The work by Karl William Kapp[72] argues that the concept of "externality" is a misnomer. [64][65][63], Ecological economics criticizes the concept of externality because there is not enough system thinking and integration of different sciences in the concept. Example 14.6.4 Determine the size of a flash vessel to suit the following conditions: The pressure onto the steam traps is 12 bar g with a total condensate flow of 2500 kg/h. Consideration must be given to the pump filling head in that it needs to be greater than the pressure drop across the flash condenser tubes under full-load conditions. Used in the vacuum system on the vacuum pump to decontaminate small amounts of moisture in the vacuum pump oil. All three offerors submitted timely revised proposals. All consumers are all made worse off by pollution but are not compensated by the market for this damage. In the transport of vials to the lyophilizer, since they are not sealed, there is concern for the potential for contamination. Boiler blowdown contains massive quantities of heat, which can easily be recovered as flash steam. Because both types of steam are produced in the boiler, it is impossible to differentiate between them. Accordingly, we deny this ground of protest. This results in relatively large voids, which aid in the escape of water vapor during sublimation. Generally, lyophilizers should be sterilized after each cycle because of the potential for contamination of the shelf support rods. Challenges to the Evaluation of Alions Proposal. It is necessary to monitor the leak rate periodically to maintain the integrity of the system. This visualization demonstrates how methods are related and connects users to relevant content. Learn More about Embedding icon link (opens in new window). Continuous blowdown lends itself to the recovery of the heat content of the blowdown water and can enable considerable savings to be made. The second phase provides for sterilization of the chamber and piston with the shelves collapsed. For example, suppose a firm produces pollution that harms another firm. Public Finance & Public Policy. There should be provisions in place for the corrective action to be taken when these atypical situations occur. If the trap in Example 14.6.1 discharged condensate at 15C below the steam saturation temperature, then the available heat in the condensate would be less. Further, our review of the record does not reveal any material inconsistencies between the relevant portions of ManTechs proposal. Typically, biological indicators are used in lyophilizers to validate the steam sterilization cycle. If the sterilizing filter is found to pass the integrity test after several uses or batches, then one could claim its integrity for the previous batches. He uses the example of road congestion to make his point. We dismiss the protest grounds on which Alion did not comment as abandoned. Obviously, the portions of the ram entering the chamber to collapse the shelves enters from a non-sterile area. "Issues in the Design of Excise Tax. [7] In its discussion of a separate ground of protest, Alion identifies one inconsistency between ManTechs labor basis of estimate and cost proposal. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. A mechanical way of reducing the pressure in a vessel below atmospheric pressure to where sublimation can occur. [17], A positive production externality occurs when a firm's production increases the well-being of others but the firm is uncompensated by those others, while a positive consumption externality occurs when an individual's consumption benefits other but the individual is uncompensated by those others. As noted above, the FOPR required the agency to evaluate proposals under the labor basis of estimate subfactor considering qualifications, skill sets, certifications, clearances, and scheduled labor hours. AR, Tab 7a, FOPR Evaluation Criteria at 3. The contemporaneous record demonstrates that the agency evaluators considered aspects of ManTechs proposal that described its software deployment and implementation process. Wherever possible, the best arrangement is to use flash steam from process condensate to supply process loads - and flash steam from heating condensate to supply heating loads. Later, Wilbur Schramm, who talked about the model in his book, The Process and Effects of Communication, adapted the model and added the notion of field of experience, or commonality, to the mix. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. This clean area, previously discussed, represents a critical processing area for a product made by aseptic processing. The major breach that occurred at national consumer reporting agency Equifax in 2017 demonstrates the importance of clear lines of reporting and accountability in management of information security programs. The concern with any microbiological level is the possible increase in endotoxins that may develop. The process will use roughly 6 kilograms of cooling water per kilogram of flash steam condensed. This would allow firms to pollute at the amount where the marginal cost of polluting equals the marginal benefit of another unit of pollution, thus leading to efficiency. The assumptions underlying CVP analysis are: These are simplifying, largely linearizing assumptions, which are often implicitly assumed in elementary discussions of costs and profits. The condensate from approximately 90% of the heaters is collected and taken to a flash recovery vessel. Comments & Supp. Id. The assumption of linear property of total cost and total revenue relies on the assumption that unit variable cost and selling price are always constant. This provides a greater assurance of sterility, particularly in those situations in which there is some equipment malfunction and the vacuum in the chamber is deeper than in the condenser. The agency explains that ManTechs revised cost proposal in response to amendment 0003 lowered certain labor rates and changed corresponding cost codes, but did not change the proposed labor categories and skill sets. The pressure rise found acceptable at validation should be used to determine the acceptable pressure rise during production. The FOPR stated that the mission capability factor was significantly more important than cost. 3406(f). Initially, high velocities with inadequate return caused a contamination problem in a media fill. Any gas of a group including helium, radon and nitrogen, formerly considered chemically inactive. Therefore, the amount of flash steam produced can depend on the type of steam trap used, the steam pressure before the trap, and the condensate pressure after the trap. After steam sterilization, there is often some condensate remaining on the floor of the chamber. Most of the newer units provide for the capability of sterilization of the condenser along with the chamber, even if the condenser is external to the chamber. Administrators and Non-Institutional Users: Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Add this content to your learning management system or webpage by copying the code below into the HTML editor on the page. See, e.g., Id. [13] Alion also alleges that the weakness at issue was unreasonable because it was based on unstated evaluation criteria, in part based on the agencys reference in the weakness to the speed and accuracy of delivery as one of the Navys objectives, referred to as Compile to Combat in 24 Hrs. Protest at 1819; Comments & Supp. Some of these incorporate a second coil, fitted close to the bottom of the vessel adjacent to where the cold feedwater enters. Comments at 1517. Obviously, the batching or compounding of these bulk solutions should be controlled in order to prevent any potential increase in microbiological levels that may occur up to the time that the bulk solutions are filtered (sterilized). SAGE Publications, Inc., "[41] Robert H. Frank gives the following example: Frank notes that treating positional externalities like other externalities might lead to "intrusive economic and social regulation. [18] Barry Commoner commented on the costs of externalities: Clearly, we have compiled a record of serious failures in recent technological encounters with the environment. See Tec-Masters, Inc., B-416235, July 12, 2018, 2018 CPD 241 at 6. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Accordingly, we deny this ground of protest.[11]. A device to pass thermocouple wires through and maintain a vacuum tight vessel. The other curve is the true cost that society as a whole pays for production and consumption of increased production the good, or the marginal social cost. The question of the number of units needed for media fills when the capacity of the process is less than 3000 units is frequently asked, particularly for clinical products. copyright 2003-2022 Care must be taken when attempting flash steam recovery with condensate from temperature controlled equipment. The tax incentivised producers to either lower their production levels or to undertake abatement activities that reduce emissions by switching to cleaner technology or inputs.[60]. WebThis demonstrates an economic principle called _____. SAGE Research Methods, 12 Dec 2022, doi: Where, as here, the solicitation anticipates the use of a best-value tradeoff source selection methodology as opposed to a source selection methodology based on low price and technical acceptability, the evaluation of proposals is not limited to determining whether a quotation is merely technically acceptable; rather, proposals should be further differentiated to distinguish their relative quality under each stated evaluation factor by considering the degree to which technically acceptable proposals exceed the stated minimum requirements or will better satisfy the agencys needs. The Index, Readers Guide themes, and Cross References will combine to provide robust search-and-browse in the e-version. 1 When you hang up, you promise to chat again soon. Thus, we fail to see how this single noted discrepancy between the relevant sections of ManTechs proposal provides a basis to sustain the protest. Following notice of the agencys award decision and a debriefing, Alion filed the instant protest on May 24. Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity.. Management consultant Joseph M. Juran developed the concept in the context of quality control and improvement after Figure 7 demonstrates the characteristics of the NMC. For example, a person who gets a flu vaccination cannot own part of the herd immunity this confers on society, so they may choose not to be vaccinated. After passing through the steam trap, the pressure in the condensate return line is 0 bar g. At this pressure, the maximum amount of heat each kilogram of condensate can hold is 419 kJ and the maximum temperature is 100C. A reference which provides for this type of monitoring is the USP XXII discussion of the Interpretation of Sterility Test Results. One of the biggest focal points of this model is the interpretation aspect of the communication. In terms of the lyophilization process, this is the vessel that collects the moisture on plates and holds it in the frozen state. The firm initially argued that the agency unreasonably failed to assign strengths to several aspects of its proposal under the technical approach subfactor, and challenged several aspects of the evaluation of ManTechs proposal under the management approach subfactor and the cost realism analysis of direct labor rates. WebThe Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (the "vital few"). One micron = one Mtorr or 25,400 microns = 1" Hg., or 760,000 microns = one atmosphere. This marginal external benefit of getting a smallpox shot is represented by the vertical distance between the two demand curves. Separates the oil from the compressor discharge gas and returns the oil through the oil float trap and piping to the compressor crankcase. 2. Berger, Sebastian (2017) The Social Costs of Neoliberalism: Essays in the Economics of K. William Kapp. Unfortunately, some manufacturers have allowed the chamber to come to and remain at atmospheric pressure with the drain line open. [76] Internalizing the odd externality does nothing to address the structural systemic problem and fails to recognize the all pervasive nature of these supposed 'externalities'. A surface sample taken from the floor below the door also revealed Pseudomonas sp. A small glass bottle with a flat bottom, short neck and flat flange designed for stoppering. Some collective solution is needed, such as a court system to allow parties affected by the pollution to be compensated, government intervention banning or discouraging pollution, or economic incentives such as green taxes. Obviously, the lyophilizer chamber is to be sterilized between batches because of the direct means of contamination. C) The typical buying center has five employees, one to assume each of the buying center's roles. The review of Preventive Maintenance Logs, as well as Quality Assurance Alert Notices, Discrepancy Reports, and Investigation Reports will help to identify problem batches when there are equipment malfunctions or power failures. The most concentrated reconstituted solution will usually exhibit degradation at a faster rate than less concentrated solutions. Correction tax, respectively subsidy, means essentially any mechanism that increases, respectively decreases, the costs (and thus price) associated with the activities of an individual or company.[52]. Alion argues that this aspect of the agencys evaluation demonstrates that not all Cyber IT/CSWF positions proposed by ManTech met the PWSs requirements.[6]. In order to provide guidance and information to investigators, some industry procedures and deficiencies associated with lyophilized products are identified in this Inspection Guide. The port is steam sterilized when the chamber is sterilized, and then the sterilizing filter, previously sterilized, is aseptically connected to the chamber. These would be the thermal fluid circulated through the shelves for product heating and cooling, the refrigerant employed inside the vapor condenser cooling surface and oil vapors that may migrate back from the vacuum pumping system. Flash steam supply and demand not in-step. The liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser/receiver at cooling water temperature is sub-cooled to a temperature of +15oF (-10oC) to -15oF (-25oC). Typically, the lyophilization process includes the stoppering of vials in the chamber. For the single door unit, leakage prior to stoppering around the door seal is not a major problem from a sterility concern, because single door units only open into sterile areas. The steam traps and the equipment they are draining must be able to function satisfactorily against the backpressure applied by the flash system. He (the sender) is able to deliver his message to the nurse (the recipient), and then the nurse is able to ask questions of the doctor, making the nurse the sender and the doctor the recipient. AR, Tab 24a, Alion Consensus Evaluation at 1421. Comments at 2426. From the perspective of the neighbour he has no incentive to purchase bees himself as he is already benefiting from them at zero cost. If site conditions and layout permit, the flash vessel and the steam trap draining the preheater should be located far enough below the preheater condensate outlet to give enough hydrostatic head to push the condensate through the trap. The agency used a page numbering system to provide a single set of page numbers within each exhibit. This supplies low pressure steam to the remaining 10% of the heaters. [15] Comments & Supp. The vacuum valve between the chamber and external condenser. Some of the variables would include freezing rate and temperature ramping rate. AR, Tab 24, Fair Opportunity Proposal Analysis at 2324; AR, Tab 25, SSDD at 4. Tricia is not in a great mood, though, because she and her husband had a fight just before the friends arrived. 10 U.S.C. [31] Similar to a negative externality, it can arise either on the production side, or on the consumption side. AR, Tab 25, SSDD at 34; AR, Tab 7a, FOPR Evaluation Criteria at 1. For example, planting trees makes individuals' property look nicer and it also cleans the surrounding areas. . The issue of external benefits is related to that of public goods, which are goods where it is difficult if not impossible to exclude people from benefits. ", Pearce, Fred "Blueprint for a Greener Economy", Hawken, Paul (1994) "The Ecology of Commerce" (Collins), Hawken, Paul; Amory and Hunter Lovins (2000) "Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution" (Back Bay Books). [12] For example, the PWS states that task 5 shall focus on the continued development and incorporation of . As an example, when steam is taken from a boiler and the boiler pressure drops, some of the water content of the boiler will flash off to supplement the live steam produced by the heat from the boiler fuel. Stay informed as we add new reports & testimonies. ", to which Barry, still agitated from having sat in traffic, replied, "Oh, shut up. Comments & Supp. Source: Cadex Summary Table. AR, Tab 7a, FOPR Evaluation Criteria at 1. "[41] He argues, however, that less intrusive and more efficient means of "limiting the costs of expenditure cascades"i.e., the hypothesized increase in spending of middle-income families beyond their means "because of indirect effects associated with increased spending by top earners"exist; one such method is the personal income tax.[41]. Externalities can sometimes be resolved by agreement between the parties involved. In response, Alion did not rebut or address many of the agencys arguments, noting that it still thought that the cost realism analysis was deficient, albeit mostly for different reasons than Alion initially alleged. Comments & Supp. at 5. Alion challenges the reasonableness of the agencys assessment of weaknesses with its proposal under the technical approach subfactor. During inspections and in the review of new facilities, the failure to provide laminar flow coverage or a primary barrier for the transport and loading areas of a lyophilizer has been regarded as an objectionable condition. Another negative aspect is the relative simplicity of the model. AR, Tab 10, ManTech Proposal, Vol. Some manufacturers have placed "spacers" between shelves to prevent their total collapse. 0003, PWS at 12. For example, the presence of Pseudomonas sp. The production of a public good has beneficial externalities for all, or almost all, of the public. In the lyophilization process it is used to control the shelf temperature, both for cooling and keeping the shelf temperature from overheating using a temperature controller. 0003, PWS at 12.[13]. Fixed costs are unlikely to stay constant as output increases beyond a certain range of activity. These costs prevent economic agents from making exchanges they should be making. The protester challenges several aspects of the agencys evaluation under the labor basis of estimate subfactor. It is desirable after freezing and during primary drying to hold the drying temperature (in the product) at least 4-5o below the eutectic point. Alion specially points to the evaluators finding that [DELETED] out of [DELETED] proposed positions in the computer security systems engineers, networks engineers, and systems engineers labor categories meet the Cyber IT/CSWF qualification requirement. [62], A 2020 scientific analysis of external climate costs of foods indicates that external greenhouse gas costs are typically highest for animal-based products conventional and organic to about the same extent within that ecosystem-subdomain followed by conventional dairy products and lowest for organic plant-based foods and concludes that contemporary monetary evaluations are "inadequate" and that policy-making that lead to reductions of these costs to be possible, appropriate and urgent. Find step-by-step guidance to complete your research project. You will still have to earn more than $10000 to actually have $10000 to spend (on anything). Starring John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Ving Rhames, and Uma Thurman, it tells several stories of crime in Los Angeles, California.The title refers to the pulp magazines and hardboiled crime novels popular Comments & Supp. The quantity is readily determined by calculation, or can be read from simple tables or charts. Similarly, Ludwig von Mises argues that externalities arise from lack of "clear personal property definition.". 1-4). In CEdge, similar to the instant protest, the agency was to evaluate a single non-price factor consisting of multiple subfactors and assign adjectival ratings to each subfactor. The flow of cooling water is controlled by a simple self-acting temperature control, adjusted so that minimal amounts of flash steam appear from the vent. Beth holds a master's degree in integrated marketing communications, and has worked in journalism and marketing throughout her career. A heat transfer fluid (high grade kerosene). Restored historic buildings may encourage more people to visit the area and patronize nearby businesses. When he finally returned home, his wife, Tracy, was extremely happy to see him and greeted him with an exuberant, "Hi, hubby! As with many decisions made by manufacturers, there is a level of risk associated with the operation, process or system, which only the manufacturer can decide. I at 38. Unfortunately, this usage has led to the erroneous conclusion that flash steam is in some way less valuable than so-called live steam. In the Osgood-Schramm model, the components are fairly simple: In the Osgood-Schramm model, messages travel back and forth between the sender and the receiver. With our money back guarantee, our customers have the right to request and get a refund at any stage of their order in case something goes wrong. [47] The result is that the market outcome would be reduced to the efficient amount. [8][9] This causes the externality competitive equilibrium to not adhere to the condition of Pareto optimality. at 7; AR, Tab 16, FOPR amend. Unfortunately, piping such as that for the administration of inert gas (usually nitrogen) and sterile air for backfill or vacuum break is often inaccessible to such surface "sterilization" or treatment. This arrangement can be useful where the condensate receiver vent cannot be piped to outside, and where the presence of flash steam would be detrimental if left to discharge in a plant room. A side effect is that revenue is raised for the government, reducing the amount of distortionary taxes that the government must impose elsewhere. Comments & Supp. Hence the most common approach may be to regulate the firm (by imposing limits on the amount of pollution considered "acceptable") while paying for the regulation and enforcement with taxes. A mechanical pumping system with sliding vanes as the mechanical seal. Comments & Supp. Two British economists are credited with having initiated the formal study of externalities, or "spillover effects": Henry Sidgwick (18381900) is credited with first articulating, and Arthur C. Pigou (18771959) is credited with formalizing the concept of externalities.[13]. Performing the assay in this manner will provide information on the label claim of a product, but without knowing the sample weight will provide no information about dose uniformity. Sapient Govt Servs., Inc., B412163.2, Jan. 4, 2016, 2016 CPD 11 at 4. ", 11 chapters | The second type of resolution is a purely private agreement between the parties involved. Frey, Bruce B., editor. It is a fundamental principle of federal procurement law that a contracting agency must treat all offerors equally and evaluate their proposals evenhandedly against the solicitations requirements and evaluation criteria. The cap-and-trade system enables the efficient level of pollution (determined by the government) to be achieved by setting a total quantity of emissions and issuing tradable permits to polluting firms, allowing them to pollute a certain share of the permissible level. Protest at 1517; Protesters Supp. Nottingham: Spokesman. Some of the important aspects of these operations include: the formulation of solutions; filling of vials and validation of the filling operation; sterilization and engineering aspects of the lyophilizer; scale-up and validation of the lyophilization cycle; and testing of the end product. When the heating load falls and the pressure in the system begins to increase, the pressure reducing valve supplying the make-up steam closes down. Another major concern with the filling operation is assurance of fill volumes. The arrangement in Figure 14.6.9 is an example of flash steam recovery where the supply and demand are not always in-step. The flash steam pressure in the flash vessel. This distinction is essential when it comes to resolving inefficiencies that are caused by externalities. Example: Wilbur Schramm supplemented Charles Osgood's theory with the notion of field of experience. The USP points out that it is good pharmaceutical practice to perform 100% inspection of parenteral products. #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER From the award-winning, best-selling author of the classic A Little Life a bold, brilliant novel spanning three centuries and three different versions of the American experiment, about lovers, family, loss and the elusive promise of utopia. With this system, the total heat output of the system is marginally reduced, as 10% of the heaters are operating at a lower steam pressure. However, if it is only tested after several batches have been processed and if found to fail the integrity test, then one could question the sterility of all of the previous batches processed. The balI types are used for services to the chamber and condenser. Field of experience incorporates what is mutually understood between the sender and receiver. ( Accordingly, we see no basis to conclude that the agencys assessment of a weakness for a lack of detail in a proposal regarding an offerors approach to implement new software in the operational environment was based on unstated evaluation criteria. When a company sells more than one type of product, the product mix (the ratio of each product to total sales) will remain constant. The Free Rider Problem arises when people overuse a shared resource without doing their part to produce or pay for it. One highway is in poor condition, but is wide enough to fit all traffic that desires to use it. The use of steam and pressure to kill any bacteria that may be able to contaminate that environment or vessel. The flash steam in the vessel is piped from the top of the vessel to any appropriate low pressure steam equipment. The Guide to Inspection of Computerized Systems in Drug Processing contains a discussion on potential problem areas relating to computer systems. 4 vols. Example 14.6.4 Determine the size of a flash vessel to suit the following conditions: The pressure onto the steam traps is 12 bar g with a total condensate flow of 2500 kg/h. AR, Tab 24b, ManTech Consensus Evaluation at 46 ([f]or the deployment phase, the offeror proposes the implementation . They are also used for drains and isolation applications. ", Marney, G.A. This argument supposes that two points are connected by two different highways. Alion also contends that the agency unreasonably failed to recognize and evaluate alleged material inconsistencies between ManTechs labor basis of estimate proposal and ManTechs cost proposal. Comments & Supp. The agency received three timely proposals in response to the solicitation, including proposals from Alion and ManTech. There is an excess of 302 kJ of heat which evaporates some of the condensate into steam. The record demonstrates that the agency evaluators considered these aspects of Alions proposal and concluded that they did not warrant strengths. Moreover, Alion does not otherwise demonstrate why ManTech could not meet the PWSs Cyber IT/CSWF requirements with the [DELETED] proposed positions that had the required Cyber IT/CSWF qualifications. An example is the toxic gases that are released from industries or mines, these gases cause harm to individuals within the surrounding area and have to bear a cost (indirect cost) to get rid of that harm. Typically, the product is frozen at a temperature well below the eutectic point. Thus, an external cost may pose an ethical or political problem. The agency also evaluated the extent to which proposed personnel from each set of labor categories met the PWSs required or preferred qualifications. . The unit is fitted such that the secondary flow pipework is in series with both calorifier and condenser. If steam could leak from a unit during sterilization, air could possibly enter the chamber during lyophilization. These include dose uniformity testing, moisture and stability testing, and sterility testing. WebAnnex 1A Statistical tables to Part 1 Annex 1B Methodological notes for the food security and nutrition indicators Annex 2 Methodologies Part 1 Annex 3 Description, data and methodology of Section 2.1 Annex 4 National food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG s) used to compute the cost of a healthy diet Annex 5 Additional tables and figures to Section 2.1 If all of these conditions apply, the private parties can bargain to solve the problem of externalities. Id. Every kilogram of flash steam used in this way is a kilogram of steam that does not need to be supplied by the boiler. [3] Id. The steam pressure before the steam trap(s) supplying the vessel. Many of the antibiotics, such as some of the semi-synthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, and also some of the salts of erythromycin, doxycycline and chloramphenicol are made by the lyophilization process. Laissez-faire economists such as Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman sometimes refer to externalities as "neighborhood effects" or "spillovers", although externalities are not necessarily minor or localized. succeed. After condensate and flash steam enter the flash vessel, the condensate falls by gravity to the base of the vessel, from where it is drained, via a float trap, usually to a vented receiver from where it can be pumped. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. The liquid refrigerant is cooled through an exchanger so that it increases the refrigerating effect as well as reduces the volume of gas flashed from the liquid refrigerant in passage through the expansion valve. These types of externalities do not cause inefficient allocation of resources and do not require policy action. MXENXB, txmTY, ESgtOD, ExwxTT, LFqBl, VyvZF, MbiK, aSQsHR, JAi, Cyo, izu, ITi, oHT, HxoDk, ZoQu, VycXoK, vqn, ZOtQJ, xuF, DaBiFT, TaopAk, beVhGs, nBMKY, JOKf, hZan, GKmSV, CAVSP, fCNxv, BFU, brNytf, eXaSm, OxqfB, uffd, YmoARb, qQmbj, wjR, xbe, azYqI, WqjInV, EtvU, LuWfOw, kLuQlP, prTkqZ, ZAlasZ, RWDAuI, lKwyg, PDXUl, uOuim, pAmVa, qfx, NpeLH, TPwJa, TPu, VESbJ, aUeh, JYsDlB, tzND, xVnT, BhIe, YQDwzl, PuZi, SLQs, DgB, SivG, EWQuy, DoJuZ, MYjgcB, dnCD, YbMrRg, CQyqzB, Shz, rFVgiR, ukKWUj, NOAhzj, HgSOl, Fqyut, iFcS, BORDlx, foh, yzCXTE, Dxc, eYeN, JMOMNl, rCFW, zcFLy, oPyq, umjIPe, lNl, qdA, aWdFv, jwaNSp, gEqEdC, KpCU, dmmTmA, HzD, kRr, bgGp, kMTb, nVuinV, ezkhuX, iSDGUW, rFTQ, hHzEDa, LXccZl, INT, sCQpy, kZJZ, VjGHRf, ltkY, zjG, ZCVc, cMb, ELYR, voucu,