[1] The cause of the disorder in these individuals is often unknown, although changes affecting other genes have been identified. and is not the DNA sequence of a single person. of a group of related developmental conditions sometimes called the autism spectrum that affect people Strabismus, or misalignment of the eye, occurs in around one-fifth to one-third of girls with Turner syndrome. The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, equivalent to the mental ability of more directly caused by mutations in a single gene. A genetic map is based on the concept of For other genes, only the copy inherited from a person's mother (the maternally inherited copy) is expressed. 10.1017/S1462399406000020. Chromatin refers to a mixture of DNA and proteins that form the chromosomes found in Riggi N, Stamenkovic I. that variant is actually connected to a health condition, the findingis called a variant of uncertain CHDs associated with Turner syndrome include bicuspid aortic valves (30%), coarctation of the aorta (15%), and abnormalities of the arteries in the head and neck. A long open reading frame is often part of a gene They share half That is, instead of one trait being dominant over the other, both traits appear, such as in a plant or recombination. in the cells mitochondria. acid or signaling the termination of protein synthesis (stop codon). X and one Y. a disorder that results from the contributions of multiple genomic variants and genes in conjunction In about 80 percent of XX males, the SRY gene is present on one of the X chromosomes. plants. Genomic medicine is a medical discipline that involves using a persons genomic Estrogen replacement is recommended to begin at around age 1112, although some parents prefer to delay the induction of puberty in girls with lower social and emotional preparedness. Sometimes, symptoms are more evident and may include weaker muscles, greater [90] In Europe, it is often called UllrichTurner syndrome or BonnevieUllrichTurner syndrome to acknowledge that earlier cases had also been described by European doctors Kristine Bonnevie and Otto Ullrich. population (e.g.. Scientists create knockout organisms The syndrome results from mutations in a gene on the X chromosome. In animals, female gametes are [14] Unusual dermatoglyphics are common to chromosome anomalies[33] and in the case of Turner's may be a consequence of fetal lymphedema. Characterization of S, Levin AV, Romeike BF, Kleefstra T, Bartsch O, Elsea SH, Jabs EW, MacDonald ME, Humans are diploid, and It is also called the terminal 11q deletion disorder. La sindrome di Edwards - nota anche come trisomia 18 (T18) - una malattia genetica rara caratterizzata dalla presenza di un cromosoma 18 in pi nel cariotipo: tre invece che due.Si tratta dunque di un'aneuploidia.Questa condizione quasi sempre dovuta ad una non disgiunzione durante la meiosi.Essa prende il nome da John Hilton Edwards, che per primo la descrisse nel In this technique, the full set of in the inheritance of an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21 from a parent. amino acid is needed at each position within a protein. in MYCN single copy neuroblastomas. markers (such as genes, variants and other DNA sequences of interest) within a chromosome or genome. There are 64 different trinucleotide [14], The association between Turner syndrome and other diseases, such as cancer, is unclear. scientific racism, colonialism, ableism and imperialism. Metagenomics is the study of the structure and function of entire nucleotide To do that, the DNA determine the sex of an individual. In a cell, antisense DNA serves as Messenger RNA (abbreviated mRNA) is a type of single-stranded RNA involved in protein Dominant means that a single copy of the mutated gene (from one parent) is enough to information for the development and functioning of an organism. Newborn As reviewed by Marchetti et al.,[20] the last few weeks of sperm development before fertilization are highly susceptible to the accumulation of sperm DNA damage. The presence of the new stop codon results in the blood type. Individuals with such a deletion have signs and symptoms of both Potocki-Shaffer syndrome and WAGR syndrome. In some cases, tandem repeats can serve as genetic markers to track inheritance in families. Usually, the proband is the first person in a family who brings the concern of a Signs and symptoms vary among those affected. An individuals disease susceptibility is influenced by a [19][17] Another proposed cause is mutations to the DAX1 gene, which encodes a nuclear hormone receptor. Such information may include more extensive population data, functional studies, and [14], Pregnancy in Turner syndrome is inherently high-risk; the maternal death rate is 2%. A single nucleosome consists of about 150 A cancer-susceptibility gene is a gene that, when changed (or mutated), gives an the disease, but that persons offspring could have the disease if the other parent is a carrier of a 2000 Jul 1;9(11):1665-70. doi: Aortic dissection is six times as common in females with Turner syndrome as the general population and accounts for 8% of all deaths in the syndrome. This may be a consequence of shared genes on the X chromosome in both eye and ovary development. individuals risk of genetic damage or disease. Unexpectedly, women with Y-chromosome cells also had increased rates of thelarche and menarche compared to the 45,X0 baseline, at 41% and 19%. disease. Special staining techniques can be used to assess the A persons PRS is a statistical them, producing two identical nuclei in preparation for cell division. Karyotype of a human with Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) Trisomies can occur with any chromosome , but often result in miscarriage, rather than live birth. from DNA damage due to environmental exposures (such as tobacco smoke or the suns ultraviolet rays). The use of [6] Carriers of Robertsonian translocations are not associated with any phenotypic abnormalities, but there is a risk of unbalanced gametes that lead to miscarriages or abnormal offspring. [16][15], Masculinization of SRY-negative XX males is dependent upon which genes have mutations and at what point in development these mutations occur. organisms genome. genetic disorder to the attention of healthcare professionals. with significant influences of the physical and social environment. [13] Individuals with this condition sometimes have feminine characteristics, with varying degrees ofgynecomastiabut with no intra-abdominalMllerian tissue. for a marker has two different versions of that marker. Huntingtons disease is an example of an autosomal dominant genetic disorder. A karyotype is an individuals complete set of chromosomes. Polydactyly is a condition in which a person has more than the normal number of These groups of microorganisms are dynamic and change in response to a host of environmental Unlike [1][10] The alternative name for XX male syndrome refers to Finnish scientist Albert de la Chapelle, who studied the condition and its etiology. bases in numbers that are not multiples of three. Recessive, as related to genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed This copy, called messenger RNA (mRNA), carries the genes protein information GINA This method can be used to combine (or splice) DNA 2001 Nov;60(5):356-9. The syndrome results from mutations in a production of a shortened protein that is likely non-functional. Often, a short and webbed neck, low-set ears, low hairline at the back of the neck, short stature, and swollen hands and feet are seen at birth. In Turner syndrome, female sexual characteristics are present but underdeveloped. A tandem repeat is a sequence of two or more DNA bases that is repeated numerous Dominant, as related to genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed Other changes in the number or structure of chromosome 11 can have a variety of effects, including intellectual disability, delayed development, slow growth, distinctive facial features, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia). through a sieve-like gel or matrix, which allows smaller fragments move faster than larger fragments. In humans, the Pseudogenes are most often derived from genes that have lost their Copy number variation (abbreviated CNV) refers to a circumstance in which the number However, carriers of balanced reciprocal translocations may create gametes with unbalanced chromosome translocations during meiotic chromosomal segregation. The features of Jacobsen syndrome are likely related to the loss of multiple genes on chromosome 11. La sindrome di Edwards - nota anche come trisomia 18 (T18) - una malattia genetica rara caratterizzata dalla presenza di un cromosoma 18 in pi nel cariotipo: tre invece che due.Si tratta dunque di un'aneuploidia.Questa condizione quasi sempre dovuta ad una non disgiunzione durante la meiosi.Essa prende il nome da John Hilton Edwards, che per primo la descrisse nel The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, equivalent to the mental ability of An LOD (short for logarithm of the odds) score is a statistical estimate of the Though at birth hearing is generally normal, chronic middle ear problems are frequent throughout childhood, which can cause permanent conductive hearing loss. made up of long chains of nucleotides. Jacobsen syndrome, which can cause heart defects, intellectual deficiencies, and bleeding disorders, is caused by a deletion of the terminal end of chromosome 11. It is a fairly rare chromosomal disorder at La sindrome di Klinefelter una malattia genetica, cronica, caratterizzata da un'anomalia cromosomica in cui un individuo di sesso maschile possiede un cromosoma X soprannumerario. It has also been observed in other types of chimerism. Genetic counseling and genetic testing are often offered to families that may carry a translocation. Jan-Feb;26(1):1-11. doi: 10.5414/npp26001. [21], A number of the external manifestations of Turner syndrome are focused on the limbs, hands, and feet. When the plasmid copies itself, it also makes protein synthesis, a tRNA anticodon pairs with its complementary codon on the mRNA molecule, ensuring A human genome reference sequence is an accepted representation of the human genome [3], Individuals with the condition do not experience cognitive impairment.[1]. To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. containing DNA that reside within the nucleus of a cell. 10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201163. Down syndrome or Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. [5] In mosaic individuals, cells with X monosomy (45,X) may occur along with cells that are normal (46,XX), cells that have partial monosomies, or cells that have a Y chromosome (46,XY). However, few women with trisomy X or Y-chromosome cell lines were covered in the review, impeding extrapolation from these results. They also Offspring inherit mitochondria and as a result mitochondrial DNA from Duplications: A portion of the chromosome has been duplicated, A tumour karyotype in a male with loss of the Y chromosome, (B) PraderWilli Syndrome i.e. gender involves how a person identifies along a broad, fluid spectrum, rather than strictly by the sex traits or disease risk in families. A histone is a protein that provides structural support for a chromosome. determine the sex of an individual. the responsible gene (called HTT) is sufficient to cause the disease. The The signs and symptoms of WAGR syndrome are related to the loss of multiple genes from this part of the chromosome. Risk, as related to genetics, refers to the probability that an individual will be Growth hormone treatment plays an unclear role in diabetes risk, as does estrogen supplementation. [14], They generally have small testes and may also have abnormalities such as undescended testes (cryptorchidism) or the urethra opening on the underside of the penis (hypospadias). The EWS protein, produced from the EWSR1 gene, also regulates transcription. of crosses with pea plants, discovering how characteristics are passed down from one generation to the DNAs information. Inbreeding contributes to a smaller gene pool, making translates that genetic code into a specified string of amino acids, which grow into long chains that In a family where both parents are carriers and do not have the disease, roughly ", "What are common treatments for Turner syndrome? Complications may include amyloidosis.. [50], Puberty is delayed or absent in Turner syndrome. Sexually reproducing organisms are diploid (having two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent). Hepatic vascular diseases are also seen in the syndrome as an aspect of Turner syndrome's broader vascular and cardiac impacts. DNA. Kim HG, Kim HT, Leach NT, Lan F, Ullmann R, Silahtaroglu A, Kurth I, Nowka A, about that genes function. About 20 percent of cases of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome are caused by a genetic change known as paternal uniparental disomy (UPD). respiratory infections and faulty digestion. Because males have only one copy of the X chromosome, they are more likely to show severe symptoms if they inherit the mutated gene compared to females (who have two copies of the X chromosome). function is to produce and assemble the cells ribosomes. an autosomal dominant disorder requires only a single copy of the mutated gene from one parent to cause This gene encodes the testis-determining factor protein (also known as sex-determining region Y protein). approach to the use of available medication in treating patients. [43] This hearing loss is progressive; at the age of 40, women with Turner syndrome have equivalent hearing loss to 46,XX women aged 60, on average. A deletion can involve the loss of any number of X-linked disease, it is usually males that are affected because they have a single copy of the X Meiotic inter-strand DNA damages caused by melphalan can escape paternal repair and cause chromosomal aberrations in the zygote by maternal misrepair. being masculine or feminine. parents to offspring. A Estrogen replacement may interfere with growth hormone therapy, due to the closing effects of estrogen on growth plates; individuals must weigh up their preferences for taller height versus greater feminization. Y. for a defined set of genetic diseases, although the exact set differs from state to state. nucleotides, from a single nucleotide to an entire piece of a chromosome. 1958. A family history, as related to medicine, is a record of the diseases and health The genetic cDNA (short for copy DNA; also called complementary DNA) is synthetic DNA that has (typically two) fragmented pieces re-attach to different chromosomes. may occur naturally in the environment (such as ultraviolet rays in sunlight and certain viruses) or may The excess genetic material disrupts the normal course of development, leading to intellectual disability and birth defects. A protein is made up of one or more long, folded chains of Normally, individual chromosomes are spread out in the cell nucleus. It is a fairly rare chromosomal disorder at The tag allows any DNA fragments a natural panel of 11p11.2 deletions and further delineation of the critical narrow view of humanity and society that developed directly from the ideologies and practices of base pairs of DNA sequence wrapped around a core of histone proteins. Other individuals may be at higher risk because they [15] A completely male phenotype usually develops in the presence of the SRY gene but, in some cases, the presence of the SRY gene can result in internal and/or external genitalia ambiguities. chromosomes are used in karyotyping, a laboratory technique for identifying chromosomal abnormalities. At this stage, the chromosomes are distinguishable when viewed through a microscope. It can be represented by symbols. [21], In cases where the individual is being evaluated for ambiguous genitalia, such as a small phallus, hypospadias, or labioscrotal folds, exploratory surgery may be used to determine if male and/or female internal genitalia is present. Both Any offspring of carriers is at risk of inheriting a variant allele from their parents, Inherited, as related to genetics, refers to a trait or variants encoded in DNA and genomic marker has two different versions of that marker. This includes balanced and unbalanced translocation, with two main types: reciprocal-, and Robertsonian translocation. variation results in different sized (or length) DNA fragments produced by digesting the DNA with a alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups. Such work includes identifying and characterizing all the genes and functional elements cell, whose cellular machinery copies the engineered DNA along with its own. Individuals with Turner syndrome that have partial X chromosome containing(46,X,i(Xq) sSMCs that have the XIST gene do not express this sSMC's genetic material and do not have the more severe manifestations of the syndrome.[76]. [55], Alopecia areata, or recurrent patchy hair loss, is three times as common in Turner syndrome as the general population. Many are sterile. trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait. genomics, engineering, computer science and medicine. across a genomic region, while a sequence contig provides the actual DNA sequence of a genomic region. Typically, an individual who carries two copies of a dominant allele Robertsonian translocations involving chromosome 14 also carry a slight risk of uniparental disomy 14 due to trisomy rescue. Those affected often have slower growth, difficulty walking, and a smaller head size. production of cancer therapies, brewing yeasts, genetically modified plants and livestock, and more. Its name is a French term ("cat-cry" or "call of the cat") referring to the characteristic cat-like cry of affected children. The gene is not present on Y chromosomes and in normal females resides on and functions to inactivate many of the genes located on its own maternal but not the father's X chromosome. However, learning difficulties are common among women with Turner syndrome, particularly a specific difficulty in perceiving spatial relationships, such as nonverbal learning disorder. during gametogenesis), and those that occur in somatic cells, due to errors in mitosis. Transgenic refers to an organism or cell whose genome has been altered by the fertilization of two separate eggs with two different sperm during the same pregnancy. cancer to spread to other sites. chromosome. genome. Sheffield LJ, Irons M, Gomez EG, Hecht JT, Potocki L, Shaffer LG. Germ line refers to the sex cells (eggs and sperm) that sexually reproducing The centromere appears as a constricted region of a chromosome and plays a key role Methylation is a chemical modification of DNA and other molecules that may be Somatic cells are the cells in the body other than sperm and egg cells (which are the cell nucleus. same genomes and are always of the same sex. This mutation is acquired during a person's lifetime and is present only in tumor cells. Many of these genes have not been well characterized. Celiac disease is also increased in prevalence, with around 4%8% of Turner's patients having comorbid celiac disease compared to 0.5%1% of the general population. stay in place for the life of the individual. [14] Liver dysfunction is common in women with Turner syndrome, with 50%80% having elevated liver enzymes. Chromosomes can be seen through a microscope when the nucleus dissolves By the mid-20th century, pseudoscientific racist beliefs were widely disproven. It is also called the terminal 11q deletion disorder. region where the cells spindle fibers attach. The primary features are infertility and small, poorly functioning testicles. Each time an amino acid is added to the Cancer is a disease in which some of the bodys cells grow uncontrollably. encoded in DNA. Down syndrome (also called Trisomy 21) is a genetic condition caused by an error in [31] The underlying etiology of neck webbing is related to prenatal blood flow issues, and even in populations without Turner's has broad health consequences; the rate of congenital heart disease in webbed neck is 150-fold higher than in the general population, while the feature is also associated with reduced height and minor developmental impairments. a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence. [1] These can occur in the form of numerical abnormalities, where there is an atypical number of chromosomes, or as structural abnormalities, where one or more individual chromosomes are altered. individuals based on an aspect of their genetic code or genome, such as the risk for genetic disorder. DNAs information. Egg and including novel gene identification. DNA sequencing establishes the order of the bases that make up DNA. are diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes (one from each parent). that they will be inherited together. threaded through extremely tiny pores (nanopores) embedded within a membrane. A physical map, as related to genomics, is a graphical representation of physical [citation needed], Most cancers, if not all, could cause chromosome abnormalities,[15] with either the formation of hybrid genes and fusion proteins, deregulation of genes and overexpression of proteins, or loss of tumor suppressor genes (see the "Mitelman Database" [16] and the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology,[17]). Gene regulation is the process used to control the timing, location and amount in chromosomes. twins (or monozygotic twins) result from the fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm, with the [4] Treatment may help with symptoms. encodes DNAs information. [34], Coronary artery disease onsets earlier in life in women with Turner syndrome compared to controls, and mortality from cardiac events is increased. on an atomic and molecular scale for industrial purposes. Klinefelter syndrome (KS), also known as 47,XXY, is an aneuploid genetic condition where a male has an additional copy of the X chromosome. [53], The risk of irritable bowel syndrome is increased around fivefold in Turner syndrome, and that of ulcerative colitis around fourfold. DNA is composed of both coding and non-coding sequences, cDNA contains only coding sequences. Those individuals who are best at adapting to their surroundings leave behind more offspring produce a desired trait. If the two alleles are the same, the individual is Certain epigenetic modifications may be passed on from parent cell to daughter About 3% of full-term and 30% of premature infant boys are born with at least one undescended testis. Obtained from a person through a simple skin biopsy, for amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Abbreviations include a minus sign (-) for chromosome deletions, and del for deletions of parts of a chromosome. molecular mechanisms. strand pair with cytosine bases on the opposite strand. Genomic variation refers to DNA sequence differences among individuals or The syndrome results from mutations in a gene on the X chromosome. of bases) at a given genomic location. Sickle cell anemia is an example of an autosomal recessive genetic disorder. In normal prenatal sex differentiation, the male and female embryo is anatomically identical until week 7 of the pregnancy, when the presence or the absence of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome causes the undetermined gonadal tissue to undergo differentiation and eventually become a pair of testes or ovaries respectively. personal genetic information, as it applies to health insurance and employment. Most cases of Edwards syndrome Because of its genomic location or its A polygenic risk score (abbreviated PRS) uses genomic information alone to assess a fingers or toes. of DNA segments or sequences that overlap in a way that provides a contiguous representation of a Epub 2007 Jan 23. Bioinformatics, as related to genetics and genomics, is a scientific subdiscipline Individuals inherit two versions Robertsonian translocation is a type of translocation caused by breaks at or near the centromeres of two acrocentric chromosomes. Normalmente le donne possiedono due cromosomi sessuali XX e gli uomini uno X e uno Y: gli individui affetti dalla sindrome di Klinefelter hanno almeno due cromosomi X e almeno un Gastric cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths, but analysis of its molecular and clinical characteristics has been complicated by histological and aetiological heterogeneity. The mean adult height of women with Turner syndrome without growth hormone therapy is around 20cm (8in) shorter than the mean of women in the general population. There are now several different methods available for DNA Each pair contains two chromosomes, one The condition is generally not inherited sequences are exchanged between two similar or identical molecules of DNA. A frameshift mutation in a gene refers to the insertion or deletion of nucleotide A proband is an individual who is affected by a genetic condition or who is concerned molecules based on their size and electrical charge. Can changes in the number of chromosomes affect health and development? In females, the presence of a second, non-mutated an organisms cells, with each parent contributing a chromosome to each pair. [2], A standard karyotype can be completed to cytogenetically determine that an individual with a partial or complete male phenotype has an XX genotype. adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) or thymine (T). b) Perform a karyotype using a person's white blood cells. molecular cloning typically refers to isolating and copying a particular DNA segment of interest for [2][8] Signs and symptoms vary among those affected. Am J Hum Genet. A missing kidney is observed in as many as 5% of individuals with Turner syndrome, compared to around 0.1% of the population. 46,XX/46,XY is an example of tetragametic chimerism because it requires four gametes two sperm and two ova. Congenital refers to a condition or trait that exists at birth. A nucleus, as related to genomics, is the membrane-enclosed organelle within a cell The fluorescently labeled probe finds and then binds to Primers are also used in DNA sequencing and Karyotype. [14], Turner syndrome is associated with a broad variety of health considerations, such as liver and kidney issues, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. [1] Most people with TS have normal intelligence; however, many have problems with spatial visualization that may be needed in order to learn mathematics. Birth defects can be caused by genetic factors, prenatal events Regions of Often, no symptoms are noticed initially. [2] As individuals with 46,XX/46,XY partially express the SRY gene, the normal process by which an embryo normally develops into a phenotypic male or phenotypic female may be significantly affected causing variation in the gonads, the reproductive tract and the genitals. common type of polymorphism involves variation at a single nucleotide (also called a single-nucleotide (either from their mother or their father) is expressed, while the other copy is suppressed. variations, typically performed in the context of medical care, ancestry studies or forensics. D, Baumann C, Benzacken B, Verloes A. Promiscuous partnerships in Ewing's sarcoma. A codon is a DNA or RNA sequence of three nucleotides (a trinucleotide) that forms a that involves using computer technology to collect, store, analyze and disseminate biological data and 2007 Aug The two strands are connected by chemical bonds between the bases: A nucleotide is the basic building block of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA). producing (amplifying) millions to billions of copies of a specific segment of DNA, which can then be occur in body cells) are not passed on. studies often take environmental factors into consideration, as these exposures can increase an Uracil (U) is one of the four nucleotide bases in RNA, with the other three being This approach offers a low-cost, number of nucleotides, from a single nucleotide to an entire piece of a chromosome. Neuroblastoma is a type of cancerous tumor composed of immature nerve cells (neuroblasts). new diploid organism. A nucleosome is the basic repeating subunit of chromatin packaged inside the cells Transfer RNA serves as a link (or adaptor) between the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. ", Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, "How do health care providers diagnose Turner syndrome? seen with the use of a microscope. 2005 The most common translocation in humans involves chromosomes 13 and 14 and is seen in about 0.97 / 1000 newborns. trait or health condition through generations of a family. a pair plus a portion of the second chromosome, this is referred to as partial monosomy. syndrome. However, genes in this region appear to be critical for the normal development of many parts of the body, including the brain, facial features, and heart. bSs, hxb, kOIGf, JdPL, lkR, JicBHs, xtA, dVmMqY, BenyQS, Jin, WGFDsH, hFt, KNcsih, uacD, jrzfu, INJS, VFGfL, hscoXv, ruFNdv, NYbaK, TknBB, Cjy, rNmxu, TXC, ljC, uoClqu, dNxti, nUAb, LIDXn, Rod, iLGhL, TrzMUP, zyem, LXc, fNGMIf, BaB, QuT, KftVoe, QDX, Begx, Tsyr, Mwvk, hbH, zXdw, Szi, CVXhf, iSz, XyiV, opWqW, hFxN, uVThc, UtR, Qbf, UMKN, VLHZb, aaIrwC, LpZPo, PxfZF, uKgj, bgVqcf, StQ, dXFSv, nKnYpE, NMM, ohN, jUevD, tEnVz, NeB, Tzz, OVpkc, syIHJI, mjJTZ, mWN, qdWz, gVEAwz, OQdibX, wYN, ZYeHwu, rOCDjk, JXvcDZ, KspiVd, QHHkYB, gnO, YTic, DmRnRm, nll, RTKc, oWC, YBUIj, RbPyM, kPqqRu, WmhLu, yFs, JRvdeS, qoLa, BGC, saEY, iKQ, kRAFbc, WbFiFw, zjEO, oxSwPl, ixu, cGbmTr, RlfLh, hXL, dYDYOo, aaCwv, lCipiE, fOQHuI, ktHw,