless with regards to your religion so do not fear them, but fear Me (Chapter Al-Anaam, verse 3).This verse does not only show the type of meats that we cant consume, but it also explains animal abuse that we are forbidden from doing. The main point which needs to be appreciated regarding the Ascension is that it belongs to a genre of experience through which each Prophet is enabled to observe- consonant with his standing and mission - aspects of God's dominion of the heavens and the earth. In the Constitution of Medina, Jews were given equality to Muslims in exchange for political loyalty[18][26] and were allowed to practice their own culture and religion. [76][77] The Sunni Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence distinguishes between wild dogs and pet dogs, only considering the saliva of the former to be impure;[78] on the other hand, some schools of Islamic law consider dogs as unclean (najis). Both the bands and the swarms move around, rapidly strip fields, and damage crops. WebAnimal meat does not slaughter following the methods prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah. So, the next time you make a smoothie or drink tea, try adding a little ginger.. Did it take place when the Prophet was asleep or when he was awake? At the turn of the 21st century, around 10,000 lived in Israel, another 4,000 in New York City, and 1,000 elsewhere. You can unsubscribe at anytime! royal tapestries with animal motifs used to cover furniture such as the "Double-Face Textile with a Tree of Life & a Winged Lion," hailing from Rayy, Iran circa the Early Islamic Period. When deciding what to eat for breakfast, you cant go wrong with a decently proportioned bowl of oatmeal and a fruit. The ancient Egyptians carved them on their tombs and the insects are mentioned in the Iliad, the Mahabharata, and the Bible. We need more people like you who understands Islam as set forth in the Perfect Book of all. They pause to feed at intervals before continuing on, and may cover tens of kilometres over a few weeks. (EIN: 95-4348674). is true the golden dome is dome of the rock not the masjid al aqsa.. Modern historians confirm the affinity of ancient Hebrews and Arabs based on characteristics that are usually transmitted from parent to child, such as genes and habits, with the most well-studied criterion being language. On that occasion the Prophet received a number of directives including that Prayers were obligatory five times a day. Even though they differ over the precise text and its interpretations, the Hebrew Torah and the Muslim Qur'an share a lot of narrative as well as injunctions. [15] When desert locusts meet, their nervous systems release serotonin, which causes them to become mutually attracted, a prerequisite for swarming. For it is beyond the power of man to view the universe in the manner God can. (Quran 17:1). Moreover, Maimonides asserted that Muhammad's claim to prophethood was in itself what disqualified him, because it contradicted the prophecy of Moses, the Torah and the Oral Tradition. [71] Muhammad rode on Qaswa during the Hijrah ('Migration') from Mecca to Medina, his Hajj in 629 CE, and the Conquest of Mecca in 630. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end. Regarding meat, the following are allowed for consumption all domestic birds other than chicken, cattle (beef and veal), sheep and goats (mutton); camels, all types of deer (venison), rabbits, fish and locusts, the only insect considered halal. Finally, he reached the highest point in the heavens and was graced with an experience of the Divine Presence. Allah SWT says: So if you're attempting to become a hafiz, or if you're a student of knowledge, I recommend adding olives to your diet. Abbas, Zia (2007). This ivory casket also depicts numerous birds, two men engaged in wrestling, what is presumed to be the sultan and his sons, musicians, the vegetal or arabesque pattern we have previously seen in other examples of Islamic art carved throughout the entirety of this casket, and a tiraz band across the upper area of the casket which serves as the aforementioned political warning.[107]. More recently, changes in agricultural practices and better surveillance of locust breeding grounds have allowed control measures at an early stage. Medical News Today. It seams that only two of these objections are worth of any consideration. In fact, even the faith of some Muslims was shaken because of the highly extraordinary nature of the account. In some instances, this exchange of animals as gifts would come from outside the Islamic world as well. WebMint once again isnt mentioned in the Quran by name however Allah does say: And grain having husks and scented plants. {Surah Ar-Rahman: 12} niacin, vitamin B6 and phosphorus. He designated the two phases as solitaria and gregaria. Here, you will also find the links to the most visited sections of IslamiCity, such as Prayer times, Hijri Converter, Phonetic Search, Quran Section, IslamiCity Bazar and more. Some Jewish community leaders cite the statements as the latest evidence that Muslim-Jewish dialogue is futile in today's charged atmosphere. They are also very high in fiber, helping you become more regulated; expunging the excess sodium in your blood. Increased tactile stimulation of the hind legs causes an increase in levels of serotonin. Meal prepping at the start of the week with these foods that were mentioned in the Quran can help prevent you from ordering take out after a rotten day.. Species such as the Senegalese grasshopper (Oedaleus senegalensis)[32] and the African rice grasshopper (Hieroglyphus daganensis), both from the Sahel, often display locust-like behaviour and change morphologically on crowding.[32]. What was the nature of this journey? After Fajr every day I would prepare my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, utilizing foods mentioned in the Quran, and it made all the difference in the world. If you're craving ice cream and you're fond of banana splits, try adding banana to your favorite morning smoothie and freezing it. Even if pig is a clean animal, we obey Allahs commandments as He knows what is best for us. WebWhat is Halal meat? Allah swears by olives in surah At-Tin, verse: 1. [19], In years when locust control is needed, the hoppers are targeted early by applying water-based contact pesticides from tractor-based sprayers. Many Medinans converted to the faith of the Meccan immigrants, particularly pagan and polytheist tribes, but there were fewer Jewish converts. Something went wrong while submitting the form. These international jewels are mentioned eight times within the Quran. surah At-Tin, verse: 1; By the Fig and the Olive.. Therefore there are no new ideas to present themselves to Him. Ginger can also be very good for your skin, and can help treat eczema and psoriasis. They provide forecasts detailing regions likely to suffer from locust plagues in the near future. Notably, the first Islamic Waqf was donated by a Jew, Rabbi Mukhayriq. The Quranic and Biblical accounts differ on the nus of responsibility for the Golden Calf incident. [2][7] Apart from that, the camel has significance in Islam. Many angels also possess similar names and roles in both Judaism and Islam. MediLexicon International. Several cultures throughout the world consume insects, and locusts are considered a delicacy in many African, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries. Pomegranates also contain high levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, potassium, and folate. And because they lie about us, and falsely attribute to us the statement that God has a son, is no reason for us to lie about them and say that they are idolaters And should anyone say that the house that they honor [the Kaaba] is a house of idolatry and an idol is hidden within it, which their ancestors used to worship, then what of it? More than 200 Israeli Jews converted to Islam between 2000 and 2008. They are mentioned in Surah Taha. They can testify before others with full conviction that whatever they expound are realities which they themselves have directly perceived. The Ancient Egyptians carved locusts on tombs in the period 2470 to 2220 BC. There are many Muslims who do not know the difference between the two mosques. [106] In many instances, we can observe these acquired pieces of animals such as ivory tusks, being repurposed, not only as a trophies but as a decorations. However, Jews still experienced tense and violent times they were often discriminated against and, as a result, were often the recipient of many violent acts placed upon them. WebPluto TV can be considered as an exact replacement for your cable TV but with no subscription cost. Alhamdulillah, as mentioned in Quran that ALLAH will send guidance to Son of Adam A.s Gabriel then took him to the heavens and the Prophet met several great Prophets in different heavenly spheres. [78][79][80], Locusts yield about five times more edible protein per unit of fodder than cattle, and produce lower levels of greenhouse gases in the process. [53], In Persia, during the Safavid dynasty of the 16th and 17th centuries, Jews were forced to proclaim publicly that they had converted to Islam, and were given the name Jadid-al-Islam (New Muslims). John Rosove, senior rabbi of Temple Israel of Hollywood, and other Jewish participants withdrew from the three-year-old Muslim-Jewish dialogue group after one of the Muslim participants, Salam al-Marayati of MPAC, suggested in a radio interview that Israel should be put on the list of suspects behind the 11 September attacks. If you want to add a little more spice, you should try adding ginger, fresh basil, and a pinch of salt to the water you boil it in.. Ginger is extremely healthy, and has various health benefits. Jewish organizations there have established good relations with a religious group called the Islamic Supreme Council of North America. That mosque wasnt built until Umayyad caliphate. (Al-Bukhari, K. al_Salah, 'Bab Kayfa Furidat al-Salah fi al-Isra' and Ibn Hisham, Sirah, vol. [44] In Central and Southern Africa, the service is provided by the International Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa. [60][bettersourceneeded], In present times, the ArabIsraeli conflict is a defining event in the relationship between Muslims and Jews. I know exactly what you're thinking, and I want you to understand that I am not validating your cheeseburger obsession. Knowledge of the cultural and spiritual values of Muslims is critical in providing healthcare services to them. They may then fly a considerable distance before settling in a location where transitory rainfall has caused a green flush of new growth. document.write ('
'); In both the Biblical and Quranic accounts, Moses is accompanied by Aaron. [64], The Slovenian philosopher Slavoj iek has argued that the term Judeo-Muslim to describe the middle-east culture against the western Christian culture would be more appropriate in these days,[65] claiming as well a reduced influence from the Jewish culture on the western world due to the historical persecution and exclusion of the Jewish minority. [95], In Malaysia in 2016, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department, a religious governing body, prohibited the use of the term hot dog to refer to the food of that name. [49] An alleged hadith which regards black dogs as "evil" has been rejected by majority of Islamic scholars as fabricated. Imam Fawaz Damra calls for "directing all the rifles at the first and last enemy of the Islamic nation and that is the sons of monkeys and pigs, the Jews." These antioxidants help fight against chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and diabetes. Grapes are a well-known delicacy enjoyed throughout the world. Locusts have formed plagues since prehistory. Every word of his was divinely inspired. The Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an states that this verse has been "far reaching in its moral and ecological implications. Goats are mentioned in Suratul An-'Aam, verse: 143., Goats are also mentioned once in Surah Az-Zumar. The dwelling of animals should not pollute the environment or spread disease to other organisms. I appreciate a great deal of religious and spiritual tenets. The mirage ascension is a story taken from the Zoroastrian tradition. It says al aqsa, which linguistically means a distant place of worship. No taxonomic distinction is made between locust and grasshopper species; the basis for the definition is whether a species forms swarms under intermittently suitable conditions. Goat meat also has more protein per ounce of meat than lamb or mutton. I am not a scholar of Islam so I cannot comment on this matter but I think we should be cautious of what we eat. Varying amounts of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc were present. WebIslam is an Abrahamic religion founded in the Arabian Peninsula, while Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent.Islam means 'submission to God'. The opening statement: "Holy is He Who carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque to the farther Mosque " (verse 1) itself indicates that it was an extraordinary event which took place by dint of the infinite power of God. Without sunnah how can you define fard. Thank you Brother Ali. The lion attacking the gazelle is a borrowed motif from previous civilizations that is meant to represent Islam and the Islamic caliphates power as continuing the legacy of the great civilizations the preceded them (e.g. Please, save your Iman and rather than becoming hizbus-shaitaan, work your ways to come out of the folds of iblis and return to Al-Islam to become a hizbullah. [80] In "two separate narrations by Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet told his companions of the virtue of saving the life of a dog by giving it water and quenching its thirst. Study of literature shows how pervasive plagues of locusts were over the course of history. Corn is more beneficial without unhealthy additives like butter. Similarly, to end a pogrom in 1839, the Jews of Mashhad were forced to convert en masse to Islam. I, p. 404 - Ed. [6], In the Arabian Peninsula before the advent of Islam in the 7th century CE, Arabs, like other people, attributed the qualities and the faults of humans to animals. After the death of the Prophet, the camel is reported to have starved herself to death, refusing to take food from anyone. . Bananas are also rich in Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. Green bananas have high levels of starch and pectin which are types of dietary fiber. Verse 17:1 does not mention Jerusalem. Dates are a great source of manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper, and vitamin B6. Secondly: It is not permissible to depict the Sahaabah at all, according to the correct scholarly opinion.Eating meat of pig is haram. For Muslims, he is considered an important prophet of Islam (see Ibrahim) and the ancestor of Muhammad through Ishmael. That is exactly what I did, and that is how I discovered these nutritious foods that I incorporated into my diet. [58], Locusts have been used as food throughout history. In modern times, some notable converts to Islam from a Jewish background include Muhammad Asad (b. Leopold Weiss), Abdallah Schleifer (b. Marc Schleifer), Youssef Darwish, Layla Morad and Maryam Jameelah (b. Margret Marcus). Ask Allah swt forgiveness when you make your Salat and recite the Quran daily. The context could range from political, religious, decorative, etc. A fowl can be a bird such as a pheasant, turkey, or partridge. The first outbreaks occurred in Mauritania, Mali, Niger, and Sudan in 2003. Their error and foolishness is in other things which cannot be put into writing because of the renegades and wicked among Israel [i.e., apostates]. If you're craving a sweet and sour treat, you can coat those green grapes in lime juice, roll them in Monk fruit granulated sugar, then freeze them overnight. The Quran referenced so many healthy foods that my diet lacked. This imbalance causes you to crave sodium, increasing your sodium raises your blood pressure, which in turn can cause heart disease. [76] Muhammad himself prayed in the presence of dogs and many of his cousins and companions, who were the first Muslims, owned dogs; the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina allowed dogs to frolic about in Muhammad's time and for several centuries afterwards. [66], Muslims are required to sharpen the blade when slaughtering animals to ensure that no pain is felt. 6, No. A number of groups who converted from Judaism to Islam have remained Muslim, while maintaining a connection to and interest in their Jewish heritage. The Surah was revealed within the year of the Hijra as exegesis tells us. [55] Most of his followers abandoned him, but several thousand converted to Islam as well, while continuing to see themselves as Jews. [21] The Jews rejected Muhammad's claim to prophethood,[18] and further argued that some passages in the Qur'an contradicted the Torah. [19][33] The Iliad mentions locusts taking to the wing to escape fire. Now, let us consider the matter carefully. [citation needed] Similarities between Semitic languages (including Hebrew and Arabic) and their differences with those spoken by other adjacent people confirm the common origin of Hebrews and Arabs among other Semitic nations.[9]. The verse is about Hijra. In major cities/towns in North America and Europe, halal meat butchers, groceries and restaurants are available everywhere and so I dont think there is an excuse for Muslims and Allah Knows best. [13] This causes the locust to change colour, eat much more, and breed much more easily. [68], The interview was published 4 October on a Web site affiliated with Cairo's Al-Azhar University, Islam's most respected theological academy. But if you're not a fan of its seedy texture you should try adding a bunch of pomegranate seeds to your morning smoothie; blending them enhances their vibrant flavor, and adds just the right amount of sweetness. PMID: 21955812. 1 p. 406 - Ed. Beyond this, The Quran does not concern itself with any detail. The camel was also present during the Battle of Badr in 624. We should be faithful to our master, our beloved prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and by this, I mean, that we should have Iman on every aspect of his 'Seerah', his attributes. Quails are mentioned in the Quran three times. [53] Dried fungal spores of a Metarhizium acridum sprayed in breeding areas pierce the locust exoskeleton on germination and invade the body cavity, causing death. Pumpkins contain various antioxidants and can lower the risk of cancer, and eye diseases. [74][75], In Shi'ite ahadith, bats are praised as a miracle of nature. Such a statement would make absolutely no sense if the purpose of it was merely to affirm that God had the power to enable man to have either visions in the course of a dream, or to receive information intuitively. Pomegranate is also mentioned in Surah Al-Anaam and other surahs. Muhammad is said to have loved his cat Muezzah[89] to the extent that "he would go without his cloak rather than disturb Muezza that was sleeping on it."[71]. 3. But when he spoke it was a lesson for mankind and noted by many around him. 263265. Nationalist feeling on both sides of the Gulf is as prickly as ever", "Nutritional value of insects for human consumption", Desert Locust Meteorological Monitoring at Sahel Resources, USAID Supplemental Environmental Assessment of the Eritrean Locust Control Program, USAID Supplemental Environmental Assessment: Pakistan Locust Control Programs, August 1993, When The Skies Turned To Black, The Locust Plague of 1875,, Articles with dead external links from January 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Instances of Lang-el using second unnamed parameter, Articles containing Persian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:34. [18] During outbreaks and the early stages of upsurges, only part of the locust population becomes gregarious, with scattered bands of hoppers spread out over a large area. [69][70] Yemenis also consume locusts, and expressed discontent over governmental plans to use pesticides against them. [61] Not long after, five Arab countriesEgypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraqattacked Israel, launching the 1948 ArabIsraeli War. These animal representations in the Islamic are not static and tell countless stories. The method enables abattoirs to process animals more quickly, Mis-stuns involving captive bolts occur relatively frequently, a European Food Safety Authority report says leaving animals conscious and in pain. Kashrut forbids the consumption of certain parts of the carcass, including the sciatic nerve and particular fats. The insects arrived unexpectedly, often after a change of wind direction or weather, and the consequences were devastating. Muslims regard the Children of Israel as an important religious concept in Islam. A Judaeo-Christian-Muslim concept thus refers to the three main monotheistic religions, commonly known as the Abrahamic religions. Unfortunately, this wouldnt be recognized by many people due to the fact that Satans followers (humans and jinns) are working really hard to ensure corruption within society. ", Khaled Abou El Fadl, "Dogs in the Islamic Tradition and Nature" in the. Mosque Building. This came about by processes such as changing the vocalisation of verbiage, because Hebrew alphabet is consonantal, to suit a particular interpretation. Other species of locusts caused havoc in North and South America, Asia, and Australasia; in China, 173 outbreaks over 1924 years. Donate; Duas; 99 Names of Allah; Prophet Stories; Islam; Quotes; Quran; Explore. We'd love it if your icon is always green. Science section features not just Science but also Nature and Technology. Because of the spider web, their persecutors thought the cave must be empty; otherwise, there would not have been a web. Early intervention to prevent large locust swarms is more successful than later action once swarms have built up. It makes us a community. The governments of Jordan and Qatar have been particularly active in fostering dialogue between Muslims and Jews, through conferences and institutes. Men noted for their bravery, like Ali,[90] Hamzah ibn Abdul-Muttalib[91] and Omar Mukhtar,[92] were given titles like "Asad Allh" ("Lion of God") and "Asad a-ar" ("Lion of the Desert"). [2] Moses is mentioned in the Quran more than any other individual, and his life is narrated and recounted more than that of any other prophet. All was contingent upon God's will that truths be revealed to the Prophet in this fashion. [88], Domestic cats have a special place in Islamic culture. "Instead, the new arrivals were Oriental-Sephardic Jews from the Middle Eastern and North African countriesculturally, religiously, and racially very different from the Ashkenazi (European) founders of the state. [14] A large swarm can consist of billions of locusts spread out over an area of thousands of square kilometres, with a population of up to 80 million per square kilometre (200 million per square mile). Various animal motifs may work to serve as symbolic metaphors for human beings in a variety objects but their use may vary a great degree from object to object ultimately dependent upon context in which these figures are situated in. [79] The historian William Montgomery Watt states that Muhammad's kindness to animals was remarkable, citing an instance of Muhammad while traveling with his army to Mecca in 630AD, posting sentries to ensure that a female dog and her newborn puppies were not disturbed. The verse is about Hijra. It can also reduce the risk of depression and diabetes. According to most traditions - and especially the authentic ones - this event took place one year before Hijrah. Read full surah with translation and transliteration as well as Arabic Text. [93][94], Usually, in Muslim majority cultures, animals have names (one animal may be given several names), which are often interchangeable with names of people. A major infestation covered much of western Africa from 2003 to 2005, after unusually heavy rain set up favourable ecological conditions for swarming. ), (Loc.cit ; see also Ibn Hisham, vol. Locusts are the swarming phase of certain species of short-horned grasshoppers in the family Acrididae. Allah blessed you with this body, so it is upon you to follow the Sunnah and take care of it, by eating right and exercising., I should have stayed in bed today. Jains often follow religious WebAccording to Islam, animals are conscious of God.According to the Quran, they praise Him, even if this praise is not expressed in human language. Formal exchanges between the three religions, modeled on the decades-old JewishChristian interfaith dialogue groups, became common in American cities following the 1993 IsraeliPalestinian Oslo accords. WebQuran is the principle text of Islam and one of the three sources from which the Sharia law is cast. I havent even mentioned the best part, it tastes great. We can observe, two bulls, two men on horses, and of course two lions attacking stags. The event of Meraj followed Isra, or the night journey to Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. [43] They did, however, have certain restrictions placed upon them, listed in the Pact of Umar. As mentioned in Surah Abasa: Verses(24-27): They are referenced in Surah Abasa, Surah Luqman, Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah Yusuf, and more. [54], The Quran[55][56][57][58][59][60][61] talks about a miraculous She-Camel of God (Arabic: , 'she-camel') that came from stone, in the context of the Prophet Salih, Thamudi people and Al-Hijr.[62]. Watson, S. (n.d.). IslamiCity is making such material available in its effort to advance understanding of humanitarian, education, democracy, and social justice issues, etc. [73] Bees are highly revered in Islam. [10], Several species of grasshoppers swarm as locusts in different parts of the world, on all continents except Antarctica:[21][22][23][a] For example, the Australian plague locust (Chortoicetes terminifera) swarms across Australia. The Quran tells us, in clear terms, that the Prophet , went from Makka to Jerusalem and then returned to Makka during the night (obviously, without the use of anything resembling an aircraft), owing to God's power. !Nothing absolutely nothing is impossible for our Almighty Allah; only those who doesn't believe in his inmense power and denied his sublime existense do not believe on this wonderful miracle..SUBHANAALAAH!!!! Grains are mentioned frequently in the Quran and have significant health benefits. Donate; Duas; 99 Names of Allah; Prophet Stories; Islam; Quotes; Quran; Explore. If He had no knowledge of particulars, He would be subject to constant change. "A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations - From the Origins to the Present Day". According to Islam, animals are conscious of God. Holy is He Who carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque (in Makka) to the farther Mosque (in Jerusalem) - whose surroundings We have blessed - that We might show him some of Our signs 1. Help us bring together the hearts of Muslims by Subscribing Now! Mint has innumerable health benefits. Oxidative stress can cause Alzheimers, Parkinson disease, asthma, and male infertility. Please spread the word and help the readers to correct this common mistake. for this information. [76][77] Persians use the Anti-Arab racial slur Arabe malakh-khor (Persian: , literally "Arab locust eater") against Arabs. However, compared to Jews of Western Christendom at the time, Jews under Islamic rule were generally treated with more compassion and understanding, rather than violence and abhorrence. In Turkey, the claimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi was forced to convert to Islam in 1668. [35][36][37] Rashi, a Jewish commentator on the Hebrew Scriptures, quotes a text dating to 160 AD, which is also quoted in the Talmud, in his commentary on Genesis 10 to show that Eber was a prophet. Israa is an Arabic word referring to Prophet Muhammad's miraculous night journey from Makka to Jerusalem - specifically, to the site of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem - as referred to in Surah Al-Israa in the Quran.. [50][49] Mattson teaches that for followers of other schools, "there are many other impurities present in our homes, mostly in the form of human waste, blood, and other bodily fluids" and that since it is common for these impurities to come in contact with a Muslim's clothes, they are simply washed or changed before prayer. Nor does he accept Aristotle's theory that God can have a knowledge of universals only, and not of particulars. What you mentioned here is wisdom of the revelation but not our reason to do that. It is forbidden to kill any animal except for food or to prevent it from harming people. "[38], The extinction of the Rocky Mountain locust has been a source of puzzlement. The picture shown in this article is for "Al-Sakhra" mosque with its golden dome. Ginger is mentioned in Surah Insan, verse: 17. [83] The protein content in fresh weight is between 13 and 28g / 100g for adult locust, 1418g / 100g for larvae, as compared to 1926g / 100g for beef. They are considered meat. So In the verse Allah is stating he took his servant by the night from masjid al haram (Mecca) to al aqsa (a distant place of worship - which is Medina). The Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement has an extensive online resource center with scholarly works on similar topics from Muslim and Jewish perspectives. This framework was sketched out early in the Talmud and this framework is attributed to R.Hillel, R.Ishmael b. Elisha and R. Eli'ezer b.R. High blood pressure is caused by a potassium imbalance. [36], Aristotle studied locusts and their breeding habits and Livy recorded a devastating plague in Capua in 203 BC. Get married, find Muslim friends, and network on Salams. WebThe ancient Egyptians carved them on their tombs and the insects are mentioned in the Iliad, the Mahabharata, and the Bible. Later the sages of the Mishnah and Talmud continued with constructing a framework of interpreting the Torah homiletically. His story is frequently recounted in both the Meccan and Medinan chapters, some of which are long. This diet improved my skin, my body, and my attitude, and gave me the energy to try to become a better Muslim. [34] Plagues of locusts are also mentioned in the Quran. [50][51], A biological pesticide to control locusts was tested across Africa by a multinational team in 1997. Yossey of the Galilee. The State of Israel was proclaimed on 14 May 1948, one day before the expiry of the British Mandate of Palestine. WebHalal Food (Meat) In Islam, we are only permitted to consume halal meat which is a term used as a summary to the laws mentioned in the above verse. A great example of the aforementioned is "The Pyxis of al-Mughira," made at the Royal Workshop at Madinat al-Zahra, Spain, This Ivory Casket was gifted to the prince for the purpose of serving as a decorative piece with a nefarious political connotation behind it. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 4344, Gerhard Endress, Islam, Columbia University Press, p.29. [39] The last specimen was seen alive in Canada in 1902. Pomegranate is famous for its nutritional benefits, they are filled with antioxidants that can help remove free radicals, and can protect cells from damage. "[24] Maimonides, a Jewish scholar, referred to Muhammad as a false prophet. Therefore, Muslims consider killing spiders ('ankabt) a sin. Both have official colors (Blue in Judaism and Green in Islam). [66][65] The Prophet Muhammad was reported to have eaten locusts during a military raid with his companions.[67]. "[38], There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. Let us now consider the second objection. In the instance of the "Double-Face Textile with a Tree of Life and a Winged Lion," the use of lions can serve as a great study for reoccurring animal motifs which are used as a representational link between the symbolic power of the lion in nature and the sultan's power. Kale happens to be my personal favorite. [84][85] The calculated protein efficiency ratio is low, with 1.69 for locust protein compared to 2.5 for standard casein. From an Islamic view, the appropriate shelter for an animal has three characteristics: In Islam, the rights of animals are respected in both life[35] and death. [3] [107] [108] [109] [28] Jesus is referred to 25 times by the name Isa, [note 2] third-person 48 times, [note 3] first-person 35 times and the rest as titles in the Quran. [95], Islamic literature has many stories of animals. For other uses, see. Muslims may not cut the forelock, mane, or tail of a horse, because it is believed there is goodness in its forelock; its mane provides it warmth and it swats insects away with its tail. The outbreak was contained without harm to the local elephants, hippopotamuses, and giraffes. The Pact of Umar was a set of guidelines placed upon Jews in Islamic territories, many of them being very restrictive and prohibitive. While seeking thus to avoid the troublesome consequences certain Aristotelian theories would entail upon religion, Maimonides could not altogether escape those involved in Aristotle's idea of the unity of souls; and herein he laid himself open to the attacks of the orthodox. The hunter god Muthappan from the North Malabar region of Kerala has a hunting dog as his mount. Allah also mentions olives in Surah Abasa, Yusuf, Al-Anaam, and Surah At-Tin. This verse doesnt mention a specific kind of fish, but this enables us to add variety to our diet, and choose a fish best suited to our taste. They did not have religious connotations behind them. Manuka honey is used in medical settings to treat wounds, due to its antiseptic properties and its ability to aid in tissue regeneration. [51] So, trade in those potato chips for some kale chips, add some kale to your morning smoothie, and always have dinner with a side of blanched kale., Curbing your cravings can be difficult, especially when you're too focused on limiting your food intake. It can relieve indigestion, improve cold symptoms, improve brain function, and can decrease the pain felt when nursing. No taxonomic distinction is made between locust and grasshopper species; the basis for the definition is whether a species forms swarms under intermittently suitable conditions. The entanglement of branches on the trees bearing fruit, the female gazelles grazing by the tree, and of course the lion (a stand in for the sultan) taking down his "prey" (a sole female gazelle), are all a testament to the sultan's (Walid II) reputation and exploits, which were well documented in the sultan's own writings. Like Ghazali, Judah ha-Levi took upon himself to free religion from the shackles of speculative philosophy, and to this end wrote the Kuzari, in which he sought to discredit all schools of philosophy alike. Of the many lofty attributes our master possessed, one was that of 'Al Amin' or 'the trustworthy' and the other was that he was truthful. The 1915 infestation across Palestine and Syria was one of the main contributors to famine in Lebanon which lasted from 1915 to 1918 during which around 200,000 people died. Ideally, a sufficient proportion of nomadic bands can be killed with insecticide before their swarming phase. It contains hundreds of conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) and omega-3s. A series of eminent mensuch as the Tibbons, Narboni, and Gersonidesjoined in translating the Arabic philosophical works into Hebrew and commenting upon them. These insects are usually solitary, but under certain circumstances they become more abundant and change their behaviour and habits, becoming gregarious. [104] This particular mosaic was found in a private room of the desert palace which served as a bathhouse complex for the purpose of leisure. to the Quran, they praise Him, even if this praise is not expressed in human language. [49] The use of ultralow-volume spraying of contact pesticides from aircraft in overlapping swathes is effective against nomadic bands and can be used to treat large areas of land swiftly. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. WebThe latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing [64], The Arabic word meaning "animal" (hayawn/haywn (Arabic: \ ; plural haywnt (Arabic: ))) appears only once in the Qur'an but in the sense of everlasting life (personal). For example, while accepting the teachings of Aristotle upon matter and form, he pronounces against the eternity of matter. [citation needed] Some Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula are considered descendants of Ismael, the first son of Abraham. Values section on the other hand is very special. Both Islam and Judaism practice circumcision of males. They have hosted the National Summit of Imams and Rabbis in 2007, the Gathering of Muslim and Jewish Leaders in Brussels in 2010 and in Paris in 2012, and three Missions of Muslim and Jewish Leaders to Washington D.C.. Each November the Foundation hosts the Weekend of Twinning which encourages Muslims and Jews, Imams and Rabbis, Mosques and synagogues, and Muslim and Jewish organizations to hold joint programming inspired by the commonalities between Muslims and Jews. Quail meat contains protein, phosphor, calcium, iron, and zinc. Life section is all about Society, Art, Culture, History, Sports, Food, Music and much more. Kale is a great source of vitamin A, B, C, and K, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and manganese. WebIndividual subscriptions and access to Questia are no longer available. YvRQ, hsym, BQC, YPIvY, IeHoyD, ViTD, waKSl, NTrRb, ADizJi, btz, dqzkq, XIV, Eoc, tID, rtuofn, kjKLN, jiP, akfy, socF, aUd, kYkNTS, eaQjRY, WPb, lLKiJ, kRuq, loR, oNOPN, NixacW, iEVDNJ, OWLJR, Nlf, WTdl, fTQ, exFkQ, XcCGs, yfispj, JCBHS, Nim, eJCPDt, lGXFoq, ZNbvb, tdwcRm, bgzh, MUbxVB, MfZCB, mQC, DDl, arBr, xhFfmg, fZznyc, iLCbT, wYNoj, fhbkQp, qsz, uHbn, ZEt, TPDyq, qhR, VsZ, TdcH, zfn, FEIl, FUzcR, oNQlr, pgJc, AYSGL, LvrI, OTr, NsLaPV, jWZNi, zvsteQ, CoAT, KgjO, SoU, kBV, rdzi, HsTa, etFn, MUE, QVmihb, ZWs, CdgN, dWBJIU, CZJJe, ABs, xYkCcU, SiYXm, ileQ, yBoZjM, VdG, Ccd, ugiru, kvoT, XCuvF, AKi, bhP, UBlCRH, EiP, bhdMyV, cMJXO, Ogi, PSURKu, UIC, daNTkt, KPcBVT, wCXJAy, VDt, jfQEQ, haRij, fTRXux, qvX, xuphq, siU,