Oriental lilies are best known for their highly fragrant flowers that bloom mid to late summer, adding one last injection of vibrant color. 1 (Nicotiana alata) Saratoga Mix 10-18, (Thymophylla tenuiloba) Golden Dawn 10-15. The petals arewhiteand thin and flower in spring. . It grows up to three feet tall in decorative mounds, and the flowers are long-lasting until fall. Examples of RHS winners include Nelly Moser, Niobe, and The President.. It is a robust biennial or short-lived perennial. , - , . Please feel free to browse our selection and sign up for our newsletter below to be notified when these products are available for next season! , - . : 30-35. 10,5 . Th Verbena peruviana Red Devil (Perennial Verbena) is a perennial variety that grows as a groundcover and blooms all summer with a dazzling display of brilliant red flower Calamintha nepeta glandulosa White Cloud (Nepeta) fills the late spring garden with clouds of delicate, nectar-rich, white flowers. ! 018 (Viola wittrockiana) Inspire Plus Beaconsfield 5-35, 017 (Viola wittrockiana) Cats mix 5-35, 028 (Viola williamsii) Tiger Eye Yellow 5-35, 027 (Viola wittrockiana F1) Germanica Mix 5-16, 024 (Viola cornuta) Bambini Mix 5-20, 030 (Viola cornuta F1) Four Seasons Yellow 5-32, 032 (Viola cornuta) Sorbet Pink Wing 5-30, 016 (Gazania rigens) "Talent" mix 10 -45, '' (Gazania rigens Talent F1) , . .. 27 F1 10-22. This flower is native to the dry climates of Turkey and Greece, and it is called the Lenten Rose because it blooms during the Christian season of lent. In the spring, the shrub produces racemes of bright yellow fragrant flowers. , , . . -, (Razer) - . The erect stems produce various shaped leaves, leading to a round cluster of tiny flowers. This perennial plant produces lilac clusters of blooms sat on top of slender and willowy stems. Where the heat and humidity are high, it is nearly everblooming, meaning months and months of color. (- ), , , + , . Some Hibiscus change color throughout their lifetime. Meaning it readily catches fire in hot regions. This is a beautifully delicate wildflower that is one of the earliest wildflowers to bloom. Making it a fantastic option for multi-seasonal interest. 1 (Iberis sempervirens) Whiteout 10-25, , , , . . : 20-25, 1 (Incarvillea delavayi) 5-16. 28 F1 10-25. And with several thousand varieties and cultivars to choose from, it was difficult to pick just one. They are herbaceous perennials and bloom summer through to fall. It is an herbaceous shrub covered in fine, downy hair that is flannel-like in texture (except for the petals). This semi-evergreen perennial is prized for its dense, narrow grass-like foliage adorned with delicate violet star-shaped flowers. They require full sun and well-drained soil. ! They look great in large sweeping drifts when planted in groups of 10 or more or amongst more delicate textured plants. One stem carries a single flower, comprising a central disc surrounded by bright petals. Finding the right balance of color for your garden or home landscape can be challenging! The flowers and fruits attract birds for their nutrients and nectar. Ideal for a trellis, unforgiving wall, or trailing in hanging baskets. These are showy perennial flowers that produce daisy-shaped blooms. It needs full sun and dry to medium soil. They look great in containers, beds, and borders. Canadian Violets look great in wildflower or woodland gardens, and they require partial shade andaggressivelyself-seeds. 34 10-35. Sometimes known as Rose Mallow, this genus features annual and perennial plants, woody shrubs, and small trees. 035 (Begonia tuberosa) Amerihybrid Ruffled Yellow 5- 35, (Brachycome iberidifolia) Mixed 20-18. They bloom from mid to late summer for several weeks and are one of the most favored Rain Lily species. Butterflies can have a wide number of different benefits, especially for pollination purposes. ! Lilac Vine Hardenbergia violacea Winter Color, full sun to partial shade. Colors include blue, lavender, purple, pink, red, bi-color, andwhite. 8 F1 ( ) 5-74. The Canna genus consists of around 10 species, and there are many cultivars available. This is a short-lived evergreen perennial that produces spikes topped with 10 to 30 bright yellow-orange flowers. , " ". They make great cutting flowers, often used in ceremonies such as weddings and funerals. The aromatic foliage has a sweet herbal scent. It is exceptionally hardy and looks great as a patio or street tree or as a screen, growing up to 25 feet. . , . , , . , . , - , . . ; ; . 25 , 50 . - , , - , (), , , . . - . !: , , . : 30-35. (130 ) . Many types of Sedums offer a wide range of colors, sizes, and habits. The blooms are sweetly scented, and there are several cultivars bearing different colors. It is prized for its impactfulwhiteand pink contrasting flat petals. 58 F1 5-33. In late fall to early winter, when most other perennials are finishing up for the year, this Squill blooms a cone full of amethyst blooms. Known as the Common Hollyhock, it is an ornamental plant that looks great at the rear of any garden, thanks to its height. They look great as an ornamental plant in groups of three to five or on mass for a sheen of coral carpet. This is an RHS award-winning flower that finds itself in the Buttercup family. They are quick to grow, easy to care for, and bloom from spring to fall or through winter. As a vigorous herbaceous perennial, the Ohio Spiderwort is favored for its clusters of three-petaled, mostly blue (sometimes rose) colored blooms with bright yellow stamens. 35 5-22. - . . This is a showy, bowl-shaped, yellow flower that sits atop a purple-tinged flower stem. 5 (Bacopa cordata) Utopia 3 .-85. ( ) ( ) . 2,5. , . " " - , , , . This plant attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators as they are packed with rich nectar. Snapdragons are short-lived perennials but typically grown as annuals, blossoming from spring to fall. But for those larger groups, we have described the genus complete with some excellent examples for you to choose from. , - . 20 F1 5-51. : - 70-80 . , 40-50. , , , -, , - 3-4. Purple cluster flowers winter to spring. 58 F1 5-44. It does well in damp gardens or alongside streams or water gardens. ( 48-50 ) . 168 (Petunia hybrida F1 multiflora) Debonair Dusty Rose 5-70. This flower is one of the most popular flowers worldwide, used as a staple in bouquets. It is native to the British Isles, and it is ideal for cottage gardens. It blooms throughout the summer, producing sprays of up to seven funnel-shaped flowers. ( 58 ). Its a garden workhorse, reblooming without needing to be cut back, and a pollinator favorite, attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. , , . They look fabulous in borders and containers, too. It makes an ideal addition to flower beds, and the blooms are four inches in width. This is a stunningly showy flower that is a biennial or short-lived perennial. They are prized for their everlasting dried arrangements, which attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and swallowtails. This unique-looking flower is similar to the cockscomb on a roosters head, hence the name. The flowers arewhiteand star-shaped, with soft purple lines surrounding the throat. 'Bumbleberry Pie', Dianthus They are spring-blooming bulbs that come in a multitude of colors, even black flowers. Also known as the garden mom, it is a showy flower that comes in various shapes and sizes. They have chalice-shaped flowers (spathe) that surround a finger-like stalk (spadix.) Pink Chintz Thyme (Thymus Pink Chintz) is a tight, low growing creeping thyme with thick stems of woolly green foliage that blooms in mid-spring with Hardy Plumbago (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides) a remarkable groundcover. (90-100 ), 17 -12 F1 5-24. 6 F1 10-27. ! In this article, we examine some of our favorites. 1 (Papaver paeoniflorum) Red 20-10. The flowers are clustered at the ends of the stems, with pointed lobes curving at the tips, earning their common name. It has been awarded the RHS Garden Merit, and it makes an ideal companion for colorful plants on any border. 19 F1 5 68. . , (Ramiro Orange) () 5-120, () 5-150, . 5 F1 10-49. 089 (Tagetes patula F1) Durango Red 10-20. Osteospermum ecklonis Akila . aece (4042 ) p opooo a . 8 10-15. Each tiny flower consists of five orange petals and a deep yellow throat. They look similar to Snapdragons and are ideal for novice gardeners. ! Discovered in the garden of Lauren Springer Ogden. (SPECKLED SWAN) () 3 - 70, (CROOKNECK GOLDEN) () 3 -30, (DIPPER) () 3 80, () (CROWN OF THORNS) () 3 40, . . : 30-60. : 50-60. : 6-8.. , , , -, 0,6-0,8, . Just be sure not to plant it near kitchen gardens as it can negatively affect crop yields. The head is surrounded by spikey silver towhitebracts, adding a ghosty feel to any landscape. . This bushy, evergreen succulent produces lovely clusters of flowers that sit above the thick, shiny leaves. Despite its furry, heart-shaped foliage, deer ignore it. For some people, that's finding a flower of a unique color. It is one of the earliest to bloom, and the foliage often peeks through blankets of snow in late winter. ! The foliage is light and feathery, adding an extra layer of delicate design. Frost damage should be pruned back in the spring. They thrive in partial sun or full shade and are ideal for woodland gardens, rock gardens, and naturalized areas. Re-blooms when deadheaded. This is a bushy annual that loves shady areas. 68 F1 10-71. It produces clusters of small star-shaped blooms that are pale pink towhitein color with deep pink veins. (Sagina subulata) Puzta 30-10. Also known as the Devils Helmet or Queen of Poisons, this toxic plant needs to be handled with care (and gloves!) , -, 12. : 60-70. , . They are virtually pest and disease-free and an excellent choice for borders and containers. Also known as the Common Peony, it is native to Southern Europe and was later introduced to North America. They are named after how they bloom. . , . , . These are short-lived perennials that profusely bloom small,whiteflowers in the summer. It is a fall bloom that produces large, lilac-purple flowers with darker veins. Serbian bellflowers bloom profusely, and the lush green foliage is semi-evergreen, sometimes evergreen in warmer regions. ! Also known as the Giant Pineapple Lily, this is a bulbous perennial with an unusual appearance. , , ( ). Choose a spot on your property that receives at least 6 hours of sun per day. ! 090 (Petunia multiflora F1 double) Duo Blue 10-25. . This wonderfully elegant flower is a favorite of florists and gardeners. They bloom from spring to fall and do best in cooler mild climates. They are lightly fragranced, and they typically come in red, orange, pink, and yellow blooms. 27 F1 5 54. Sweetly aromatic foliage too. / (Erysimum suffruticosum) Gold Dust 20-15, . 25., 1 (Echinacea purpurea) Primadonna White 10-25, , . : 70-75. : 9-11, (Cerastium) Biebersteinii 20-12. ! . This makes a great option as a background plant and is almost pest-free. - . This wildflower grows in small clumps, usually amongst mosses around the base of large trees. The flowers sprout from the top and are usually red, orange, and yellow. , 30-35, . 4 .: -. . . Color options include lavender, red, pink, or lilac, usually with a blotch of contrasting color at the base of each petal. . It is hardy and straightforward to grow, and mature plants can hold up to 40 flowers. From spring to early summer, the stems produce large funnel-shaped flowers that are typically red, orange, and yellow in color. Clematis are members of the Ranunculaceae family. When not in bloom, the gray-green foliage is also attractive. When you order from us, we guarantee that you will receive the hardiest plants, bulbs or seeds available, packed with care and ready to thrive in your garden. Salvia Ultra Violet is a great new cold-hardy Salvia greggii hybrid with showy violet-pink colored flowers. They are long-blooming from early summer until the first frost, and they need minor assistance to thrive. Are you looking to plant English bluebells in your garden? - 4 (Pelargonium x hortorum) Quantum Formula Mix , - 100%, ! They are low maintenance, and they look great on banks, beds, and rock gardens. Drought resistant/drought tolerant plant (xeric). 092 (Dahlia variabilis) Bronze mixed 10-30. 014 / (Salvia lyrata) Purple Volcano 5-16. Duo ( . It produces cylindrical spikes of bell-shaped flowers that are usually vibrant violet with pink, nubbed stamens. . Tithonia is native to Mexico, Central America and parts or the American Southwest. This is not a true Poppy and requires different care from flowers found in the Poppy family. Salvia sylvestris Little Night (Plant Patent #28,925) is a new, dwarf Meadow sage selected for its tight mounding growth habit and fantastic deep indigo blue Prairie Sage has superb, clear blue flowers on tall willowy stems. . The leaves turn purplish-bronze in the winter, adding winter interest. Also known as the Goldflower of the Incas, this flower is a warm-favoring annual that produces showy daisy-like blooms. PanAmerican. , . , 20, . 106 (Petunia hybrida F1 multiflora) Celebrity Burgundy Frost 10-20, 1 (Ageratum mexicanum) Cloud Nine White 20-22, 076 (Alyssum maritimum) Easter Bonnet Deep Pink 20-20. These evergreen perennials reach heights of up to one meter and produce erect stems carrying a globe-shaped display of blue, lilac, orwhiteblooms. The large scarlet-orange flowers cover the plant beginning in mid-spring for about 4 weeks. 19 5-45. (Cannelino Rosso)() 5 25. (68 ) . . They are part of the Asteraceae family, like daisies and asters, and are a truly American plant. This plant is named the Florists Cyclamen because it is widely available in florists and stores. They usually make a sweet scent, but not always. - , , , , , ! WhatsApp 10.00 20.00. It has a bushy habit with sturdy stems, carrying crimson andwhitevariegated blossoms. . They grow up to four feet high, making them the tallest, and bloom in summer. 8 (Osteospermum eclonis F1) Akila Sunset Shades 3 95. It is a herbaceous perennial that grows up to 31 inches tall. It is a clump-forming plant with dark green foliage. ! ! They are short-lived but look great under shrubs or planted in mass. They bloom all summer and grow up to nine feet tall. They are divided into12 main groupsand include more than 300 species and hundreds of hybrids. In spring, it blooms highly fragrant, swinging clusters of brightly colored blue to purple flowers. Salvia arizonica Deep Blue (Deep Blue Arizona Sage) is a great native plant for planting in the shade, blooming all summer with numerous small, deep blue flowers over rabbit and deer resistant foliage. It is a small genus and is usually found in grasslands. This perennial is exceptionally easy-to-grow, and tolerates a wide range of growing conditions. Note they are toxic to people and pets. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. , , 15 20-25 . 24 5-27. The flowers are funnel-shaped and come in a wide variety of colors. They are cormous perennials that form wiry stalks, carrying up to five star-shaped open flowers. (120-135 ) . ), 1 F1 5-33. This native perennial is a primary food source for the Monarch butterfly providing large leaves for caterpillars and big pink globe-like flowers that provide nectar for the adult butterflies. Bright orange and yellow in color, they appear from midsummer through to fall with fuzzy centers. 20-25 - . Salvia nemorosa Marcus PP# 13,322 (Dwarf Blue Sage) is a tidy, dwarf selection that blooms all summer with deeply colored violet-purple flowers. This perennial plant is named after a Macedonian King. 50-70 . . 5,4-6,8 /.. . 31 4097 F1 5-75. This plant climbs quickly, making it ideal for covering up unsightly fences or trellises. Phenomenal French Hybrid Lavender (Lavandula intermedia 'Phenomenal' PP24193) is a French hybrid lavender notable for its outstanding cold hardiness and tolerance to heat and high humidity. Most Bearded Irises bloom from spring, and some rebloom in the summer and fall. 200-300! Evvita - . Full sun to partial shade with tubular red-orange flowers produced in the summer. . 25. It grows up to four feet tall and prefers partial shade and cooler, damp summers than hotter climates. Drought resistant/drought tolerant perennial plant (xeric). French or Spanish Lavender is sometimes better suited to warmer regions. There are many species of this flower. ( ) - ( ) . , , . Depending on where you live, they can continue blooming well into winter. Phlox requires little maintenance, it is hardy in zones 3 to 9, and pollinators love it. 3 (Campanula persicifolia) - 10-20. It is a deciduous shrub that produces exceptionally pretty flowers. ( 55 ) . This flowering plant is native to Europe and parts of Asia. Commonly known as Larkspur, they are perennial flowers noted for their showy spikes of flowers. In late spring, it produces clusters of bell-shaped flowers. Gardening expert Madison Moulton discusses everything you need to grow a few bluebells, or your own woodland field of flowers, right in your backyard. Late summer brings clusters of long-blooming pink flowers. It has narrow leaves with a sticky surface providing a year-long texture to your garden. It is native to the Himalayas, and it needs full to part shade. Copyright 2022 Arizona Living Landscape & Design - Queen Creek - AZ 85142 - 23-25. - 25-30. - 10. They sometimes have a small red center. . This herbaceous perennial provides long seasonal interest, is easy to establish, simple to maintain, and pretty. 075 (Tagetes patula nana) Alumia Vanilla Cream 10-18. 068 Snow Crystals 20-20, 074 (Alyssum maritimum) Benthamii 20-18, 090 (Callistephus chinensis) Pompon Mixed 15-15, . : 50. They are fragrant, so be sure to plant them where you can see and smell them. They need full to partial sun and are hardy in zones three to nine. This plant blooms from summer to fall and compliments mixed borders. The long stems are cloaked in slender leaves, giving way to daisy-like flowers. (38-50 ) . ): PanAmerican Seed, 087 (Petunia grandiflora F1 double) Pirouette Purple 5-30, 089 (Petunia grandiflora F1 double) Valentine 10-35. This is a vigorous woody climbing vine that produces lots of showy flowers. Az alapfaj Dl-Afrikbl szrmazik, alacsony, sztterl szukkulens nvny. : 80-90. This flower looks great in borders and in vases as a cutting flower. 3 . (Corynephorus canescens) Spiky Blue 3-39. Oriental Poppies are incredibly showy flowers that deserve a spot in all gardens. It was used for medicinal purposes at first, then grown for its ornamental values. Just be sure you can appreciate its winter perfume and pretty flowers. Sometimes known as the False Bird of Paradise, this is a large evergreen perennial that produces very showy and ornamental blooms. Blue Hill is a superb selection grown for its late spring display of clear blue flowers held over sturdy compact mounds of green foliage. 15 F1 10-51. Drought Salvia reptans Autumn Sapphire (West Texas Grass Sage) is a semi-dwarf form of Salvia reptans selected by the Colorado Plant Select program that blooms in earl A new native hybrid sage, FlowerKisser Royal Rose is enjoyed for its sumptuous deep rose pink flowers. Which is the source of culinary saffron and is supposedly the most expensive spice in the world. Are you thinking of adding some vibrant yellow color to your home or garden? - , . When the plant matures at three years, it gives way to one pure pink flower spike surrounded by pink bracts and purple flowers. ( 52-57 ) , . It looks great when planted with shade-tolerant evergreens. This elegant lily is a centerpiece for any landscape, and be sure to plant them where you can enjoy their scent. (150-160 ). 15 (Phlox drummondii) Beauty Mixed 5-18. They grow loosely, carrying a single or double silky flower, and look great spread in a border. This flowering perennial plant is native to North America. They typically bloom from early summer through to late fall and are easy to care for. (75 ) . 67 F1 10-41. They also grow from an underground small, potato-like edible root. Scientific Name: Sisyrinchium angustifolium. They are evergreen shrubs that produce showy flowers that can be small andspider-like or large and toothbrush shaped. ! , , , , . They are cormous perennials, and up to 20 blooms are carried on wiry stems. , . (Barry's Crazy Cherry)() 5-35, (San Marzano) () 5-20. . (65-75 ). This RHS award-winning plant is a mat-forming semi-evergreen perennial that produces blooms for around three to four weeks. Adding runners can bring some immediate foliage, and often at a very speedy growth rate. This versatile flower is ideal for hanging baskets and is hardy in zones 3 to 10. 2021 PanAmSeed - Easy Wave! It produces clusters of tiny, grape-shaped cobalt-blue flowers sitting on top of thin green stems. (108 - 112 ) . Trumpet vines bloom from early to late summer, creating a bright show of Mediterranean color. , . They bloom in late spring, lasting for several weeks, and are easily grown. This flower produces spikes of showy blue ear-shaped flowers that bloom in mid to late summer. They bloom profusely from early summer to early fall. . Sporting orange, yellow, and red hues, petals are striped and spotted. Siberian Bugloss is a charming herbaceous perennial that produces large, heart-shaped leaves that are deep green and sometimes variegated. It is a long-blooming perennial that produces flowers from summer to fall. , . Rain Lilies have awhitethroat with floppy yellow anthers, looking a little like Water Lilies. (), 15. Drought resistant/drought tolerant plant (xeric). 9 5-22. . ( . 2 (Arabis caucasica) Compinkie 10-20. Their commonality is that they are climbers and long-flowering. . - 30-40. - 5. Also known as Queen of the Meadow, this is a herbaceous perennial plant commonly found in damp meadows. 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